Replace clickhouse_grpc.proto in a test with symlink.

This commit is contained in:
Vitaly Baranov 2022-02-08 20:15:56 +07:00
parent 1341b4b4de
commit 77d9cddfec

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/* This file describes gRPC protocol supported in ClickHouse.
* To use this protocol a client should send one or more messages of the QueryInfo type
* and then receive one or more messages of the Result type.
* According to that the service provides four methods for that:
* ExecuteQuery(QueryInfo) returns (Result)
* ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput(stream QueryInfo) returns (Result)
* ExecuteQueryWithStreamOutput(QueryInfo) returns (stream Result)
* ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO(stream QueryInfo) returns (stream Result)
* It's up to the client to choose which method to use.
* For example, ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput() allows the client to add data multiple times
* while executing a query, which is suitable for inserting many rows.
syntax = "proto3";
package clickhouse.grpc;
message NameAndType {
string name = 1;
string type = 2;
// Describes an external table - a table which will exists only while a query is executing.
message ExternalTable {
// Name of the table. If omitted, "_data" is used.
string name = 1;
// Columns of the table. Types are required, names can be omitted. If the names are omitted, "_1", "_2", ... is used.
repeated NameAndType columns = 2;
// Data to insert to the external table.
// If a method with streaming input (i.e. ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput() or ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO()) is used,
// then data for insertion to the same external table can be split between multiple QueryInfos.
bytes data = 3;
// Format of the data to insert to the external table.
string format = 4;
// Settings for executing that insertion, applied after QueryInfo.settings.
map<string, string> settings = 5;
enum CompressionAlgorithm {
GZIP = 2;
enum CompressionLevel {
message Compression {
CompressionAlgorithm algorithm = 1;
CompressionLevel level = 2;
// Information about a query which a client sends to a ClickHouse server.
// The first QueryInfo can set any of the following fields. Extra QueryInfos only add extra data.
// In extra QueryInfos only `input_data`, `external_tables`, `next_query_info` and `cancel` fields can be set.
message QueryInfo {
string query = 1;
string query_id = 2;
map<string, string> settings = 3;
// Default database.
string database = 4;
// Input data, used both as data for INSERT query and as data for the input() function.
bytes input_data = 5;
// Delimiter for input_data, inserted between input_data from adjacent QueryInfos.
bytes input_data_delimiter = 6;
// Default output format. If not specified, 'TabSeparated' is used.
string output_format = 7;
repeated ExternalTable external_tables = 8;
string user_name = 9;
string password = 10;
string quota = 11;
// Works exactly like sessions in the HTTP protocol.
string session_id = 12;
bool session_check = 13;
uint32 session_timeout = 14;
// Set `cancel` to true to stop executing the query.
bool cancel = 15;
// If true there will be at least one more QueryInfo in the input stream.
// `next_query_info` is allowed to be set only if a method with streaming input (i.e. ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput() or ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO()) is used.
bool next_query_info = 16;
/// Controls how a ClickHouse server will compress query execution results before sending back to the client.
/// If not set the compression settings from the configuration file will be used.
Compression result_compression = 17;
enum LogsLevel {
message LogEntry {
uint32 time = 1;
uint32 time_microseconds = 2;
uint64 thread_id = 3;
string query_id = 4;
LogsLevel level = 5;
string source = 6;
string text = 7;
message Progress {
uint64 read_rows = 1;
uint64 read_bytes = 2;
uint64 total_rows_to_read = 3;
uint64 written_rows = 4;
uint64 written_bytes = 5;
message Stats {
uint64 rows = 1;
uint64 blocks = 2;
uint64 allocated_bytes = 3;
bool applied_limit = 4;
uint64 rows_before_limit = 5;
message Exception {
int32 code = 1;
string name = 2;
string display_text = 3;
string stack_trace = 4;
// Result of execution of a query which is sent back by the ClickHouse server to the client.
message Result {
// Output of the query, represented in the `output_format` or in a format specified in `query`.
bytes output = 1;
bytes totals = 2;
bytes extremes = 3;
repeated LogEntry logs = 4;
Progress progress = 5;
Stats stats = 6;
// Set by the ClickHouse server if there was an exception thrown while executing.
Exception exception = 7;
// Set by the ClickHouse server if executing was cancelled by the `cancel` field in QueryInfo.
bool cancelled = 8;
service ClickHouse {
rpc ExecuteQuery(QueryInfo) returns (Result) {}
rpc ExecuteQueryWithStreamInput(stream QueryInfo) returns (Result) {}
rpc ExecuteQueryWithStreamOutput(QueryInfo) returns (stream Result) {}
rpc ExecuteQueryWithStreamIO(stream QueryInfo) returns (stream Result) {}

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