add 00002_log_and_exception_messages_formatting back

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Tokmakov 2023-02-08 12:28:02 +01:00
parent 8bdb1c3453
commit 9314c90b05
2 changed files with 79 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
runtime messages 0.001
runtime exceptions 0.05
messages shorter than 10 10
messages shorter than 16 40
exceptions shorter than 30 125
noisy messages 0.3
noisy Trace messages 0.16
noisy Debug messages 0.09
noisy Info messages 0.05
noisy Warning messages 0.01
noisy Error messages 0.02
no Fatal messages 0
number of too noisy messages 3
number of noisy messages 10
incorrect patterns 15

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
-- Tags: no-parallel, no-fasttest
-- no-parallel because we want to run this test when most of the other tests already passed
-- If this test fails, see the "Top patterns of log messages" diagnostics in the end of run.log
system flush logs;
drop table if exists logs;
create view logs as select * from system.text_log where now() - toIntervalMinute(120) < event_time;
-- Check that we don't have too many messages formatted with fmt::runtime or strings concatenation.
-- 0.001 threshold should be always enough, the value was about 0.00025
select 'runtime messages', max2(coalesce(sum(length(message_format_string) = 0) / countOrNull(), 0), 0.001) from logs;
-- Check the same for exceptions. The value was 0.03
select 'runtime exceptions', max2(coalesce(sum(length(message_format_string) = 0) / countOrNull(), 0), 0.05) from logs where message like '%DB::Exception%';
-- Check that we don't have too many short meaningless message patterns.
select 'messages shorter than 10', max2(countDistinctOrDefault(message_format_string), 10) from logs where length(message_format_string) < 10;
-- Same as above. Feel free to update the threshold or remove this query if really necessary
select 'messages shorter than 16', max2(countDistinctOrDefault(message_format_string), 40) from logs where length(message_format_string) < 16;
-- Same as above, but exceptions must be more informative. Feel free to update the threshold or remove this query if really necessary
select 'exceptions shorter than 30', max2(countDistinctOrDefault(message_format_string), 125) from logs where length(message_format_string) < 30 and message ilike '%DB::Exception%';
-- Avoid too noisy messages: top 1 message frequency must be less than 30%. We should reduce the threshold
select 'noisy messages', max2((select count() from logs group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.30);
-- Same as above, but excluding Test level (actually finds top 1 Trace message)
with ('Access granted: {}{}', '{} -> {}') as frequent_in_tests
select 'noisy Trace messages', max2((select count() from logs where level!='Test' and message_format_string not in frequent_in_tests
group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.16);
-- Same as above for Debug
select 'noisy Debug messages', max2((select count() from logs where level <= 'Debug' group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.09);
-- Same as above for Info
select 'noisy Info messages', max2((select count() from logs where level <= 'Information' group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.05);
-- Same as above for Warning
with ('Not enabled four letter command {}') as frequent_in_tests
select 'noisy Warning messages', max2((select countOrDefault() from logs where level = 'Warning' and message_format_string not in frequent_in_tests
group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.01);
-- Same as above for Error
select 'noisy Error messages', max2((select countOrDefault() from logs where level = 'Error' group by message_format_string order by count() desc limit 1) / (select count() from logs), 0.02);
select 'no Fatal messages', count() from logs where level = 'Fatal';
-- Avoid too noisy messages: limit the number of messages with high frequency
select 'number of too noisy messages', max2(count(), 3) from (select count() / (select count() from logs) as freq, message_format_string from logs group by message_format_string having freq > 0.10);
select 'number of noisy messages', max2(count(), 10) from (select count() / (select count() from logs) as freq, message_format_string from logs group by message_format_string having freq > 0.05);
-- Each message matches its pattern (returns 0 rows)
-- FIXME maybe we should make it stricter ('Code:%Exception: '||s||'%'), but it's not easy because of addMessage
select 'incorrect patterns', max2(countDistinct(message_format_string), 15) from (
select message_format_string, any(message) as any_message from logs
where message not like (replaceRegexpAll(message_format_string, '{[:.0-9dfx]*}', '%') as s)
and message not like ('%Exception: '||s||'%') group by message_format_string
) where any_message not like '%Poco::Exception%';
drop table logs;