Formats processorss.

This commit is contained in:
Nikolai Kochetov 2019-02-19 21:41:18 +03:00
parent e658aff315
commit aba56e171c
75 changed files with 7497 additions and 196 deletions

View File

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ add_headers_and_sources(dbms src/Formats)
add_headers_and_sources(dbms src/Processors)
add_headers_and_sources(dbms src/Processors/Executors)
add_headers_and_sources(dbms src/Processors/Formats)
add_headers_and_sources(dbms src/Processors/Formats/Impl)
add_headers_only(dbms src/Server)
list (APPEND clickhouse_common_io_sources ${CONFIG_BUILD})

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <DataStreams/MaterializingBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
namespace DB
@ -26,15 +27,16 @@ const FormatFactory::Creators & FormatFactory::getCreators(const String & name)
throw Exception("Unknown format " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FORMAT);
BlockInputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getInput(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context, UInt64 max_block_size) const
const FormatFactory::ProcessorCreators & FormatFactory::getProcessorCreators(const String & name) const
const auto & input_getter = getCreators(name).first;
if (!input_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for input", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_INPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
auto it = processors_dict.find(name);
if (processors_dict.end() != it)
return it->second;
throw Exception("Unknown format " + name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FORMAT);
static FormatSettings getInputFormatSetting(const Settings & settings)
FormatSettings format_settings;
format_settings.csv.delimiter = settings.format_csv_delimiter;
format_settings.csv.allow_single_quotes = settings.format_csv_allow_single_quotes;
@ -46,18 +48,11 @@ BlockInputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getInput(const String & name, ReadBuffer & bu
format_settings.input_allow_errors_num = settings.input_format_allow_errors_num;
format_settings.input_allow_errors_ratio = settings.input_format_allow_errors_ratio;
return input_getter(buf, sample, context, max_block_size, format_settings);
return format_settings;
BlockOutputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getOutput(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context) const
static FormatSettings getOutputFormatSetting(const Settings & settings)
const auto & output_getter = getCreators(name).second;
if (!output_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for output", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_OUTPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
FormatSettings format_settings;
format_settings.json.quote_64bit_integers = settings.output_format_json_quote_64bit_integers;
format_settings.json.quote_denormals = settings.output_format_json_quote_denormals;
@ -70,6 +65,32 @@ BlockOutputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getOutput(const String & name, WriteBuffer &
format_settings.pretty.color = settings.output_format_pretty_color;
format_settings.write_statistics = settings.output_format_write_statistics;
return format_settings;
BlockInputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getInput(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context, UInt64 max_block_size) const
const auto & input_getter = getCreators(name).first;
if (!input_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for input", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_INPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
FormatSettings format_settings = getInputFormatSetting(settings);
return input_getter(buf, sample, context, max_block_size, format_settings);
BlockOutputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getOutput(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context) const
const auto & output_getter = getCreators(name).second;
if (!output_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for output", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_OUTPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
FormatSettings format_settings = getOutputFormatSetting(settings);
/** Materialization is needed, because formats can use the functions `IDataType`,
* which only work with full columns.
@ -78,12 +99,46 @@ BlockOutputStreamPtr FormatFactory::getOutput(const String & name, WriteBuffer &
InputFormatPtr FormatFactory::getInputFormat(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context, UInt64 max_block_size) const
const auto & input_getter = getProcessorCreators(name).first;
if (!input_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for input", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_INPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
FormatSettings format_settings = getInputFormatSetting(settings);
RowInputFormatParams params;
params.max_block_size = max_block_size;
params.allow_errors_num = format_settings.input_allow_errors_num;
params.allow_errors_ratio = format_settings.input_allow_errors_ratio;
return input_getter(buf, sample, context, params, format_settings);
OutputFormatPtr FormatFactory::getOutputFormat(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context) const
const auto & output_getter = getProcessorCreators(name).second;
if (!output_getter)
throw Exception("Format " + name + " is not suitable for output", ErrorCodes::FORMAT_IS_NOT_SUITABLE_FOR_OUTPUT);
const Settings & settings = context.getSettingsRef();
FormatSettings format_settings = getOutputFormatSetting(settings);
/** TODO: Materialization is needed, because formats can use the functions `IDataType`,
* which only work with full columns.
return output_getter(buf, sample, context, format_settings);
void FormatFactory::registerInputFormat(const String & name, InputCreator input_creator)
auto & target = dict[name].first;
if (target)
throw Exception("FormatFactory: Input format " + name + " is already registered", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
target = input_creator;
target = std::move(input_creator);
void FormatFactory::registerOutputFormat(const String & name, OutputCreator output_creator)
@ -91,7 +146,23 @@ void FormatFactory::registerOutputFormat(const String & name, OutputCreator outp
auto & target = dict[name].second;
if (target)
throw Exception("FormatFactory: Output format " + name + " is already registered", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
target = output_creator;
target = std::move(output_creator);
void FormatFactory::registerInputFormatProcessor(const String & name, InputProcessorCreator input_creator)
auto & target = processors_dict[name].first;
if (target)
throw Exception("FormatFactory: Input format " + name + " is already registered", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
target = std::move(input_creator);
void FormatFactory::registerOutputFormatProcessor(const String & name, OutputProcessorCreator output_creator)
auto & target = processors_dict[name].second;
if (target)
throw Exception("FormatFactory: Output format " + name + " is already registered", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
target = std::move(output_creator);
@ -113,6 +184,22 @@ void registerInputFormatJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProtobuf(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorNative(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorNative(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorRowBinary(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorRowBinary(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorTabSeparated(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorTabSeparated(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorValues(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorValues(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorCSV(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorCSV(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorTSKV(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorTSKV(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorProtobuf(FormatFactory & factory);
/// Output only (presentational) formats.
void registerOutputFormatPretty(FormatFactory & factory);
@ -126,9 +213,21 @@ void registerOutputFormatODBCDriver(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatODBCDriver2(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatNull(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPretty(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPrettyCompact(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPrettySpace(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorVertical(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorJSON(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorJSONCompact(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorXML(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorODBCDriver(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorODBCDriver2(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorNull(FormatFactory & factory);
/// Input only formats.
void registerInputFormatCapnProto(FormatFactory & factory);
void registerInputFormatProcessorCapnProto(FormatFactory & factory);
@ -150,6 +249,23 @@ FormatFactory::FormatFactory()
@ -160,6 +276,17 @@ FormatFactory::FormatFactory()

View File

@ -23,6 +23,14 @@ class IBlockOutputStream;
using BlockInputStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr<IBlockInputStream>;
using BlockOutputStreamPtr = std::shared_ptr<IBlockOutputStream>;
class IInputFormat;
class IOutputFormat;
class RowInputFormatParams;
using InputFormatPtr = std::shared_ptr<IInputFormat>;
using OutputFormatPtr = std::shared_ptr<IOutputFormat>;
/** Allows to create an IBlockInputStream or IBlockOutputStream by the name of the format.
* Note: format and compression are independent things.
@ -43,9 +51,24 @@ private:
const Context & context,
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
using InputProcessorCreator = std::function<InputFormatPtr(
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & header,
const Context & context,
const RowInputFormatParams & params,
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
using OutputProcessorCreator = std::function<OutputFormatPtr(
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context & context,
const FormatSettings & settings)>;
using Creators = std::pair<InputCreator, OutputCreator>;
using ProcessorCreators = std::pair<InputProcessorCreator, OutputProcessorCreator>;
using FormatsDictionary = std::unordered_map<String, Creators>;
using FormatProcessorsDictionary = std::unordered_map<String, ProcessorCreators>;
BlockInputStreamPtr getInput(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf,
@ -54,10 +77,19 @@ public:
BlockOutputStreamPtr getOutput(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample, const Context & context) const;
InputFormatPtr getInputFormat(const String & name, ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample, const Context & context, UInt64 max_block_size) const;
OutputFormatPtr getOutputFormat(const String & name, WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample, const Context & context) const;
/// Register format by its name.
void registerInputFormat(const String & name, InputCreator input_creator);
void registerOutputFormat(const String & name, OutputCreator output_creator);
void registerInputFormatProcessor(const String & name, InputProcessorCreator input_creator);
void registerOutputFormatProcessor(const String & name, OutputProcessorCreator output_creator);
const FormatsDictionary & getAllFormats() const
return dict;
@ -65,11 +97,13 @@ public:
FormatsDictionary dict;
FormatProcessorsDictionary processors_dict;
friend class ext::singleton<FormatFactory>;
const Creators & getCreators(const String & name) const;
const ProcessorCreators & getProcessorCreators(const String & name) const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#include <Processors/Chunk.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
Chunk::Chunk(DB::Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_) : columns(std::move(columns_)), num_rows(num_rows_)
Chunk::Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_)
: columns(std::move(columns_)), num_rows(num_rows_), chunk_info(std::move(chunk_info_))
static Columns unmuteColumns(MutableColumns && mut_columns)
Columns columns;
for (auto & col : mut_columns)
return columns;
Chunk::Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
: columns(unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_))), num_rows(num_rows_)
Chunk::Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_)
: columns(unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_))), num_rows(num_rows_), chunk_info(std::move(chunk_info_))
Chunk::Chunk(Chunk && other) noexcept
: columns(std::move(other.columns))
, num_rows(other.num_rows)
, chunk_info(std::move(other.chunk_info))
other.num_rows = 0;
Chunk & Chunk::operator=(Chunk && other) noexcept
columns = std::move(other.columns);
chunk_info = std::move(other.chunk_info);
num_rows = other.num_rows;
other.num_rows = 0;
return *this;
void Chunk::setColumns(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
columns = std::move(columns_);
num_rows = num_rows_;
void Chunk::setColumns(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
columns = unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_));
num_rows = num_rows_;
void Chunk::checkNumRowsIsConsistent()
for (auto & column : columns)
if (column->size() != num_rows)
throw Exception("Invalid number of rows in Chunk column " + column->getName()+ ": expected " +
toString(num_rows) + ", got " + toString(column->size()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
MutableColumns Chunk::mutateColumns()
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
MutableColumns mut_columns(num_columns);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
mut_columns[i] = (*std::move(columns[i])).mutate();
num_rows = 0;
return mut_columns;
Columns Chunk::detachColumns()
num_rows = 0;
return std::move(columns);
void Chunk::clear()
num_rows = 0;
void ChunkMissingValues::setBit(size_t column_idx, size_t row_idx)
RowsBitMask & mask = rows_mask_by_column_id[column_idx];
mask.resize(row_idx + 1);
mask[row_idx] = true;
const ChunkMissingValues::RowsBitMask & ChunkMissingValues::getDefaultsBitmask(size_t column_idx) const
static RowsBitMask none;
auto it = rows_mask_by_column_id.find(column_idx);
if (it != rows_mask_by_column_id.end())
return it->second;
return none;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#pragma once
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
namespace DB
class ChunkInfo
virtual ~ChunkInfo() = default;
using ChunkInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ChunkInfo>;
class Chunk
Chunk() = default;
Chunk(const Chunk & other) = default;
Chunk(Chunk && other) noexcept;
Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_);
Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_);
Chunk & operator=(const Chunk & other) = default;
Chunk & operator=(Chunk && other) noexcept;
const Columns & getColumns() const { return columns; }
void setColumns(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
void setColumns(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Columns detachColumns();
MutableColumns mutateColumns();
const ChunkInfoPtr & getChunkInfo() const { return chunk_info; }
void setChunkInfo(ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_) { chunk_info = std::move(chunk_info_); }
UInt64 getNumRows() const { return num_rows; }
UInt64 getNumColumns() const { return columns.size(); }
bool empty() const { return num_rows == 0; }
operator bool() const { return !empty() || !columns.empty(); }
void clear();
Columns columns;
UInt64 num_rows = 0;
ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info;
void checkNumRowsIsConsistent();
using Chunks = std::vector<Chunk>;
/// Block extension to support delayed defaults. AddingDefaultsProcessor uses it to replace missing values with column defaults.
class ChunkMissingValues : public ChunkInfo
using RowsBitMask = std::vector<bool>; /// a bit per row for a column
const RowsBitMask & getDefaultsBitmask(size_t column_idx) const;
void setBit(size_t column_idx, size_t row_idx);
bool empty() const { return rows_mask_by_column_id.empty(); }
size_t size() const { return rows_mask_by_column_id.size(); }
void clear() { rows_mask_by_column_id.clear(); }
using RowsMaskByColumnId = std::unordered_map<size_t, RowsBitMask>;
/// If rows_mask_by_column_id[column_id][row_id] is true related value in Block should be replaced with column default.
/// It could contain less columns and rows then related block.
RowsMaskByColumnId rows_mask_by_column_id;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class ReadBuffer;
class IInputFormat : public ISource
/// Skip GCC warning: maybe_unused attribute ignored
#pragma GCC diagnostic push

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
namespace DB
@ -35,11 +36,23 @@ IOutputFormat::Status IOutputFormat::prepare()
return Status::Ready;
finished = true;
if (!finalized)
return Status::Ready;
return Status::Finished;
void IOutputFormat::work()
if (finished && !finalized)
finalized = true;
switch (current_block_kind)
case Main:
@ -56,5 +69,10 @@ void IOutputFormat::work()
has_input = false;
void IOutputFormat::flush()

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <Processors/IProcessor.h>
#include <IO/Progress.h>
namespace DB
@ -27,12 +28,15 @@ protected:
WriteBuffer & out;
Chunk current_chunk;
PortKind current_block_kind;
PortKind current_block_kind = PortKind::Main;
bool has_input = false;
bool finished = false;
bool finalized = false;
virtual void consume(Chunk) = 0;
virtual void consumeTotals(Chunk) {}
virtual void consumeExtremes(Chunk) {}
virtual void finalize() {}
IOutputFormat(Block header, WriteBuffer & out);
@ -40,14 +44,19 @@ public:
Status prepare() override;
void work() override;
void flush();
/// Flush output buffers if any.
virtual void flush();
/** Content-Type to set when sending HTTP response.
/// Value for rows_before_limit_at_least field.
virtual void setRowsBeforeLimit(size_t /*rows_before_limit*/) {}
/// Notify about progress. Method could be called from different threads.
/// Passed value are delta, that must be summarized.
virtual void onProgress(const Progress & /*progress*/) {}
/// Content-Type to set when sending HTTP response.
virtual std::string getContentType() const { return "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"; }
/// TODO onProgress, rows_before_limit_at_least
InputPort & getPort(PortKind kind) { return inputs[kind]; }

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_UUID;
extern const int TOO_LARGE_STRING_SIZE;
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ Chunk IRowInputFormat::generate()
MutableColumns columns = header.cloneEmptyColumns();
size_t prev_rows = total_rows;
ChunkMissingValues chunk_missing_values;
for (size_t rows = 0; rows < params.max_block_size; ++rows)
@ -49,8 +52,21 @@ Chunk IRowInputFormat::generate()
if (!readRow(columns))
RowReadExtension info;
if (!readRow(columns, info))
for (size_t column_idx = 0; column_idx < info.read_columns.size(); ++column_idx)
if (!info.read_columns[column_idx])
size_t column_size = columns[column_idx]->size();
if (column_size == 0)
throw Exception("Unexpected empty column", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS);
chunk_missing_values.setBit(column_idx, column_size - 1);
catch (Exception & e)
@ -122,9 +138,14 @@ Chunk IRowInputFormat::generate()
return {};
Chunk chunk;
chunk.setColumns(std::move(columns), total_rows - prev_rows);
Chunk chunk(std::move(columns), total_rows - prev_rows);
chunk.setChunkInfo(std::make_unique<const ChunkMissingValues>(std::move(chunk_missing_values)));
return chunk;
void IRowInputFormat::syncAfterError()
throw Exception("Method syncAfterError is not implemented for input format", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);

