support quantileExactWeightedInterpolated

This commit is contained in:
taiyang-li 2024-09-16 13:56:43 +08:00
parent 09f22920d9
commit a2f9329e18
2 changed files with 214 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -312,6 +312,9 @@ struct NameQuantilesExactInclusive { static constexpr auto name = "quantilesExac
struct NameQuantileExactWeighted { static constexpr auto name = "quantileExactWeighted"; };
struct NameQuantilesExactWeighted { static constexpr auto name = "quantilesExactWeighted"; };
struct NameQuantileExactWeightedInterpolated { static constexpr auto name = "quantileExactWeightedInterpolated"; };
struct NameQuantilesExactWeightedInterpolated { static constexpr auto name = "quantilesExactWeightedInterpolated"; };
struct NameQuantileInterpolatedWeighted { static constexpr auto name = "quantileInterpolatedWeighted"; };
struct NameQuantilesInterpolatedWeighted { static constexpr auto name = "quantilesInterpolatedWeighted"; };

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace
* It uses O(distinct(N)) memory. Can be naturally applied for values with weight.
* In case of many identical values, it can be more efficient than QuantileExact even when weight is not used.
template <typename Value>
template <typename Value, bool interpolated>
struct QuantileExactWeighted
struct Int128Hash
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
/// When creating, the hash table must be small.
using Map = HashMapWithStackMemory<UnderlyingType, Weight, Hasher, 4>;
using Pair = typename Map::value_type;
Map map;
@ -85,6 +86,42 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
/// Get the value of the `level` quantile. The level must be between 0 and 1.
Value get(Float64 level) const
if constexpr (interpolated)
return getInterpolatedImpl(level);
return getImpl(level);
/// Get the `size` values of `levels` quantiles. Write `size` results starting with `result` address.
/// indices - an array of index levels such that the corresponding elements will go in ascending order.
void getMany(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Value * result) const
if constexpr (interpolated)
getManyInterpolatedImpl(levels, indices, num_levels, result);
getManyImpl(levels, indices, num_levels, result);
Float64 getFloat(Float64 level) const
if constexpr (interpolated)
return getFloatInterpolatedImpl(level);
return getFloatImpl(level);
void getManyFloat(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Float64 * result) const
if constexpr (interpolated)
getManyFloatInterpolatedImpl(levels, indices, num_levels, result);
getManyFloatImpl(levels, indices, num_levels, result);
/// get implementation without interpolation
Value getImpl(Float64 level) const
size_t size = map.size();
@ -92,7 +129,6 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
return std::numeric_limits<Value>::quiet_NaN();
/// Copy the data to a temporary array to get the element you need in order.
using Pair = typename Map::value_type;
std::unique_ptr<Pair[]> array_holder(new Pair[size]);
Pair * array = array_holder.get();
@ -135,9 +171,8 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
return it->first;
/// Get the `size` values of `levels` quantiles. Write `size` results starting with `result` address.
/// indices - an array of index levels such that the corresponding elements will go in ascending order.
void getMany(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Value * result) const
/// getMany implementation without interpolation
void getManyImpl(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Value * result) const
size_t size = map.size();
@ -149,7 +184,6 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
/// Copy the data to a temporary array to get the element you need in order.
using Pair = typename Map::value_type;
std::unique_ptr<Pair[]> array_holder(new Pair[size]);
Pair * array = array_holder.get();
@ -197,23 +231,167 @@ struct QuantileExactWeighted
/// The same, but in the case of an empty state, NaN is returned.
