Split test (it is too large)

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2021-05-08 23:15:54 +03:00
parent f6be177540
commit 67200d5a96
4 changed files with 156 additions and 157 deletions

View File

@ -157,40 +157,3 @@
1234567890.0000000000000000000000000000 1234567890.00000000000000000000000000000 1234567890.00000000000000000000000000000
1234567890.00000000 1234567890.000000000 1234567890.000000000
12345678.0 12345678.00 12345678.00
9223372036854775807.000000 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775807
9223372036854775800 9223372036854775800 -9223372036854775800
92233720368547758.00 92233720368547758 -92233720368547758
2147483647.0000000000 2147483647 -2147483647
2147483647.00 2147483647 -2147483647
92233720368547757.99 92233720368547757 -92233720368547757
2147483640.99 2147483640 -2147483640
-0.90000000 0
-0.90000000 0
-0.90000000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.70 0
-0.70 0
-0.70 0
-0.600000 0
-0.600000 0
-0.600000 0
18446744073709551615 18446744073709551615
18446744073709551615.00000000 18446744073709551615
4294967295 4294967295
4294967295.0000000000 4294967295
4294967295 4294967295
4294967295.0000 4294967295
65535 65535
65535.0000000000 65535
65535 65535
65535.0000 65535
2147483647 2147483647
-2147483647 -2147483647
2147483647 2147483647
9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807

View File

@ -146,123 +146,3 @@ SELECT CAST('0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678', 'Decimal(38,38)');
SELECT CAST('0.123456789', 'Decimal(9,8)');
SELECT CAST('0.123456789123456789', 'Decimal(18,17)');
SELECT CAST('0.12345678901234567890123456789012345678', 'Decimal(38,37)');
SELECT toDecimal128('1234567890', 28) AS x, toDecimal128(x, 29), toDecimal128(toDecimal128('1234567890', 28), 29);
SELECT toDecimal128(toDecimal128('1234567890', 28), 30);
SELECT toDecimal64('1234567890', 8) AS x, toDecimal64(x, 9), toDecimal64(toDecimal64('1234567890', 8), 9);
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('1234567890', 8), 10); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('12345678', 1) AS x, toDecimal32(x, 2), toDecimal32(toDecimal32('12345678', 1), 2);
SELECT toDecimal32(toDecimal32('12345678', 1), 3); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('92233720368547758.1', 1), 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('-92233720368547758.1', 1), 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775807', 6) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775809', 6) AS x, toInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775809', 6) AS x, toInt64(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('922337203685477580', 0) * 10 AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('92233720368547758.0', 1), 2) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('2147483647', 10) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('2147483649', 10) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483647', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483649', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('92233720368547757.99', 2) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483640.99', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551615', 0) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551616', 0) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551615', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551616', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967295', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967296', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967295', 10) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967296', 10) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967295', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967296', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967295', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967296', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('65535', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('65536', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('65535', 10) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('65536', 10) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('65535', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('65536', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('65535', 4) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('65536', 4) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toInt64('2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toInt64('-2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toUInt64('2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toInt64('2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toInt64('-2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toUInt64('2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toUInt64('9223372036854775807') AS x, toDecimal64(x, 0);
SELECT toUInt64('9223372036854775809') AS x, toDecimal64(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal64(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal128(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal32(1/0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(1/0, 1); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128(0/0, 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(9, 0)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(18, 1)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(38, 2)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(9, 3)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(18, 4)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(38, 5)'); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(10000.1, 6); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(10000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(1000000000000000000000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(-10000.1, 6); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(-10000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(-1000000000000000000000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(2147483647.0 + 1.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(9223372036854775807.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(170141183460469231731687303715884105729.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(-2147483647.0 - 1.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(-9223372036854775807.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(-170141183460469231731687303715884105729.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1234567890.0000000000000000000000000000 1234567890.00000000000000000000000000000 1234567890.00000000000000000000000000000
1234567890.00000000 1234567890.000000000 1234567890.000000000
12345678.0 12345678.00 12345678.00
9223372036854775807.000000 9223372036854775807 -9223372036854775807
9223372036854775800 9223372036854775800 -9223372036854775800
92233720368547758.00 92233720368547758 -92233720368547758
2147483647.0000000000 2147483647 -2147483647
2147483647.00 2147483647 -2147483647
92233720368547757.99 92233720368547757 -92233720368547757
2147483640.99 2147483640 -2147483640
-0.90000000 0
-0.90000000 0
-0.90000000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.8000 0
-0.70 0
-0.70 0
-0.70 0
-0.600000 0
-0.600000 0
-0.600000 0
18446744073709551615 18446744073709551615
18446744073709551615.00000000 18446744073709551615
4294967295 4294967295
4294967295.0000000000 4294967295
4294967295 4294967295
4294967295.0000 4294967295
65535 65535
65535.0000000000 65535
65535 65535
65535.0000 65535
2147483647 2147483647
-2147483647 -2147483647
2147483647 2147483647
9223372036854775807 9223372036854775807