View File

@ -8,25 +8,34 @@
namespace DB
/** Row oriented input format: reads data row by row.
/// Contains extra information about read data.
struct RowReadExtension
/// output. It contains non zero for columns that actually read from the source and zero otherwise.
/// It's used to attach defaults for partially filled rows.
std::vector<UInt8> read_columns;
/// Common parameters for generating blocks.
struct RowInputFormatParams
size_t max_block_size;
UInt64 allow_errors_num;
Float64 allow_errors_ratio;
///Row oriented input format: reads data row by row.
class IRowInputFormat : public IInputFormat
/// Common parameters for generating blocks.
struct Params
size_t max_block_size;
UInt64 allow_errors_num;
Float64 allow_errors_ratio;
using Params = RowInputFormatParams;
Block header,
ReadBuffer & in,
Params params)
: IInputFormat(header, in), params(std::move(params))
: IInputFormat(std::move(header), in), params(params)
@ -36,7 +45,7 @@ protected:
/** Read next row and append it to the columns.
* If no more rows - return false.
virtual bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns) = 0;
virtual bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension & extra) = 0;
virtual void readPrefix() {}; /// delimiter before begin of result
virtual void readSuffix() {}; /// delimiter after end of result

View File

@ -1,10 +1,68 @@
#include <string>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
void IRowOutputFormat::consume(DB::Chunk chunk)
auto num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
for (UInt64 row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row)
if (!first_row)
first_row = false;
write(columns, row);
void IRowOutputFormat::consumeTotals(DB::Chunk chunk)
auto num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
if (num_rows != 1)
throw Exception("Got " + toString(num_rows) + " in totals chunk, expected 1", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
writeTotals(columns, 0);
void IRowOutputFormat::consumeExtremes(DB::Chunk chunk)
auto num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
if (num_rows != 2)
throw Exception("Got " + toString(num_rows) + " in extremes chunk, expected 2", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
writeMinExtreme(columns, 0);
writeMaxExtreme(columns, 1);
void IRowOutputFormat::finalize()
void IRowOutputFormat::write(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
@ -22,6 +80,21 @@ void IRowOutputFormat::write(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
void IRowOutputFormat::writeMinExtreme(const DB::Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
write(columns, row_num);
void IRowOutputFormat::writeMaxExtreme(const DB::Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
write(columns, row_num);
void IRowOutputFormat::writeTotals(const DB::Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
write(columns, row_num);

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ protected:
void consume(Chunk chunk) override;
void consumeTotals(Chunk chunk) override;
void consumeExtremes(Chunk chunk) override;
void finalize() override;
IRowOutputFormat(Block header, WriteBuffer & out)
@ -31,21 +32,47 @@ public:
* (except delimiter between rows (writeRowBetweenDelimiter())).
virtual void write(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
virtual void writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
virtual void writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
virtual void writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
/** Write single value. */
virtual void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) = 0;
/** Write delimiter. */
virtual void writeFieldDelimiter() {}; /// delimiter between values
virtual void writeRowStartDelimiter() {}; /// delimiter before each row
virtual void writeRowEndDelimiter() {}; /// delimiter after each row
virtual void writeRowBetweenDelimiter() {}; /// delimiter between rows
virtual void writePrefix() {}; /// delimiter before resultset
virtual void writeSuffix() {}; /// delimiter after resultset
virtual void writeBeforeTotals() {};
virtual void writeAfterTotals() {};
virtual void writeBeforeExtremes() {};
virtual void writeAfterExtremes() {};
virtual void writeFieldDelimiter() {} /// delimiter between values
virtual void writeRowStartDelimiter() {} /// delimiter before each row
virtual void writeRowEndDelimiter() {} /// delimiter after each row
virtual void writeRowBetweenDelimiter() {} /// delimiter between rows
virtual void writePrefix() {} /// delimiter before resultset
virtual void writeSuffix() {} /// delimiter after resultset
virtual void writeBeforeTotals() {}
virtual void writeAfterTotals() {}
virtual void writeBeforeExtremes() {}
virtual void writeAfterExtremes() {}
virtual void writeLastSuffix() {} /// Write something after resultset, totals end extremes.
bool first_row = true;
bool prefix_written = false;
bool suffix_written = false;
void writePrefixIfNot()
if (!prefix_written)
prefix_written = true;
void writeSuffixIfNot()
if (!suffix_written)
suffix_written = true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include <IO/ReadBuffer.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/BinaryRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
BinaryRowInputFormat::BinaryRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, bool with_names_, bool with_types_)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), with_names(with_names_), with_types(with_types_)
bool BinaryRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &)
if (in.eof())
return false;
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
getPort().getHeader().getByPosition(i).type->deserializeBinary(*columns[i], in);
return true;
void BinaryRowInputFormat::readPrefix()
/// NOTE The header is completely ignored. This can be easily improved.
UInt64 columns = 0;
String tmp;
if (with_names || with_types)
readVarUInt(columns, in);
if (with_names)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
readStringBinary(tmp, in);
if (with_types)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
readStringBinary(tmp, in);
void registerInputFormatProcessorRowBinary(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("RowBinary", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const IRowInputFormat::Params & params,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<BinaryRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, false, false);
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const IRowInputFormat::Params & params,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<BinaryRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, true, true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class ReadBuffer;
/** A stream for inputting data in a binary line-by-line format.
class BinaryRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
BinaryRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, bool with_names_, bool with_types_);
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
void readPrefix() override;
String getName() const override { return "BinaryRowInputFormat"; }
bool with_names;
bool with_types;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <DataTypes/IDataType.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/BinaryRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
BinaryRowOutputFormat::BinaryRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names_, bool with_types_)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), with_names(with_names_), with_types(with_types_)
void BinaryRowOutputFormat::writePrefix()
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = header.columns();
if (with_names || with_types)
writeVarUInt(columns, out);
if (with_names)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
writeStringBinary(header.safeGetByPosition(i).name, out);
if (with_types)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
writeStringBinary(header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName(), out);
void BinaryRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
type.serializeBinary(column, row_num, out);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorRowBinary(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("RowBinary", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<BinaryRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, false, false);
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("RowBinaryWithNamesAndTypes", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<BinaryRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, true, true);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#pragma once
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
namespace DB
class IColumn;
class IDataType;
class WriteBuffer;
/** A stream for outputting data in a binary line-by-line format.
class BinaryRowOutputFormat: public IRowOutputFormat
BinaryRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names_, bool with_types_);
String getName() const override { return "BinaryRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writePrefix() override;
void flush() override;
String getContentType() const override { return "application/octet-stream"; }
bool with_names;
bool with_types;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
add_subdirectory (tests)
endif ()

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@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/Operators.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/verbosePrintString.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/CSVRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INCORRECT_DATA;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, bool with_names_, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), with_names(with_names_), format_settings(format_settings)
auto & sample = getPort().getHeader();
size_t num_columns = sample.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
data_types[i] = sample.safeGetByPosition(i).type;
static void skipEndOfLine(ReadBuffer & istr)
/// \n (Unix) or \r\n (DOS/Windows) or \n\r (Mac OS Classic)
if (*istr.position() == '\n')
if (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() == '\r')
else if (*istr.position() == '\r')
if (!istr.eof() && *istr.position() == '\n')
throw Exception("Cannot parse CSV format: found \\r (CR) not followed by \\n (LF)."
" Line must end by \\n (LF) or \\r\\n (CR LF) or \\n\\r.", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
else if (!istr.eof())
throw Exception("Expected end of line", ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
static void skipDelimiter(ReadBuffer & istr, const char delimiter, bool is_last_column)
if (is_last_column)
if (istr.eof())
/// we support the extra delimiter at the end of the line
if (*istr.position() == delimiter)
if (istr.eof())
assertChar(delimiter, istr);
/// Skip `whitespace` symbols allowed in CSV.
static inline void skipWhitespacesAndTabs(ReadBuffer & buf)
while (!buf.eof()
&& (*buf.position() == ' '
|| *buf.position() == '\t'))
static void skipRow(ReadBuffer & istr, const FormatSettings::CSV & settings, size_t num_columns)
String tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
readCSVString(tmp, istr, settings);
skipDelimiter(istr, settings.delimiter, i + 1 == num_columns);
void CSVRowInputFormat::readPrefix()
/// In this format, we assume, that if first string field contain BOM as value, it will be written in quotes,
/// so BOM at beginning of stream cannot be confused with BOM in first string value, and it is safe to skip it.
size_t num_columns = data_types.size();
String tmp;
if (with_names)
skipRow(in, format_settings.csv, num_columns);
bool CSVRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &)
if (in.eof())
return false;
size_t size = data_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
data_types[i]->deserializeAsTextCSV(*columns[i], in, format_settings);
skipDelimiter(in, format_settings.csv.delimiter, i + 1 == size);
return true;
String CSVRowInputFormat::getDiagnosticInfo()
if (in.eof()) /// Buffer has gone, cannot extract information about what has been parsed.
return {};
WriteBufferFromOwnString out;
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
MutableColumns columns = header.cloneEmptyColumns();
/// It is possible to display detailed diagnostics only if the last and next to last rows are still in the read buffer.
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer = in.count() - in.offset();
if (bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer != bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row)
out << "Could not print diagnostic info because two last rows aren't in buffer (rare case)\n";
return out.str();
size_t max_length_of_column_name = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < header.columns(); ++i)
if (header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size() > max_length_of_column_name)
max_length_of_column_name = header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size();
size_t max_length_of_data_type_name = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < header.columns(); ++i)
if (header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName().size() > max_length_of_data_type_name)
max_length_of_data_type_name = header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName().size();
/// Roll back the cursor to the beginning of the previous or current row and parse all over again. But now we derive detailed information.
if (pos_of_prev_row)
in.position() = pos_of_prev_row;
out << "\nRow " << (row_num - 1) << ":\n";
if (!parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(columns, out, max_length_of_column_name, max_length_of_data_type_name))
return out.str();
if (!pos_of_current_row)
out << "Could not print diagnostic info because parsing of data hasn't started.\n";
return out.str();
in.position() = pos_of_current_row;
out << "\nRow " << row_num << ":\n";
parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(columns, out, max_length_of_column_name, max_length_of_data_type_name);
out << "\n";
return out.str();
bool CSVRowInputFormat::parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(MutableColumns & columns,
WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name)
const char delimiter = format_settings.csv.delimiter;
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
size_t size = data_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (i == 0 && in.eof())
out << "<End of stream>\n";
return false;
out << "Column " << i << ", " << std::string((i < 10 ? 2 : i < 100 ? 1 : 0), ' ')
<< "name: " << header.safeGetByPosition(i).name << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_column_name - header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size(), ' ')
<< "type: " << data_types[i]->getName() << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_data_type_name - data_types[i]->getName().size(), ' ');
BufferBase::Position prev_position = in.position();
BufferBase::Position curr_position = in.position();
std::exception_ptr exception;
prev_position = in.position();
data_types[i]->deserializeAsTextCSV(*columns[i], in, format_settings);
curr_position = in.position();
catch (...)
exception = std::current_exception();
if (curr_position < prev_position)
throw Exception("Logical error: parsing is non-deterministic.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (isNumber(data_types[i]) || isDateOrDateTime(data_types[i]))
/// An empty string instead of a value.
if (curr_position == prev_position)
out << "ERROR: text ";
verbosePrintString(prev_position, std::min(prev_position + 10, in.buffer().end()), out);
out << " is not like " << data_types[i]->getName() << "\n";
return false;
out << "parsed text: ";
verbosePrintString(prev_position, curr_position, out);
if (exception)
if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
out << "ERROR\n";
return false;
out << "\n";
if (data_types[i]->haveMaximumSizeOfValue())
if (*curr_position != '\n' && *curr_position != '\r' && *curr_position != delimiter)
out << "ERROR: garbage after " << data_types[i]->getName() << ": ";
verbosePrintString(curr_position, std::min(curr_position + 10, in.buffer().end()), out);
out << "\n";
if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
return false;
/// Delimiters
if (i + 1 == size)
if (in.eof())
return false;
/// we support the extra delimiter at the end of the line
if (*in.position() == delimiter)
if (in.eof())
if (!in.eof() && *in.position() != '\n' && *in.position() != '\r')
out << "ERROR: There is no line feed. ";
verbosePrintString(in.position(), in.position() + 1, out);
out << " found instead.\n"
" It's like your file has more columns than expected.\n"
"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unquoted string value with comma.\n";
return false;
assertChar(delimiter, in);
catch (const DB::Exception &)
if (*in.position() == '\n' || *in.position() == '\r')
out << "ERROR: Line feed found where delimiter (" << delimiter << ") is expected."
" It's like your file has less columns than expected.\n"
"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped quotes in values.\n";
out << "ERROR: There is no delimiter (" << delimiter << "). ";
verbosePrintString(in.position(), in.position() + 1, out);
out << " found instead.\n";
return false;
return true;
void CSVRowInputFormat::syncAfterError()
void CSVRowInputFormat::updateDiagnosticInfo()
bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row = bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row;
bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row = in.count() - in.offset();
pos_of_prev_row = pos_of_current_row;
pos_of_current_row = in.position();
void registerInputFormatProcessorCSV(FormatFactory & factory)
for (bool with_names : {false, true})
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor(with_names ? "CSVWithNames" : "CSV", [=](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<CSVRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, with_names, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
class ReadBuffer;
/** A stream for inputting data in csv format.
* Does not conform with because it skips spaces and tabs between values.
class CSVRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
/** with_names - in the first line the header with column names
* with_types - on the next line header with type names
CSVRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, bool with_names, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "CSVRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
void readPrefix() override;
bool allowSyncAfterError() const override { return true; }
void syncAfterError() override;
std::string getDiagnosticInfo() override;
bool with_names;
DataTypes data_types;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
/// For convenient diagnostics in case of an error.
size_t row_num = 0;
/// How many bytes were read, not counting those that are still in the buffer.
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row = 0;
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row = 0;
char * pos_of_current_row = nullptr;
char * pos_of_prev_row = nullptr;
void updateDiagnosticInfo();
bool parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(MutableColumns & columns,
WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/CSVRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
CSVRowOutputFormat::CSVRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names_, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), with_names(with_names_), format_settings(format_settings)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = sample.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
data_types[i] = sample.safeGetByPosition(i).type;
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writePrefix()
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = sample.columns();
if (with_names)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
writeCSVString(sample.safeGetByPosition(i).name, out);
char delimiter = format_settings.csv.delimiter;
if (i + 1 == columns)
delimiter = '\n';
writeChar(delimiter, out);
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
type.serializeAsTextCSV(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeChar(format_settings.csv.delimiter, out);
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar('\n', out);
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeChar('\n', out);
void CSVRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeExtremes()
writeChar('\n', out);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorCSV(FormatFactory & factory)
for (bool with_names : {false, true})
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor(with_names ? "CSVWithNames" : "CSV", [=](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<CSVRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, with_names, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** The stream for outputting data in csv format.
* Does not conform with because it uses LF, not CR LF.
class CSVRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
/** with_names - output in the first line a header with column names
* with_types - output in the next line header with the names of the types
CSVRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names_, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "CSVRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writePrefix() override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeBeforeExtremes() override;
String getContentType() const override
return String("text/csv; charset=UTF-8; header=") + (with_names ? "present" : "absent");
bool with_names;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
DataTypes data_types;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
#include <Common/config.h>
#include <IO/ReadBuffer.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/CapnProtoRowInputFormat.h> // Y_IGNORE
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/FormatSchemaInfo.h>
#include <capnp/serialize.h> // Y_IGNORE
#include <capnp/dynamic.h> // Y_IGNORE
#include <capnp/common.h> // Y_IGNORE
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/range/join.hpp>
#include <common/logger_useful.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD;
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int THERE_IS_NO_COLUMN;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
CapnProtoRowInputFormat::NestedField split(const Block & header, size_t i)
CapnProtoRowInputFormat::NestedField field = {{}, i};
// Remove leading dot in field definition, e.g. ".msg" -> "msg"
String name(header.safeGetByPosition(i).name);
if (!name.empty() && name[0] == '.')
name.erase(0, 1);
boost::split(field.tokens, name, boost::is_any_of("._"));
return field;
Field convertNodeToField(const capnp::DynamicValue::Reader & value)
switch (value.getType())
case capnp::DynamicValue::UNKNOWN:
throw Exception("Unknown field type", ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD);
case capnp::DynamicValue::VOID:
return Field();
case capnp::DynamicValue::BOOL:
return<bool>() ? 1u : 0u;
case capnp::DynamicValue::INT:
case capnp::DynamicValue::UINT:
case capnp::DynamicValue::FLOAT:
case capnp::DynamicValue::TEXT:
auto arr =<capnp::Text>();
return String(arr.begin(), arr.size());
case capnp::DynamicValue::DATA:
auto arr =<capnp::Data>().asChars();
return String(arr.begin(), arr.size());
case capnp::DynamicValue::LIST:
auto listValue =<capnp::DynamicList>();
Array res(listValue.size());
for (auto i : kj::indices(listValue))
res[i] = convertNodeToField(listValue[i]);
return res;
case capnp::DynamicValue::ENUM:
case capnp::DynamicValue::STRUCT:
auto structValue =<capnp::DynamicStruct>();
const auto & fields = structValue.getSchema().getFields();
Field field = Tuple(TupleBackend(fields.size()));
TupleBackend & tuple = get<Tuple &>(field).toUnderType();
for (auto i : kj::indices(fields))
tuple[i] = convertNodeToField(structValue.get(fields[i]));
return field;
case capnp::DynamicValue::CAPABILITY:
throw Exception("CAPABILITY type not supported", ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD);
case capnp::DynamicValue::ANY_POINTER:
throw Exception("ANY_POINTER type not supported", ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD);
return Field();
capnp::StructSchema::Field getFieldOrThrow(capnp::StructSchema node, const std::string & field)
KJ_IF_MAYBE(child, node.findFieldByName(field))
return *child;
throw Exception("Field " + field + " doesn't exist in schema " + node.getShortDisplayName().cStr(), ErrorCodes::THERE_IS_NO_COLUMN);
void CapnProtoRowInputFormat::createActions(const NestedFieldList & sorted_fields, capnp::StructSchema reader)
/// Columns in a table can map to fields in Cap'n'Proto or to structs.
/// Store common parents and their tokens in order to backtrack.
std::vector<capnp::StructSchema::Field> parents;
std::vector<std::string> parent_tokens;
capnp::StructSchema cur_reader = reader;
for (const auto & field : sorted_fields)
if (field.tokens.empty())
throw Exception("Logical error in CapnProtoRowInputFormat", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
// Backtrack to common parent
while (field.tokens.size() < parent_tokens.size() + 1
|| !std::equal(parent_tokens.begin(), parent_tokens.end(), field.tokens.begin()))
if (parents.empty())
cur_reader = reader;
cur_reader = parents.back().getType().asStruct();
// Go forward
while (parent_tokens.size() + 1 < field.tokens.size())
const auto & token = field.tokens[parents.size()];
auto node = getFieldOrThrow(cur_reader, token);
if (node.getType().isStruct())
// Descend to field structure
cur_reader = node.getType().asStruct();
actions.push_back({Action::PUSH, node});
else if (node.getType().isList())
break; // Collect list
throw Exception("Field " + token + " is neither Struct nor List", ErrorCodes::BAD_TYPE_OF_FIELD);
// Read field from the structure
auto node = getFieldOrThrow(cur_reader, field.tokens[parents.size()]);
if (node.getType().isList() && !actions.empty() && actions.back().field == node)
// The field list here flattens Nested elements into multiple arrays
// In order to map Nested types in Cap'nProto back, they need to be collected
// Since the field names are sorted, the order of field positions must be preserved
// For example, if the fields are { b @0 :Text, a @1 :Text }, the `a` would come first
// even though it's position is second.
auto & columns = actions.back().columns;
auto it = std::upper_bound(columns.cbegin(), columns.cend(), field.pos);
columns.insert(it, field.pos);
actions.push_back({Action::READ, node, {field.pos}});
CapnProtoRowInputFormat::CapnProtoRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSchemaInfo & info)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), parser(std::make_shared<SchemaParser>())
// Parse the schema and fetch the root object
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
auto schema = parser->impl.parseDiskFile(info.schemaPath(), info.absoluteSchemaPath(), {});
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
root = schema.getNested(info.messageName()).asStruct();
* The schema typically consists of fields in various nested structures.
* Here we gather the list of fields and sort them in a way so that fields in the same structure are adjacent,
* and the nesting level doesn't decrease to make traversal easier.
auto & sample = getPort().getHeader();
NestedFieldList list;
size_t num_columns = sample.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
list.push_back(split(sample, i));
// Order list first by value of strings then by length of string vector.
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [](const NestedField & a, const NestedField & b) { return a.tokens < b.tokens; });
createActions(list, root);
bool CapnProtoRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &)
if (in.eof())
return false;
// Read from underlying buffer directly
auto buf = in.buffer();
auto base = reinterpret_cast<const capnp::word *>(in.position());
// Check if there's enough bytes in the buffer to read the full message
kj::Array<capnp::word> heap_array;
auto array = kj::arrayPtr(base, buf.size() - in.offset());
auto expected_words = capnp::expectedSizeInWordsFromPrefix(array);
if (expected_words * sizeof(capnp::word) > array.size())
// We'll need to reassemble the message in a contiguous buffer
heap_array = kj::heapArray<capnp::word>(expected_words);
in.readStrict(heap_array.asChars().begin(), heap_array.asChars().size());
array = heap_array.asPtr();
#if CAPNP_VERSION >= 8000
capnp::UnalignedFlatArrayMessageReader msg(array);
capnp::FlatArrayMessageReader msg(array);
std::vector<capnp::DynamicStruct::Reader> stack;
for (auto action : actions)
switch (action.type)
case Action::READ:
Field value = convertNodeToField(stack.back().get(action.field));
if (action.columns.size() > 1)
// Nested columns must be flattened into several arrays
// e.g. Array(Tuple(x ..., y ...)) -> Array(x ...), Array(y ...)
const auto & collected = DB::get<const Array &>(value);
size_t size = collected.size();
// The flattened array contains an array of a part of the nested tuple
Array flattened(size);
for (size_t column_index = 0; column_index < action.columns.size(); ++column_index)
// Populate array with a single tuple elements
for (size_t off = 0; off < size; ++off)
const TupleBackend & tuple = DB::get<const Tuple &>(collected[off]).toUnderType();
flattened[off] = tuple[column_index];
auto & col = columns[action.columns[column_index]];
auto & col = columns[action.columns[0]];
case Action::POP:
case Action::PUSH:
// Advance buffer position if used directly
if (heap_array.size() == 0)
auto parsed = (msg.getEnd() - base) * sizeof(capnp::word);
in.position() += parsed;
return true;
void registerInputFormatProcessorCapnProto(FormatFactory & factory)
[](ReadBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context & context, IRowInputFormat::Params params, const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<CapnProtoRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, FormatSchemaInfo(context, "capnp"));
namespace DB
class FormatFactory;
void registerInputFormatCapnProto(FormatFactory &) {}
#endif // USE_CAPNP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
#pragma once
#include <Common/config.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
#include <capnp/schema-parser.h>
namespace DB
class FormatSchemaInfo;
class ReadBuffer;
/** A stream for reading messages in Cap'n Proto format in given schema.
* Like Protocol Buffers and Thrift (but unlike JSON or MessagePack),
* Cap'n Proto messages are strongly-typed and not self-describing.
* The schema in this case cannot be compiled in, so it uses a runtime schema parser.
* See
class CapnProtoRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
struct NestedField
std::vector<std::string> tokens;
size_t pos;
using NestedFieldList = std::vector<NestedField>;
/** schema_dir - base path for schema files
* schema_file - location of the capnproto schema, e.g. "schema.capnp"
* root_object - name to the root object, e.g. "Message"
CapnProtoRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSchemaInfo & info);
String getName() const override { return "CapnProtoRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
// Build a traversal plan from a sorted list of fields
void createActions(const NestedFieldList & sortedFields, capnp::StructSchema reader);
/* Action for state machine for traversing nested structures. */
using BlockPositionList = std::vector<size_t>;
struct Action
enum Type { POP, PUSH, READ };
Type type;
capnp::StructSchema::Field field = {};
BlockPositionList columns = {};
// Wrapper for classes that could throw in destructor
template <typename T>
struct DestructorCatcher
T impl;
template <typename ... Arg>
DestructorCatcher(Arg && ... args) : impl(kj::fwd<Arg>(args)...) {}
~DestructorCatcher() noexcept try { } catch (...) { return; }
using SchemaParser = DestructorCatcher<capnp::SchemaParser>;
std::shared_ptr<SchemaParser> parser;
capnp::StructSchema root;
std::vector<Action> actions;
#endif // USE_CAPNP

