(cherry picked from commit 158665e84f)
This commit is contained in:
nikitamikhaylov 2020-11-05 22:08:49 +03:00
parent 9177ba3c02
commit 88fec92921
5 changed files with 622 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionFactory.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionStudentTTest.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/FactoryHelpers.h>
#include "registerAggregateFunctions.h"
#include <AggregateFunctions/Helpers.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeAggregateFunction.h>
// the return type is boolean (we use UInt8 as we do not have boolean in clickhouse)
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
namespace DB
AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionStudentTTest(const std::string & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & parameters)
assertBinary(name, argument_types);
assertNoParameters(name, parameters);
AggregateFunctionPtr res;
if (isDecimal(argument_types[0]) || isDecimal(argument_types[1]))
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + name + " only supports numerical types", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
res.reset(createWithTwoNumericTypes<AggregateFunctionStudentTTest>(*argument_types[0], *argument_types[1], argument_types));
if (!res)
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + name + " only supports numerical types", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return res;
void registerAggregateFunctionStudentTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory & factory)
factory.registerFunction("studentTTest", createAggregateFunctionStudentTTest, AggregateFunctionFactory::CaseInsensitive);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
#pragma once
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnTuple.h>
#include <Common/assert_cast.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesDecimal.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
namespace DB
template <typename X = Float64, typename Y = Float64>
struct AggregateFunctionStudentTTestData final
size_t size_x = 0;
size_t size_y = 0;
X sum_x = static_cast<X>(0);
Y sum_y = static_cast<Y>(0);
X square_sum_x = static_cast<X>(0);
Y square_sum_y = static_cast<Y>(0);
Float64 mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(0);
Float64 mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(0);
void add(X x, Y y)
sum_x += x;
sum_y += y;
mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(sum_x) / size_x;
mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(sum_y) / size_y;
square_sum_x += x * x;
square_sum_y += y * y;
void merge(const AggregateFunctionStudentTTestData &other)
sum_x += other.sum_x;
sum_y += other.sum_y;
size_x += other.size_x;
size_y += other.size_y;
mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(sum_x) / size_x;
mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(sum_y) / size_y;
square_sum_x += other.square_sum_x;
square_sum_y += other.square_sum_y;
void serialize(WriteBuffer &buf) const
writeBinary(mean_x, buf);
writeBinary(mean_y, buf);
writeBinary(sum_x, buf);
writeBinary(sum_y, buf);
writeBinary(square_sum_x, buf);
writeBinary(square_sum_y, buf);
writeBinary(size_x, buf);
writeBinary(size_y, buf);
void deserialize(ReadBuffer &buf)
readBinary(mean_x, buf);
readBinary(mean_y, buf);
readBinary(sum_x, buf);
readBinary(sum_y, buf);
readBinary(square_sum_x, buf);
readBinary(square_sum_y, buf);
readBinary(size_x, buf);
readBinary(size_y, buf);
size_t getSizeY() const
return size_y;
size_t getSizeX() const
return size_x;
Float64 getSSquared() const
/// The original formulae looks like
/// \frac{\sum_{i = 1}^{n_x}{(x_i - \bar{x}) ^ 2} + \sum_{i = 1}^{n_y}{(y_i - \bar{y}) ^ 2}}{n_x + n_y - 2}
/// But we made some mathematical transformations not to store original sequences.
/// Also we dropped sqrt, because later it will be squared later.
