Merge branch 'master' of into limits-for-random-settings

This commit is contained in:
avogar 2024-08-05 21:12:33 +00:00
commit 695cbe9f85
386 changed files with 5780 additions and 2777 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name: CheckWorkflowResults
description: Check overall workflow status and post error to slack if any
description: github needs context as a json string
required: true
type: string
using: "composite"
- name: Check Workflow
shell: bash
run: |
export WORKFLOW_RESULT_FILE="/tmp/workflow_results.json"
${{ inputs.needs }}
python3 ./tests/ci/ --check-wf-status

View File

@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
name: Release
description: Makes patch releases and creates new release branch
description: 'Git reference (branch or commit sha) from which to create the release'
required: true
type: string
description: 'The type of release: "new" for a new release or "patch" for a patch release'
required: true
type: choice
- patch
- new
description: 'Dry run'
required: false
default: true
type: boolean
required: true
type: string
using: "composite"
- name: Prepare Release Info
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --prepare-release-info \
--ref ${{ inputs.ref }} --release-type ${{ inputs.type }} \
${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
echo "::group::Release Info"
python3 -m json.tool /tmp/release_info.json
echo "::endgroup::"
release_tag=$(jq -r '.release_tag' /tmp/release_info.json)
commit_sha=$(jq -r '.commit_sha' /tmp/release_info.json)
echo "Release Tag: $release_tag"
echo "RELEASE_TAG=$release_tag" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "COMMIT_SHA=$commit_sha" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Download All Release Artifacts
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --download-packages ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Push Git Tag for the Release
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --push-release-tag ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Push New Release Branch
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'new' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --push-new-release-branch ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Bump CH Version and Update Contributors' List
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --create-bump-version-pr ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Bump Docker versions, Changelog, Security
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
git checkout master
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-started --progress "update changelog, docker version, security"
echo "List versions"
./utils/list-versions/ > ./utils/list-versions/version_date.tsv
echo "Update docker version"
echo "Generate ChangeLog"
export CI=1
docker run -u "${UID}:${GID}" -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 -e CI=1 --network=host \
--volume=".:/ClickHouse" clickhouse/style-test \
/ClickHouse/tests/ci/ -v --debug-helpers \
--gh-user-or-token=${{ inputs.token }} --jobs=5 \
--output="/ClickHouse/docs/changelogs/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}.md" ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
git add ./docs/changelogs/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}.md
echo "Generate Security"
python3 ./utils/security-generator/ >
git diff HEAD
- name: Create ChangeLog PR
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' && ! inputs.dry-run }}
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v6
author: "robot-clickhouse <>"
token: ${{ inputs.token }}
committer: "robot-clickhouse <>"
commit-message: Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
branch: auto/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
assignees: ${{ github.event.sender.login }} # assign the PR to the tag pusher
delete-branch: true
title: Update version_date.tsv and changelog after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
labels: do not test
body: |
Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
### Changelog category (leave one):
- Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required)
- name: Complete previous steps and Restore git state
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-completed
git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout "$GITHUB_REF_NAME"
- name: Create GH Release
shell: bash
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --create-gh-release ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export TGZ Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-tgz ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test TGZ Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-tgz ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export RPM Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-rpm ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test RPM Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-rpm ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export Debian Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-debian ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test Debian Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-debian ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Docker clickhouse/clickhouse-server building
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
cd "./tests/ci"
python3 ./ --set-progress-started --progress "docker server release"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker server image"
python3 --release-type auto --version ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }} --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --sha ${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} ${{ ! inputs.dry-run && '--push' || '' }}
python3 ./ --set-progress-completed
- name: Docker clickhouse/clickhouse-keeper building
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
cd "./tests/ci"
python3 ./ --set-progress-started --progress "docker keeper release"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker keeper image"
python3 --release-type auto --version ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }} --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --sha ${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} ${{ ! inputs.dry-run && '--push' || '' }}
python3 ./ --set-progress-completed
- name: Set current Release progress to Completed with OK
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-started --progress "completed"
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-completed
- name: Post Slack Message
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --post-status ${{ inputs.dry-run && '--dry-run' || '' }}

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
name: AutoRelease
DRY_RUN: true
group: release
on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
# Workflow uses a test bucket for packages and dry run mode (no real releases)
- cron: '0 9 * * *'
- cron: '0 15 * * *'
description: 'Dry run'
required: false
default: true
type: boolean
runs-on: [self-hosted, release-maker]
- name: DebugInfo
uses: hmarr/debug-action@f7318c783045ac39ed9bb497e22ce835fdafbfe6
- name: Set envs
run: |
cat >> "$GITHUB_ENV" << 'EOF'
- name: Set DRY_RUN for schedule
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'schedule' }}
run: echo "DRY_RUN=true" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Set DRY_RUN for dispatch
if: ${{ github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' }}
run: echo "DRY_RUN=${{ github.event.inputs.dry-run }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Check out repository code
uses: ClickHouse/checkout@v1
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Auto Release Prepare
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
python3 --prepare
echo "::group::Auto Release Info"
python3 -m json.tool /tmp/autorelease_info.json
echo "::endgroup::"
cat /tmp/autorelease_info.json
echo 'EOF'
} >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Post Release Branch statuses
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
python3 --post-status
- name: Release ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[0].release_branch }}
if: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[0] && fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[0].ready }}
uses: ./.github/actions/release
ref: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[0].commit_sha }}
type: patch
dry-run: ${{ env.DRY_RUN }}
- name: Release ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[1].release_branch }}
if: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[0] && fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[1].ready }}
uses: ./.github/actions/release
ref: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[1].commit_sha }}
type: patch
dry-run: ${{ env.DRY_RUN }}
- name: Release ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[2].release_branch }}
if: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[2] && fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[2].ready }}
uses: ./.github/actions/release
ref: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[2].commit_sha }}
type: patch
dry-run: ${{ env.DRY_RUN }}
- name: Release ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[3].release_branch }}
if: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[3] && fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[3].ready }}
uses: ./.github/actions/release
ref: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[3].commit_sha }}
type: patch
dry-run: ${{ env.DRY_RUN }}
- name: Release ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[4].release_branch }}
if: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[4] && fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[4].ready }}
uses: ./.github/actions/release
ref: ${{ fromJson(env.AUTO_RELEASE_PARAMS).releases[4].commit_sha }}
type: patch
dry-run: ${{ env.DRY_RUN }}
- name: Post Slack Message
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
python3 --post-auto-release-complete --wf-status ${{ job.status }}
- name: Clean up
run: |
docker ps --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker kill ||:
docker ps --all --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f ||:
sudo rm -fr "$TEMP_PATH"

View File

@ -16,10 +16,15 @@ concurrency:
- patch
- new
description: 'Run only repos updates including docker (repo-recovery, tests)'
required: false
default: false
type: boolean
description: 'Dry run'
required: false
default: true
default: false
type: boolean
@ -35,10 +40,163 @@ jobs:
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Call Release Action
uses: ./.github/actions/release
- name: Prepare Release Info
shell: bash
run: |
if [ ${{ inputs.only-repo }} == "true" ]; then
git tag -l ${{ inputs.ref }} || { echo "With only-repo option ref must be a valid release tag"; exit 1; }
python3 ./tests/ci/ --prepare-release-info \
--ref ${{ inputs.ref }} --release-type ${{ inputs.type }} \
${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }} \
${{ inputs.only-repo == true && '--skip-tag-check' || '' }}
echo "::group::Release Info"
python3 -m json.tool /tmp/release_info.json
echo "::endgroup::"
release_tag=$(jq -r '.release_tag' /tmp/release_info.json)
commit_sha=$(jq -r '.commit_sha' /tmp/release_info.json)
is_latest=$(jq -r '.latest' /tmp/release_info.json)
echo "Release Tag: $release_tag"
echo "RELEASE_TAG=$release_tag" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "COMMIT_SHA=$commit_sha" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
if [ "$is_latest" == "true" ]; then
echo "DOCKER_TAG_TYPE=release-latest" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
echo "DOCKER_TAG_TYPE=release" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Download All Release Artifacts
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --download-packages ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Push Git Tag for the Release
if: ${{ ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --push-release-tag ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Push New Release Branch
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'new' && ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --push-new-release-branch ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Bump CH Version and Update Contributors' List
if: ${{ ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --create-bump-version-pr ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Bump Docker versions, Changelog, Security
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' && ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-started --progress "update changelog, docker version, security"
git checkout master # in case WF started from feature branch
echo "List versions"
./utils/list-versions/ > ./utils/list-versions/version_date.tsv
echo "Update docker version"
echo "Generate ChangeLog"
export CI=1
docker run -u "${UID}:${GID}" -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 -e CI=1 --network=host \
--volume=".:/wd" --workdir="/wd" \
clickhouse/style-test \
./tests/ci/ -v --debug-helpers \
--jobs=5 \
--output="./docs/changelogs/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}.md" ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
git add ./docs/changelogs/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}.md
echo "Generate Security"
python3 ./utils/security-generator/ >
git diff HEAD
- name: Create ChangeLog PR
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' && ! inputs.dry-run && ! inputs.only-repo }}
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v6
ref: ${{ inputs.ref }}
type: ${{ inputs.type }}
dry-run: ${{ inputs.dry-run }}
author: "robot-clickhouse <>"
committer: "robot-clickhouse <>"
commit-message: Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
branch: auto/${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
base: master
assignees: ${{ github.event.sender.login }} # assign the PR to the tag pusher
delete-branch: true
title: Update version_date.tsv and changelog after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
labels: do not test
body: |
Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }}
### Changelog category (leave one):
- Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required)
- name: Complete previous steps and Restore git state
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' && ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-completed
git reset --hard HEAD
git checkout "$GITHUB_REF_NAME"
- name: Create GH Release
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' && ! inputs.only-repo }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --create-gh-release ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export TGZ Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-tgz ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test TGZ Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-tgz ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export RPM Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-rpm ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test RPM Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-rpm ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Export Debian Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --export-debian ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Test Debian Packages
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --test-debian ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Docker clickhouse/clickhouse-server building
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
cd "./tests/ci"
python3 ./ --set-progress-started --progress "docker server release"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker server image"
python3 --tag-type ${{ env.DOCKER_TAG_TYPE }} --version ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }} --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --sha ${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} ${{ ! inputs.dry-run && '--push' || '' }}
python3 ./ --set-progress-completed
- name: Docker clickhouse/clickhouse-keeper building
if: ${{ inputs.type == 'patch' }}
shell: bash
run: |
cd "./tests/ci"
python3 ./ --set-progress-started --progress "docker keeper release"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker keeper image"
python3 --tag-type ${{ env.DOCKER_TAG_TYPE }} --version ${{ env.RELEASE_TAG }} --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --sha ${{ env.COMMIT_SHA }} ${{ ! inputs.dry-run && '--push' || '' }}
python3 ./ --set-progress-completed
- name: Update release info. Merge created PRs
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --merge-prs ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}
- name: Set current Release progress to Completed with OK
shell: bash
run: |
# dummy stage to finalize release info with "progress: completed; status: OK"
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-started --progress "completed"
python3 ./tests/ci/ --set-progress-completed
- name: Post Slack Message
if: ${{ !cancelled() }}
shell: bash
run: |
python3 ./tests/ci/ --post-status ${{ inputs.dry-run == true && '--dry-run' || '' }}

View File

@ -142,8 +142,13 @@ jobs:
# Reports should run even if Builds_1/2 fail - run them separately (not in Tests_1/2/3)
# run report check for failed builds to indicate the CI error
if: ${{ !cancelled() && needs.RunConfig.result == 'success' && contains(fromJson(, 'Builds') }}
needs: [RunConfig, StyleCheck, Builds_1, Builds_2]
if: ${{ !cancelled()
&& needs.RunConfig.result == 'success'
&& needs.StyleCheck.result != 'failure'
&& needs.FastTest.result != 'failure'
&& needs.BuildDockers.result != 'failure'
&& contains(fromJson(, 'Builds') }}
needs: [RunConfig, BuildDockers, StyleCheck, FastTest, Builds_1, Builds_2]
uses: ./.github/workflows/reusable_test.yml
test_name: Builds
@ -167,12 +172,9 @@ jobs:
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
python3 --set-ci-status --wf-status ${{ contains(needs.*.result, 'failure') && 'failure' || 'success' }}
- name: Check Workflow results
run: |
export WORKFLOW_RESULT_FILE="/tmp/workflow_results.json"
${{ toJson(needs) }}
python3 ./tests/ci/ --check-wf-status
uses: ./.github/actions/check_workflow
needs: ${{ toJson(needs) }}
################################# Stage Final #################################

View File

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
name: PublishedReleaseCI
# - Gets artifacts from S3
# - Sends it to JFROG Artifactory
# - Adds them to the release assets
on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
- published
description: 'Release tag'
required: true
type: string
runs-on: [self-hosted, style-checker]
- name: Set tag from input
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Set tag from REF
if: github.event_name == 'release'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Deploy packages and assets
run: |
curl --silent --data '' --no-buffer \
'${{ secrets.PACKAGES_RELEASE_URL }}/release/'"${GITHUB_TAG}"'?binary=binary_darwin&binary=binary_darwin_aarch64&sync=true'
##################################### Docker images #######################################
runs-on: [self-hosted, style-checker]
- name: Set tag from input
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Set tag from REF
if: github.event_name == 'release'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Check out repository code
uses: ClickHouse/checkout@v1
clear-repository: true
fetch-depth: 0 # otherwise we will have no version info
filter: tree:0
ref: ${{ env.GITHUB_TAG }}
- name: Check docker clickhouse/clickhouse-server building
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker server image"
python3 --release-type auto --version "$GITHUB_TAG" --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --push
- name: Check docker clickhouse/clickhouse-keeper building
run: |
cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE/tests/ci"
export CHECK_NAME="Docker keeper image"
python3 --release-type auto --version "$GITHUB_TAG" --check-name "$CHECK_NAME" --push
- name: Cleanup
if: always()
run: |
docker ps --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker kill ||:
docker ps --all --quiet | xargs --no-run-if-empty docker rm -f ||:
sudo rm -fr "$TEMP_PATH"