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#include <Formats/FormatSchemaInfo.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
FormatSchemaInfo::FormatSchemaInfo(const Context & context, const String & schema_file_extension, bool schema_required)
String format_schema = context.getSettingsRef().format_schema.toString();
if (format_schema.empty())
if (schema_required)
throw Exception(
"Format schema requires the 'format_schema' setting to have the 'schema_file:message_name' format"
+ (schema_file_extension.empty() ? "" : "e.g. 'schema." + schema_file_extension + ":Message'"),
size_t colon_pos = format_schema.find(':');
Poco::Path path;
if ((colon_pos == String::npos) || (colon_pos == 0) || (colon_pos == format_schema.length() - 1)
|| path.assign(format_schema.substr(0, colon_pos)).getFileName().empty())
throw Exception(
"Format schema requires the 'format_schema' setting to have the 'schema_file:message_name' format"
+ (schema_file_extension.empty() ? "" : "e.g. 'schema." + schema_file_extension + ":Message'") + ". Got '" + format_schema
+ "'",
is_null = false;
message_name = format_schema.substr(colon_pos + 1);
auto default_schema_directory = [&context]()
static const String str = Poco::Path(context.getFormatSchemaPath()).makeAbsolute().makeDirectory().toString();
return str;
auto is_server = [&context]()
return context.hasGlobalContext() && (context.getGlobalContext().getApplicationType() == Context::ApplicationType::SERVER);
if (path.getExtension().empty() && !schema_file_extension.empty())
if (path.isAbsolute())
if (is_server())
throw Exception("Absolute path in the 'format_schema' setting is prohibited: " + path.toString(), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
schema_path = path.getFileName();
schema_directory = path.makeParent().toString();
else if (path.depth() >= 1 && == "..")
if (is_server())
throw Exception(
"Path in the 'format_schema' setting shouldn't go outside the 'format_schema_path' directory: " + path.toString(),
path = Poco::Path(default_schema_directory()).resolve(path).toString();
schema_path = path.getFileName();
schema_directory = path.makeParent().toString();
schema_path = path.toString();
schema_directory = default_schema_directory();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Types.h>
namespace DB
class Context;
/// Extracts information about where the format schema file is from passed context and keep it.
class FormatSchemaInfo
FormatSchemaInfo() = default;
FormatSchemaInfo(const Context & context, const String & schema_file_extension = String(), bool schema_required = true);
bool isNull() const { return is_null; }
/// Returns path to the schema file.
const String & schemaPath() const { return schema_path; }
String absoluteSchemaPath() const { return schema_directory + schema_path; }
/// Returns directory containing the schema file.
const String & schemaDirectory() const { return schema_directory; }
/// Returns name of the message type.
const String & messageName() const { return message_name; }
bool is_null = true;
String schema_path;
String schema_directory;
String message_name;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONCompactRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::JSONCompactRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings)
: JSONRowOutputFormat(out, std::move(header), settings)
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
type.serializeAsTextJSON(column, row_num, *ostr, settings);
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeCString(", ", *ostr);
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
if (row_count > 0)
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t[", *ostr);
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar(']', *ostr);
field_number = 0;
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"totals\": [", *ostr);
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeAfterTotals()
writeChar(']', *ostr);
void JSONCompactRowOutputFormat::writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeCString("\t\t\"", *ostr);
writeCString(title, *ostr);
writeCString("\": [", *ostr);
size_t extremes_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < extremes_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeField(*columns[i], *types[i], row_num);
writeChar(']', *ostr);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorJSONCompact(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("JSONCompact", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<JSONCompactRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
struct FormatSettings;
/** The stream for outputting data in the JSONCompact format.
class JSONCompactRowOutputFormat : public JSONRowOutputFormat
JSONCompactRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings);
String getName() const override { return "JSONCompactRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeAfterTotals() override;
void writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeTotalsField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override
return writeField(column, type, row_num);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONEachRowRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <DataTypes/NestedUtils.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INCORRECT_DATA;
extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
UNKNOWN_FIELD = size_t(-1),
NESTED_FIELD = size_t(-2)
ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), format_settings(format_settings), name_map(header.columns())
/// In this format, BOM at beginning of stream cannot be confused with value, so it is safe to skip it.
size_t num_columns = getPort().getHeader().columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
const String & column_name = columnName(i);
name_map[column_name] = i; /// NOTE You could place names more cache-locally.
if (format_settings.import_nested_json)
const auto splitted = Nested::splitName(column_name);
if (!splitted.second.empty())
const StringRef table_name(, splitted.first.size());
name_map[table_name] = NESTED_FIELD;
prev_positions.assign(num_columns, name_map.end());
const String & JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::columnName(size_t i) const
return getPort().getHeader().getByPosition(i).name;
inline size_t JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::columnIndex(const StringRef & name, size_t key_index)
/// Optimization by caching the order of fields (which is almost always the same)
/// and a quick check to match the next expected field, instead of searching the hash table.
if (prev_positions.size() > key_index
&& prev_positions[key_index] != name_map.end()
&& name == prev_positions[key_index]->first)
return prev_positions[key_index]->second;
const auto it = name_map.find(name);
if (name_map.end() != it)
if (key_index < prev_positions.size())
prev_positions[key_index] = it;
return it->second;
/** Read the field name and convert it to column name
* (taking into account the current nested name prefix)
* Resulting StringRef is valid only before next read from buf.
StringRef JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::readColumnName(ReadBuffer & buf)
// This is just an optimization: try to avoid copying the name into current_column_name
if (nested_prefix_length == 0 && buf.position() + 1 < buf.buffer().end())
char * next_pos = find_first_symbols<'\\', '"'>(buf.position() + 1, buf.buffer().end());
if (next_pos != buf.buffer().end() && *next_pos != '\\')
/// The most likely option is that there is no escape sequence in the key name, and the entire name is placed in the buffer.
assertChar('"', buf);
StringRef res(buf.position(), next_pos - buf.position());
buf.position() = next_pos + 1;
return res;
readJSONStringInto(current_column_name, buf);
return current_column_name;
static inline void skipColonDelimeter(ReadBuffer & istr)
assertChar(':', istr);
void JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::skipUnknownField(const StringRef & name_ref)
if (!format_settings.skip_unknown_fields)
throw Exception("Unknown field found while parsing JSONEachRow format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
skipJSONField(in, name_ref);
void JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::readField(size_t index, MutableColumns & columns)
if (read_columns[index])
throw Exception("Duplicate field found while parsing JSONEachRow format: " + columnName(index), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
header.getByPosition(index).type->deserializeAsTextJSON(*columns[index], in, format_settings);
catch (Exception & e)
e.addMessage("(while read the value of key " + columnName(index) + ")");
read_columns[index] = true;
inline bool JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::advanceToNextKey(size_t key_index)
if (in.eof())
throw Exception("Unexpected end of stream while parsing JSONEachRow format", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA);
else if (*in.position() == '}')
return false;
if (key_index > 0)
assertChar(',', in);
return true;
void JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::readJSONObject(MutableColumns & columns)
assertChar('{', in);
for (size_t key_index = 0; advanceToNextKey(key_index); ++key_index)
StringRef name_ref = readColumnName(in);
const size_t column_index = columnIndex(name_ref, key_index);
if (unlikely(ssize_t(column_index) < 0))
/// name_ref may point directly to the input buffer
/// and input buffer may be filled with new data on next read
/// If we want to use name_ref after another reads from buffer, we must copy it to temporary string.
current_column_name.assign(, name_ref.size);
name_ref = StringRef(current_column_name);
if (column_index == UNKNOWN_FIELD)
else if (column_index == NESTED_FIELD)
readNestedData(name_ref.toString(), columns);
throw Exception("Logical error: illegal value of column_index", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
readField(column_index, columns);
void JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::readNestedData(const String & name, MutableColumns & columns)
current_column_name = name;
nested_prefix_length = current_column_name.size();
nested_prefix_length = 0;
bool JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension & ext)
/// We consume ;, or \n before scanning a new row, instead scanning to next row at the end.
/// The reason is that if we want an exact number of rows read with LIMIT x
/// from a streaming table engine with text data format, like File or Kafka
/// then seeking to next ;, or \n would trigger reading of an extra row at the end.
/// Semicolon is added for convenience as it could be used at end of INSERT query.
if (!in.eof() && (*in.position() == ',' || *in.position() == ';'))
if (in.eof())
return false;
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
/// Set of columns for which the values were read. The rest will be filled with default values.
read_columns.assign(num_columns, false);
nested_prefix_length = 0;
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
/// Fill non-visited columns with the default values.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (!read_columns[i])
/// return info about defaults set
ext.read_columns = read_columns;
return true;
void JSONEachRowRowInputFormat::syncAfterError()
void registerInputFormatProcessorJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("JSONEachRow", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<JSONEachRowRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/HashMap.h>
namespace DB
class ReadBuffer;
/** A stream for reading data in JSON format, where each row is represented by a separate JSON object.
* Objects can be separated by feed return, other whitespace characters in any number and possibly a comma.
* Fields can be listed in any order (including, in different lines there may be different order),
* and some fields may be missing.
class JSONEachRowRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
JSONEachRowRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "JSONEachRowRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension & ext) override;
bool allowSyncAfterError() const override { return true; }
void syncAfterError() override;
const String & columnName(size_t i) const;
size_t columnIndex(const StringRef & name, size_t key_index);
bool advanceToNextKey(size_t key_index);
void skipUnknownField(const StringRef & name_ref);
StringRef readColumnName(ReadBuffer & buf);
void readField(size_t index, MutableColumns & columns);
void readJSONObject(MutableColumns & columns);
void readNestedData(const String & name, MutableColumns & columns);
const FormatSettings format_settings;
/// Buffer for the read from the stream field name. Used when you have to copy it.
/// Also, if processing of Nested data is in progress, it holds the common prefix
/// of the nested column names (so that appending the field name to it produces
/// the full column name)
String current_column_name;
/// If processing Nested data, holds the length of the common prefix
/// of the names of related nested columns. For example, for a table
/// created as follows
/// CREATE TABLE t (n Nested (i Int32, s String))
/// the nested column names are 'n.i' and 'n.s' and the nested prefix is 'n.'
size_t nested_prefix_length = 0;
std::vector<UInt8> read_columns;
/// Hash table match `field name -> position in the block`. NOTE You can use perfect hash map.
using NameMap = HashMap<StringRef, size_t, StringRefHash>;
NameMap name_map;
/// Cached search results for previous row (keyed as index in JSON object) - used as a hint.
std::vector<NameMap::iterator> prev_positions;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), settings(settings)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = sample.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
WriteBufferFromString buf(fields[i]);
writeJSONString(sample.getByPosition(i).name, buf, settings);
void JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
writeString(fields[field_number], out);
writeChar(':', out);
type.serializeAsTextJSON(column, row_num, out, settings);
void JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeChar(',', out);
void JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
writeChar('{', out);
void JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeCString("}\n", out);
field_number = 0;
void registerOutputFormatProcessorJSONEachRow(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("JSONEachRow", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
/** The stream for outputting data in JSON format, by object per line.
* Does not validate UTF-8.
class JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings);
String getName() const override { return "JSONEachRowRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
size_t field_number = 0;
Names fields;
FormatSettings settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/JSONRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Formats/BlockOutputStreamFromRowOutputStream.h>
namespace DB
JSONRowOutputFormat::JSONRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), settings(settings)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
NamesAndTypesList columns(sample.getNamesAndTypesList());
fields.assign(columns.begin(), columns.end());
bool need_validate_utf8 = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample.columns(); ++i)
if (!sample.getByPosition(i).type->textCanContainOnlyValidUTF8())
need_validate_utf8 = true;
WriteBufferFromOwnString buf;
writeJSONString(fields[i].name, buf, settings);
fields[i].name = buf.str();
if (need_validate_utf8)
validating_ostr = std::make_unique<WriteBufferValidUTF8>(out);
ostr = validating_ostr.get();
ostr = &out;
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writePrefix()
writeCString("{\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"meta\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t[\n", *ostr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
writeCString("\t\t{\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\t\"name\": ", *ostr);
writeString(fields[i].name, *ostr);
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\t\"type\": ", *ostr);
writeJSONString(fields[i].type->getName(), *ostr, settings);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t}", *ostr);
if (i + 1 < fields.size())
writeChar(',', *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t],\n", *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"data\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t[\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
writeCString("\t\t\t", *ostr);
writeString(fields[field_number].name, *ostr);
writeCString(": ", *ostr);
type.serializeAsTextJSON(column, row_num, *ostr, settings);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeTotalsField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
writeCString("\t\t", *ostr);
writeJSONString(fields[field_number].name, *ostr, settings);
writeCString(": ", *ostr);
type.serializeAsTextJSON(column, row_num, *ostr, settings);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
writeCString("\t\t{\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t}", *ostr);
field_number = 0;
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeRowBetweenDelimiter()
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeSuffix()
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t]", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"totals\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t{\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeTotalsField(*columns[i], *types[i], row_num);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeAfterTotals()
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t}", *ostr);
field_number = 0;
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeExtremes()
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"extremes\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t{\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeCString("\t\t\"", *ostr);
writeCString(title, *ostr);
writeCString("\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t{\n", *ostr);
size_t extremes_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < extremes_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeField(*columns[i], *types[i], row_num);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t}", *ostr);
field_number = 0;
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeExtremesElement("min", columns, row_num);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeExtremesElement("max", columns, row_num);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeAfterExtremes()
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t}", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeLastSuffix()
writeCString(",\n\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"rows\": ", *ostr);
writeIntText(row_count, *ostr);
if (settings.write_statistics)
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("}\n", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeRowsBeforeLimitAtLeast()
if (applied_limit)
writeCString(",\n\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"rows_before_limit_at_least\": ", *ostr);
writeIntText(rows_before_limit, *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::writeStatistics()
writeCString(",\n\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\"statistics\":\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t{\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\"elapsed\": ", *ostr);
writeText(watch.elapsedSeconds(), *ostr);
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\"rows_read\": ", *ostr);
writeText(progress.rows.load(), *ostr);
writeCString(",\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\"bytes_read\": ", *ostr);
writeText(progress.bytes.load(), *ostr);
writeChar('\n', *ostr);
writeCString("\t}", *ostr);
void JSONRowOutputFormat::onProgress(const Progress & value)
void registerOutputFormatProcessorProcessorJSON(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("JSON", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<JSONRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <IO/Progress.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <Common/Stopwatch.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
/** Stream for output data in JSON format.
class JSONRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
JSONRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & settings);
String getName() const override { return "JSONRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writeRowBetweenDelimiter() override;
void writePrefix() override;
void writeSuffix() override;
void writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeAfterTotals() override;
void writeBeforeExtremes() override;
void writeAfterExtremes() override;
void writeLastSuffix() override;