const Float64 all_x = square_sum_x + size_x * std::pow(mean_x, 2) - 2 * mean_x * sum_x;
const Float64 all_y = square_sum_y + size_y * std::pow(mean_y, 2) - 2 * mean_y * sum_y;
return static_cast<Float64>(all_x + all_y) / (size_x + size_y - 2);
Float64 getTStatisticSquared() const
return std::pow(mean_x - mean_y, 2) / getStandartErrorSquared();
Float64 getTStatistic() const
return (mean_x - mean_y) / std::sqrt(getStandartErrorSquared());
Float64 getStandartErrorSquared() const
if (size_x == 0 || size_y == 0)
throw Exception("Division by zero encountered in Aggregate function StudentTTest", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
return getSSquared() * (1.0 / static_cast<Float64>(size_x) + 1.0 / static_cast<Float64>(size_y));
Float64 getDegreesOfFreedom() const
return static_cast<Float64>(size_x + size_y - 2);
static Float64 integrateSimpson(Float64 a, Float64 b, std::function<Float64(Float64)> func)
const size_t iterations = std::max(1e6, 1e4 * std::abs(std::round(b)));
const long double h = (b - a) / iterations;
Float64 sum_odds = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < iterations; i += 2)
sum_odds += func(a + i * h);
Float64 sum_evens = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 2; i < iterations; i += 2)
sum_evens += func(a + i * h);
return (func(a) + func(b) + 2 * sum_evens + 4 * sum_odds) * h / 3;
Float64 getPValue() const
const Float64 v = getDegreesOfFreedom();
const Float64 t = getTStatisticSquared();
auto f = [&v] (double x) { return std::pow(x, v/2 - 1) / std::sqrt(1 - x); };
Float64 numenator = integrateSimpson(0, v / (t + v), f);
Float64 denominator = std::exp(std::lgammal(v/2) + std::lgammal(0.5) - std::lgammal(v/2 + 0.5));
return numenator / denominator;
std::pair<Float64, Float64> getResult() const
return std::make_pair(getTStatistic(), getPValue());
/// Returns tuple of (t-statistic, p-value)
/// https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/9/1193/files/2016/01/05b-TandP.pdf
template <typename X = Float64, typename Y = Float64>
class AggregateFunctionStudentTTest :
public IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<AggregateFunctionStudentTTestData<X, Y>,AggregateFunctionStudentTTest<X, Y>>
AggregateFunctionStudentTTest(const DataTypes & arguments)
: IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<AggregateFunctionStudentTTestData<X, Y>, AggregateFunctionStudentTTest<X, Y>> ({arguments}, {})
String getName() const override
return "studentTTest";
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override
DataTypes types
Strings names
return std::make_shared<DataTypeTuple>(
void add(AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num, Arena *) const override
auto col_x = assert_cast<const ColumnVector<X> *>(columns[0]);
auto col_y = assert_cast<const ColumnVector<Y> *>(columns[1]);
X x = col_x->getData()[row_num];
Y y = col_y->getData()[row_num];
this->data(place).add(x, y);
void merge(AggregateDataPtr place, ConstAggregateDataPtr rhs, Arena *) const override
void serialize(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, WriteBuffer & buf) const override
void deserialize(AggregateDataPtr place, ReadBuffer & buf, Arena *) const override
void insertResultInto(AggregateDataPtr place, IColumn & to, Arena * /*arena*/) const override
size_t size_x = this->data(place).getSizeX();
size_t size_y = this->data(place).getSizeY();
if (size_x < 2 || size_y < 2)
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + getName() + " requires samples to be of size > 1", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
Float64 t_statistic = 0.0;
Float64 p_value = 0.0;
std::tie(t_statistic, p_value) = this->data(place).getResult();
/// Because p-value is a probability.