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
name: TagsStableWorkflow
# - Gets artifacts from S3
# - Sends it to JFROG Artifactory
# - Adds them to the release assets
# Force the stdout and stderr streams to be unbuffered
on: # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
- 'v*-prestable'
- 'v*-stable'
- 'v*-lts'
description: 'Test tag'
required: true
type: string
runs-on: [self-hosted, style-checker]
- name: Set test tag
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${{ github.event.inputs.tag }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Get tag name
if: github.event_name != 'workflow_dispatch'
run: |
echo "GITHUB_TAG=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV"
- name: Check out repository code
uses: ClickHouse/checkout@v1
ref: master
fetch-depth: 0
filter: tree:0
- name: Update versions, docker version, changelog, security
run: |
./utils/list-versions/ > ./utils/list-versions/version_date.tsv
GID=$(id -g "${UID}")
# --network=host and CI=1 are required for the S3 access from a container
docker run -u "${UID}:${GID}" -e PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 -e CI=1 --network=host \
--volume="${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}:/ClickHouse" clickhouse/style-test \
/ClickHouse/tests/ci/ -v --debug-helpers \
--gh-user-or-token="$GITHUB_TOKEN" --jobs=5 \
--output="/ClickHouse/docs/changelogs/${GITHUB_TAG}.md" "${GITHUB_TAG}"
git add "./docs/changelogs/${GITHUB_TAG}.md"
python3 ./utils/security-generator/ >
git diff HEAD
- name: Create Pull Request
uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v6
author: "robot-clickhouse <>"
committer: "robot-clickhouse <>"
commit-message: Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.GITHUB_TAG }}
branch: auto/${{ env.GITHUB_TAG }}
assignees: ${{ github.event.sender.login }} # assign the PR to the tag pusher
delete-branch: true
title: Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.GITHUB_TAG }}
labels: do not test
body: |
Update version_date.tsv and changelogs after ${{ env.GITHUB_TAG }}
### Changelog category (leave one):
- Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required)

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "Poco/Foundation.h"
#include <Poco/Types.h>
namespace Poco
@ -135,6 +136,12 @@ public:
static const UUID & x500();
/// Returns the namespace identifier for the X500 namespace.
UInt32 getTimeLow() const { return _timeLow; }
UInt16 getTimeMid() const { return _timeMid; }
UInt16 getTimeHiAndVersion() const { return _timeHiAndVersion; }
UInt16 getClockSeq() const { return _clockSeq; }
std::array<UInt8, 6> getNode() const { return std::array<UInt8, 6>{_node[0], _node[1], _node[2], _node[3], _node[4], _node[5]}; }
UUID(UInt32 timeLow, UInt32 timeMid, UInt32 timeHiAndVersion, UInt16 clockSeq, UInt8 node[]);
UUID(const char * bytes, Version version);

View File

@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ std::string Binary::toString(int indent) const
UUID Binary::uuid() const
if (_subtype == 0x04 && _buffer.size() == 16)
if ((_subtype == 0x04 || _subtype == 0x03) && _buffer.size() == 16)
UUID uuid;
uuid.copyFrom((const char*) _buffer.begin());
return uuid;
throw BadCastException("Invalid subtype");
throw BadCastException("Invalid subtype: " + std::to_string(_subtype) + ", size: " + std::to_string(_buffer.size()));

contrib/NuRaft vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit cb5dc3c906e80f253e9ce9535807caef827cc2e0
Subproject commit c2b0811f164a7948208489562dab4f186eb305ce

View File

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ else ()
option(ENABLE_ICU "Enable ICU" 0)
endif ()
# Temporarily disabled s390x because the ICU build links a blob (icudt71b_dat.S) and our friends from IBM did not explain how they generated
# the blob on s390x:
message(STATUS "Not using ICU")

contrib/icudata vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit d345d6ac22f381c882420de9053d30ae1ff38d75
Subproject commit 4904951339a70b4814d2d3723436b20d079cb01b

View File

@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ sed -i '/onBrokenMarkdownLinks:/ s/ignore/error/g' docusaurus.config.js
if [[ $# -lt 1 ]] || [[ "$1" == "--"* ]]; then
export CI=true
yarn install
exec yarn build "$@"

View File

@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ ENV UBSAN_OPTIONS='print_stacktrace=1 max_allocation_size_mb=32768'
ENV MSAN_OPTIONS='abort_on_error=1 poison_in_dtor=1 max_allocation_size_mb=32768'
ENV LSAN_OPTIONS='max_allocation_size_mb=32768'
# for external_symbolizer_path
# for external_symbolizer_path, and also ensure that llvm-symbolizer really
# exists (since you don't want to fallback to addr2line, it is very slow)
RUN test -f /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-${LLVM_VERSION}
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer-${LLVM_VERSION} /usr/bin/llvm-symbolizer
RUN echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen en_US.UTF-8

View File

@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
# shellcheck disable=SC1091
source /
# shellcheck source=../stateless/stress_tests.lib
source /stress_tests.lib
# Avoid overlaps with previous runs
dmesg --clear
# fail on errors, verbose and export all env variables
set -e -x -a
@ -72,8 +78,12 @@ if [[ -n "$BUGFIX_VALIDATE_CHECK" ]] && [[ "$BUGFIX_VALIDATE_CHECK" -eq 1 ]]; th
remove_keeper_config "latest_logs_cache_size_threshold" "[[:digit:]]\+"
# For flaky check we also enable thread fuzzer
if [ "$NUM_TRIES" -gt "1" ]; then
@ -212,6 +222,10 @@ function run_tests()
if [[ "$USE_DISTRIBUTED_CACHE" -eq 1 ]]; then
if [[ "$USE_DATABASE_REPLICATED" -eq 1 ]]; then
# Too many tests fail for DatabaseReplicated in parallel.
@ -256,7 +270,7 @@ function run_tests()
| ts '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' \
| tee -a test_output/test_result.txt
set -e
echo "Elapsed ${DURATION} seconds."
if [[ $DURATION -ge $TIMEOUT ]]
@ -295,22 +309,22 @@ stop_logs_replication
for table in query_log zookeeper_log trace_log transactions_info_log metric_log blob_storage_log error_log
err=$(clickhouse-client -q "select * from system.$table into outfile '/test_output/$table.tsv.gz' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes")
echo "$err"
[[ "0" != "${#err}" ]] && failed_to_save_logs=1
if ! clickhouse-client -q "select * from system.$table into outfile '/test_output/$table.tsv.zst' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes"; then
if [[ "$USE_DATABASE_REPLICATED" -eq 1 ]]; then
err=$( { clickhouse-client --port 19000 -q "select * from system.$table format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" | zstd --threads=0 > /test_output/$table.1.tsv.zst; } 2>&1 )
echo "$err"
[[ "0" != "${#err}" ]] && failed_to_save_logs=1
err=$( { clickhouse-client --port 29000 -q "select * from system.$table format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" | zstd --threads=0 > /test_output/$table.2.tsv.zst; } 2>&1 )
echo "$err"
[[ "0" != "${#err}" ]] && failed_to_save_logs=1
if ! clickhouse-client --port 19000 -q "select * from system.$table into outfile '/test_output/$table.1.tsv.zst' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes"; then
if ! clickhouse-client --port 29000 -q "select * from system.$table into outfile '/test_output/$table.2.tsv.zst' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes"; then
if [[ "$USE_SHARED_CATALOG" -eq 1 ]]; then
err=$( { clickhouse-client --port 19000 -q "select * from system.$table format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" | zstd --threads=0 > /test_output/$table.1.tsv.zst; } 2>&1 )
echo "$err"
[[ "0" != "${#err}" ]] && failed_to_save_logs=1
if ! clickhouse-client --port 29000 -q "select * from system.$table into outfile '/test_output/$table.2.tsv.zst' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes"; then
@ -383,6 +397,8 @@ do
| zstd --threads=0 > "/test_output/trace-log-$trace_type-flamegraph.tsv.zst" ||:
# Grep logs for sanitizer asserts, crashes and other critical errors
# Compressed (FIXME: remove once only github actions will be left)
rm /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log

View File

@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ function check_server_start()
function check_logs_for_critical_errors()
# Sanitizer asserts
sed -n '/WARNING:.*anitizer/,/^$/p' /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log >> /test_output/tmp
sed -n '/WARNING:.*anitizer/,/^$/p' /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr*.log >> /test_output/tmp
rg -Fav -e "ASan doesn't fully support makecontext/swapcontext functions" -e "DB::Exception" /test_output/tmp > /dev/null \
&& echo -e "Sanitizer assert (in stderr.log)$FAIL$(head_escaped /test_output/tmp)" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv \
|| echo -e "No sanitizer asserts$OK" >> /test_output/test_results.tsv

View File

@ -5,14 +5,6 @@ FROM ubuntu:22.04
ARG apt_archive=""
RUN sed -i "s||$apt_archive|g" /etc/apt/sources.list
# FIXME: rebuild for clang 18.1.3, that contains a workaround [1] for
# sanitizers issue [2]:
# $ git tag --contains c2a57034eff048cd36c563c8e0051db3a70991b3 | tail -1
# llvmorg-18.1.3
# [1]:
# [2]:
RUN apt-get update \

View File

@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ def process_result(result_path, broken_tests):
) = process_test_log(result_path, broken_tests)
is_flacky_check = 1 < int(os.environ.get("NUM_TRIES", 1))"Is flaky check: %s", is_flacky_check)
is_flaky_check = 1 < int(os.environ.get("NUM_TRIES", 1))"Is flaky check: %s", is_flaky_check)
# If no tests were run (success == 0) it indicates an error (e.g. server did not start or crashed immediately)
# But it's Ok for "flaky checks" - they can contain just one test for check which is marked as skipped.
if failed != 0 or unknown != 0 or (success == 0 and (not is_flacky_check)):
if failed != 0 or unknown != 0 or (success == 0 and (not is_flaky_check)):
state = "failure"
if hung:

View File

@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
* Fix several non significant errors in unit tests. [#11262]( ([alesapin](
* Add a test for Join table engine from @donmikel. This closes [#9158]( [#11265]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Repeat test in CI if `curl` invocation was timed out. It is possible due to system hangups for 10+ seconds that are typical in our CI infrastructure. This fixes [#11267]( [#11268]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Fix potentially flacky test ``. It does not fail frequently but we have discovered potential race condition in this test while experimenting with ThreadFuzzer: [#9814]( See [link]( for the example. [#11270]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Fix potentially flaky test ``. It does not fail frequently but we have discovered potential race condition in this test while experimenting with ThreadFuzzer: [#9814]( See [link]( for the example. [#11270]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Now clickhouse-test check the server aliveness before tests run. [#11285]( ([alesapin](
* Emit a warning if server was build in debug or with sanitizers. [#11304]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Better check for hung queries in clickhouse-test. [#11321]( ([Alexey Milovidov](

View File

@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Cleanup unbundled image [#29689]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Fix memory tracking for merges and mutations [#29691]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Fix data-race in WriteIndirectBuffer (used in DiskMemory) [#29692]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Fix flacky test [#29706]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#29706]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* BorrowedObjectPool condition variable notify fix [#29722]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Better exception message for local interactive [#29737]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix --stage for clickhouse-local [#29745]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix client [#29864]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Remove some more streams. [#29898]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Add logging in ZooKeeper client [#29901]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Fix some flacky tests [#29902]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix some flaky tests [#29902]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Grep server log even if it contains binary data [#29903]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Cosmetic refactoring of server constants. [#29913]( ([Amos Bird](
* Format improvement of AlterQuery [#29916]( ([flynn](
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix docs release [#30933]( ([alesapin](
* Fix style check [#30937]( ([alesapin](
* Fix file progress for clickhouse-local [#30938]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flacky test [#30940]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#30940]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix reading from TinyLog [#30941]( ([Vitaly Baranov](
* Add github to known hosts in docs release [#30947]( ([alesapin](
* Parse json from response in ci checks [#30948]( ([alesapin](