void flush() override
if (validating_ostr);
void setRowsBeforeLimit(size_t rows_before_limit_) override
applied_limit = true;
rows_before_limit = rows_before_limit_;
void onProgress(const Progress & value) override;
String getContentType() const override { return "application/json; charset=UTF-8"; }
virtual void writeTotalsField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num);
virtual void writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
void writeRowsBeforeLimitAtLeast();
void writeStatistics();
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffer> validating_ostr; /// Validates UTF-8 sequences, replaces bad sequences with replacement character.
WriteBuffer * ostr;
size_t field_number = 0;
size_t row_count = 0;
bool applied_limit = false;
size_t rows_before_limit = 0;
NamesAndTypes fields;
Progress progress;
Stopwatch watch;
FormatSettings settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
#include <DataStreams/NativeBlockInputStream.h>
#include <DataStreams/NativeBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IInputFormat.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class NativeInputFormatFromNativeBlockInputStream : public IInputFormat
NativeInputFormatFromNativeBlockInputStream(const Block & header, ReadBuffer & in)
: IInputFormat(header, in)
, stream(std::make_shared<NativeBlockInputStream>(in, header, 0))
String getName() const override { return "NativeInputFormatFromNativeBlockInputStream"; }
Chunk generate() override
/// TODO: do something with totals and extremes.
if (!read_prefix)
read_prefix = true;
auto block = stream->read();
if (!block)
if (!read_suffix)
read_suffix = true;
return Chunk();
assertBlocksHaveEqualStructure(getPort().getHeader(), block, getName());
UInt64 num_rows = block.rows();
return Chunk(block.getColumns(), num_rows);
std::shared_ptr<NativeBlockInputStream> stream;
bool read_prefix = false;
bool read_suffix = false;
class NativeOutputFormatFromNativeBlockOutputStream : public IOutputFormat
NativeOutputFormatFromNativeBlockOutputStream(const Block & header, WriteBuffer & out)
: IOutputFormat(header, out)
, stream(std::make_shared<NativeBlockOutputStream>(out, 0, header))
String getName() const override { return "NativeOutputFormatFromNativeBlockOutputStream"; }
void setRowsBeforeLimit(size_t rows_before_limit) override
void onProgress(const Progress & progress) override
std::string getContentType() const override
return stream->getContentType();
void consume(Chunk chunk) override
if (chunk)
auto block = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
void consumeTotals(Chunk chunk) override
auto block = getPort(PortKind::Totals).getHeader();
void consumeExtremes(Chunk chunk) override
auto block = getPort(PortKind::Extremes).getHeader();
void finalize() override
std::shared_ptr<NativeBlockOutputStream> stream;
bool prefix_written = false;
bool suffix_written = false;
void writePrefixIfNot()
if (!prefix_written)
prefix_written = true;
void writeSuffixIfNot()
if (!suffix_written)
suffix_written = true;
void registerInputFormatNativeProcessor(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("Native", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const RowInputFormatParams &,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<NativeInputFormatFromNativeBlockInputStream>(sample, buf);
void registerOutputFormatNativeProcessor(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("Native", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<NativeOutputFormatFromNativeBlockOutputStream>(sample, buf);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
class NullOutputFormat : public IOutputFormat
NullOutputFormat(const Block & header, WriteBuffer & out) : IOutputFormat(header, out) {}
String getName() const override { return "NullOutputFormat"; }
void consume(Chunk) override {}
void registerOutputFormatProcessorNull(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("Null", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings &)
return std::make_shared<NullOutputFormat>(sample, buf);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Core/iostream_debug_helpers.h>
namespace DB
WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
void writeODBCString(WriteBuffer & out, const std::string & str)
writeIntBinary(Int32(str.size()), out);
out.write(, str.size());
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::writeRow(const Block & header, const Columns & columns, size_t row_idx, std::string & buffer)
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t column_idx = 0; column_idx < num_columns; ++column_idx)
auto & column = columns[column_idx];
if (column->isNullAt(row_idx))
writeIntBinary(Int32(-1), out);
WriteBufferFromString text_out(buffer);
header.getByPosition(row_idx).type->serializeAsText(*column, row_idx, text_out, format_settings);
writeODBCString(out, buffer);
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::write(Chunk chunk, PortKind port_kind)
String text_value;
auto & header = getPort(port_kind).getHeader();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
const size_t rows = chunk.getNumRows();
for (size_t i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
writeRow(header, columns, i, text_value);
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::consume(Chunk chunk)
write(std::move(chunk), PortKind::Main);
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::consumeTotals(Chunk chunk)
write(std::move(chunk), PortKind::Totals);
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::finalize()
void ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat::writePrefix()
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
const size_t columns = header.columns();
/// Number of header rows.
writeIntBinary(Int32(2), out);
/// Names of columns.
/// Number of columns + 1 for first name column.
writeIntBinary(Int32(columns + 1), out);
writeODBCString(out, "name");
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = header.getByPosition(i);
/// Types of columns.
writeIntBinary(Int32(columns + 1), out);
writeODBCString(out, "type");
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = header.getByPosition(i);
writeODBCString(out, col.type->getName());
void registerOutputFormatProcessorODBCDriver2(FormatFactory & factory)
"ODBCDriver2", [](WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & sample, const Context &, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** A data format designed to simplify the implementation of the ODBC driver.
* ODBC driver is designed to be build for different platforms without dependencies from the main code,
* so the format is made that way so that it can be as easy as possible to parse it.
* A header is displayed with the required information.
* The data is then output in the order of the rows. Each value is displayed as follows: length in Int32 format (-1 for NULL), then data in text form.
class ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat final : public IOutputFormat
ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "ODBCDriver2BlockOutputFormat"; }
void consume(Chunk) override;
void consumeTotals(Chunk) override;
void finalize() override;
std::string getContentType() const override
return "application/octet-stream";
const FormatSettings format_settings;
bool prefix_written = false;
void writePrefixIfNot()
if (!prefix_written)
prefix_written = true;
void writeRow(const Block & header, const Columns & columns, size_t row_idx, std::string & buffer);
void write(Chunk chunk, PortKind port_kind);
void writePrefix();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat::ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
void ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat::consume(Chunk chunk)
const size_t num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
const size_t num_columns = chunk.getNumColumns();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
String text_value;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i)
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_columns; ++j)
auto & column = columns[j];
auto & type = header.getByPosition(j).type;
WriteBufferFromString text_out(text_value);
type->serializeAsText(*column, i, text_out, format_settings);
writeStringBinary(text_value, out);
void ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat::writePrefix()
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
const size_t columns = header.columns();
/// Number of columns.
writeVarUInt(columns, out);
/// Names and types of columns.
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = header.getByPosition(i);
writeStringBinary(, out);
writeStringBinary(col.type->getName(), out);
void ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat::finalize()
void registerOutputFormatProcessorODBCDriver(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("ODBCDriver", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** A data format designed to simplify the implementation of the ODBC driver.
* ODBC driver is designed to be build for different platforms without dependencies from the main code,
* so the format is made that way so that it can be as easy as possible to parse it.
* A header is displayed with the required information.
* The data is then output in the order of the rows. Each value is displayed as follows: length in VarUInt format, then data in text form.
class ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat : public IOutputFormat
ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "ODBCDriverBlockOutputFormat"; }
void consume(Chunk) override;
void finalize() override;
std::string getContentType() const override { return "application/octet-stream"; }
const FormatSettings format_settings;
bool prefix_written = false;
void writePrefixIfNot()
if (!prefix_written)
prefix_written = true;
void writePrefix();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <port/unistd.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/PrettyBlockOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <Common/UTF8Helpers.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
struct winsize w;
if (0 == ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w))
terminal_width = w.ws_col;
/// Evaluate the visible width of the values and column names.
/// Note that number of code points is just a rough approximation of visible string width.
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::calculateWidths(
const Block & header, const Chunk & chunk,
WidthsPerColumn & widths, Widths & max_widths, Widths & name_widths)
size_t num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
size_t num_columns = chunk.getNumColumns();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
/// Calculate widths of all values.
String serialized_value;
size_t prefix = 2; // Tab character adjustment
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
auto & elem = header.getByPosition(i);
auto & column = columns[i];
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_rows; ++j)
WriteBufferFromString out(serialized_value);
elem.type->serializeAsText(*column, j, out, format_settings);
widths[i][j] = std::min<UInt64>(format_settings.pretty.max_column_pad_width,
UTF8::computeWidth(reinterpret_cast<const UInt8 *>(, serialized_value.size(), prefix));
max_widths[i] = std::max(max_widths[i], widths[i][j]);
/// And also calculate widths for names of columns.
// name string doesn't contain Tab, no need to pass `prefix`
name_widths[i] = std::min<UInt64>(format_settings.pretty.max_column_pad_width,
UTF8::computeWidth(reinterpret_cast<const UInt8 *>(,;
max_widths[i] = std::max(max_widths[i], name_widths[i]);
prefix += max_widths[i] + 3;
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind)
UInt64 max_rows = format_settings.pretty.max_rows;
if (total_rows >= max_rows)
total_rows += chunk.getNumRows();
auto num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
auto num_columns = chunk.getNumColumns();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
auto & header = getPort(port_kind).getHeader();
WidthsPerColumn widths;
Widths max_widths;
Widths name_widths;
calculateWidths(header, chunk, widths, max_widths, name_widths);
/// Create separators
std::stringstream top_separator;
std::stringstream middle_names_separator;
std::stringstream middle_values_separator;
std::stringstream bottom_separator;
top_separator << "";
middle_names_separator << "";
middle_values_separator << "";
bottom_separator << "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
top_separator << "";
middle_names_separator << "";
middle_values_separator << "";
bottom_separator << "";
for (size_t j = 0; j < max_widths[i] + 2; ++j)
top_separator << "";
middle_names_separator << "";
middle_values_separator << "";
bottom_separator << "";
top_separator << "\n";
middle_names_separator << "\n";
middle_values_separator << "\n";
bottom_separator << "\n";
std::string top_separator_s = top_separator.str();
std::string middle_names_separator_s = middle_names_separator.str();
std::string middle_values_separator_s = middle_values_separator.str();
std::string bottom_separator_s = bottom_separator.str();
/// Output the block
writeString(top_separator_s, out);
/// Names
writeCString("", out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeCString("", out);
auto & col = header.getByPosition(i);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[1m", out);
if (col.type->shouldAlignRightInPrettyFormats())
for (size_t k = 0; k < max_widths[i] - name_widths[i]; ++k)
writeChar(' ', out);
writeString(, out);
writeString(, out);
for (size_t k = 0; k < max_widths[i] - name_widths[i]; ++k)
writeChar(' ', out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[0m", out);
writeCString("\n", out);
writeString(middle_names_separator_s, out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rows && total_rows + i < max_rows; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeString(middle_values_separator_s, out);
writeCString("", out);
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_columns; ++j)
if (j != 0)
writeCString("", out);
auto & type = *header.getByPosition(j).type;
writeValueWithPadding(*columns[j], type, i, widths[j].empty() ? max_widths[j] : widths[j][i], max_widths[j]);
writeCString("\n", out);
writeString(bottom_separator_s, out);
total_rows += num_rows;
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::writeValueWithPadding(
const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num, size_t value_width, size_t pad_to_width)
auto writePadding = [&]()
for (size_t k = 0; k < pad_to_width - value_width; ++k)
writeChar(' ', out);
if (type.shouldAlignRightInPrettyFormats())
type.serializeAsText(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
type.serializeAsText(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::consume(Chunk chunk)
write(chunk, PortKind::Main);
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::consumeTotals(Chunk chunk)
total_rows = 0;
writeCString("\nExtremes:\n", out);
write(chunk, PortKind::Totals);
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::consumeExtremes(Chunk chunk)
total_rows = 0;
writeCString("\nTotals:\n", out);
write(chunk, PortKind::Extremes);
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::writeSuffix()
if (total_rows >= format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeCString(" Showed first ", out);
writeIntText(format_settings.pretty.max_rows, out);
writeCString(".\n", out);
void PrettyBlockOutputFormat::finalize()
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPretty(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("Pretty", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<PrettyBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("PrettyNoEscapes", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
FormatSettings changed_settings = format_settings;
changed_settings.pretty.color = false;
return std::make_shared<PrettyBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, changed_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
class Context;
/** Prints the result in the form of beautiful tables.
class PrettyBlockOutputFormat : public IOutputFormat
/// no_escapes - do not use ANSI escape sequences - to display in the browser, not in the console.
PrettyBlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "PrettyBlockOutputFormat"; }
void consume(Chunk) override;
void consumeTotals(Chunk) override;
void consumeExtremes(Chunk) override;
void finalize() override;
size_t total_rows = 0;
size_t terminal_width = 0;
bool suffix_written = false;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
using Widths = PODArray<size_t>;
using WidthsPerColumn = std::vector<Widths>;
virtual void write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind);
virtual void writeSuffix();
void writeSuffixIfNot()
if (!suffix_written)
suffix_written = true;
void calculateWidths(
const Block & header, const Chunk & chunk,
WidthsPerColumn & widths, Widths & max_widths, Widths & name_widths);
void writeValueWithPadding(
const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num, size_t value_width, size_t pad_to_width);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
///#include <DataStreams/SquashingBlockOutputStream.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int ILLEGAL_COLUMN;
void PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat::writeHeader(
const Block & block,
const Widths & max_widths,
const Widths & name_widths)
/// Names
writeCString("┌─", out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_widths.size(); ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeCString("─┬─", out);
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = block.getByPosition(i);
if (col.type->shouldAlignRightInPrettyFormats())
for (size_t k = 0; k < max_widths[i] - name_widths[i]; ++k)
writeCString("", out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[1m", out);
writeString(, out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[0m", out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[1m", out);
writeString(, out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[0m", out);
for (size_t k = 0; k < max_widths[i] - name_widths[i]; ++k)
writeCString("", out);
writeCString("─┐\n", out);
void PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat::writeBottom(const Widths & max_widths)
/// Create delimiters
std::stringstream bottom_separator;
bottom_separator << "";
for (size_t i = 0; i < max_widths.size(); ++i)
if (i != 0)
bottom_separator << "";
for (size_t j = 0; j < max_widths[i] + 2; ++j)
bottom_separator << "";
bottom_separator << "\n";
writeString(bottom_separator.str(), out);
void PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat::writeRow(
size_t row_num,
const Block & header,
const Columns & columns,
const WidthsPerColumn & widths,
const Widths & max_widths)
size_t num_columns = max_widths.size();
writeCString("", out);
for (size_t j = 0; j < num_columns; ++j)
if (j != 0)
writeCString("", out);
auto & type = *header.getByPosition(j).type;
auto & cur_widths = widths[j].empty() ? max_widths[j] : widths[j][row_num];
writeValueWithPadding(*columns[j], type, row_num, cur_widths, max_widths[j]);
writeCString("\n", out);
void PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat::write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind)
UInt64 max_rows = format_settings.pretty.max_rows;
if (total_rows >= max_rows)
total_rows += chunk.getNumRows();
size_t num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
auto & header = getPort(port_kind).getHeader();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
WidthsPerColumn widths;
Widths max_widths;
Widths name_widths;
calculateWidths(header, chunk, widths, max_widths, name_widths);
writeHeader(header, max_widths, name_widths);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rows && total_rows + i < max_rows; ++i)
writeRow(i, header, columns, widths, max_widths);
total_rows += num_rows;
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPrettyCompact(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("PrettyCompact", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("PrettyCompactNoEscapes", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
FormatSettings changed_settings = format_settings;
changed_settings.pretty.color = false;
return std::make_shared<PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, changed_settings);
/// TODO
// factory.registerOutputFormat("PrettyCompactMonoBlock", [](
// WriteBuffer & buf,
// const Block & sample,
// const Context &,
// const FormatSettings & format_settings)
// {
// BlockOutputStreamPtr impl = std::make_shared<PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);
// auto res = std::make_shared<SquashingBlockOutputStream>(impl, impl->getHeader(), format_settings.pretty.max_rows, 0);
// res->disableFlush();
// return res;
// });

