test for decimal ( p , s) in dictionaries

This commit is contained in:
Denis Zhuravlev 2021-02-19 14:53:34 -04:00
parent 2299930c31
commit 66e775ef88
2 changed files with 88 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-------- 42 --------
42 14.0000 14.00000000 14.00000000 14.0000000000000000618637523926765281280
42 14.0000 14.00000000 14.00000000
14.0000 14.00000000 14.00000000
-------- 4999 --------
4999 1666.3333 1666.33333333 1666.33333333 1633.3553612205046244471093725648757194800
4999 1666.3333 1666.33333333 1666.33333333
1666.3333 1666.33333333 1666.33333333
-------- 5000 --------
0.1100 0.11000000 0.11000000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
set allow_experimental_bigint_types=1;
drop database if exists db_01721;
drop table if exists db_01721.table_decimal_dict;
drop dictionary if exists db_01721.decimal_dict;
create database db_01721;
CREATE TABLE db_01721.table_decimal_dict(
KeyField UInt64,
Decimal32_ Decimal(5,4),
Decimal64_ Decimal(18,8),
Decimal128_ Decimal(25,8),
Decimal256_ Decimal(76,37)
ENGINE = Memory;
insert into db_01721.table_decimal_dict
select number,
number / 3,
number / 3,
number / 3,
number / 3
from numbers(5000);
CREATE DICTIONARY IF NOT EXISTS db_01721.decimal_dict (
KeyField UInt64 DEFAULT 9999999,
Decimal32_ Decimal(5,4) DEFAULT 0.11,
Decimal64_ Decimal(18,8) DEFAULT 0.11,
Decimal128_ Decimal(25,8) DEFAULT 0.11
-- ,Decimal256_ Decimal256(37) DEFAULT 0.11
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT tcpPort() USER 'default' TABLE 'table_decimal_dict' DB 'db_01721'))
select '-------- 42 --------';
SELECT * from db_01721.table_decimal_dict where KeyField = 42;
SELECT * from db_01721.decimal_dict where KeyField = 42;
SELECT dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal32_', toUInt64(42)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal64_', toUInt64(42)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal128_', toUInt64(42))
-- ,dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal256_', toUInt64(42))
select '-------- 4999 --------';
SELECT * from db_01721.table_decimal_dict where KeyField = 4999;
SELECT * from db_01721.decimal_dict where KeyField = 4999;
SELECT dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal32_', toUInt64(4999)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal64_', toUInt64(4999)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal128_', toUInt64(4999))
--,dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal256_', toUInt64(4999))
select '-------- 5000 --------';
SELECT * from db_01721.table_decimal_dict where KeyField = 5000;
SELECT * from db_01721.decimal_dict where KeyField = 5000;
SELECT dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal32_', toUInt64(5000)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal64_', toUInt64(5000)),
dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal128_', toUInt64(5000))
--,dictGet('db_01721.decimal_dict', 'Decimal256_', toUInt64(5000))
drop table if exists table_decimal_dict;
drop dictionary if exists cache_dict;
drop database if exists db_01721;