Float64 getFloat(Float64) const
/// getFloat implementation without interpolation
Float64 getFloatImpl(Float64) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Method getFloat is not implemented for QuantileExact");
void getManyFloat(const Float64 *, const size_t *, size_t, Float64 *) const
/// getManyFloat implementation without interpolation
void getManyFloatImpl(const Float64 *, const size_t *, size_t, Float64 *) const
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Method getManyFloat is not implemented for QuantileExact");
/// get implementation with interpolation
Value getInterpolatedImpl(Float64 level) const
size_t size = map.size();
if (0 == size)
return std::numeric_limits<Value>::quiet_NaN();
Float64 res = getFloatInterpolatedImpl(level);
if constexpr (is_decimal<Value>)
return Value(static_cast<typename Value::NativeType>(res));
return static_cast<Value>(res);
/// getMany implementation with interpolation
void getManyInterpolatedImpl(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Value * result) const
size_t size = map.size();
if (0 == size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_levels; ++i)
result[i] = Value();
std::unique_ptr<Float64 []> res_holder(new Float64[num_levels]);
Float64 * res = res_holder.get();
getManyFloatInterpolatedImpl(levels, indices, num_levels, res);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_levels; ++i)
if constexpr (is_decimal<Value>)
result[i] = Value(static_cast<typename Value::NativeType>(res[i]));
result[i] = Value(res[i]);
/// getFloat implementation with interpolation
Float64 getFloatInterpolatedImpl(Float64 level) const
size_t size = map.size();
if (0 == size)
return std::numeric_limits<Float64>::quiet_NaN();
/// Copy the data to a temporary array to get the element you need in order.
std::unique_ptr<Pair[]> array_holder(new Pair[size]);
Pair * array = array_holder.get();
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto & pair : map)
array[i] = pair.getValue();
::sort(array, array + size, [](const Pair & a, const Pair & b) { return a.first < b.first; });
std::partial_sum(array, array + size, array, [](const Pair & acc, const Pair & p) { return Pair(p.first, acc.second + p.second); });
Weight max_position = array[size - 1].second - 1;
Float64 position = max_position * level;
return quantileInterpolated(array, size, position);
/// getManyFloat implementation with interpolation
void getManyFloatInterpolatedImpl(const Float64 * levels, const size_t * indices, size_t num_levels, Float64 * result) const
size_t size = map.size();
if (0 == size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_levels; ++i)
result[i] = std::numeric_limits<Float64>::quiet_NaN();
/// Copy the data to a temporary array to get the element you need in order.
std::unique_ptr<Pair[]> array_holder(new Pair[size]);
Pair * array = array_holder.get();
size_t i = 0;
for (const auto & pair : map)
array[i] = pair.getValue();
::sort(array, array + size, [](const Pair & a, const Pair & b) { return a.first < b.first; });
std::partial_sum(array, array + size, array, [](Pair acc, Pair & p) { return Pair(p.first, acc.second + p.second); });
Weight max_position = array[size - 1].second - 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_levels; ++j)
Float64 position = max_position * levels[indices[j]];
result[indices[j]] = quantileInterpolated(array, size, position);
/// Calculate quantile, using linear interpolation between two closest values
Float64 NO_SANITIZE_UNDEFINED quantileInterpolated(const Pair * array, size_t size, Float64 position) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
std::cout << "array[" << i << "]: " << toString(Field(array[i].first)) << ", " << array[i].second << std::endl;
std::cout << "position: " << position << std::endl;
size_t lower = static_cast<size_t>(std::floor(position));
size_t higher = static_cast<size_t>(std::ceil(position));
// std::cout << "lower: " << lower << ", higher: " << higher << std::endl;
const auto * lower_it = std::lower_bound(array, array + size, lower + 1, [](const Pair & a, size_t b) { return a.second < b; });
const auto * higher_it = std::lower_bound(array, array + size, higher + 1, [](const Pair & a, size_t b) { return a.second < b; });
if (lower_it == array + size)
lower_it = array + size - 1;
if (higher_it == array + size)
higher_it = array + size - 1;
// std::cout << "lower_index:" << lower_it - array << ", higher_index:" << higher_it - array << std::endl;
UnderlyingType lower_key = lower_it->first;
UnderlyingType higher_key = higher_it->first;
if (lower == higher)
return static_cast<Float64>(lower_key);
if (lower_key == higher_key)
return static_cast<Float64>(lower_key);
return (static_cast<Float64>(higher) - position) * lower_key + (position - static_cast<Float64>(lower)) * higher_key;
template <typename Value, bool _> using FuncQuantileExactWeighted = AggregateFunctionQuantile<Value, QuantileExactWeighted<Value>, NameQuantileExactWeighted, true, void, false, false>;
template <typename Value, bool _> using FuncQuantilesExactWeighted = AggregateFunctionQuantile<Value, QuantileExactWeighted<Value>, NameQuantilesExactWeighted, true, void, true, false>;
template <typename Value, bool return_float, bool interpolated>