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#pragma once
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/PrettyBlockOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
/** Prints the result in the form of beautiful tables, but with fewer delimiter lines.
class PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat : public PrettyBlockOutputFormat
PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: PrettyBlockOutputFormat(out, std::move(header), format_settings) {}
String getName() const override { return "PrettyCompactBlockOutputFormat"; }
void write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind) override;
void writeHeader(const Block & block, const Widths & max_widths, const Widths & name_widths);
void writeBottom(const Widths & max_widths);
void writeRow(
size_t row_num,
const Block & header,
const Columns & columns,
const WidthsPerColumn & widths,
const Widths & max_widths);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
void PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat::write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind)
UInt64 max_rows = format_settings.pretty.max_rows;
if (total_rows >= max_rows)
total_rows += chunk.getNumRows();
size_t num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
size_t num_columns = chunk.getNumColumns();
auto & header = getPort(port_kind).getHeader();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
WidthsPerColumn widths;
Widths max_widths;
Widths name_widths;
calculateWidths(header, chunk, widths, max_widths, name_widths);
/// Do not align on too long values.
if (terminal_width > 80)
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (max_widths[i] > terminal_width / 2)
max_widths[i] = terminal_width / 2;
/// Names
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
writeCString(" ", out);
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & col = header.getByPosition(i);
if (col.type->shouldAlignRightInPrettyFormats())
for (ssize_t k = 0; k < std::max(static_cast<ssize_t>(0), static_cast<ssize_t>(max_widths[i] - name_widths[i])); ++k)
writeChar(' ', out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[1m", out);
writeString(, out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[0m", out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[1m", out);
writeString(, out);
if (format_settings.pretty.color)
writeCString("\033[0m", out);
for (ssize_t k = 0; k < std::max(static_cast<ssize_t>(0), static_cast<ssize_t>(max_widths[i] - name_widths[i])); ++k)
writeChar(' ', out);
writeCString("\n\n", out);
for (size_t row = 0; row < num_rows && total_rows + row < max_rows; ++row)
for (size_t column = 0; column < num_columns; ++column)
if (column != 0)
writeCString(" ", out);
auto & type = *header.getByPosition(column).type;
auto & cur_width = widths[column].empty() ? max_widths[column] : widths[column][row];
writeValueWithPadding(*columns[column], type, row, cur_width, max_widths[column]);
writeChar('\n', out);
total_rows += num_rows;
void PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat::writeSuffix()
if (total_rows >= format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeCString("\nShowed first ", out);
writeIntText(format_settings.pretty.max_rows, out);
writeCString(".\n", out);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorPrettySpace(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("PrettySpace", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
return std::make_shared<PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, format_settings);
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("PrettySpaceNoEscapes", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
FormatSettings changed_settings = format_settings;
changed_settings.pretty.color = false;
return std::make_shared<PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat>(buf, sample, changed_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma once
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/PrettyBlockOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
/** Prints the result, aligned with spaces.
class PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat : public PrettyBlockOutputFormat
PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: PrettyBlockOutputFormat(out, std::move(header), format_settings) {}
String getName() const override { return "PrettySpaceBlockOutputFormat"; }
void write(const Chunk & chunk, PortKind port_kind) override;
void writeSuffix() override;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Common/config.h>
#include "ProtobufBlockOutputFormat.h"
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/FormatSchemaInfo.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ProtobufSchemas.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
WriteBuffer & out,
Block header,
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type,
const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), writer(out, message_type), format_settings(format_settings)
void ProtobufBlockOutputFormat::consume(Chunk chunk)
auto header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
auto & columns = chunk.getColumns();
std::vector<const ColumnWithTypeAndName *> header_in_write_order;
ColumnRawPtrs columns_in_write_order;
const auto & fields_in_write_order = writer.fieldsInWriteOrder();
for (size_t i = 0; i != fields_in_write_order.size(); ++i)
const auto * field = fields_in_write_order[i];
const ColumnWithTypeAndName * header_ptr = nullptr;
const IColumn * column_ptr = nullptr;
if (header.has(field->name()))
auto pos = header.getPositionByName(field->name());
header_ptr = &header.getByPosition(pos);
column_ptr = columns[pos].get();
else if (field->is_required())
throw Exception(
"Output doesn't have a column named '" + field->name() + "' which is required to write the output in the protobuf format.",
auto num_rows = chunk.getNumRows();
for (size_t row_num = 0; row_num < num_rows; ++row_num)
auto num_columns_to_write = header_in_write_order.size();
for (size_t ps = 0; ps < num_columns_to_write; ++ps)
auto * header_ptr = header_in_write_order[ps];
auto * column_ptr = columns_in_write_order[ps];
if (header_ptr)
assert(header_ptr->name == writer.currentField()->name());
header_ptr->type->serializeProtobuf(*column_ptr, row_num, writer);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorProtobuf(FormatFactory & factory)
"Protobuf", [](WriteBuffer & buf, const Block & header, const Context & context, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
const auto * message_type = ProtobufSchemas::instance().getMessageTypeForFormatSchema(FormatSchemaInfo(context, "proto"));
return std::make_shared<ProtobufBlockOutputFormat>(buf, header, message_type, format_settings);
namespace DB
class FormatFactory;
void registerOutputFormatProtobuf(FormatFactory &) {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ProtobufWriter.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IOutputFormat.h>
namespace google
namespace protobuf
class Message;
namespace DB
/** Stream designed to serialize data in the google protobuf format.
* Each row is written as a separated message.
* These messages are delimited according to documentation
* Serializing in the protobuf format requires the 'format_schema' setting to be set, e.g.
* SELECT * from table FORMAT Protobuf SETTINGS format_schema = 'schema:Message'
* where schema is the name of "schema.proto" file specifying protobuf schema.
class ProtobufBlockOutputFormat : public IOutputFormat
WriteBuffer & out,
Block header,
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_prototype,
const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "ProtobufBlockOutputFormat"; }
void consume(Chunk chunk) override;
std::string getContentType() const override { return "application/octet-stream"; }
ProtobufWriter writer;
const Block header;
const FormatSettings format_settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
#include <Common/config.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSchemaInfo.h>
#include <Formats/ProtobufSchemas.h>
#include <google/protobuf/compiler/importer.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int BAD_ARGUMENTS;
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
class ProtobufSchemas::ImporterWithSourceTree : public google::protobuf::compiler::MultiFileErrorCollector
ImporterWithSourceTree(const String & schema_directory) : importer(&disk_source_tree, this)
disk_source_tree.MapPath("", schema_directory);
~ImporterWithSourceTree() override = default;
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * import(const String & schema_path, const String & message_name)
// Search the message type among already imported ones.
const auto * descriptor = importer.pool()->FindMessageTypeByName(message_name);
if (descriptor)
return descriptor;
const auto * file_descriptor = importer.Import(schema_path);
// If there are parsing errors AddError() throws an exception and in this case the following line
// isn't executed.
descriptor = file_descriptor->FindMessageTypeByName(message_name);
if (!descriptor)
throw Exception(
"Not found a message named '" + message_name + "' in the schema file '" + schema_path + "'", ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS);
return descriptor;
// Overrides google::protobuf::compiler::MultiFileErrorCollector:
void AddError(const String & filename, int line, int column, const String & message) override
throw Exception(
"Cannot parse '" + filename + "' file, found an error at line " + std::to_string(line) + ", column " + std::to_string(column)
+ ", " + message,
google::protobuf::compiler::DiskSourceTree disk_source_tree;
google::protobuf::compiler::Importer importer;
ProtobufSchemas::ProtobufSchemas() = default;
ProtobufSchemas::~ProtobufSchemas() = default;
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * ProtobufSchemas::getMessageTypeForFormatSchema(const FormatSchemaInfo & info)
auto it = importers.find(info.schemaDirectory());
if (it == importers.end())
it = importers.emplace(info.schemaDirectory(), std::make_unique<ImporterWithSourceTree>(info.schemaDirectory())).first;
auto * importer = it->second.get();
return importer->import(info.schemaPath(), info.messageName());
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * ProtobufSchemas::getMessageTypeForColumns(const std::vector<ColumnWithTypeAndName> & /*columns*/)
throw Exception("Using the 'Protobuf' format without schema is not implemented", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#pragma once
#include <Common/config.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <ext/singleton.h>
namespace google
namespace protobuf
class Descriptor;
namespace DB
class FormatSchemaInfo;
struct ColumnWithTypeAndName;
/** Keeps parsed google protobuf schemas either parsed from files or generated from DB columns.
* This class is used to handle the "Protobuf" input/output formats.
class ProtobufSchemas : public ext::singleton<ProtobufSchemas>
/// Parses the format schema, then parses the corresponding proto file, and returns the descriptor of the message type.
/// The function never returns nullptr, it throws an exception if it cannot load or parse the file.
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * getMessageTypeForFormatSchema(const FormatSchemaInfo & info);
/// Generates a message type with suitable types of fields to store a block with |header|, then returns the descriptor
/// of the generated message type.
const google::protobuf::Descriptor * getMessageTypeForColumns(const std::vector<ColumnWithTypeAndName> & columns);
class ImporterWithSourceTree;
std::unordered_map<String, std::unique_ptr<ImporterWithSourceTree>> importers;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <Formats/ProtobufSimpleWriter.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
// Note: We cannot simply use writeVarUInt() from IO/VarInt.h here because there is one small difference:
// Google protobuf's representation of 64-bit integer contains from 1 to 10 bytes, whileas writeVarUInt() writes from 1 to 9 bytes
// because it omits the tenth byte (which is not necessary to decode actually).
void writePbVarUInt(UInt64 value, WriteBuffer & buf)
while (value >= 0x80)
buf.write(static_cast<char>(value | 0x80));
value >>= 7;
void writePbVarInt(Int64 value, WriteBuffer & buf)
writePbVarUInt((static_cast<UInt64>(value) << 1) ^ static_cast<UInt64>(value >> 63), buf);
void writePbVarIntNoZigZagEncoding(Int64 value, WriteBuffer & buf) { writePbVarUInt(static_cast<UInt64>(value), buf); }
enum ProtobufSimpleWriter::WireType : UInt32
BITS64 = 1,
BITS32 = 5
ProtobufSimpleWriter::ProtobufSimpleWriter(WriteBuffer & out_) : out(out_)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::newMessage()
were_messages = true;
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::finishCurrentMessage()
if (!were_messages)
current_field_number = 0;
StringRef str = message_buffer.stringRef();
writePbVarUInt(str.size, out);
out.write(, str.size);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::setCurrentField(UInt32 field_number)
assert(current_field_number < field_number);
current_field_number = field_number;
num_normal_values = 0;
num_packed_values = 0;
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::finishCurrentField()
if (num_packed_values)
StringRef str = repeated_packing_buffer.stringRef();
if (str.size)
writeKey(LENGTH_DELIMITED, message_buffer);
writePbVarUInt(str.size, message_buffer);
message_buffer.write(, str.size);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeKey(WireType wire_type, WriteBuffer & buf)
writePbVarUInt((current_field_number << 3) | wire_type, buf);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt32(Int32 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarIntNoZigZagEncoding(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32(UInt32 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarUInt(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt32(Int32 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarInt(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt64(Int64 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarIntNoZigZagEncoding(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt64(UInt64 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarUInt(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt64(Int64 value)
writeKey(VARINT, message_buffer);
writePbVarInt(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed32(UInt32 value)
writeKey(BITS32, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed32(Int32 value)
writeKey(BITS32, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFloat(float value)
writeKey(BITS32, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed64(UInt64 value)
writeKey(BITS64, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed64(Int64 value)
writeKey(BITS64, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeDouble(double value)
writeKey(BITS64, message_buffer);
writePODBinary(value, message_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeString(const StringRef & str)
writeKey(LENGTH_DELIMITED, message_buffer);
writePbVarUInt(str.size, message_buffer);
message_buffer.write(, str.size);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt32IfNonZero(Int32 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32IfNonZero(UInt32 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt32IfNonZero(Int32 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt64IfNonZero(Int64 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt64IfNonZero(UInt64 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt64IfNonZero(Int64 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed32IfNonZero(UInt32 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed32IfNonZero(Int32 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFloatIfNonZero(float value)
if (value != 0)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed64IfNonZero(UInt64 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed64IfNonZero(Int64 value)
if (value)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeDoubleIfNonZero(double value)
if (value != 0)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeStringIfNotEmpty(const StringRef & str)
if (str.size)
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedInt32(Int32 value)
writePbVarIntNoZigZagEncoding(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt32(UInt32 value)
writePbVarUInt(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSInt32(Int32 value)
writePbVarInt(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedInt64(Int64 value)
writePbVarIntNoZigZagEncoding(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt64(UInt64 value)
writePbVarUInt(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSInt64(Int64 value)
writePbVarInt(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFixed32(UInt32 value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSFixed32(Int32 value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFloat(float value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFixed64(UInt64 value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSFixed64(Int64 value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);
void ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedDouble(double value)
writePODBinary(value, repeated_packing_buffer);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Types.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "IO/WriteBufferFromString.h"
namespace DB
/** Utility class to serialize protobufs.
* Knows nothing about protobuf schemas, just provides useful functions to serialize data.
* This class is written following the documentation:
class ProtobufSimpleWriter : private boost::noncopyable
ProtobufSimpleWriter(WriteBuffer & out_);
/// Should be called when we start writing a new message.
void newMessage();
/// Should be called when we start writing a new field.
/// A passed 'field_number' should be positive and greater than any previous 'field_number'.
void setCurrentField(UInt32 field_number);
UInt32 currentFieldNumber() const { return current_field_number; }
/// Returns number of values added to the current field.
size_t numValues() const { return num_normal_values + num_packed_values; }
void writeInt32(Int32 value);
void writeUInt32(UInt32 value);
void writeSInt32(Int32 value);
void writeInt64(Int64 value);
void writeUInt64(UInt64 value);
void writeSInt64(Int64 value);
void writeFixed32(UInt32 value);
void writeSFixed32(Int32 value);
void writeFloat(float value);
void writeFixed64(UInt64 value);
void writeSFixed64(Int64 value);
void writeDouble(double value);
void writeString(const StringRef & str);
void writeInt32IfNonZero(Int32 value);
void writeUInt32IfNonZero(UInt32 value);
void writeSInt32IfNonZero(Int32 value);
void writeInt64IfNonZero(Int64 value);
void writeUInt64IfNonZero(UInt64 value);
void writeSInt64IfNonZero(Int64 value);
void writeFixed32IfNonZero(UInt32 value);
void writeSFixed32IfNonZero(Int32 value);
void writeFloatIfNonZero(float value);
void writeFixed64IfNonZero(UInt64 value);
void writeSFixed64IfNonZero(Int64 value);
void writeDoubleIfNonZero(double value);
void writeStringIfNotEmpty(const StringRef & str);
void packRepeatedInt32(Int32 value);
void packRepeatedUInt32(UInt32 value);
void packRepeatedSInt32(Int32 value);
void packRepeatedInt64(Int64 value);
void packRepeatedUInt64(UInt64 value);
void packRepeatedSInt64(Int64 value);
void packRepeatedFixed32(UInt32 value);
void packRepeatedSFixed32(Int32 value);
void packRepeatedFloat(float value);
void packRepeatedFixed64(UInt64 value);
void packRepeatedSFixed64(Int64 value);
void packRepeatedDouble(double value);
void finishCurrentMessage();
void finishCurrentField();
enum WireType : UInt32;
void writeKey(WireType wire_type, WriteBuffer & buf);
WriteBuffer & out;
bool were_messages = false;
WriteBufferFromOwnString message_buffer;
UInt32 current_field_number = 0;
size_t num_normal_values = 0;
size_t num_packed_values = 0;
WriteBufferFromOwnString repeated_packing_buffer;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
#include "ProtobufWriter.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <optional>
#include <math.h>
#include <AggregateFunctions/IAggregateFunction.h>
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <boost/numeric/conversion/cast.hpp>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>
#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
class ProtobufWriter::Converter : private boost::noncopyable
Converter(ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer_, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field_)
: simple_writer(simple_writer_), field(field_)
virtual ~Converter() = default;
virtual void writeString(const StringRef &) { cannotConvertType("String"); }
virtual void writeInt8(Int8) { cannotConvertType("Int8"); }
virtual void writeUInt8(UInt8) { cannotConvertType("UInt8"); }
virtual void writeInt16(Int16) { cannotConvertType("Int16"); }
virtual void writeUInt16(UInt16) { cannotConvertType("UInt16"); }
virtual void writeInt32(Int32) { cannotConvertType("Int32"); }
virtual void writeUInt32(UInt32) { cannotConvertType("UInt32"); }
virtual void writeInt64(Int64) { cannotConvertType("Int64"); }
virtual void writeUInt64(UInt64) { cannotConvertType("UInt64"); }
virtual void writeUInt128(const UInt128 &) { cannotConvertType("UInt128"); }
virtual void writeFloat32(Float32) { cannotConvertType("Float32"); }
virtual void writeFloat64(Float64) { cannotConvertType("Float64"); }
virtual void prepareEnumMappingInt8(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int8>> &) {}
virtual void prepareEnumMappingInt16(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int16>> &) {}
virtual void writeEnumInt8(Int8) { cannotConvertType("Enum"); }
virtual void writeEnumInt16(Int16) { cannotConvertType("Enum"); }
virtual void writeUUID(const UUID &) { cannotConvertType("UUID"); }
virtual void writeDate(DayNum) { cannotConvertType("Date"); }
virtual void writeDateTime(time_t) { cannotConvertType("DateTime"); }
virtual void writeDecimal32(Decimal32, UInt32) { cannotConvertType("Decimal32"); }
virtual void writeDecimal64(Decimal64, UInt32) { cannotConvertType("Decimal64"); }
virtual void writeDecimal128(const Decimal128 &, UInt32) { cannotConvertType("Decimal128"); }
virtual void writeAggregateFunction(const AggregateFunctionPtr &, ConstAggregateDataPtr) { cannotConvertType("AggregateFunction"); }
void cannotConvertType(const String & type_name)
throw Exception(
"Could not convert data type '" + type_name + "' to protobuf type '" + field->type_name() + "' (field: " + field->name() + ")",
void cannotConvertValue(const String & value)
throw Exception(
"Could not convert value '" + value + "' to protobuf type '" + field->type_name() + "' (field: " + field->name() + ")",
template <typename To, typename From>
To numericCast(From value)
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<To, From>)
return value;
To result;
result = boost::numeric_cast<To>(value);
catch (boost::numeric::bad_numeric_cast &)
return result;
template <typename To>
To parseFromString(const StringRef & str)
To result;
result = ::DB::parse<To>(, str.size);
catch (...)
return result;
bool packRepeated() const
if (!field->is_repeated())
return false;
if (field->options().has_packed())
return field->options().packed();
return field->file()->syntax() == google::protobuf::FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO3;
bool skipNullValue() const
return field->is_optional() && (field->file()->syntax() == google::protobuf::FileDescriptor::SYNTAX_PROTO3);
ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer;
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field;
class ProtobufWriter::ToStringConverter : public Converter
ToStringConverter(ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer_, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field_)
: Converter(simple_writer_, field_)
void writeString(const StringRef & str) override { writeField(str); }
void writeInt8(Int8 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt8(UInt8 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt16(Int16 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt16(UInt16 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt32(Int32 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt32(UInt32 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt64(Int64 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt64(UInt64 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat32(Float32 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat64(Float64 value) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(value); }
void prepareEnumMappingInt8(const std::vector<std::pair<String, Int8>> & name_value_pairs) override
void prepareEnumMappingInt16(const std::vector<std::pair<String, Int16>> & name_value_pairs) override
void writeEnumInt8(Int8 value) override { writeEnumInt16(value); }
void writeEnumInt16(Int16 value) override
auto it = enum_value_to_name_map->find(value);
if (it == enum_value_to_name_map->end())
void writeUUID(const UUID & uuid) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(uuid); }
void writeDate(DayNum date) override { convertToStringAndWriteField(date); }
void writeDateTime(time_t tm) override
writeDateTimeText(tm, text_buffer);
void writeDecimal32(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32 scale) override { writeDecimal(decimal, scale); }
void writeDecimal64(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32 scale) override { writeDecimal(decimal, scale); }
void writeDecimal128(const Decimal128 & decimal, UInt32 scale) override { writeDecimal(decimal, scale); }
void writeAggregateFunction(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function, ConstAggregateDataPtr place) override
function->serialize(place, text_buffer);
template <typename T>
void convertToStringAndWriteField(T value)
writeText(value, text_buffer);
template <typename T>
void writeDecimal(const Decimal<T> & decimal, UInt32 scale)
writeText(decimal, scale, text_buffer);
template <typename T>
void prepareEnumValueToNameMap(const std::vector<std::pair<String, T>> & name_value_pairs)
if (enum_value_to_name_map.has_value())
for (const auto & name_value_pair : name_value_pairs)
enum_value_to_name_map->emplace(name_value_pair.second, name_value_pair.first);
void writeField(const StringRef & str) { (simple_writer.*write_field_function)(str); }
void initWriteFieldFunction()
write_field_function = skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeStringIfNotEmpty : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeString;
void (ProtobufSimpleWriter::*write_field_function)(const StringRef & str);
WriteBufferFromOwnString text_buffer;
std::optional<std::unordered_map<Int16, String>> enum_value_to_name_map;
template <typename T>
class ProtobufWriter::ToNumberConverter : public Converter
ToNumberConverter(ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer_, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field_)
: Converter(simple_writer_, field_)
void writeString(const StringRef & str) override { writeField(parseFromString<T>(str)); }
void writeInt8(Int8 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt8(UInt8 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt16(Int16 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt16(UInt16 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt32(Int32 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt32(UInt32 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt64(Int64 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt64(UInt64 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat32(Float32 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat64(Float64 value) override { castNumericAndWriteField(value); }
void writeEnumInt8(Int8 value) override { writeEnumInt16(value); }
void writeEnumInt16(Int16 value) override
if constexpr (!std::is_integral_v<T>)
cannotConvertType("Enum"); // It's not correct to convert enum to floating point.
void writeDate(DayNum date) override { castNumericAndWriteField(static_cast<UInt16>(date)); }
void writeDateTime(time_t tm) override { castNumericAndWriteField(tm); }
void writeDecimal32(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32 scale) override { writeDecimal(decimal, scale); }
void writeDecimal64(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32 scale) override { writeDecimal(decimal, scale); }
template <typename From>
void castNumericAndWriteField(From value)
template <typename S>
void writeDecimal(const Decimal<S> & decimal, UInt32 scale)
if constexpr (std::is_integral_v<T>)
castNumericAndWriteField(decimal.value / decimalScaleMultiplier<S>(scale));
castNumericAndWriteField(double(decimal.value) * pow(10., -double(scale)));
void writeField(T value) { (simple_writer.*write_field_function)(value); }
void initWriteFieldFunction()
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Int32>)
switch (field->type())
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedInt32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt32);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSInt32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt32);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSFixed32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed32);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UInt32>)
switch (field->type())
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFixed32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed32);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, Int64>)
switch (field->type())
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedInt64
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt64IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeInt64);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSInt64
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt64IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSInt64);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedSFixed64
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed64IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeSFixed64);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, UInt64>)
switch (field->type())
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt64
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt64IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt64);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFixed64
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed64IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFixed64);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, float>)
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedFloat
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFloatIfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeFloat);
else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, double>)
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedDouble
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeDoubleIfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeDouble);