p_value = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, p_value));
auto & column_tuple = assert_cast<ColumnTuple &>(to);
auto & column_stat = assert_cast<ColumnVector<Float64> &>(column_tuple.getColumn(0));
auto & column_value = assert_cast<ColumnVector<Float64> &>(column_tuple.getColumn(1));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionFactory.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionWelchTTest.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/FactoryHelpers.h>
#include "registerAggregateFunctions.h"
#include <AggregateFunctions/Helpers.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeAggregateFunction.h>
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
namespace DB
AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionWelchTTest(const std::string & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & parameters)
assertBinary(name, argument_types);
assertNoParameters(name, parameters);
AggregateFunctionPtr res;
if (isDecimal(argument_types[0]) || isDecimal(argument_types[1]))
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + name + " only supports numerical types", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
res.reset(createWithTwoNumericTypes<AggregateFunctionWelchTTest>(*argument_types[0], *argument_types[1], argument_types));
if (!res)
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + name + " only supports numerical types", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
return res;
void registerAggregateFunctionWelchTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory & factory)
factory.registerFunction("welchTTest", createAggregateFunctionWelchTTest, AggregateFunctionFactory::CaseInsensitive);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
#pragma once
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnTuple.h>
#include <Common/assert_cast.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesDecimal.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeNullable.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypesNumber.h>
#include <DataTypes/DataTypeTuple.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <limits>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
namespace DB
template <typename X = Float64, typename Y = Float64>
struct AggregateFunctionWelchTTestData final
size_t size_x = 0;
size_t size_y = 0;
X sum_x = static_cast<X>(0);
Y sum_y = static_cast<Y>(0);
X square_sum_x = static_cast<X>(0);
Y square_sum_y = static_cast<Y>(0);
Float64 mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(0);
Float64 mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(0);
void add(X x, Y y)
sum_x += x;
sum_y += y;
mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(sum_x) / size_x;
mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(sum_y) / size_y;
square_sum_x += x * x;
square_sum_y += y * y;
void merge(const AggregateFunctionWelchTTestData &other)
sum_x += other.sum_x;
sum_y += other.sum_y;
size_x += other.size_x;
size_y += other.size_y;
mean_x = static_cast<Float64>(sum_x) / size_x;
mean_y = static_cast<Float64>(sum_y) / size_y;
square_sum_x += other.square_sum_x;
square_sum_y += other.square_sum_y;
void serialize(WriteBuffer &buf) const
writeBinary(mean_x, buf);
writeBinary(mean_y, buf);
writeBinary(sum_x, buf);
writeBinary(sum_y, buf);
writeBinary(square_sum_x, buf);
writeBinary(square_sum_y, buf);
writeBinary(size_x, buf);
writeBinary(size_y, buf);
void deserialize(ReadBuffer &buf)
readBinary(mean_x, buf);
readBinary(mean_y, buf);
readBinary(sum_x, buf);
readBinary(sum_y, buf);
readBinary(square_sum_x, buf);
readBinary(square_sum_y, buf);
readBinary(size_x, buf);
readBinary(size_y, buf);
size_t getSizeY() const
return size_y;
size_t getSizeX() const
return size_x;
Float64 getSxSquared() const
/// The original formulae looks like \frac{1}{size_x - 1} \sum_{i = 1}^{size_x}{(x_i - \bar{x}) ^ 2}
/// But we made some mathematical transformations not to store original sequences.
/// Also we dropped sqrt, because later it will be squared later.
return static_cast<Float64>(square_sum_x + size_x * std::pow(mean_x, 2) - 2 * mean_x * sum_x) / (size_x - 1);
Float64 getSySquared() const
/// The original formulae looks like \frac{1}{size_y - 1} \sum_{i = 1}^{size_y}{(y_i - \bar{y}) ^ 2}
/// But we made some mathematical transformations not to store original sequences.
/// Also we dropped sqrt, because later it will be squared later.