View File

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix test_backward_compatibility [#30950]( ([Ilya Yatsishin](
* Add stress test to github actions [#30952]( ([alesapin](
* Try smaller blacklist of non parallel integration tests [#30963]( ([Ilya Yatsishin](
* Fix flacky test [#30967]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#30967]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Move access-rights source code [#30973]( ([Vitaly Baranov](
* Set output_format_avro_rows_in_file default to 1 [#30990]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Remove remaining usages of Y_IGNORE [#30993]( ([Yuriy Chernyshov](
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Support toUInt8/toInt8 for if constant condition optimization. [#31866]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Added -no-sanitize=unsigned-integer-overflow build flag [#31881]( ([Nikita Mikhaylov](
* Fix typos [#31886]( ([Anton Popov](
* Try to fix flacky test. [#31889]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Try to fix flaky test. [#31889]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Reduce the files that depend on parser headers [#31896]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Fix magic_enum for debug helpers (fixes build w/ USE_DEBUG_HELPERS) [#31922]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Remove some trash from build [#31923]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* make looping in H3 funcs uniform [#32110]( ([Bharat Nallan](
* Remove PVS check from master [#32114]( ([alesapin](
* Fix flaky keeper whitelist test [#32115]( ([alesapin](
* Fix flacky test test_executable_storage_input [#32118]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Fix flaky test test_executable_storage_input [#32118]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Fix data race in `removePartAndEnqueueFetch(...)` [#32119]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Move fuzzers and unit tests to another group [#32120]( ([alesapin](
* Add a test with 20000 mutations in one query [#32122]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
@ -411,11 +411,11 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Add test for [#32186]( [#32203]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Fix uncaught exception in DatabaseLazy [#32206]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Update ASTCreateQuery.cpp [#32208]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flacky fileLog test (probably) [#32209]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky fileLog test (probably) [#32209]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix jemalloc under osx [#32219]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Add missing timezones to some tests [#32222]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix versioning of aggregate functions (fixes performance tests) [#32236]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Disable window view tests temporarily because still flacky [#32257]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Disable window view tests temporarily because still flaky [#32257]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix typo in tupleToNameValuePairs doc [#32262]( ([Vladimir C](
* Fix possible Pipeline stuck in case of StrictResize processor. [#32270]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Fix possible crash in DataTypeAggregateFunction [#32287]( ([Nikita Mikhaylov](

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* MemoryStorage sync comments and code [#22721]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Fix potential segfault on Keeper startup [#22743]( ([alesapin](
* Avoid using harmful function rand() [#22744]( ([Amos Bird](
* Fix flacky hedged tests [#22746]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Fix flaky hedged tests [#22746]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* add more messages when flushing the logs [#22761]( ([Alexander Kuzmenkov](
* Moved BorrowedObjectPool to common [#22764]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Functions ExternalDictionaries standardize exception throw [#22821]( ([Maksim Kita](

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Try fix rabbitmq tests [#26826]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* One more library bridge fix [#26873]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Update PVS checksum [#27317]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Fix flacky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix throw without exception in MySQL source. [#28027]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Fix race between REPLACE PARTITION and MOVE PARTITION [#28035]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Follow-up to [#28016]( [#28036]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix prometheus metric name [#26140]( ([Vladimir C](
* Fix flacky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix throw without exception in MySQL source. [#28027]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Fix race between REPLACE PARTITION and MOVE PARTITION [#28035]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Follow-up to [#28016]( [#28036]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Separate log files for separate runs in stress test [#25741]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Fix slow performance test [#25742]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* DatabaseAtomic EXCHANGE DICTIONARIES fix test [#25753]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Try fix flacky rabbitmq test [#25756]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Try fix flaky rabbitmq test [#25756]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Add a test for [#13993]( [#25758]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Set follow-fork-mode child for gdb in stress/fasttest/fuzzer [#25769]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Ignore TOO_DEEP_RECURSION server exception during fuzzing [#25770]( ([Azat Khuzhin](

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix several bugs in ZooKeeper snapshots deserialization [#26127]( ([alesapin](
* Fix prometheus metric name [#26140]( ([Vladimir C](
* Fix flacky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix throw without exception in MySQL source. [#28027]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Fix race between REPLACE PARTITION and MOVE PARTITION [#28035]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Follow-up to [#28016]( [#28036]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](

View File

@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Update PVS checksum [#27317]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Fix 01300_client_save_history_when_terminated_long [#27324]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Try update contrib/zlib-ng [#27327]( ([Ilya Yatsishin](
* Fix flacky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test [#27383]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Add and check system.mutations for database filter [#27384]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Correct the key data type used in mapContains [#27423]( ([Fuwang Hu](
* Fix tests for WithMergeableStateAfterAggregationAndLimit [#27424]( ([Azat Khuzhin](

View File

@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* test for [#24410]( [#33265]( ([Denny Crane](
* Wait for RabbitMQ container to actually start when it was restarted in test on purpose [#33266]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Mark max_alter_threads as obsolete [#33268]( ([Denny Crane](
* Fix azure tests flackyness because of azure server closing connection [#33269]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix azure tests flakyness because of azure server closing connection [#33269]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Test for [#26920]( [#33272]( ([Denny Crane](
* Fix test_storage_kafka failures by adjusting [#33278]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Disable FunctionConvertFromString::canBeExecutedOnDefaultArguments [#33286]( ([Vladimir C](
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Update [#33585]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Restore existing static builds links [#33597]( ([Mikhail f. Shiryaev](
* Fix pylint for [#33600]( ([Mikhail f. Shiryaev](
* Fix flacky test_dictionaries_postgresql/ [#33601]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test_dictionaries_postgresql/ [#33601]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Make ZooKeeper client better interpret keeper server connection reject [#33602]( ([alesapin](
* Fix broken workflow dependencies [#33608]( ([Mikhail f. Shiryaev](
* Force rebuild images in CI [#33609]( ([Mikhail f. Shiryaev](

View File

@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2022
* Fix mongodb test with new cert [#36161]( ([alesapin](
* Some fixes for ReplicatedMergeTree [#36163]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* clickhouse-client: properly cancel query in case of error during formatting data [#36164]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Fix flacky test 01161_all_system_tables under s3 storage [#36175]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Fix flaky test 01161_all_system_tables under s3 storage [#36175]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Revert "Fix possible mutation stuck due to race with DROP_RANGE" [#36190]( ([Azat Khuzhin](
* Use atomic instead of mutex + condvar in ParallelReadBuffer [#36192]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Follow-up to [#36138]( [#36194]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](

View File

@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2023
* Add a test for [#38128]( [#48817]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* Remove excessive logging [#48826]( ([Alexey Milovidov](
* remove duplicate indentwith in clang-format [#48834]( ([cluster](
* Try fix flacky test_concurrent_alter_move_and_drop [#48843]( ([Sergei Trifonov](
* Try fix flaky test_concurrent_alter_move_and_drop [#48843]( ([Sergei Trifonov](
* fix the race wait loading parts [#48844]( ([Sema Checherinda](
* suppress assert of progress for test_system_replicated_fetches [#48856]( ([Han Fei](
* Fix: do not run test_store_cleanup_disk_s3 in parallel [#48863]( ([Igor Nikonov](
@ -372,4 +372,3 @@ sidebar_label: 2023
* suppress two timeout tests [#49175]( ([Han Fei](
* Document makeDateTime() and its variants [#49183]( ([Robert Schulze](
* Fix after [#49110]( [#49206]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](

View File

@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sidebar_label: 2023
* Fix broken labeling for `manual approve` [#51405]( ([Mikhail f. Shiryaev](
* Fix parts lifetime in `MergeTreeTransaction` [#51407]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Fix flaky test test_skip_empty_files [#51409]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* fix flacky test test_profile_events_s3 [#51412]( ([Sema Checherinda](
* fix flaky test test_profile_events_s3 [#51412]( ([Sema Checherinda](
* Update [#51413]( ([Tyler Hannan](
* Replace try/catch logic in hasTokenOrNull() by something more lightweight [#51425]( ([Robert Schulze](
* Add retries to `tlsv1_3` tests [#51434]( ([János Benjamin Antal](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_label: 2024
# 2024 Changelog
### ClickHouse release v23.8.16.40-lts (e143a9039ba) FIXME as compared to v23.8.15.35-lts (060ff8e813a)
#### Improvement
* Backported in [#66962]( Added support for parameterized view with analyzer to not analyze create parameterized view. Refactor existing parameterized view logic to not analyze create parameterized view. [#54211]( ([SmitaRKulkarni](
* Backported in [#65461]( Reload certificate chain during certificate reload. [#61671]( ([Pervakov Grigorii](
* Backported in [#65880]( Always start Keeper with sufficient amount of threads in global thread pool. [#64444]( ([Duc Canh Le](
* Backported in [#65912]( Respect cgroup CPU limit in Keeper. [#65819]( ([Antonio Andelic](
#### Critical Bug Fix (crash, LOGICAL_ERROR, data loss, RBAC)
* Backported in [#65281]( Fix crash with UniqInjectiveFunctionsEliminationPass and uniqCombined. [#65188]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#65368]( Fix a bug in ClickHouse Keeper that causes digest mismatch during closing session. [#65198]( ([Aleksei Filatov](
* Backported in [#65743]( Fix crash in maxIntersections. [#65689]( ([Raúl Marín](
#### Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)
* Backported in [#65351]( Fix possible abort on uncaught exception in ~WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor in StatusFile. [#64206]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66037]( Fix crash on destroying AccessControl: add explicit shutdown. [#64993]( ([Vitaly Baranov](
* Backported in [#65782]( Fixed bug in MergeJoin. Column in sparse serialisation might be treated as a column of its nested type though the required conversion wasn't performed. [#65632]( ([Nikita Taranov](
* Backported in [#65926]( For queries that read from `PostgreSQL`, cancel the internal `PostgreSQL` query if the ClickHouse query is finished. Otherwise, `ClickHouse` query cannot be canceled until the internal `PostgreSQL` query is finished. [#65771]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Backported in [#65822]( Fix a bug in short circuit logic when old analyzer and dictGetOrDefault is used. [#65802]( ([jsc0218](
* Backported in [#66449]( Fixed a bug in ZooKeeper client: a session could get stuck in unusable state after receiving a hardware error from ZooKeeper. For example, this might happen due to "soft memory limit" in ClickHouse Keeper. [#66140]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#66717]( Correctly track memory for `Allocator::realloc`. [#66548]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#65080]( Follow up to [#56541]( [#57141]( ([Kseniia Sumarokova](
* Backported in [#65913]( Fix bug with session closing in Keeper. [#65735]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#66853]( Fix data race in S3::ClientCache. [#66644]( ([Konstantin Morozov](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_label: 2024
# 2024 Changelog
### ClickHouse release v24.3.6.48-lts (b2d33c3c45d) FIXME as compared to v24.3.5.46-lts (fe54cead6b6)
#### Critical Bug Fix (crash, LOGICAL_ERROR, data loss, RBAC)
* Backported in [#66889]( Fix unexpeced size of low cardinality column in function calls. [#65298]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66687]( Fix the VALID UNTIL clause in the user definition resetting after a restart. Closes [#66405]( [#66409]( ([Nikolay Degterinsky](
* Backported in [#67497]( Fix crash in DistributedAsyncInsert when connection is empty. [#67219]( ([Pablo Marcos](
#### Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)
* Backported in [#66324]( Add missing settings `input_format_csv_skip_first_lines/input_format_tsv_skip_first_lines/input_format_csv_try_infer_numbers_from_strings/input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples` in schema inference cache because they can change the resulting schema. It prevents from incorrect result of schema inference with these settings changed. [#65980]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66151]( Fixed buffer overflow bug in `unbin`/`unhex` implementation. [#66106]( ([Nikita Taranov](
* Backported in [#66451]( Fixed a bug in ZooKeeper client: a session could get stuck in unusable state after receiving a hardware error from ZooKeeper. For example, this might happen due to "soft memory limit" in ClickHouse Keeper. [#66140]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#66222]( Fix issue in SumIfToCountIfVisitor and signed integers. [#66146]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66676]( Fix handling limit for `system.numbers_mt` when no index can be used. [#66231]( ([János Benjamin Antal](
* Backported in [#66602]( Fixed how the ClickHouse server detects the maximum number of usable CPU cores as specified by cgroups v2 if the server runs in a container such as Docker. In more detail, containers often run their process in the root cgroup which has an empty name. In that case, ClickHouse ignored the CPU limits set by cgroups v2. [#66237]( ([filimonov](
* Backported in [#66356]( Fix the `Not-ready set` error when a subquery with `IN` is used in the constraint. [#66261]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66970]( Fix `Column identifier is already registered` error with `group_by_use_nulls=true` and new analyzer. [#66400]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66967]( Fix `Cannot find column` error for queries with constant expression in `GROUP BY` key and new analyzer enabled. [#66433]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66718]( Correctly track memory for `Allocator::realloc`. [#66548]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#66949]( Fix an invalid result for queries with `WINDOW`. This could happen when `PARTITION` columns have sparse serialization and window functions are executed in parallel. [#66579]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66946]( Fix `Method getResultType is not supported for QUERY query node` error when scalar subquery was used as the first argument of IN (with new analyzer). [#66655]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67629]( Fix for occasional deadlock in Context::getDDLWorker. [#66843]( ([Alexander Gololobov](
* Backported in [#67193]( TRUNCATE DATABASE used to stop replication as if it was a DROP DATABASE query, it's fixed. [#67129]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#67375]( Fix error `Cannot convert column because it is non constant in source stream but must be constant in result.` for a query that reads from the `Merge` table over the `Distriburted` table with one shard. [#67146]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67572]( Fix execution of nested short-circuit functions. [#67520]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66422]( Ignore subquery for IN in DDLLoadingDependencyVisitor. [#66395]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66855]( Fix data race in S3::ClientCache. [#66644]( ([Konstantin Morozov](
* Backported in [#67055]( Increase asio pool size in case the server is tiny. [#66761]( ([alesapin](
* Backported in [#66943]( Small fix in realloc memory tracking. [#66820]( ([Antonio Andelic](

