Standardize formatting of multisearchFirstPositionXYZ functions

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Blargian 2024-03-28 20:52:55 +01:00
parent ef826ee881
commit a97a3196b4

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@ -278,16 +278,138 @@ SELECT multiSearchAllPositionsCaseInsensitiveUTF8('\x43\x6c\x69\x63\x6b\x48\x6f\
## multiSearchFirstPosition
## multiSearchFirstPosition {#multiSearchFirstPosition}
Like `position` but returns the leftmost offset in a `haystack` string which matches any of multiple `needle` strings.
Functions `multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive`, `multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8` and `multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8` provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
Functions [`multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive`](#multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive), [`multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8`](#multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8) and [`multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8`](#multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8) provide case-insensitive and/or UTF-8 variants of this function.
multiSearchFirstPosition(haystack, \[needle<sub>1</sub>, needle<sub>2</sub>, …, needle<sub>n</sub>\])
multiSearchFirstPosition(haystack, [needle1, needle2, ..., needleN])
- `haystack` — String in which the search is performed. [String](../../sql-reference/
- `needle` — Substrings to be searched. [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/
**Returned value**
- Leftmost offset in a `haystack` string which matches any of multiple `needle` strings.
- 0, if there was no match.
SELECT multiSearchFirstPosition('Hello World',['llo', 'Wor', 'ld']);
## multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive
Like [`multiSearchFirstPosition`](#multiSearchFirstPosition) but ignores case.
multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive(haystack, [needle1, needle2, ..., needleN])
- `haystack` — String in which the search is performed. [String](../../sql-reference/
- `needle` — Array of substrings to be searched. [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/
**Returned value**
- Leftmost offset in a `haystack` string which matches any of multiple `needle` strings.
- 0, if there was no match.
SELECT multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitive('HELLO WORLD',['wor', 'ld', 'ello']);
## multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8 {#multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8}
Like [`multiSearchFirstPosition`](#multiSearchFirstPosition) but assumes `haystack` and `needle` to be UTF-8 strings.
multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8(haystack, [needle1, needle2, ..., needleN])
- `haystack` — UTF-8 string in which the search is performed. [String](../../sql-reference/
- `needle` — Array of UTF-8 substrings to be searched. [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/
**Returned value**
- Leftmost offset in a `haystack` string which matches any of multiple `needle` strings.
- 0, if there was no match.
Find the leftmost offset in UTF-8 string `hello world` which matches any of the given needles.
SELECT multiSearchFirstPositionUTF8('\x68\x65\x6c\x6c\x6f\x20\x77\x6f\x72\x6c\x64',['wor', 'ld', 'ello']);
## multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8 {#multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8}
Like [`multiSearchFirstPosition`](#multiSearchFirstPosition) but assumes `haystack` and `needle` to be UTF-8 strings and ignores case.
multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8(haystack, [needle1, needle2, ..., needleN])
- `haystack` — UTF-8 string in which the search is performed. [String](../../sql-reference/
- `needle` — Array of UTF-8 substrings to be searched. [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/
**Returned value**
- Leftmost offset in a `haystack` string which matches any of multiple `needle` strings, ignoring case.
- 0, if there was no match.
Find the leftmost offset in UTF-8 string `HELLO WORLD` which matches any of the given needles.
SELECT multiSearchFirstPositionCaseInsensitiveUTF8('\x48\x45\x4c\x4c\x4f\x20\x57\x4f\x52\x4c\x44',['wor', 'ld', 'ello']);
## multiSearchFirstIndex