return static_cast<Float64>(square_sum_y + size_y * std::pow(mean_y, 2) - 2 * mean_y * sum_y) / (size_y - 1);
Float64 getTStatisticSquared() const
if (size_x == 0 || size_y == 0)
throw Exception("Division by zero encountered in Aggregate function WelchTTest", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
return std::pow(mean_x - mean_y, 2) / (getSxSquared() / size_x + getSySquared() / size_y);
Float64 getTStatistic() const
if (size_x == 0 || size_y == 0)
throw Exception("Division by zero encountered in Aggregate function WelchTTest", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
return (mean_x - mean_y) / std::sqrt(getSxSquared() / size_x + getSySquared() / size_y);
Float64 getDegreesOfFreedom() const
auto sx = getSxSquared();
auto sy = getSySquared();
Float64 numerator = std::pow(sx / size_x + sy / size_y, 2);
Float64 denominator_first = std::pow(sx, 2) / (std::pow(size_x, 2) * (size_x - 1));
Float64 denominator_second = std::pow(sy, 2) / (std::pow(size_y, 2) * (size_y - 1));
return numerator / (denominator_first + denominator_second);
static Float64 integrateSimpson(Float64 a, Float64 b, std::function<Float64(Float64)> func)
size_t iterations = std::max(1e6, 1e4 * std::abs(std::round(b)));
double h = (b - a) / iterations;
Float64 sum_odds = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < iterations; i += 2)
sum_odds += func(a + i * h);
Float64 sum_evens = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 2; i < iterations; i += 2)
sum_evens += func(a + i * h);
return (func(a) + func(b) + 2 * sum_evens + 4 * sum_odds) * h / 3;
Float64 getPValue() const
const Float64 v = getDegreesOfFreedom();
const Float64 t = getTStatisticSquared();
auto f = [&v] (double x) { return std::pow(x, v/2 - 1) / std::sqrt(1 - x); };
Float64 numenator = integrateSimpson(0, v / (t + v), f);
Float64 denominator = std::exp(std::lgammal(v/2) + std::lgammal(0.5) - std::lgammal(v/2 + 0.5));
return numenator / denominator;
std::pair<Float64, Float64> getResult() const
return std::make_pair(getTStatistic(), getPValue());
/// Returns tuple of (t-statistic, p-value)
/// https://cpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com/voices.uchicago.edu/dist/9/1193/files/2016/01/05b-TandP.pdf
template <typename X = Float64, typename Y = Float64>
class AggregateFunctionWelchTTest :
public IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<AggregateFunctionWelchTTestData<X, Y>,AggregateFunctionWelchTTest<X, Y>>
AggregateFunctionWelchTTest(const DataTypes & arguments)
: IAggregateFunctionDataHelper<AggregateFunctionWelchTTestData<X, Y>, AggregateFunctionWelchTTest<X, Y>> ({arguments}, {})
String getName() const override
return "welchTTest";
DataTypePtr getReturnType() const override
DataTypes types
Strings names
return std::make_shared<DataTypeTuple>(
void add(AggregateDataPtr place, const IColumn ** columns, size_t row_num, Arena *) const override
auto col_x = assert_cast<const ColumnVector<X> *>(columns[0]);
auto col_y = assert_cast<const ColumnVector<Y> *>(columns[1]);
X x = col_x->getData()[row_num];
Y y = col_y->getData()[row_num];
this->data(place).add(x, y);
void merge(AggregateDataPtr place, ConstAggregateDataPtr rhs, Arena *) const override
void serialize(ConstAggregateDataPtr place, WriteBuffer & buf) const override
void deserialize(AggregateDataPtr place, ReadBuffer & buf, Arena *) const override
void insertResultInto(AggregateDataPtr place, IColumn & to, Arena * /*arena*/) const override
size_t size_x = this->data(place).getSizeX();
size_t size_y = this->data(place).getSizeY();
if (size_x < 2 || size_y < 2)
throw Exception("Aggregate function " + getName() + " requires samples to be of size > 1", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
Float64 t_statistic = 0.0;
Float64 p_value = 0.0;
std::tie(t_statistic, p_value) = this->data(place).getResult();
/// Because p-value is a probability.
p_value = std::min(1.0, std::max(0.0, p_value));
auto & column_tuple = assert_cast<ColumnTuple &>(to);
auto & column_stat = assert_cast<ColumnVector<Float64> &>(column_tuple.getColumn(0));
auto & column_value = assert_cast<ColumnVector<Float64> &>(column_tuple.getColumn(1));

View File

@ -39,10 +39,10 @@ void registerAggregateFunctionSimpleLinearRegression(AggregateFunctionFactory &)
void registerAggregateFunctionMoving(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionCategoricalIV(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionAggThrow(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionWelchTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionStudentTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionRankCorrelation(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionMannWhitney(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionWelchTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
void registerAggregateFunctionStudentTTest(AggregateFunctionFactory &);
class AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory;
void registerAggregateFunctionCombinatorIf(AggregateFunctionCombinatorFactory &);
@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ void registerAggregateFunctions()