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sidebar_label: 2024
# 2024 Changelog
### ClickHouse release v24.4.4.113-stable (d63a54957bd) FIXME as compared to v24.4.3.25-stable (a915dd4eda4)
#### Improvement
* Backported in [#65884]( Always start Keeper with sufficient amount of threads in global thread pool. [#64444]( ([Duc Canh Le](
* Backported in [#65303]( Returned back the behaviour of how ClickHouse works and interprets Tuples in CSV format. This change effectively reverts and makes it available only under a few settings: `output_format_csv_serialize_tuple_into_separate_columns`, `input_format_csv_deserialize_separate_columns_into_tuple` and `input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples`. [#65170]( ([Nikita Mikhaylov](
* Backported in [#65894]( Respect cgroup CPU limit in Keeper. [#65819]( ([Antonio Andelic](
#### Critical Bug Fix (crash, LOGICAL_ERROR, data loss, RBAC)
* Backported in [#65372]( Fix a bug in ClickHouse Keeper that causes digest mismatch during closing session. [#65198]( ([Aleksei Filatov](
* Backported in [#66883]( Fix unexpeced size of low cardinality column in function calls. [#65298]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#65435]( Forbid `QUALIFY` clause in the old analyzer. The old analyzer ignored `QUALIFY`, so it could lead to unexpected data removal in mutations. [#65356]( ([Dmitry Novik](
* Backported in [#65448]( Use correct memory alignment for Distinct combinator. Previously, crash could happen because of invalid memory allocation when the combinator was used. [#65379]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#65710]( Fix crash in maxIntersections. [#65689]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66689]( Fix the VALID UNTIL clause in the user definition resetting after a restart. Closes [#66405]( [#66409]( ([Nikolay Degterinsky](
* Backported in [#67499]( Fix crash in DistributedAsyncInsert when connection is empty. [#67219]( ([Pablo Marcos](
#### Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)
* Backported in [#65353]( Fix possible abort on uncaught exception in ~WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor in StatusFile. [#64206]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#65060]( Fix the `Expression nodes list expected 1 projection names` and `Unknown expression or identifier` errors for queries with aliases to `GLOBAL IN.`. [#64517]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#65329]( Fix the crash loop when restoring from backup is blocked by creating an MV with a definer that hasn't been restored yet. [#64595]( ([pufit](
* Backported in [#64833]( Fix bug which could lead to non-working TTLs with expressions. [#64694]( ([alesapin](
* Backported in [#65086]( Fix removing the `WHERE` and `PREWHERE` expressions, which are always true (for the new analyzer). [#64695]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#65540]( Fix crash for `ALTER TABLE ... ON CLUSTER ... MODIFY SQL SECURITY`. [#64957]( ([pufit](
* Backported in [#65578]( Fix crash on destroying AccessControl: add explicit shutdown. [#64993]( ([Vitaly Baranov](
* Backported in [#65161]( Fix pushing arithmetic operations out of aggregation. In the new analyzer, optimization was applied only once. [#65104]( ([Dmitry Novik](
* Backported in [#65616]( Fix aggregate function name rewriting in the new analyzer. [#65110]( ([Dmitry Novik](
* Backported in [#65730]( Eliminate injective function in argument of functions `uniq*` recursively. This used to work correctly but was broken in the new analyzer. [#65140]( ([Duc Canh Le](
* Backported in [#65668]( Disable `non-intersecting-parts` optimization for queries with `FINAL` in case of `read-in-order` optimization was enabled. This could lead to an incorrect query result. As a workaround, disable `do_not_merge_across_partitions_select_final` and `split_parts_ranges_into_intersecting_and_non_intersecting_final` before this fix is merged. [#65505]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#65786]( Fixed bug in MergeJoin. Column in sparse serialisation might be treated as a column of its nested type though the required conversion wasn't performed. [#65632]( ([Nikita Taranov](
* Backported in [#65810]( Fix invalid exceptions in function `parseDateTime` with `%F` and `%D` placeholders. [#65768]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#65931]( For queries that read from `PostgreSQL`, cancel the internal `PostgreSQL` query if the ClickHouse query is finished. Otherwise, `ClickHouse` query cannot be canceled until the internal `PostgreSQL` query is finished. [#65771]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Backported in [#65826]( Fix a bug in short circuit logic when old analyzer and dictGetOrDefault is used. [#65802]( ([jsc0218](
* Backported in [#66299]( Better handling of join conditions involving `IS NULL` checks (for example `ON (a = b AND (a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) ) OR ( (a IS NULL) AND (b IS NULL) )` is rewritten to `ON a <=> b`), fix incorrect optimization when condition other then `IS NULL` are present. [#65835]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#66326]( Add missing settings `input_format_csv_skip_first_lines/input_format_tsv_skip_first_lines/input_format_csv_try_infer_numbers_from_strings/input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples` in schema inference cache because they can change the resulting schema. It prevents from incorrect result of schema inference with these settings changed. [#65980]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66153]( Fixed buffer overflow bug in `unbin`/`unhex` implementation. [#66106]( ([Nikita Taranov](
* Backported in [#66459]( Fixed a bug in ZooKeeper client: a session could get stuck in unusable state after receiving a hardware error from ZooKeeper. For example, this might happen due to "soft memory limit" in ClickHouse Keeper. [#66140]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#66224]( Fix issue in SumIfToCountIfVisitor and signed integers. [#66146]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66267]( Don't throw `TIMEOUT_EXCEEDED` for `none_only_active` mode of `distributed_ddl_output_mode`. [#66218]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#66678]( Fix handling limit for `system.numbers_mt` when no index can be used. [#66231]( ([János Benjamin Antal](
* Backported in [#66603]( Fixed how the ClickHouse server detects the maximum number of usable CPU cores as specified by cgroups v2 if the server runs in a container such as Docker. In more detail, containers often run their process in the root cgroup which has an empty name. In that case, ClickHouse ignored the CPU limits set by cgroups v2. [#66237]( ([filimonov](
* Backported in [#66358]( Fix the `Not-ready set` error when a subquery with `IN` is used in the constraint. [#66261]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66971]( Fix `Column identifier is already registered` error with `group_by_use_nulls=true` and new analyzer. [#66400]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66968]( Fix `Cannot find column` error for queries with constant expression in `GROUP BY` key and new analyzer enabled. [#66433]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66719]( Correctly track memory for `Allocator::realloc`. [#66548]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#66950]( Fix an invalid result for queries with `WINDOW`. This could happen when `PARTITION` columns have sparse serialization and window functions are executed in parallel. [#66579]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66947]( Fix `Method getResultType is not supported for QUERY query node` error when scalar subquery was used as the first argument of IN (with new analyzer). [#66655]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67631]( Fix for occasional deadlock in Context::getDDLWorker. [#66843]( ([Alexander Gololobov](
* Backported in [#67195]( TRUNCATE DATABASE used to stop replication as if it was a DROP DATABASE query, it's fixed. [#67129]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#67377]( Fix error `Cannot convert column because it is non constant in source stream but must be constant in result.` for a query that reads from the `Merge` table over the `Distriburted` table with one shard. [#67146]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67240]( This closes [#67156]( This closes [#66447]( The bug was introduced in [#67178]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Backported in [#67574]( Fix execution of nested short-circuit functions. [#67520]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#65410]( Re-enable OpenSSL session caching. [#65111]( ([Robert Schulze](
* Backported in [#65903]( Fix bug with session closing in Keeper. [#65735]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#66385]( Disable broken cases from 02911_join_on_nullsafe_optimization. [#66310]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#66424]( Ignore subquery for IN in DDLLoadingDependencyVisitor. [#66395]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66542]( Add additional log masking in CI. [#66523]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66857]( Fix data race in S3::ClientCache. [#66644]( ([Konstantin Morozov](
* Backported in [#66873]( Support one more case in JOIN ON ... IS NULL. [#66725]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#67057]( Increase asio pool size in case the server is tiny. [#66761]( ([alesapin](
* Backported in [#66944]( Small fix in realloc memory tracking. [#66820]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#67250]( Followup [#66725]( [#66869]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#67410]( CI: Fix build results for release branches. [#67402]( ([Max K.](

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
sidebar_position: 1
sidebar_label: 2024
# 2024 Changelog
### ClickHouse release v24.5.5.78-stable (0138248cb62) FIXME as compared to v24.5.4.49-stable (63b760955a0)
#### Improvement
* Backported in [#66768]( Make allow_experimental_analyzer be controlled by the initiator for distributed queries. This ensures compatibility and correctness during operations in mixed version clusters. [#65777]( ([Nikita Mikhaylov](
#### Critical Bug Fix (crash, LOGICAL_ERROR, data loss, RBAC)
* Backported in [#66884]( Fix unexpeced size of low cardinality column in function calls. [#65298]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66691]( Fix the VALID UNTIL clause in the user definition resetting after a restart. Closes [#66405]( [#66409]( ([Nikolay Degterinsky](
* Backported in [#67814]( Only relevant to the experimental Variant data type. Fix crash with Variant + AggregateFunction type. [#67122]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#67501]( Fix crash in DistributedAsyncInsert when connection is empty. [#67219]( ([Pablo Marcos](
* Backported in [#67850]( Fixes [#66026]( Avoid unresolved table function arguments traversal in `ReplaceTableNodeToDummyVisitor`. [#67522]( ([Dmitry Novik](
#### Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)
* Backported in [#65350]( Fix possible abort on uncaught exception in ~WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor in StatusFile. [#64206]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#65621]( Fix `Cannot find column` in distributed query with `ARRAY JOIN` by `Nested` column. Fixes [#64755]( [#64801]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#65933]( For queries that read from `PostgreSQL`, cancel the internal `PostgreSQL` query if the ClickHouse query is finished. Otherwise, `ClickHouse` query cannot be canceled until the internal `PostgreSQL` query is finished. [#65771]( ([Maksim Kita](
* Backported in [#66301]( Better handling of join conditions involving `IS NULL` checks (for example `ON (a = b AND (a IS NOT NULL) AND (b IS NOT NULL) ) OR ( (a IS NULL) AND (b IS NULL) )` is rewritten to `ON a <=> b`), fix incorrect optimization when condition other then `IS NULL` are present. [#65835]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#66328]( Add missing settings `input_format_csv_skip_first_lines/input_format_tsv_skip_first_lines/input_format_csv_try_infer_numbers_from_strings/input_format_csv_try_infer_strings_from_quoted_tuples` in schema inference cache because they can change the resulting schema. It prevents from incorrect result of schema inference with these settings changed. [#65980]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66155]( Fixed buffer overflow bug in `unbin`/`unhex` implementation. [#66106]( ([Nikita Taranov](
* Backported in [#66454]( Fixed a bug in ZooKeeper client: a session could get stuck in unusable state after receiving a hardware error from ZooKeeper. For example, this might happen due to "soft memory limit" in ClickHouse Keeper. [#66140]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#66226]( Fix issue in SumIfToCountIfVisitor and signed integers. [#66146]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66680]( Fix handling limit for `system.numbers_mt` when no index can be used. [#66231]( ([János Benjamin Antal](
* Backported in [#66604]( Fixed how the ClickHouse server detects the maximum number of usable CPU cores as specified by cgroups v2 if the server runs in a container such as Docker. In more detail, containers often run their process in the root cgroup which has an empty name. In that case, ClickHouse ignored the CPU limits set by cgroups v2. [#66237]( ([filimonov](
* Backported in [#66360]( Fix the `Not-ready set` error when a subquery with `IN` is used in the constraint. [#66261]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66972]( Fix `Column identifier is already registered` error with `group_by_use_nulls=true` and new analyzer. [#66400]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66969]( Fix `Cannot find column` error for queries with constant expression in `GROUP BY` key and new analyzer enabled. [#66433]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66720]( Correctly track memory for `Allocator::realloc`. [#66548]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#66951]( Fix an invalid result for queries with `WINDOW`. This could happen when `PARTITION` columns have sparse serialization and window functions are executed in parallel. [#66579]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66757]( Fix `Unknown identifier` and `Column is not under aggregate function` errors for queries with the expression `(column IS NULL).` The bug was triggered by [#65088](, with the disabled analyzer only. [#66654]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66948]( Fix `Method getResultType is not supported for QUERY query node` error when scalar subquery was used as the first argument of IN (with new analyzer). [#66655]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67633]( Fix for occasional deadlock in Context::getDDLWorker. [#66843]( ([Alexander Gololobov](
* Backported in [#67481]( In rare cases ClickHouse could consider parts as broken because of some unexpected projections on disk. Now it's fixed. [#66898]( ([alesapin](
* Backported in [#67197]( TRUNCATE DATABASE used to stop replication as if it was a DROP DATABASE query, it's fixed. [#67129]( ([Alexander Tokmakov](
* Backported in [#67379]( Fix error `Cannot convert column because it is non constant in source stream but must be constant in result.` for a query that reads from the `Merge` table over the `Distriburted` table with one shard. [#67146]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#67576]( Fix execution of nested short-circuit functions. [#67520]( ([Kruglov Pavel](
* Backported in [#66387]( Disable broken cases from 02911_join_on_nullsafe_optimization. [#66310]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#66426]( Ignore subquery for IN in DDLLoadingDependencyVisitor. [#66395]( ([Nikolai Kochetov](
* Backported in [#66544]( Add additional log masking in CI. [#66523]( ([Raúl Marín](
* Backported in [#66859]( Fix data race in S3::ClientCache. [#66644]( ([Konstantin Morozov](
* Backported in [#66875]( Support one more case in JOIN ON ... IS NULL. [#66725]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#67059]( Increase asio pool size in case the server is tiny. [#66761]( ([alesapin](
* Backported in [#66945]( Small fix in realloc memory tracking. [#66820]( ([Antonio Andelic](
* Backported in [#67252]( Followup [#66725]( [#66869]( ([vdimir](
* Backported in [#67412]( CI: Fix build results for release branches. [#67402]( ([Max K.](

View File

@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ The BACKUP and RESTORE statements take a list of DATABASE and TABLE names, a des
- `password` for the file on disk
- `base_backup`: the destination of the previous backup of this source. For example, `Disk('backups', '')`
- `use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup`: whether base backup to S3 should inherit credentials from the query. Only works with `S3`.
- `use_same_password_for_base_backup`: whether base backup archive should inherit the password from the query.
- `structure_only`: if enabled, allows to only backup or restore the CREATE statements without the data of tables
- `storage_policy`: storage policy for the tables being restored. See [Using Multiple Block Devices for Data Storage](../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ This setting is only applicable to the `RESTORE` command. The specified storage policy applies only to tables with an engine from the `MergeTree` family.
- `s3_storage_class`: the storage class used for S3 backup. For example, `STANDARD`

View File

@ -119,11 +119,6 @@ Minimum size of blocks of uncompressed data required for compression when writin
You can also specify this setting in the global settings (see [min_compress_block_size](/docs/en/operations/settings/ setting).
The value specified when table is created overrides the global value for this setting.
## max_partitions_to_read
Limits the maximum number of partitions that can be accessed in one query.
You can also specify setting [max_partitions_to_read](/docs/en/operations/settings/ in the global setting.
## max_suspicious_broken_parts
If the number of broken parts in a single partition exceeds the `max_suspicious_broken_parts` value, automatic deletion is denied.
@ -691,6 +686,8 @@ Possible values:
Default value: -1 (unlimited).
You can also specify a query complexity setting [max_partitions_to_read](query-complexity#max-partitions-to-read) at a query / session / profile level.
## min_age_to_force_merge_seconds {#min_age_to_force_merge_seconds}
Merge parts if every part in the range is older than the value of `min_age_to_force_merge_seconds`.

