fix segfault in show create table

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Tokmakov 2020-06-10 15:53:12 +03:00
parent a93ae46ac1
commit 9166ddea41
3 changed files with 12 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ ASTPtr DatabaseMemory::getCreateTableQueryImpl(const String & table_name, const
std::lock_guard lock{mutex};
auto it = create_queries.find(table_name);
if (it == create_queries.end())
if (it == create_queries.end() || !it->second)
if (throw_on_error)
throw Exception("There is no metadata of table " + table_name + " in database " + database_name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE);

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ BlockInputStreamPtr InterpreterShowCreateQuery::executeImpl()
create_query = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabase(show_query->database)->getCreateDictionaryQuery(show_query->table);
if (!create_query && show_query && show_query->temporary)
if (!create_query)
throw Exception("Unable to show the create query of " + show_query->table + ". Maybe it was created by the system.", ErrorCodes::THERE_IS_NO_QUERY);
if (!context.getSettingsRef().show_table_uuid_in_table_create_query_if_not_nil)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
. $CURDIR/../
${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 30 -sSk "$url" --data "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_table AS SELECT number AS n FROM numbers(42)" > /dev/null;
@ -14,3 +15,11 @@ echo "SELECT * FROM $full_tmp_name" | ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 60 -sSgk $url -d @-
echo -ne '0\n1\n' | ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 30 -sSkF 'file=@-' "$url&file_format=CSV&file_types=UInt64&query=SELECT+sum((number+GLOBAL+IN+(SELECT+number+AS+n+FROM+remote('',+numbers(5))+WHERE+n+GLOBAL+IN+(SELECT+*+FROM+tmp_table)+AND+n+GLOBAL+NOT+IN+(SELECT+*+FROM+file)+))+AS+res),+sum(number*res)+FROM+remote('',+numbers(10))";
echo -ne '0\n1\n' | ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 30 -sSkF 'file=@-' "$url&file_format=CSV&file_types=UInt64&query=SELECT+sleepEachRow(3)+FROM+file" > /dev/null &
sleep 1
full_tmp_names=`echo "SELECT $name_expr FROM system.tables WHERE database='_temporary_and_external_tables' FORMAT TSV" | ${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 30 -sSgk $url_without_session -d @-`
for name in $full_tmp_names
${CLICKHOUSE_CURL} -m 30 -sSk "${url_without_session}query=SHOW+CREATE+TABLE+$name" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null