void (ProtobufSimpleWriter::*write_field_function)(T value);
class ProtobufWriter::ToBoolConverter : public Converter
ToBoolConverter(ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer_, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field_)
: Converter(simple_writer_, field_)
void writeString(const StringRef & str) override
if (str == "true")
else if (str == "false")
void writeInt8(Int8 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt8(UInt8 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt16(Int16 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt16(UInt16 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt32(Int32 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt32(UInt32 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt64(Int64 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt64(UInt64 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat32(Float32 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeFloat64(Float64 value) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(value); }
void writeDecimal32(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(decimal.value); }
void writeDecimal64(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(decimal.value); }
void writeDecimal128(const Decimal128 & decimal, UInt32) override { convertToBoolAndWriteField(decimal.value); }
template <typename T>
void convertToBoolAndWriteField(T value)
void writeField(bool b) { (simple_writer.*write_field_function)(b); }
void initWriteFieldFunction()
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32);
void (ProtobufSimpleWriter::*write_field_function)(UInt32 b);
class ProtobufWriter::ToEnumConverter : public Converter
ToEnumConverter(ProtobufSimpleWriter & simple_writer_, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * field_)
: Converter(simple_writer_, field_)
void writeString(const StringRef & str) override
auto it = enum_name_to_pbnumber_map->find(str);
if (it == enum_name_to_pbnumber_map->end())
void writeInt8(Int8 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt8(UInt8 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt16(Int16 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt16(UInt16 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt32(Int32 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt32(UInt32 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeInt64(Int64 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void writeUInt64(UInt64 value) override { convertToEnumAndWriteField(value); }
void prepareEnumMappingInt8(const std::vector<std::pair<String, Int8>> & name_value_pairs) override
void prepareEnumMappingInt16(const std::vector<std::pair<String, Int16>> & name_value_pairs) override
void writeEnumInt8(Int8 value) override { writeEnumInt16(value); }
void writeEnumInt16(Int16 value) override
auto it = enum_value_to_pbnumber_map->find(value);
if (it == enum_value_to_pbnumber_map->end())
template <typename T>
void convertToEnumAndWriteField(T value)
const auto * enum_descriptor = field->enum_type()->FindValueByNumber(numericCast<int>(value));
if (!enum_descriptor)
void prepareEnumNameToPbNumberMap()
if (enum_name_to_pbnumber_map.has_value())
const auto * enum_type = field->enum_type();
for (int i = 0; i != enum_type->value_count(); ++i)
const auto * enum_value = enum_type->value(i);
enum_name_to_pbnumber_map->emplace(enum_value->name(), enum_value->number());
template <typename T>
void prepareEnumValueToPbNumberMap(const std::vector<std::pair<String, T>> & name_value_pairs)
if (enum_value_to_pbnumber_map.has_value())
for (const auto & name_value_pair : name_value_pairs)
Int16 value = name_value_pair.second;
const auto * enum_descriptor = field->enum_type()->FindValueByName(name_value_pair.first);
if (enum_descriptor)
enum_value_to_pbnumber_map->emplace(value, enum_descriptor->number());
void writeField(int enum_number) { (simple_writer.*write_field_function)(enum_number); }
void initWriteFieldFunction()
write_field_function = packRepeated()
? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::packRepeatedUInt32
: (skipNullValue() ? &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32IfNonZero : &ProtobufSimpleWriter::writeUInt32);
void (ProtobufSimpleWriter::*write_field_function)(UInt32 enum_number);
std::optional<std::unordered_map<StringRef, int>> enum_name_to_pbnumber_map;
std::optional<std::unordered_map<Int16, int>> enum_value_to_pbnumber_map;
ProtobufWriter::ProtobufWriter(WriteBuffer & out, const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type) : simple_writer(out)
void ProtobufWriter::enumerateFieldsInWriteOrder(const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type)
for (int i = 0; i < message_type->field_count(); ++i)
[](const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * left, const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * right)
return left->number() < right->number();
void ProtobufWriter::createConverters()
for (size_t i = 0; i != fields_in_write_order.size(); ++i)
const auto * field = fields_in_write_order[i];
std::unique_ptr<Converter> converter;
switch (field->type())
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT32:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT32:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED32:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<Int32>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT32:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED32:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<UInt32>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_INT64:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SFIXED64:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_SINT64:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<Int64>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_UINT64:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FIXED64:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<UInt64>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_FLOAT:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<float>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_DOUBLE:
converter = std::make_unique<ToNumberConverter<double>>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BOOL:
converter = std::make_unique<ToBoolConverter>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_ENUM:
converter = std::make_unique<ToEnumConverter>(simple_writer, field);
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_STRING:
case google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor::TYPE_BYTES:
converter = std::make_unique<ToStringConverter>(simple_writer, field);
throw Exception(String("Protobuf type '") + field->type_name() + "' isn't supported", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
const std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *> & ProtobufWriter::fieldsInWriteOrder() const
return fields_in_write_order;
void ProtobufWriter::newMessage()
if (fields_in_write_order.empty())
current_field_index = 0;
current_field = fields_in_write_order[current_field_index];
current_converter = converters[current_field_index].get();
void ProtobufWriter::finishCurrentMessage()
if (current_field)
assert(current_field_index == fields_in_write_order.size() - 1);
bool ProtobufWriter::nextField()
if (current_field_index == fields_in_write_order.size() - 1)
return false;
current_field = fields_in_write_order[current_field_index];
current_converter = converters[current_field_index].get();
return true;
void ProtobufWriter::finishCurrentField()
size_t num_values = simple_writer.numValues();
if (num_values == 0)
if (current_field->is_required())
throw Exception(
"No data for the required field '" + current_field->name() + "'", ErrorCodes::NO_DATA_FOR_REQUIRED_PROTOBUF_FIELD);
else if (num_values > 1 && !current_field->is_repeated())
throw Exception(
"Cannot write more than single value to the non-repeated field '" + current_field->name() + "'",
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Int8 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(UInt8 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Int16 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(UInt16 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Int32 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(UInt32 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Int64 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(UInt64 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(UInt128 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Float32 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeNumber(Float64 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeString(const StringRef & str)
void ProtobufWriter::prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int8>> & enum_values)
void ProtobufWriter::prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int16>> & enum_values)
void ProtobufWriter::writeEnum(Int8 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeEnum(Int16 value)
void ProtobufWriter::writeUUID(const UUID & uuid)
void ProtobufWriter::writeDate(DayNum date)
void ProtobufWriter::writeDateTime(time_t tm)
void ProtobufWriter::writeDecimal(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32 scale)
current_converter->writeDecimal32(decimal, scale);
void ProtobufWriter::writeDecimal(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32 scale)
current_converter->writeDecimal64(decimal, scale);
void ProtobufWriter::writeDecimal(const Decimal128 & decimal, UInt32 scale)
current_converter->writeDecimal128(decimal, scale);
void ProtobufWriter::writeAggregateFunction(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function, ConstAggregateDataPtr place)
current_converter->writeAggregateFunction(function, place);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/UUID.h>
#include <Formats/ProtobufSimpleWriter.h>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include <Common/PODArray.h>
#include <Common/UInt128.h>
#include <common/DayNum.h>
#include <Common/config.h>
namespace google
namespace protobuf
class Descriptor;
class FieldDescriptor;
# define EMPTY_DEF
# define EMPTY_DEF_RET(a)
# define EMPTY_DEF {}
# define EMPTY_DEF_RET(a) {return a;}
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wextra-semi"
namespace DB
class IAggregateFunction;
using AggregateFunctionPtr = std::shared_ptr<IAggregateFunction>;
using ConstAggregateDataPtr = const char *;
/** Serializes a protobuf, tries to cast types if necessarily.
class ProtobufWriter : private boost::noncopyable
ProtobufWriter(WriteBuffer & out, const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type) EMPTY_DEF;
~ProtobufWriter() EMPTY_DEF;
/// Returns fields of the protobuf schema sorted by their numbers.
const std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *> & fieldsInWriteOrder() const;
/// Should be called when we start writing a new message.
void newMessage() EMPTY_DEF;
/// Should be called when we start writing a new field.
/// Returns false if there is no more fields in the message type.
bool nextField() EMPTY_DEF_RET(false);
/// Returns the current field of the message type.
/// The value returned by this function changes after calling nextField() or newMessage().
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * currentField() const { return current_field; }
void writeNumber(Int8 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(UInt8 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(Int16 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(UInt16 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(Int32 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(UInt32 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(Int64 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(UInt64 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(UInt128 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(Float32 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeNumber(Float64 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeString(const StringRef & value) EMPTY_DEF;
void prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int8>> & name_value_pairs) EMPTY_DEF;
void prepareEnumMapping(const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Int16>> & name_value_pairs) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeEnum(Int8 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeEnum(Int16 value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeUUID(const UUID & value) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeDate(DayNum date) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeDateTime(time_t tm) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeDecimal(Decimal32 decimal, UInt32 scale) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeDecimal(Decimal64 decimal, UInt32 scale) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeDecimal(const Decimal128 & decimal, UInt32 scale) EMPTY_DEF;
void writeAggregateFunction(const AggregateFunctionPtr & function, ConstAggregateDataPtr place) EMPTY_DEF;
void enumerateFieldsInWriteOrder(const google::protobuf::Descriptor * message_type);
void createConverters();
void finishCurrentMessage();
void finishCurrentField();
ProtobufSimpleWriter simple_writer;
std::vector<const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor *> fields_in_write_order;
size_t current_field_index = -1;
const google::protobuf::FieldDescriptor * current_field = nullptr;
class Converter;
class ToStringConverter;
template <typename T>
class ToNumberConverter;
class ToBoolConverter;
class ToEnumConverter;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Converter>> converters;
Converter * current_converter = nullptr;
# undef EMPTY_DEF
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TSKVRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INCORRECT_DATA;
extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA;
TSKVRowInputFormat::TSKVRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), format_settings(format_settings), name_map(header.columns())
/// In this format, we assume that column name cannot contain BOM,
/// so BOM at beginning of stream cannot be confused with name of field, and it is safe to skip it.
size_t num_columns = header.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
name_map[header.safeGetByPosition(i).name] = i; /// NOTE You could place names more cache-locally.
/** Read the field name in the `tskv` format.
* Return true if the field is followed by an equal sign,
* otherwise (field with no value) return false.
* The reference to the field name will be written to `ref`.
* A temporary `tmp` buffer can also be used to copy the field name to it.
* When reading, skips the name and the equal sign after it.
static bool readName(ReadBuffer & buf, StringRef & ref, String & tmp)
while (!buf.eof())
const char * next_pos = find_first_symbols<'\t', '\n', '\\', '='>(buf.position(), buf.buffer().end());
if (next_pos == buf.buffer().end())
tmp.append(buf.position(), next_pos - buf.position());;
/// Came to the end of the name.
if (*next_pos != '\\')
bool have_value = *next_pos == '=';
if (tmp.empty())
/// No need to copy data, you can refer directly to the `buf`.
ref = StringRef(buf.position(), next_pos - buf.position());
buf.position() += next_pos + have_value - buf.position();
/// Copy the data to a temporary string and return a reference to it.
tmp.append(buf.position(), next_pos - buf.position());
buf.position() += next_pos + have_value - buf.position();
ref = StringRef(tmp);
return have_value;
/// The name has an escape sequence.
tmp.append(buf.position(), next_pos - buf.position());
buf.position() += next_pos + 1 - buf.position();
if (buf.eof())
throw Exception("Cannot parse escape sequence", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE);
throw Exception("Unexpected end of stream while reading key name from TSKV format", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA);
bool TSKVRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension & ext)
if (in.eof())
return false;
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
/// Set of columns for which the values were read. The rest will be filled with default values.
read_columns.assign(num_columns, false);
if (unlikely(*in.position() == '\n'))
/// An empty string. It is permissible, but it is unclear why.
while (true)
StringRef name_ref;
bool has_value = readName(in, name_ref, name_buf);
ssize_t index = -1;
if (has_value)
/// NOTE Optimization is possible by caching the order of fields (which is almost always the same)
/// and quickly checking for the next expected field, instead of searching the hash table.
auto it = name_map.find(name_ref);
if (name_map.end() == it)
if (!format_settings.skip_unknown_fields)
throw Exception("Unknown field found while parsing TSKV format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
/// If the key is not found, skip the value.
NullSink sink;
readEscapedStringInto(sink, in);
index = it->second;
if (read_columns[index])
throw Exception("Duplicate field found while parsing TSKV format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
read_columns[index] = true;
header.getByPosition(index).type->deserializeAsTextEscaped(*columns[index], in, format_settings);
/// The only thing that can go without value is `tskv` fragment that is ignored.
if (!(name_ref.size == 4 && 0 == memcmp(, "tskv", 4)))
throw Exception("Found field without value while parsing TSKV format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::INCORRECT_DATA);
if (in.eof())
throw Exception("Unexpected end of stream after field in TSKV format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA);
else if (*in.position() == '\t')
else if (*in.position() == '\n')
/// Possibly a garbage was written into column, remove it
if (index >= 0)
read_columns[index] = false;
throw Exception("Found garbage after field in TSKV format: " + name_ref.toString(), ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_INPUT_ASSERTION_FAILED);
/// Fill in the not met columns with default values.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (!read_columns[i])
/// return info about defaults set
ext.read_columns = read_columns;
return true;
void TSKVRowInputFormat::syncAfterError()
void registerInputFormatProcessorTSKV(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("TSKV", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TSKVRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Common/HashTable/HashMap.h>
namespace DB
class ReadBuffer;
/** Stream for reading data in TSKV format.
* TSKV is a very inefficient data format.
* Similar to TSV, but each field is written as key=value.
* Fields can be listed in any order (including, in different lines there may be different order),
* and some fields may be missing.
* An equal sign can be escaped in the field name.
* Also, as an additional element there may be a useless tskv fragment - it needs to be ignored.
class TSKVRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
TSKVRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "TSKVRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
bool allowSyncAfterError() const override { return true; }
void syncAfterError() override;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
/// Buffer for the read from the stream the field name. Used when you have to copy it.
String name_buf;
/// Hash table matching `field name -> position in the block`. NOTE You can use perfect hash map.
using NameMap = HashMap<StringRef, size_t, StringRefHash>;
NameMap name_map;
std::vector<UInt8> read_columns;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TSKVRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
TSKVRowOutputFormat::TSKVRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings_)
: TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat(out, std::move(header), false, false, format_settings_)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
NamesAndTypesList columns(sample.getNamesAndTypesList());
fields.assign(columns.begin(), columns.end());
for (auto & field : fields)
WriteBufferFromOwnString wb;
writeAnyEscapedString<'='>(, +, wb);
writeCString("=", wb); = wb.str();
void TSKVRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
writeString(fields[field_number].name, out);
type.serializeAsTextEscaped(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void TSKVRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar('\n', out);
field_number = 0;
void registerOutputFormatProcessorTSKV(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("TSKV", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TSKVRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#pragma once
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
/** The stream for outputting data in the TSKV format.
* TSKV is similar to TabSeparated, but before every value, its name and equal sign are specified: name=value.
* This format is very inefficient.
class TSKVRowOutputFormat: public TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat
TSKVRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "TSKVRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
NamesAndTypes fields;
size_t field_number = 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#pragma once
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
/** A stream for outputting data in tsv format, but without escaping individual values.
* (That is, the output is irreversible.)
class TabSeparatedRawRowOutputFormat : public TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat
TabSeparatedRawRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names, bool with_types, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat(out, std::move(header), with_names, with_types, format_settings) {}
String getName() const override { return "TabSeparatedRawRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override
type.serializeAsText(column, row_num, out, format_settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <IO/Operators.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/verbosePrintString.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int INCORRECT_DATA;
extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
ReadBuffer & in, Block header, bool with_names, bool with_types, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params), with_names(with_names), with_types(with_types), format_settings(format_settings)
auto & sample = getPort().getHeader();
size_t num_columns = sample.columns();
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
data_types[i] = sample.safeGetByPosition(i).type;
void TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::readPrefix()
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
size_t num_columns = header.columns();
String tmp;
if (with_names || with_types)
/// In this format, we assume that column name or type cannot contain BOM,
/// so, if format has header,
/// then BOM at beginning of stream cannot be confused with name or type of field, and it is safe to skip it.
if (with_names)
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
readEscapedString(tmp, in);
assertChar(i == num_columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', in);
if (with_types)
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
readEscapedString(tmp, in);
assertChar(i == num_columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', in);
/** Check for a common error case - usage of Windows line feed.
static void checkForCarriageReturn(ReadBuffer & in)
if (in.position()[0] == '\r' || (in.position() != in.buffer().begin() && in.position()[-1] == '\r'))
throw Exception("\nYou have carriage return (\\r, 0x0D, ASCII 13) at end of first row."
"\nIt's like your input data has DOS/Windows style line separators, that are illegal in TabSeparated format."
" You must transform your file to Unix format."
"\nBut if you really need carriage return at end of string value of last column, you need to escape it as \\r.",
bool TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &)
if (in.eof())
return false;
size_t size = data_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
data_types[i]->deserializeAsTextEscaped(*columns[i], in, format_settings);
/// skip separators
if (i + 1 == size)
if (!in.eof())
if (unlikely(row_num == 1))
assertChar('\n', in);
assertChar('\t', in);
return true;
String TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::getDiagnosticInfo()
if (in.eof()) /// Buffer has gone, cannot extract information about what has been parsed.
return {};
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
WriteBufferFromOwnString out;
MutableColumns columns = header.cloneEmptyColumns();
/// It is possible to display detailed diagnostics only if the last and next to last lines are still in the read buffer.
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer = in.count() - in.offset();
if (bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer != bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row)
out << "Could not print diagnostic info because two last rows aren't in buffer (rare case)\n";
return out.str();
size_t max_length_of_column_name = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < header.columns(); ++i)
if (header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size() > max_length_of_column_name)
max_length_of_column_name = header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size();
size_t max_length_of_data_type_name = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < header.columns(); ++i)
if (header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName().size() > max_length_of_data_type_name)
max_length_of_data_type_name = header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName().size();
/// Roll back the cursor to the beginning of the previous or current line and pars all over again. But now we derive detailed information.
if (pos_of_prev_row)
in.position() = pos_of_prev_row;
out << "\nRow " << (row_num - 1) << ":\n";
if (!parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(columns, out, max_length_of_column_name, max_length_of_data_type_name))
return out.str();
if (!pos_of_current_row)
out << "Could not print diagnostic info because parsing of data hasn't started.\n";
return out.str();
in.position() = pos_of_current_row;
out << "\nRow " << row_num << ":\n";
parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(columns, out, max_length_of_column_name, max_length_of_data_type_name);
out << "\n";
return out.str();
bool TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(MutableColumns & columns,
WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name)
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
size_t size = data_types.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (i == 0 && in.eof())
out << "<End of stream>\n";
return false;
out << "Column " << i << ", " << std::string((i < 10 ? 2 : i < 100 ? 1 : 0), ' ')
<< "name: " << header.safeGetByPosition(i).name << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_column_name - header.safeGetByPosition(i).name.size(), ' ')
<< "type: " << data_types[i]->getName() << ", " << std::string(max_length_of_data_type_name - data_types[i]->getName().size(), ' ');
auto prev_position = in.position();
std::exception_ptr exception;
data_types[i]->deserializeAsTextEscaped(*columns[i], in, format_settings);
catch (...)
exception = std::current_exception();
auto curr_position = in.position();
if (curr_position < prev_position)
throw Exception("Logical error: parsing is non-deterministic.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
if (isNumber(data_types[i]) || isDateOrDateTime(data_types[i]))
/// An empty string instead of a value.
if (curr_position == prev_position)
out << "ERROR: text ";
verbosePrintString(prev_position, std::min(prev_position + 10, in.buffer().end()), out);
out << " is not like " << data_types[i]->getName() << "\n";
return false;
out << "parsed text: ";
verbosePrintString(prev_position, curr_position, out);
if (exception)
if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
out << "ERROR\n";
return false;
out << "\n";
if (data_types[i]->haveMaximumSizeOfValue())
if (*curr_position != '\n' && *curr_position != '\t')
out << "ERROR: garbage after " << data_types[i]->getName() << ": ";
verbosePrintString(curr_position, std::min(curr_position + 10, in.buffer().end()), out);
out << "\n";
if (data_types[i]->getName() == "DateTime")
out << "ERROR: DateTime must be in YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss or NNNNNNNNNN (unix timestamp, exactly 10 digits) format.\n";
else if (data_types[i]->getName() == "Date")
out << "ERROR: Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.\n";
return false;
/// Delimiters
if (i + 1 == size)
if (!in.eof())
assertChar('\n', in);
catch (const DB::Exception &)
if (*in.position() == '\t')
out << "ERROR: Tab found where line feed is expected."
" It's like your file has more columns than expected.\n"
"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped tab in value.\n";
else if (*in.position() == '\r')
out << "ERROR: Carriage return found where line feed is expected."
" It's like your file has DOS/Windows style line separators, that is illegal in TabSeparated format.\n";
out << "ERROR: There is no line feed. ";
verbosePrintString(in.position(), in.position() + 1, out);
out << " found instead.\n";
return false;
assertChar('\t', in);
catch (const DB::Exception &)
if (*in.position() == '\n')
out << "ERROR: Line feed found where tab is expected."
" It's like your file has less columns than expected.\n"
"And if your file have right number of columns, maybe it have unescaped backslash in value before tab, which cause tab has escaped.\n";
else if (*in.position() == '\r')
out << "ERROR: Carriage return found where tab is expected.\n";
out << "ERROR: There is no tab. ";
verbosePrintString(in.position(), in.position() + 1, out);
out << " found instead.\n";
return false;
return true;
void TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::syncAfterError()
void TabSeparatedRowInputFormat::updateDiagnosticInfo()
bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row = bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row;
bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row = in.count() - in.offset();
pos_of_prev_row = pos_of_current_row;
pos_of_current_row = in.position();
void registerInputFormatProcessorTabSeparated(FormatFactory & factory)
for (auto name : {"TabSeparated", "TSV"})
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor(name, [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, false, false, params, settings);
for (auto name : {"TabSeparatedWithNames", "TSVWithNames"})
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor(name, [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, true, false, params, settings);
for (auto name : {"TabSeparatedWithNamesAndTypes", "TSVWithNamesAndTypes"})
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor(name, [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, true, true, params, settings);