View File

@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ If you set `timeout_before_checking_execution_speed `to 0, ClickHouse will use c
What to do if the query is run longer than `max_execution_time` or the estimated running time is longer than `max_estimated_execution_time`: `throw` or `break`. By default, `throw`.
# max_execution_time_leaf
## max_execution_time_leaf
Similar semantic to `max_execution_time` but only apply on leaf node for distributed or remote queries.
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ We can use `max_execution_time_leaf` as the query settings:
SELECT count() FROM cluster(cluster, view(SELECT * FROM t)) SETTINGS max_execution_time_leaf = 10;
# timeout_overflow_mode_leaf
## timeout_overflow_mode_leaf
What to do when the query in leaf node run longer than `max_execution_time_leaf`: `throw` or `break`. By default, `throw`.
@ -426,3 +426,17 @@ Example:
Default value: 0 (Infinite count of simultaneous sessions).
## max_partitions_to_read {#max-partitions-to-read}
Limits the maximum number of partitions that can be accessed in one query.
The setting value specified when the table is created can be overridden via query-level setting.
Possible values:
- Any positive integer.
Default value: -1 (unlimited).
You can also specify a MergeTree setting [max_partitions_to_read](merge-tree-settings#max-partitions-to-read) in tables' setting.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
slug: /en/sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/groupconcat
sidebar_position: 363
sidebar_label: groupConcat
title: groupConcat
Calculates a concatenated string from a group of strings, optionally separated by a delimiter, and optionally limited by a maximum number of elements.
``` sql
groupConcat(expression [, delimiter] [, limit]);
- `expression` — The expression or column name that outputs strings to be concatenated..
- `delimiter` — A [string](../../../sql-reference/data-types/ that will be used to separate concatenated values. This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty string if not specified.
- `limit` — A positive [integer](../../../sql-reference/data-types/ specifying the maximum number of elements to concatenate. If more elements are present, excess elements are ignored. This parameter is optional.
If delimiter is specified without limit, it must be the first parameter following the expression. If both delimiter and limit are specified, delimiter must precede limit.
**Returned value**
- Returns a [string](../../../sql-reference/data-types/ consisting of the concatenated values of the column or expression. If the group has no elements or only null elements, and the function does not specify a handling for only null values, the result is a nullable string with a null value.
Input table:
``` text
│ 1 │ John│
│ 2 │ Jane│
│ 3 │ Bob│
1. Basic usage without a delimiter:
``` sql
SELECT groupConcat(Name) FROM Employees;
``` text
This concatenates all names into one continuous string without any separator.
2. Using comma as a delimiter:
``` sql
SELECT groupConcat(Name, ', ', 2) FROM Employees;
``` text
John, Jane, Bob
This output shows the names separated by a comma followed by a space.
3. Limiting the number of concatenated elements
``` sql
SELECT groupConcat(Name, ', ', 2) FROM Employees;
``` text
John, Jane
This query limits the output to the first two names, even though there are more names in the table.