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
SELECT toDecimal128('1234567890', 28) AS x, toDecimal128(x, 29), toDecimal128(toDecimal128('1234567890', 28), 29);
SELECT toDecimal128(toDecimal128('1234567890', 28), 30);
SELECT toDecimal64('1234567890', 8) AS x, toDecimal64(x, 9), toDecimal64(toDecimal64('1234567890', 8), 9);
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('1234567890', 8), 10); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('12345678', 1) AS x, toDecimal32(x, 2), toDecimal32(toDecimal32('12345678', 1), 2);
SELECT toDecimal32(toDecimal32('12345678', 1), 3); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('92233720368547758.1', 1), 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('-92233720368547758.1', 1), 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775807', 6) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775809', 6) AS x, toInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('9223372036854775809', 6) AS x, toInt64(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('922337203685477580', 0) * 10 AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64(toDecimal64('92233720368547758.0', 1), 2) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('2147483647', 10) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('2147483649', 10) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483647', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483649', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('92233720368547757.99', 2) AS x, toInt64(x), toInt64(-x);
SELECT toDecimal64('2147483640.99', 2) AS x, toInt32(x), toInt32(-x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.9', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.8', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.7', 2) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal32('-0.6', 6) AS x, toUInt8(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('-1', 7) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('-1', 5) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32('-1', 3) AS x, toUInt8(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551615', 0) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551616', 0) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551615', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('18446744073709551616', 8) AS x, toUInt64(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967295', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967296', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967295', 10) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('4294967296', 10) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967295', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967296', 0) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967295', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('4294967296', 4) AS x, toUInt32(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('65535', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('65536', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128('65535', 10) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal128('65536', 10) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('65535', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('65536', 0) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64('65535', 4) AS x, toUInt16(x);
SELECT toDecimal64('65536', 4) AS x, toUInt16(x); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toInt64('2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toInt64('-2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toUInt64('2147483647') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0);
SELECT toInt64('2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toInt64('-2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toUInt64('2147483649') AS x, toDecimal32(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toUInt64('9223372036854775807') AS x, toDecimal64(x, 0);
SELECT toUInt64('9223372036854775809') AS x, toDecimal64(x, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal32(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal64(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal128(0, rowNumberInBlock()); -- { serverError 44 }
SELECT toDecimal32(1/0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal64(1/0, 1); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT toDecimal128(0/0, 2); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(9, 0)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(18, 1)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(1/0, 'Decimal(38, 2)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(9, 3)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(18, 4)'); -- { serverError 407 }
SELECT CAST(0/0, 'Decimal(38, 5)'); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(10000.1, 6); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(10000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(1000000000000000000000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(-10000.1, 6); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(-10000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(-1000000000000000000000.1, 18); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(2147483647.0 + 1.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(9223372036854775807.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(170141183460469231731687303715884105729.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal32(-2147483647.0 - 1.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal64(-9223372036854775807.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }
select toDecimal128(-170141183460469231731687303715884105729.0, 0); -- { serverError 407 }