using FuncQuantileExactWeighted = AggregateFunctionQuantile<
QuantileExactWeighted<Value, interpolated>,
std::conditional_t<return_float, Float64, void>,
template <typename Value, bool return_float, bool interpolated>
using FuncQuantilesExactWeighted = AggregateFunctionQuantile<
QuantileExactWeighted<Value, interpolated>,
std::conditional_t<return_float, Float64, void>,
template <template <typename, bool> class Function>
template <template <typename, bool, bool> class Function, bool interpolated>
AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionQuantile(
const std::string & name, const DataTypes & argument_types, const Array & params, const Settings *)
@ -224,22 +402,23 @@ AggregateFunctionPtr createAggregateFunctionQuantile(
WhichDataType which(argument_type);
#define DISPATCH(TYPE) \
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::TYPE) return std::make_shared<Function<TYPE, true>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::TYPE) \
return std::make_shared<Function<TYPE, interpolated, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Date) return std::make_shared<Function<DataTypeDate::FieldType, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::DateTime) return std::make_shared<Function<DataTypeDateTime::FieldType, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Date) return std::make_shared<Function<DataTypeDate::FieldType, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::DateTime) return std::make_shared<Function<DataTypeDateTime::FieldType, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal32) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal32, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal64) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal64, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal128) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal128, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal256) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal256, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::DateTime64) return std::make_shared<Function<DateTime64, false>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal32) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal32, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal64) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal64, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal128) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal128, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Decimal256) return std::make_shared<Function<Decimal256, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::DateTime64) return std::make_shared<Function<DateTime64, false, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Int128) return std::make_shared<Function<Int128, true>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::UInt128) return std::make_shared<Function<UInt128, true>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Int256) return std::make_shared<Function<Int256, true>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::UInt256) return std::make_shared<Function<UInt256, true>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Int128) return std::make_shared<Function<Int128, interpolated, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::UInt128) return std::make_shared<Function<UInt128, interpolated, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::Int256) return std::make_shared<Function<Int256, interpolated, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
if (which.idx == TypeIndex::UInt256) return std::make_shared<Function<UInt256, interpolated, interpolated>>(argument_types, params);
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_TYPE_OF_ARGUMENT, "Illegal type {} of argument for aggregate function {}",
argument_type->getName(), name);
@ -252,11 +431,17 @@ void registerAggregateFunctionsQuantileExactWeighted(AggregateFunctionFactory &
/// For aggregate functions returning array we cannot return NULL on empty set.
AggregateFunctionProperties properties = { .returns_default_when_only_null = true };
factory.registerFunction(NameQuantileExactWeighted::name, createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantileExactWeighted>);
factory.registerFunction(NameQuantilesExactWeighted::name, { createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantilesExactWeighted>, properties });
factory.registerFunction(NameQuantileExactWeighted::name, createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantileExactWeighted, false>);
NameQuantilesExactWeighted::name, {createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantilesExactWeighted, false>, properties});
factory.registerFunction(NameQuantileExactWeightedInterpolated::name, createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantileExactWeighted, true>);
NameQuantilesExactWeightedInterpolated::name, {createAggregateFunctionQuantile<FuncQuantilesExactWeighted, true>, properties});
/// 'median' is an alias for 'quantile'
factory.registerAlias("medianExactWeighted", NameQuantileExactWeighted::name);
factory.registerAlias("medianExactWeightedInterpolated", NameQuantileExactWeightedInterpolated::name);