View File

@ -223,3 +223,28 @@ SELECT translateUTF8('Münchener Straße', 'üß', 'us') AS res;
│ Munchener Strase │
## printf
The `printf` function formats the given string with the values (strings, integers, floating-points etc.) listed in the arguments, similar to printf function in C++. The format string can contain format specifiers starting with `%` character. Anything not contained in `%` and the following format specifier is considered literal text and copied verbatim into the output. Literal `%` character can be escaped by `%%`.
``` sql
printf(format, arg1, arg2, ...)
``` sql
select printf('%%%s %s %d', 'Hello', 'World', 2024);
``` response
┌─printf('%%%s %s %d', 'Hello', 'World', 2024)─┐
│ %Hello World 2024 │

View File

@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ A case insensitive invariant of [position](#position).
``` sql
SELECT position('Hello, world!', 'hello');
SELECT positionCaseInsensitive('Hello, world!', 'hello');
``` text
┌─position('Hello, world!', 'hello')─┐
┌─positionCaseInsensitive('Hello, world!', 'hello')─┐
## positionUTF8

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Result:
## mapFromArrays
Creates a map from an array of keys and an array of values.
Creates a map from an array or map of keys and an array or map of values.
The function is a convenient alternative to syntax `CAST([...], 'Map(key_type, value_type)')`.
For example, instead of writing
@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ Alias: `MAP_FROM_ARRAYS(keys, values)`
- `keys` — Array of keys to create the map from. [Array(T)](../data-types/ where `T` can be any type supported by [Map](../data-types/ as key type.
- `values` - Array or map of values to create the map from. [Array](../data-types/ or [Map](../data-types/
- `keys` — Array or map of keys to create the map from [Array](../data-types/ or [Map](../data-types/ If `keys` is an array, we accept `Array(Nullable(T))` or `Array(LowCardinality(Nullable(T)))` as its type as long as it doesn't contain NULL value.
- `values` - Array or map of values to create the map from [Array](../data-types/ or [Map](../data-types/
**Returned value**
@ -99,6 +99,18 @@ Result:
SELECT mapFromArrays(map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3), [1, 2, 3])
┌─mapFromArrays(map('a', 1, 'b', 2, 'c', 3), [1, 2, 3])─┐
│ {('a',1):1,('b',2):2,('c',3):3} │
## extractKeyValuePairs
Converts a string of key-value pairs to a [Map(String, String)](../data-types/

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@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ The [rank](./ function provides the same behaviour, but with gaps in ran
Alias: `denseRank` (case-sensitive)
dense_rank (column_name)
OVER ([[PARTITION BY grouping_column] [ORDER BY sorting_column]

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@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ ClickHouse supports the standard grammar for defining windows and window functio
| `INTERVAL` syntax for `DateTime` `RANGE OFFSET` frame | ❌ (specify the number of seconds instead (`RANGE` works with any numeric type).) |
| `GROUPS` frame | ❌ |
| Calculating aggregate functions over a frame (`sum(value) over (order by time)`) | ✅ (All aggregate functions are supported) |
| `rank()`, `dense_rank()`, `row_number()` | ✅ |
| `percent_rank()` | ✅ Efficiently computes the relative standing of a value within a partition in a dataset. This function effectively replaces the more verbose and computationally intensive manual SQL calculation expressed as `ifNull((rank() OVER(PARTITION BY x ORDER BY y) - 1) / nullif(count(1) OVER(PARTITION BY x) - 1, 0), 0)`|
| `rank()`, `dense_rank()`, `row_number()` | ✅ <br/>Alias: `denseRank()` |
| `percent_rank()` | ✅ Efficiently computes the relative standing of a value within a partition in a dataset. This function effectively replaces the more verbose and computationally intensive manual SQL calculation expressed as `ifNull((rank() OVER(PARTITION BY x ORDER BY y) - 1) / nullif(count(1) OVER(PARTITION BY x) - 1, 0), 0)` <br/>Alias: `percentRank()`|
| `lag/lead(value, offset)` | ❌ <br/> You can use one of the following workarounds:<br/> 1) `any(value) over (.... rows between <offset> preceding and <offset> preceding)`, or `following` for `lead` <br/> 2) `lagInFrame/leadInFrame`, which are analogous, but respect the window frame. To get behavior identical to `lag/lead`, use `rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following` |
| ntile(buckets) | ✅ <br/> Specify window like, (partition by x order by y rows between unbounded preceding and unrounded following). |

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@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ sidebar_label: "\u53D8\u66F4\u65E5\u5FD7"
- 抑制MSan下的一些测试失败。 [#8780]( ([Alexander Kuzmenkov](
- 加速 “exception while insert” 测试 此测试通常在具有复盖率的调试版本中超时。 [#8711]( ([阿列克谢-米洛维多夫](
- 更新 `libcxx``libcxxabi` 为了主人 在准备 [#9304]( [#9308]( ([阿列克谢-米洛维多夫](
- 修复flacky测试 `00910_zookeeper_test_alter_compression_codecs`. [#9525]( ([阿列克谢-米洛维多夫](
- 修复flaky测试 `00910_zookeeper_test_alter_compression_codecs`. [#9525]( ([阿列克谢-米洛维多夫](
- 清理重复的链接器标志。 确保链接器不会查找意想不到的符号。 [#9433]( ([阿莫斯鸟](
- 添加 `clickhouse-odbc` 驱动程序进入测试图像。 这允许通过自己的ODBC驱动程序测试ClickHouse与ClickHouse的交互。 [#9348]( ([filimonov](
- 修复单元测试中的几个错误。 [#9047]( ([阿利沙平](

View File

@ -66,14 +66,14 @@
<!-- Used for secure tcp port -->
<!-- openssl req -subj "/CN=localhost" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key -out /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt -->
<!-- <certificateFile>/etc/clickhouse-keeper/server.crt</certificateFile> -->
<!-- <privateKeyFile>/etc/clickhouse-keeper/server.key</privateKeyFile> -->
<!-- dhparams are optional. You can delete the <dhParamsFile> element.
To generate dhparams, use the following command:
openssl dhparam -out /etc/clickhouse-keeper/dhparam.pem 4096
Only file format with BEGIN DH PARAMETERS is supported.
<!-- <dhParamsFile>/etc/clickhouse-keeper/dhparam.pem</dhParamsFile> -->

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "LocalServer.h"
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <Common/Config/getLocalConfigPath.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <Common/formatReadable.h>
#include <Core/UUID.h>
@ -127,10 +128,21 @@ void LocalServer::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self)
const char * home_path_cstr = getenv("HOME"); // NOLINT(concurrency-mt-unsafe)
if (home_path_cstr)
home_path = home_path_cstr;
/// Load config files if exists
if (getClientConfiguration().has("config-file") || fs::exists("config.xml"))
std::string config_path;
if (getClientConfiguration().has("config-file"))
config_path = getClientConfiguration().getString("config-file");
else if (config_path.empty() && fs::exists("config.xml"))
config_path = "config.xml";
else if (config_path.empty())
config_path = getLocalConfigPath(home_path).value_or("");
if (fs::exists(config_path))
const auto config_path = getClientConfiguration().getString("config-file", "config.xml");
ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path, false, true);
auto loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfig();

View File

@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ try
#if defined(SANITIZER)
LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler disabled because they cannot work under sanitizers"
LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler is disabled because it cannot work under sanitizers"
" when two different stack unwinding methods will interfere with each other.");

View File

@ -1130,8 +1130,7 @@
<!-- Uncomment if use part log.
Part log contains information about all actions with parts in MergeTree tables (creation, deletion, merges, downloads).-->
<!-- Part log contains information about all actions with parts in MergeTree tables (creation, deletion, merges, downloads). -->
@ -1143,9 +1142,9 @@
<!-- Uncomment to write text log into table.
Text log contains all information from usual server log but stores it in structured and efficient way.
<!-- Text log contains all information from usual server log but stores it in structured and efficient way.
The level of the messages that goes to the table can be limited (<level>), if not specified all messages will go to the table.
@ -1154,9 +1153,8 @@
<!-- Metric log contains rows with current values of ProfileEvents, CurrentMetrics collected with "collect_interval_milliseconds" interval. -->

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
--input-shadow-color: rgba(0, 255, 0, 1);
--error-color: red;
--global-error-color: white;
--legend-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
--legend-background: rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.75);
--title-color: #666;
--text-color: black;
--edit-title-background: #FEE;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
--moving-shadow-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
--input-shadow-color: rgba(255, 128, 0, 0.25);
--error-color: #F66;
--legend-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
--legend-background: rgba(0, 96, 128, 0.75);
--title-color: white;
--text-color: white;
--edit-title-background: #364f69;
@ -218,6 +218,7 @@
#chart-params .param {
width: 6%;
font-family: monospace;
input {
@ -256,6 +257,7 @@
font-weight: bold;
user-select: none;
cursor: pointer;
margin-bottom: 1rem;
#run:hover {
@ -309,7 +311,7 @@
color: var(--param-text-color);
display: inline-block;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 0 var(--shadow-color);
margin-bottom: 1rem;
margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
input:focus {
@ -657,6 +659,10 @@ function insertParam(name, value) {
param_value.value = value;
param_value.spellcheck = false;
let setWidth = e => { = (e.value.length + 1) + 'ch' };
if (value) { setWidth(param_value); }
param_value.addEventListener('input', e => setWidth(;
@ -945,6 +951,7 @@ function showMassEditor() {
let editor = document.getElementById('mass-editor-textarea');
editor.value = JSON.stringify({params: params, queries: queries}, null, 2);
mass_editor_active = true;
@ -1004,14 +1011,14 @@ function legendAsTooltipPlugin({ className, style = { background: "var(--legend-
className && legendEl.classList.add(className);
uPlot.assign(, {
textAlign: "left",
textAlign: "right",
pointerEvents: "none",
display: "none",
position: "absolute",
left: 0,
top: 0,
zIndex: 100,
boxShadow: "2px 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)",
boxShadow: "2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
@ -1051,8 +1058,10 @@ function legendAsTooltipPlugin({ className, style = { background: "var(--legend-
function update(u) {
let { left, top } = u.cursor;
left -= legendEl.clientWidth / 2;
top -= legendEl.clientHeight / 2;
/// This will make the balloon to the right of the cursor when the cursor is on the left side, and vise-versa,
/// avoiding the borders of the chart.
left -= legendEl.clientWidth * (left / u.width);
top -= legendEl.clientHeight; = "translate(" + left + "px, " + top + "px)";
if (multiline) {
@ -1139,7 +1148,7 @@ async function draw(idx, chart, url_params, query) {
let {reply, error} = await doFetch(query, url_params);
if (!error) {
if (reply.rows.length == 0) {
if (reply.rows == 0) {
error = "Query returned empty result.";
} else if (reply.meta.length < 2) {
error = "Query should return at least two columns: unix timestamp and value.";
@ -1229,14 +1238,53 @@ async function draw(idx, chart, url_params, query) {
let sync = uPlot.sync("sync");
let axis = {
function formatDateTime(t) {
return (new Date(t * 1000)).toISOString().replace('T', '\n').replace('.000Z', '');
function formatDateTimes(self, ticks) {
return, idx) => {
let res = formatDateTime(t);
if (idx == 0 || res.substring(0, 10) != formatDateTime(ticks[idx - 1]).substring(0, 10)) {
return res;
} else {
return res.substring(11);
function formatValue(v) {
const a = Math.abs(v);
if (a >= 1000000000000000) { return (v / 1000000000000000) + 'P'; }
if (a >= 1000000000000) { return (v / 1000000000000) + 'T'; }
if (a >= 1000000000) { return (v / 1000000000) + 'G'; }
if (a >= 1000000) { return (v / 1000000) + 'M'; }
if (a >= 1000) { return (v / 1000) + 'K'; }
if (a > 0 && a < 0.001) { return (v * 1000000) + "μ"; }
return v;
let axis_x = {
stroke: axes_color,
grid: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
ticks: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color }
ticks: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
values: formatDateTimes,
space: 80,
incrs: [1, 5, 10, 15, 30,
60, 60 * 5, 60 * 10, 60 * 15, 60 * 30,
3600, 3600 * 2, 3600 * 3, 3600 * 4, 3600 * 6, 3600 * 12,
3600 * 24],
let axes = [axis, axis];
let series = [{ label: "x" }];
let axis_y = {
stroke: axes_color,
grid: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
ticks: { width: 1 / devicePixelRatio, stroke: grid_color },
values: (self, ticks) =>
let axes = [axis_x, axis_y];
let series = [{ label: "time", value: (self, t) => formatDateTime(t) }];
let data = [[reply.meta[0].name]];
// Treat every column as series
@ -1254,9 +1302,10 @@ async function draw(idx, chart, url_params, query) {
const opts = {
width: chart.clientWidth,
height: chart.clientHeight,
scales: { x: { time: false } }, /// Because we want to split and format time on our own.
padding: [ null, null, null, (Math.round(max_value * 100) / 100).toString().length * 6 - 10 ],
padding: [ null, null, null, 3 ],
plugins: [ legendAsTooltipPlugin() ],
cursor: {
sync: {

View File

@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ disable = '''

View File

@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ struct UniqVariadicHash<false, true>
static UInt64 apply(size_t num_args, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num)
if (!num_args)
return 0;
UInt64 hash;
const auto & tuple_columns = assert_cast<const ColumnTuple *>(columns[0])->getColumns();

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ void InterpolateNode::dumpTreeImpl(WriteBuffer & buffer, FormatState & format_st
buffer << std::string(indent, ' ') << "INTERPOLATE id: " << format_state.getNodeId(this);
buffer << '\n' << std::string(indent + 2, ' ') << "EXPRESSION\n";
buffer << '\n' << std::string(indent + 2, ' ') << "EXPRESSION " << expression_name << " \n";
getExpression()->dumpTreeImpl(buffer, format_state, indent + 4);
buffer << '\n' << std::string(indent + 2, ' ') << "INTERPOLATE_EXPRESSION\n";

View File

@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ public:
return QueryTreeNodeType::INTERPOLATE;
const std::string & getExpressionName() const { return expression_name; }
void dumpTreeImpl(WriteBuffer & buffer, FormatState & format_state, size_t indent) const override;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <Analyzer/InDepthQueryTreeVisitor.h>
#include <Analyzer/ConstantNode.h>
#include <Analyzer/FunctionNode.h>
#include <Analyzer/JoinNode.h>
#include <Analyzer/Utils.h>
namespace DB
@ -25,8 +26,15 @@ public:
using Base = InDepthQueryTreeVisitorWithContext<ComparisonTupleEliminationPassVisitor>;
using Base::Base;
static bool needChildVisit(QueryTreeNodePtr &, QueryTreeNodePtr & child)
static bool needChildVisit(QueryTreeNodePtr & parent, QueryTreeNodePtr & child)
if (parent->getNodeType() == QueryTreeNodeType::JOIN)
/// In JOIN ON section comparison of tuples works a bit differently.
/// For example we can join on tuple(NULL) = tuple(NULL), join algorithms consider only NULLs on the top level.
if (parent->as<const JoinNode &>().getJoinExpression().get() == child.get())
return false;
return child->getNodeType() != QueryTreeNodeType::TABLE_FUNCTION;

View File

@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
#include <Analyzer/Resolve/TableExpressionsAliasVisitor.h>
#include <Analyzer/Resolve/ReplaceColumnsVisitor.h>
#include <Planner/PlannerActionsVisitor.h>
#include <Core/Settings.h>
namespace ProfileEvents
@ -4122,11 +4124,7 @@ void QueryAnalyzer::resolveInterpolateColumnsNodeList(QueryTreeNodePtr & interpo
auto & interpolate_node_typed = interpolate_node->as<InterpolateNode &>();
auto * column_to_interpolate = interpolate_node_typed.getExpression()->as<IdentifierNode>();
if (!column_to_interpolate)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "INTERPOLATE can work only for indentifiers, but {} is found",
auto column_to_interpolate_name = column_to_interpolate->getIdentifier().getFullName();
auto column_to_interpolate_name = interpolate_node_typed.getExpressionName();
resolveExpressionNode(interpolate_node_typed.getExpression(), scope, false /*allow_lambda_expression*/, false /*allow_table_expression*/);
@ -4135,14 +4133,11 @@ void QueryAnalyzer::resolveInterpolateColumnsNodeList(QueryTreeNodePtr & interpo
auto & interpolation_to_resolve = interpolate_node_typed.getInterpolateExpression();
IdentifierResolveScope interpolate_scope(interpolation_to_resolve, &scope /*parent_scope*/);
auto fake_column_node = std::make_shared<ColumnNode>(NameAndTypePair(column_to_interpolate_name, interpolate_node_typed.getExpression()->getResultType()), interpolate_node_typed.getExpression());
auto fake_column_node = std::make_shared<ColumnNode>(NameAndTypePair(column_to_interpolate_name, interpolate_node_typed.getExpression()->getResultType()), interpolate_node);
if (is_column_constant)
interpolate_scope.expression_argument_name_to_node.emplace(column_to_interpolate_name, fake_column_node);
resolveExpressionNode(interpolation_to_resolve, interpolate_scope, false /*allow_lambda_expression*/, false /*allow_table_expression*/);
if (is_column_constant)
interpolation_to_resolve = interpolation_to_resolve->cloneAndReplace(fake_column_node, interpolate_node_typed.getExpression());
@ -4546,7 +4541,15 @@ void QueryAnalyzer::resolveTableFunction(QueryTreeNodePtr & table_function_node,
resolveExpressionNode(nodes[1], scope, /* allow_lambda_expression */false, /* allow_table_function */false);
if (auto * constant = nodes[1]->as<ConstantNode>())
view_params[identifier_node->getIdentifier().getFullName()] = convertFieldToString(constant->getValue());
