Fix error

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2024-01-20 08:59:29 +01:00
parent 639d7745d4
commit 8c54a09e66

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ CLICKHOUSE_CI_LOGS_CLUSTER=${CLICKHOUSE_CI_LOGS_CLUSTER:-system_logs_export}
EXTRA_COLUMNS=${EXTRA_COLUMNS:-"pull_request_number UInt32, commit_sha String, check_start_time DateTime('UTC'), check_name LowCardinality(String), instance_type LowCardinality(String), instance_id String, INDEX ix_pr (pull_request_number) TYPE set(100), INDEX ix_commit (commit_sha) TYPE set(100), INDEX ix_check_time (check_start_time) TYPE minmax, "}
EXTRA_COLUMNS_EXPRESSION=${EXTRA_COLUMNS_EXPRESSION:-"CAST(0 AS UInt32) AS pull_request_number, '' AS commit_sha, now() AS check_start_time, toLowCardinality('') AS check_name, toLowCardinality('') AS instance_type, '' AS instance_id"}
# trace_log needs more columns for symbolization
EXTRA_COLUMNS_TRACE_LOG="${EXTRA_COLUMNS} symbols Array(LowCardinality(String)), lines Array(LowCardinality(String)), "
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ function setup_logs_replication
# Create the destination table with adapted name and structure:
statement=$(clickhouse-client --format TSVRaw --query "SHOW CREATE TABLE system.${table}" | sed -r -e '
s/^ORDER BY \(?(.+?)\)?$/ORDER BY ('"$EXTRA_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS"', \1)/;
s/^ORDER BY (([^\(].+?)|\((.+?)\))$/ORDER BY ('"$EXTRA_ORDER_BY_COLUMNS"', \2\3)/;
s/^CREATE TABLE system\.\w+_log$/CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS '"$table"'_'"$hash"'/;
/^TTL /d