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class ReadBuffer;
/** A stream to input data in tsv format.
class TabSeparatedRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
/** with_names - the first line is the header with the names of the columns
* with_types - on the next line header with type names
ReadBuffer & in, Block header, bool with_names, bool with_types, Params params, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "TabSeparatedRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
void readPrefix() override;
bool allowSyncAfterError() const override { return true; }
void syncAfterError() override;
std::string getDiagnosticInfo() override;
bool with_names;
bool with_types;
const FormatSettings format_settings;
DataTypes data_types;
/// For convenient diagnostics in case of an error.
size_t row_num = 0;
/// How many bytes were read, not counting those still in the buffer.
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_current_row = 0;
size_t bytes_read_at_start_of_buffer_on_prev_row = 0;
char * pos_of_current_row = nullptr;
char * pos_of_prev_row = nullptr;
void updateDiagnosticInfo();
bool parseRowAndPrintDiagnosticInfo(MutableColumns & columns,
WriteBuffer & out, size_t max_length_of_column_name, size_t max_length_of_data_type_name);

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@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/TabSeparatedRawRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names, bool with_types, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), with_names(with_names), with_types(with_types), format_settings(format_settings)
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writePrefix()
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = header.columns();
if (with_names)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
writeEscapedString(header.safeGetByPosition(i).name, out);
writeChar(i == columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', out);
if (with_types)
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
writeEscapedString(header.safeGetByPosition(i).type->getName(), out);
writeChar(i == columns - 1 ? '\n' : '\t', out);
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
type.serializeAsTextEscaped(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeChar('\t', out);
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar('\n', out);
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeChar('\n', out);
void TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeExtremes()
writeChar('\n', out);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorTabSeparated(FormatFactory & factory)
for (auto name : {"TabSeparated", "TSV"})
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor(name, [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, false, false, settings);
for (auto name : {"TabSeparatedRaw", "TSVRaw"})
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor(name, [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRawRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, false, false, settings);
for (auto name : {"TabSeparatedWithNames", "TSVWithNames"})
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor(name, [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, true, false, settings);
for (auto name : {"TabSeparatedWithNamesAndTypes", "TSVWithNamesAndTypes"})
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor(name, [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, true, true, settings);