/// Serialize the constant value using datatype specific
/// interfaces to match the deserialization in ReplaceQueryParametersVistor.
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
const auto & value = constant->getValue();
auto real_type = constant->getResultType();
auto temporary_column = real_type->createColumn();
real_type->getDefaultSerialization()->serializeTextEscaped(*temporary_column, 0, buf, {});
view_params[identifier_node->getIdentifier().getFullName()] = buf.str();

View File

@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ size_t getCompoundTypeDepth(const IDataType & type)
const auto & tuple_elements = assert_cast<const DataTypeTuple &>(*current_type).getElements();
if (!tuple_elements.empty())
current_type =;
/// Special case: tuple with no element - tuple(). In this case, what's the compound type depth?
/// I'm not certain about the theoretical answer, but from experiment, 1 is the most reasonable choice.
return 1;

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ public:
bool allow_s3_native_copy = true;
bool allow_azure_native_copy = true;
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = false;
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup = false;
bool azure_attempt_to_create_container = true;
ReadSettings read_settings;
WriteSettings write_settings;

View File

@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ BackupImpl::BackupImpl(
std::shared_ptr<IBackupReader> reader_,
const ContextPtr & context_,
bool is_internal_backup_,
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_)
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_,
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup_)
: backup_info(backup_info_)
, backup_name_for_logging(backup_info.toStringForLogging())
, use_archive(!archive_params_.archive_name.empty())
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ BackupImpl::BackupImpl(
, base_backup_info(base_backup_info_)
, use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup(use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_)
, use_same_password_for_base_backup(use_same_password_for_base_backup_)
, log(getLogger("BackupImpl"))
@ -120,7 +122,8 @@ BackupImpl::BackupImpl(
const std::shared_ptr<IBackupCoordination> & coordination_,
const std::optional<UUID> & backup_uuid_,
bool deduplicate_files_,
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_)
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_,
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup_)
: backup_info(backup_info_)
, backup_name_for_logging(backup_info.toStringForLogging())
, use_archive(!archive_params_.archive_name.empty())
@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ BackupImpl::BackupImpl(
, base_backup_info(base_backup_info_)
, deduplicate_files(deduplicate_files_)
, use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup(use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_)
, use_same_password_for_base_backup(use_same_password_for_base_backup_)
, log(getLogger("BackupImpl"))
@ -258,6 +262,11 @@ std::shared_ptr<const IBackup> BackupImpl::getBaseBackupUnlocked() const
params.is_internal_backup = is_internal_backup;
/// use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup should be inherited for base backups
params.use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup;
/// use_same_password_for_base_backup should be inherited for base backups
params.use_same_password_for_base_backup = use_same_password_for_base_backup;
if (params.use_same_password_for_base_backup)
params.password = archive_params.password;
base_backup = BackupFactory::instance().createBackup(params);

View File

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ public:
std::shared_ptr<IBackupReader> reader_,
const ContextPtr & context_,
bool is_internal_backup_,
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_);
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_,
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup_);
const BackupInfo & backup_info_,
@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ public:
const std::shared_ptr<IBackupCoordination> & coordination_,
const std::optional<UUID> & backup_uuid_,
bool deduplicate_files_,
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_);
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup_,
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup_);
~BackupImpl() override;
@ -153,6 +155,7 @@ private:
bool writing_finalized = false;
bool deduplicate_files = true;
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = false;
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup = false;
const LoggerPtr log;

View File

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
M(Bool, allow_s3_native_copy) \
M(Bool, allow_azure_native_copy) \
M(Bool, use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup) \
M(Bool, use_same_password_for_base_backup) \
M(Bool, azure_attempt_to_create_container) \
M(Bool, read_from_filesystem_cache) \
M(UInt64, shard_num) \

View File

@ -50,6 +50,9 @@ struct BackupSettings
/// Whether base backup to S3 should inherit credentials from the BACKUP query.
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = false;
/// Whether base backup archive should be unlocked using the same password as the incremental archive
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup = false;
/// Whether a new Azure container should be created if it does not exist (requires permissions at storage account level)
bool azure_attempt_to_create_container = true;

View File

@ -602,6 +602,7 @@ void BackupsWorker::doBackup(
backup_create_params.allow_s3_native_copy = backup_settings.allow_s3_native_copy;
backup_create_params.allow_azure_native_copy = backup_settings.allow_azure_native_copy;
backup_create_params.use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = backup_settings.use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup;
backup_create_params.use_same_password_for_base_backup = backup_settings.use_same_password_for_base_backup;
backup_create_params.azure_attempt_to_create_container = backup_settings.azure_attempt_to_create_container;
backup_create_params.read_settings = getReadSettingsForBackup(context, backup_settings);
backup_create_params.write_settings = getWriteSettingsForBackup(context);
@ -924,6 +925,7 @@ void BackupsWorker::doRestore(
backup_open_params.password = restore_settings.password;
backup_open_params.allow_s3_native_copy = restore_settings.allow_s3_native_copy;
backup_open_params.use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = restore_settings.use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup;
backup_open_params.use_same_password_for_base_backup = restore_settings.use_same_password_for_base_backup;
backup_open_params.read_settings = getReadSettingsForRestore(context);
backup_open_params.write_settings = getWriteSettingsForRestore(context);
backup_open_params.is_internal_backup = restore_settings.internal;

View File

@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ bool RestoreCoordinationRemote::hasConcurrentRestores(const std::atomic<size_t>
return false;
bool result = false;
std::string path = zookeeper_path +"/stage";
std::string path = zookeeper_path + "/stage";
auto holder = with_retries.createRetriesControlHolder("createRootNodes");

View File

@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ private:
void createRootNodes();
void removeAllNodes();
class ReplicatedDatabasesMetadataSync;
/// get_zookeeper will provide a zookeeper client without any fault injection
const zkutil::GetZooKeeper get_zookeeper;
const String root_zookeeper_path;

View File

@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ namespace
M(RestoreUDFCreationMode, create_function) \
M(Bool, allow_s3_native_copy) \
M(Bool, use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup) \
M(Bool, use_same_password_for_base_backup) \
M(Bool, restore_broken_parts_as_detached) \
M(Bool, internal) \
M(String, host_id) \

View File

@ -113,6 +113,9 @@ struct RestoreSettings
/// Whether base backup from S3 should inherit credentials from the RESTORE query.
bool use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup = false;
/// Whether base backup archive should be unlocked using the same password as the incremental archive
bool use_same_password_for_base_backup = false;
/// If it's true RESTORE won't stop on broken parts while restoring, instead they will be restored as detached parts
/// to the `detached` folder with names starting with `broken-from-backup'.
bool restore_broken_parts_as_detached = false;

View File

@ -222,10 +222,19 @@ void RestorerFromBackup::setStage(const String & new_stage, const String & messa
if (restore_coordination)
restore_coordination->setStage(new_stage, message);
if (new_stage == Stage::FINDING_TABLES_IN_BACKUP)
restore_coordination->waitForStage(new_stage, on_cluster_first_sync_timeout);
/// The initiator of a RESTORE ON CLUSTER query waits for other hosts to complete their work (see waitForStage(Stage::COMPLETED) in BackupsWorker::doRestore),
/// but other hosts shouldn't wait for each others' completion. (That's simply unnecessary and also
/// the initiator may start cleaning up (e.g. removing restore-coordination ZooKeeper nodes) once all other hosts are in Stage::COMPLETED.)
bool need_wait = (new_stage != Stage::COMPLETED);
if (need_wait)
if (new_stage == Stage::FINDING_TABLES_IN_BACKUP)
restore_coordination->waitForStage(new_stage, on_cluster_first_sync_timeout);

View File

@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ void registerBackupEngineAzureBlobStorage(BackupFactory & factory)
/* use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup*/ false);
/* use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup*/ false,
@ -164,7 +165,8 @@ void registerBackupEngineAzureBlobStorage(BackupFactory & factory)
/* use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup */ false);
/* use_same_s3_credentials_for_base_backup */ false,
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "AzureBlobStorage support is disabled");

View File

@ -120,7 +120,8 @@ void registerBackupEngineS3(BackupFactory & factory)
@ -144,7 +145,8 @@ void registerBackupEngineS3(BackupFactory & factory)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED, "S3 support is disabled");

View File

@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ void registerBackupEnginesFileAndDisk(BackupFactory & factory)
@ -197,7 +198,8 @@ void registerBackupEnginesFileAndDisk(BackupFactory & factory)

View File

@ -330,7 +330,38 @@ ColumnPtr ColumnAggregateFunction::filter(const Filter & filter, ssize_t result_
void ColumnAggregateFunction::expand(const Filter & mask, bool inverted)
expandDataByMask<char *>(data, mask, inverted);
Arena & arena = createOrGetArena();
if (mask.size() < data.size())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mask size should be no less than data size.");
ssize_t from = data.size() - 1;
ssize_t index = mask.size() - 1;
while (index >= 0)
if (!!mask[index] ^ inverted)
if (from < 0)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Too many bytes in mask");
/// Copy only if it makes sense.
if (index != from)
data[index] = data[from];
data[index] = arena.alignedAlloc(func->sizeOfData(), func->alignOfData());
if (from != -1)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Not enough bytes in mask");
ColumnPtr ColumnAggregateFunction::permute(const Permutation & perm, size_t limit) const

View File

@ -218,20 +218,27 @@ AsyncLoader::~AsyncLoader()
// All `LoadTask` objects should be destructed before AsyncLoader destruction because they hold a reference.
// To make sure we check for all pending jobs to be finished.
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
if (scheduled_jobs.empty() && finished_jobs.empty())
std::unique_lock lock{mutex};
if (!scheduled_jobs.empty() || !finished_jobs.empty())
std::vector<String> scheduled;
std::vector<String> finished;
for (const auto & [job, _] : scheduled_jobs)
for (const auto & job : finished_jobs)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Bug. Destruction with pending ({}) and finished ({}) load jobs.", fmt::join(scheduled, ", "), fmt::join(finished, ", "));
std::vector<String> scheduled;
std::vector<String> finished;
for (const auto & [job, _] : scheduled_jobs)
for (const auto & job : finished_jobs)
LOG_ERROR(log, "Bug. Destruction with pending ({}) and finished ({}) load jobs.", fmt::join(scheduled, ", "), fmt::join(finished, ", "));
// When all jobs are done we could still have finalizing workers.
// These workers could call updateCurrentPriorityAndSpawn() that scans all pools.
// We need to stop all of them before destructing any of them.
void AsyncLoader::start()

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ set (SRCS

View File

@ -138,9 +138,14 @@ static Node * getRootNode(Document * document)
return XMLUtils::getRootNode(document);
static size_t firstNonWhitespacePos(const std::string & s)
return s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r");
static bool allWhitespace(const std::string & s)
return s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r") == std::string::npos;
return firstNonWhitespacePos(s) == std::string::npos;
static void deleteAttributesRecursive(Node * root)
@ -622,6 +627,49 @@ ConfigProcessor::Files ConfigProcessor::getConfigMergeFiles(const std::string &
return files;
XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::parseConfig(const std::string & config_path)
fs::path p(config_path);
std::string extension = p.extension();
if (extension == ".xml")
return dom_parser.parse(config_path);
else if (extension == ".yaml" || extension == ".yml")
return YAMLParser::parse(config_path);
/// Suppose non regular file parsed as XML, such as pipe: /dev/fd/X (regardless it has .xml extension or not)
if (!fs::is_regular_file(config_path))
return dom_parser.parse(config_path);
/// If the regular file begins with < it might be XML, otherwise it might be YAML.
bool maybe_xml = false;
std::ifstream file(config_path);
if (!file.is_open())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG, "Unknown format of '{}' config", config_path);
std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line))
const size_t pos = firstNonWhitespacePos(line);
if (pos < line.size() && '<' == line[pos])
maybe_xml = true;
else if (pos != std::string::npos)
if (maybe_xml)
return dom_parser.parse(config_path);
return YAMLParser::parse(config_path);
XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::processConfig(
bool * has_zk_includes,
zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache * zk_node_cache,
@ -633,23 +681,7 @@ XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::processConfig(
if (fs::exists(path))
fs::path p(path);
std::string extension = p.extension();
if (extension == ".yaml" || extension == ".yml")
config = YAMLParser::parse(path);
else if (extension == ".xml" || extension == ".conf" || extension.empty())
config = dom_parser.parse(path);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIG, "Unknown format of '{}' config", path);
config = parseConfig(path);
@ -673,20 +705,7 @@ XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::processConfig(
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Merging configuration file '{}'.", merge_file);
XMLDocumentPtr with;
fs::path p(merge_file);
std::string extension = p.extension();
if (extension == ".yaml" || extension == ".yml")
with = YAMLParser::parse(merge_file);
with = dom_parser.parse(merge_file);
with = parseConfig(merge_file);
if (!merge(config, with))
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Merging bypassed - configuration file '{}' doesn't belong to configuration '{}' - merging root node name '{}' doesn't match '{}'",
@ -730,19 +749,7 @@ XMLDocumentPtr ConfigProcessor::processConfig(
LOG_DEBUG(log, "Including configuration file '{}'.", include_from_path);
fs::path p(include_from_path);
std::string extension = p.extension();
if (extension == ".yaml" || extension == ".yml")
include_from = YAMLParser::parse(include_from_path);
include_from = dom_parser.parse(include_from_path);
include_from = parseConfig(include_from_path);

View File

@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ public:
zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache * zk_node_cache = nullptr,
const zkutil::EventPtr & zk_changed_event = nullptr);
XMLDocumentPtr parseConfig(const std::string & config_path);
/// These configurations will be used if there is no configuration file.
static void registerEmbeddedConfig(std::string name, std::string_view content);

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ namespace DB
std::optional<std::string> getClientConfigPath(const std::string & home_path)
std::string config_path;
bool found = false;
std::vector<std::string> names;
@ -28,18 +27,10 @@ std::optional<std::string> getClientConfigPath(const std::string & home_path)
std::error_code ec;
if (fs::exists(config_path, ec))
found = true;
return config_path;
if (found)
if (found)
return config_path;
return std::nullopt;

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include <Common/Config/getLocalConfigPath.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <vector>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace DB
std::optional<std::string> getLocalConfigPath(const std::string & home_path)
std::string config_path;
std::vector<std::string> names;
if (!home_path.empty())
names.emplace_back(home_path + "/.clickhouse-local/config");
for (const auto & name : names)
for (const auto & extension : {".xml", ".yaml", ".yml"})
config_path = name + extension;
std::error_code ec;
if (fs::exists(config_path, ec))
return config_path;
return std::nullopt;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <optional>
namespace DB
/// Return path to existing configuration file.
std::optional<std::string> getLocalConfigPath(const std::string & home_path);

View File

@ -306,6 +306,8 @@
M(FilteringMarksWithPrimaryKey, "Number of threads currently doing filtering of mark ranges by the primary key") \
M(FilteringMarksWithSecondaryKeys, "Number of threads currently doing filtering of mark ranges by secondary keys") \
M(S3DiskNoKeyErrors, "The number of `NoSuchKey` errors that occur when reading data from S3 cloud storage through ClickHouse disks.") \

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Epoll::Epoll() : events_count(0)
epoll_fd = epoll_create1(0);
if (epoll_fd == -1)
throw DB::ErrnoException(DB::ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot open epoll descriptor");
throw ErrnoException(ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot open epoll descriptor");
Epoll::Epoll(Epoll && other) noexcept : epoll_fd(other.epoll_fd), events_count(other.events_count.load())
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void Epoll::add(int fd, void * ptr, uint32_t events)
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &event) == -1)
throw DB::ErrnoException(DB::ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot add new descriptor to epoll");
throw ErrnoException(ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot add new descriptor to epoll");
void Epoll::remove(int fd)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ void Epoll::remove(int fd)
if (epoll_ctl(epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, nullptr) == -1)
throw DB::ErrnoException(DB::ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot remove descriptor from epoll");
throw ErrnoException(ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Cannot remove descriptor from epoll");
size_t Epoll::getManyReady(int max_events, epoll_event * events_out, int timeout) const
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ size_t Epoll::getManyReady(int max_events, epoll_event * events_out, int timeout
throw DB::ErrnoException(DB::ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Error in epoll_wait");
throw ErrnoException(ErrorCodes::EPOLL_ERROR, "Error in epoll_wait");

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
#include <Common/ExponentiallySmoothedCounter.h>
#include <numbers>
namespace DB
@ -14,9 +12,10 @@ namespace DB
class EventRateMeter
explicit EventRateMeter(double now, double period_)
explicit EventRateMeter(double now, double period_, size_t heating_ = 0)
: period(period_)
, half_decay_time(period * std::numbers::ln2) // for `ExponentiallySmoothedAverage::sumWeights()` to be equal to `1/period`
, max_interval(period * 10)
, heating(heating_)
@ -29,16 +28,11 @@ public:
// Remove data for initial heating stage that can present at the beginning of a query.
// Otherwise it leads to wrong gradual increase of average value, turning algorithm into not very reactive.
if (count != 0.0 && ++data_points < 5)
start = events.time;
events = ExponentiallySmoothedAverage();
if (count != 0.0 && data_points++ <= heating)
reset(events.time, data_points);
if (now - period <= start) // precise counting mode
events = ExponentiallySmoothedAverage(events.value + count, now);
else // exponential smoothing mode
events.add(count, now, half_decay_time);
duration.add(std::min(max_interval, now - duration.time), now, period);
events.add(count, now, period);
/// Compute average event rate throughout `[now - period, now]` period.
@ -49,24 +43,26 @@ public:
add(now, 0);
if (unlikely(now <= start))
return 0;
if (now - period <= start) // precise counting mode
return events.value / (now - start);
else // exponential smoothing mode
return events.get(half_decay_time); // equals to `events.value / period`
// We do not use .get() because sum of weights will anyway be canceled out (optimization)
return events.value / duration.value;
void reset(double now)
void reset(double now, size_t data_points_ = 0)
start = now;
events = ExponentiallySmoothedAverage();
data_points = 0;
duration = ExponentiallySmoothedAverage();
data_points = data_points_;
const double period;
const double half_decay_time;
const double max_interval;
const size_t heating;
double start; // Instant in past without events before it; when measurement started or reset
ExponentiallySmoothedAverage events; // Estimated number of events in the last `period`
ExponentiallySmoothedAverage duration; // Current duration of a period
ExponentiallySmoothedAverage events; // Estimated number of events in last `duration` seconds
size_t data_points = 0;

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@ -253,18 +253,18 @@ void HostResolver::updateImpl(Poco::Timestamp now, std::vector<Poco::Net::IPAddr
for (auto & rec : merged)
for (auto & record : merged)
if (!rec.failed)
if (!record.failed || !record.consecutive_fail_count)
/// Exponential increased time for each consecutive fail
auto banned_until = now - Poco::Timespan(history.totalMicroseconds() * (1ull << (rec.consecutive_fail_count - 1)));
if (rec.fail_time < banned_until)
rec.failed = false;
/// Exponential increased time for each consecutive fail
auto banned_until = now - Poco::Timespan(history.totalMicroseconds() * (1ull << (record.consecutive_fail_count - 1)));
if (record.fail_time < banned_until)
record.failed = false;
chassert(std::is_sorted(merged.begin(), merged.end()));

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@ -3,10 +3,14 @@
#include "config.h"
# include <base/types.h>
# include <base/defines.h>
# include <rapidjson/document.h>
# include "ElementTypes.h"
/// Prevent stack overflow:
#define RAPIDJSON_PARSE_DEFAULT_FLAGS (kParseIterativeFlag)
#include <base/types.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include "ElementTypes.h"
namespace DB

View File

@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ public:
, re_gen(key_template)
DB::ObjectStorageKey generate(const String &, bool) const override { return DB::ObjectStorageKey::createAsAbsolute(re_gen.generate()); }
DB::ObjectStorageKey generate(const String &, bool /* is_directory */, const std::optional<String> & /* key_prefix */) const override
return DB::ObjectStorageKey::createAsAbsolute(re_gen.generate());
String key_template;
@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ public:
: key_prefix(std::move(key_prefix_))
DB::ObjectStorageKey generate(const String &, bool) const override
DB::ObjectStorageKey generate(const String &, bool /* is_directory */, const std::optional<String> & /* key_prefix */) const override
/// Path to store the new S3 object.
@ -60,7 +63,8 @@ public:
: key_prefix(std::move(key_prefix_))
DB::ObjectStorageKey generate(const String & path, bool) const override
generate(const String & path, bool /* is_directory */, const std::optional<String> & /* key_prefix */) const override
return DB::ObjectStorageKey::createAsRelative(key_prefix, path);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "ObjectStorageKey.h"
namespace DB
@ -11,7 +12,11 @@ class IObjectStorageKeysGenerator
virtual ~IObjectStorageKeysGenerator() = default;
virtual ObjectStorageKey generate(const String & path, bool is_directory) const = 0;
/// Generates an object storage key based on a path in the virtual filesystem.
/// @param path - Path in the virtual filesystem.
/// @param is_directory - If the path in the virtual filesystem corresponds to a directory.
/// @param key_prefix - Optional key prefix for the generated object storage key. If provided, this prefix will be added to the beginning of the generated key.
virtual ObjectStorageKey generate(const String & path, bool is_directory, const std::optional<String> & key_prefix) const = 0;
using ObjectStorageKeysGeneratorPtr = std::shared_ptr<IObjectStorageKeysGenerator>;

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@ -193,8 +193,10 @@
M(ReplicaPartialShutdown, "How many times Replicated table has to deinitialize its state due to session expiration in ZooKeeper. The state is reinitialized every time when ZooKeeper is available again.") \
M(SelectedParts, "Number of data parts selected to read from a MergeTree table.") \
M(SelectedPartsTotal, "Number of total data parts before selecting which ones to read from a MergeTree table.") \
M(SelectedRanges, "Number of (non-adjacent) ranges in all data parts selected to read from a MergeTree table.") \
M(SelectedMarks, "Number of marks (index granules) selected to read from a MergeTree table.") \
M(SelectedMarksTotal, "Number of total marks (index granules) before selecting which ones to read from a MergeTree table.") \
M(SelectedRows, "Number of rows SELECTed from all tables.") \
M(SelectedBytes, "Number of bytes (uncompressed; for columns as they stored in memory) SELECTed from all tables.") \
M(RowsReadByMainReader, "Number of rows read from MergeTree tables by the main reader (after PREWHERE step).") \

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@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ private:
bool write_progress_on_update = false;
EventRateMeter cpu_usage_meter{static_cast<double>(clock_gettime_ns()), 2'000'000'000 /*ns*/}; // average cpu utilization last 2 second
EventRateMeter cpu_usage_meter{static_cast<double>(clock_gettime_ns()), 2'000'000'000 /*ns*/, 4}; // average cpu utilization last 2 second, skip first 4 points
HostToTimesMap hosts_data;
/// In case of all of the above:
/// - clickhouse-local

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#include <Common/ErrorCodes.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/Priority.h>
#include <Common/EventRateMeter.h>
#include <Common/Stopwatch.h>
#include <base/defines.h>
#include <base/types.h>
@ -176,6 +178,14 @@ protected:
/// Postponed to be handled in scheduler thread, so it is intended to be called from outside.
void scheduleActivation();
/// Helper for introspection metrics
void incrementDequeued(ResourceCost cost)
dequeued_cost += cost;
throughput.add(static_cast<double>(clock_gettime_ns())/1e9, cost);
EventQueue * const event_queue;
String basename;
@ -189,6 +199,10 @@ public:
std::atomic<ResourceCost> dequeued_cost{0};
std::atomic<ResourceCost> canceled_cost{0};
std::atomic<UInt64> busy_periods{0};
/// Average dequeued_cost per second
/// WARNING: Should only be accessed from the scheduler thread, so that locking is not required
EventRateMeter throughput{static_cast<double>(clock_gettime_ns())/1e9, 2, 1};
using SchedulerNodePtr = std::shared_ptr<ISchedulerNode>;

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@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ public:
if (request)
dequeued_cost += request->cost;
return {request, heap_size > 0};

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@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ public:
if (requests.empty())
queue_cost -= result->cost;
dequeued_cost += result->cost;
return {result, !requests.empty()};

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@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ public:
if (request)
dequeued_cost += request->cost;
return {request, !items.empty()};

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@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ public:
child_active = child_now_active;
if (!active())
dequeued_cost += request->cost;
return {request, active()};

View File

@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ public:
child_active = child_now_active;
if (!active())
dequeued_cost += request->cost;
return {request, active()};

View File

@ -162,8 +162,7 @@ public:
if (request == nullptr) // Possible in case of request cancel, just retry
dequeued_cost += request->cost;
return {request, current != nullptr};

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void SystemLogQueue<LogElement>::push(LogElement&& element)
/// Memory can be allocated while resizing on queue.push_back.
/// The size of allocation can be in order of a few megabytes.
/// But this should not be accounted for query memory usage.
/// Otherwise the tests like 01017_uniqCombined_memory_usage.sql will be flacky.
/// Otherwise the tests like 01017_uniqCombined_memory_usage.sql will be flaky.
MemoryTrackerBlockerInThread temporarily_disable_memory_tracker;
/// Should not log messages under mutex.

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ TaskTracker::TaskTracker(ThreadPoolCallbackRunnerUnsafe<void> scheduler_, size_t
/// Tasks should be waited outside of dtor.
/// Important for WriteBufferFromS3/AzureBlobStorage, where TaskTracker is currently used.
chassert(finished_futures.empty() && futures.empty());
@ -170,4 +174,3 @@ bool TaskTracker::isAsync() const

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <Common/TimerDescriptor.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
#include <Common/Epoll.h>
#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
#include <sys/timerfd.h>
@ -75,10 +76,22 @@ void TimerDescriptor::drain() const
/// or since the last successful read(2), then the buffer given to read(2) returns an unsigned 8-byte integer (uint64_t)
/// containing the number of expirations that have occurred.
/// (The returned value is in host byte order—that is, the native byte order for integers on the host machine.)
/// Due to a bug in Linux Kernel, reading from timerfd in non-blocking mode can be still blocking.
/// Avoid it with polling.
Epoll epoll;
epoll_event event; = -1;
size_t ready_count = epoll.getManyReady(1, &event, 0);
if (!ready_count)
uint64_t buf;
while (true)
ssize_t res = ::read(timer_fd, &buf, sizeof(buf));
if (res < 0)
/// man timerfd_create:
@ -110,6 +123,9 @@ void TimerDescriptor::drain() const
throw ErrnoException(ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_FROM_SOCKET, "Cannot readlink for a timer_fd {}", timer_fd);
LOG_TRACE(log, "Received EINTR while trying to drain a TimerDescriptor, fd {}: {}", timer_fd, std::string_view(link_path, link_path_length));
/// Check that it's actually a timerfd.
chassert(std::string_view(link_path, link_path_length).contains("timerfd"));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <Common/EventRateMeter.h>
#include <cmath>
TEST(EventRateMeter, ExponentiallySmoothedAverage)
double target = 100.0;
// The test is only correct for timestep of 1 second because of
// how sum of weights is implemented inside `ExponentiallySmoothedAverage`
double time_step = 1.0;
for (double half_decay_time : { 0.1, 1.0, 10.0, 100.0})
DB::ExponentiallySmoothedAverage esa;
int steps = static_cast<int>(half_decay_time * 30 / time_step);
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; ++i)
esa.add(target * time_step, i * time_step, half_decay_time);
double measured = esa.get(half_decay_time);
ASSERT_LE(std::fabs(measured - target), 1e-5 * target);
TEST(EventRateMeter, ConstantRate)
double target = 100.0;
for (double period : {0.1, 1.0, 10.0})
for (double time_step : {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0})
DB::EventRateMeter erm(0.0, period);
int steps = static_cast<int>(period * 30 / time_step);
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; ++i)
erm.add(i * time_step, target * time_step);
double measured = erm.rate(steps * time_step);
// std::cout << "T=" << period << " dt=" << time_step << " measured=" << measured << std::endl;
ASSERT_LE(std::fabs(measured - target), 1e-5 * target);
TEST(EventRateMeter, PreciseStart)
double target = 100.0;
for (double period : {0.1, 1.0, 10.0})
for (double time_step : {0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0})
DB::EventRateMeter erm(0.0, period);
int steps = static_cast<int>(period / time_step);
for (int i = 1; i <= steps; ++i)
erm.add(i * time_step, target * time_step);
double measured = erm.rate(i * time_step);
// std::cout << "T=" << period << " dt=" << time_step << " measured=" << measured << std::endl;
ASSERT_LE(std::fabs(measured - target), 1e-5 * target);

View File

@ -936,6 +936,7 @@ class IColumn;
M(UInt64, parallel_replicas_min_number_of_rows_per_replica, 0, "Limit the number of replicas used in a query to (estimated rows to read / min_number_of_rows_per_replica). The max is still limited by 'max_parallel_replicas'", 0) \
M(Bool, parallel_replicas_prefer_local_join, true, "If true, and JOIN can be executed with parallel replicas algorithm, and all storages of right JOIN part are *MergeTree, local JOIN will be used instead of GLOBAL JOIN.", 0) \
M(UInt64, parallel_replicas_mark_segment_size, 128, "Parts virtually divided into segments to be distributed between replicas for parallel reading. This setting controls the size of these segments. Not recommended to change until you're absolutely sure in what you're doing", 0) \
M(Bool, allow_archive_path_syntax, true, "File/S3 engines/table function will parse paths with '::' as '<archive> :: <file>' if archive has correct extension", 0) \
M(Bool, allow_experimental_inverted_index, false, "If it is set to true, allow to use experimental inverted index.", 0) \
M(Bool, allow_experimental_full_text_index, false, "If it is set to true, allow to use experimental full-text index.", 0) \
@ -1126,6 +1127,7 @@ class IColumn;
M(Bool, input_format_json_throw_on_bad_escape_sequence, true, "Throw an exception if JSON string contains bad escape sequence in JSON input formats. If disabled, bad escape sequences will remain as is in the data", 0) \
M(Bool, input_format_json_ignore_unnecessary_fields, true, "Ignore unnecessary fields and not parse them. Enabling this may not throw exceptions on json strings of invalid format or with duplicated fields", 0) \
M(Bool, input_format_json_case_insensitive_column_matching, false, "Ignore case when matching JSON keys with CH columns", 0) \
M(UInt64, input_format_json_max_depth, 1000, "Maximum depth of a field in JSON. This is not a strict limit, it does not have to be applied precisely.", 0) \
M(Bool, input_format_try_infer_integers, true, "Try to infer integers instead of floats while schema inference in text formats", 0) \
M(Bool, input_format_try_infer_dates, true, "Try to infer dates from string fields while schema inference in text formats", 0) \
M(Bool, input_format_try_infer_datetimes, true, "Try to infer datetimes from string fields while schema inference in text formats", 0) \

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More