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** A stream for outputting data in tsv format.
class TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
/** with_names - output in the first line a header with column names
* with_types - output the next line header with the names of the types
TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, bool with_names, bool with_types, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "TabSeparatedRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writePrefix() override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeBeforeExtremes() override;
String getContentType() const override { return "text/tab-separated-values; charset=UTF-8"; }
bool with_names;
bool with_types;
const FormatSettings format_settings;

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@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
#include <Interpreters/evaluateConstantExpression.h>
#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
#include <Interpreters/convertFieldToType.h>
#include <Parsers/TokenIterator.h>
#include <Parsers/ExpressionListParsers.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ValuesRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Common/FieldVisitors.h>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Common/typeid_cast.h>
namespace DB
namespace ErrorCodes
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATE;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME;
extern const int CANNOT_PARSE_DATE;
extern const int SYNTAX_ERROR;
ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const Context & context_, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowInputFormat(std::move(header), in, params)
, context(std::make_unique<Context>(context_)), format_settings(format_settings)
/// In this format, BOM at beginning of stream cannot be confused with value, so it is safe to skip it.
bool ValuesRowInputFormat::readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &)
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
auto & header = getPort().getHeader();
if (in.eof() || *in.position() == ';')
return false;
/** Typically, this is the usual format for streaming parsing.
* But as an exception, it also supports processing arbitrary expressions instead of values.
* This is very inefficient. But if there are no expressions, then there is no overhead.
ParserExpression parser;
assertChar('(', in);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
char * prev_in_position = in.position();
size_t prev_in_bytes = in.count() - in.offset();
bool rollback_on_exception = false;
header.getByPosition(i).type->deserializeAsTextQuoted(*columns[i], in, format_settings);
rollback_on_exception = true;
if (i != num_columns - 1)
assertChar(',', in);
assertChar(')', in);
catch (const Exception & e)
if (!format_settings.values.interpret_expressions)
/** The normal streaming parser could not parse the value.
* Let's try to parse it with a SQL parser as a constant expression.
* This is an exceptional case.
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_QUOTED_STRING
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_NUMBER
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATE
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_PARSE_DATETIME
|| e.code() == ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ARRAY_FROM_TEXT)
/// TODO Case when the expression does not fit entirely in the buffer.
/// If the beginning of the value is no longer in the buffer.
if (in.count() - in.offset() != prev_in_bytes)
if (rollback_on_exception)
const IDataType & type = *header.getByPosition(i).type;
Expected expected;
Tokens tokens(prev_in_position, in.buffer().end());
TokenIterator token_iterator(tokens);
ASTPtr ast;
if (!parser.parse(token_iterator, ast, expected))
throw Exception("Cannot parse expression of type " + type.getName() + " here: "
+ String(prev_in_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, in.buffer().end() - prev_in_position)),
in.position() = const_cast<char *>(token_iterator->begin);
std::pair<Field, DataTypePtr> value_raw = evaluateConstantExpression(ast, *context);
Field value = convertFieldToType(value_raw.first, type, value_raw.second.get());
/// Check that we are indeed allowed to insert a NULL.
if (value.isNull())
if (!type.isNullable())
throw Exception{"Expression returns value " + applyVisitor(FieldVisitorToString(), value)
+ ", that is out of range of type " + type.getName()
+ ", at: " + String(prev_in_position, std::min(SHOW_CHARS_ON_SYNTAX_ERROR, in.buffer().end() - prev_in_position)),
if (i != num_columns - 1)
assertChar(',', in);
assertChar(')', in);
if (!in.eof() && *in.position() == ',')
return true;
void registerInputFormatProcessorValues(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerInputFormatProcessor("Values", [](
ReadBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context & context,
IRowInputFormat::Params params,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<ValuesRowInputFormat>(buf, sample, params, context, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowInputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
namespace DB
class Context;
class ReadBuffer;
/** Stream to read data in VALUES format (as in INSERT query).
class ValuesRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat
/** Data is parsed using fast, streaming parser.
* If interpret_expressions is true, it will, in addition, try to use SQL parser and interpreter
* in case when streaming parser could not parse field (this is very slow).
ValuesRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in, Block header, Params params, const Context & context_, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "ValuesRowInputFormat"; }
bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override;
std::unique_ptr<Context> context; /// pimpl
const FormatSettings format_settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/ValuesRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <Columns/IColumn.h>
#include <DataTypes/IDataType.h>
namespace DB
ValuesRowOutputFormat::ValuesRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
void ValuesRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
type.serializeAsTextQuoted(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void ValuesRowOutputFormat::writeFieldDelimiter()
writeChar(',', out);
void ValuesRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
writeChar('(', out);
void ValuesRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeChar(')', out);
void ValuesRowOutputFormat::writeRowBetweenDelimiter()
writeCString(",", out);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorValues(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("Values", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<ValuesRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#pragma once
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** A stream for outputting data in the VALUES format (as in the INSERT request).
class ValuesRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
ValuesRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "ValuesRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeFieldDelimiter() override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writeRowBetweenDelimiter() override;
const FormatSettings format_settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
#include <cmath>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferFromString.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/VerticalRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
#include <Common/UTF8Helpers.h>
namespace DB
WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
size_t columns = sample.columns();
using Widths = std::vector<size_t>;
Widths name_widths(columns);
size_t max_name_width = 0;
String serialized_value;
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
/// Note that number of code points is just a rough approximation of visible string width.
const String & name = sample.getByPosition(i).name;
name_widths[i] = UTF8::computeWidth(reinterpret_cast<const UInt8 *>(, name.size());
if (name_widths[i] > max_name_width)
max_name_width = name_widths[i];
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
WriteBufferFromString out(names_and_paddings[i]);
writeString(sample.getByPosition(i).name, out);
writeCString(": ", out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < columns; ++i)
size_t new_size = max_name_width - name_widths[i] + names_and_paddings[i].size();
names_and_paddings[i].resize(new_size, ' ');
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
if (row_number > format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeString(names_and_paddings[field_number], out);
writeValue(column, type, row_num);
writeChar('\n', out);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeValue(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) const
type.serializeAsText(column, row_num, out, format_settings);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
if (row_number > format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeCString("Row ", out);
writeIntText(row_number, out);
writeCString(":\n", out);
size_t width = log10(row_number + 1) + 1 + strlen("Row :");
for (size_t i = 0; i < width; ++i)
writeCString("", out);
writeChar('\n', out);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeRowBetweenDelimiter()
if (row_number > format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeCString("\n", out);
field_number = 0;
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeSuffix()
if (row_number > format_settings.pretty.max_rows)
writeCString("Showed first ", out);
writeIntText(format_settings.pretty.max_rows, out);
writeCString(".\n", out);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeCString("\n", out);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeExtremes()
if (!was_totals_written)
writeCString("\n", out);
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeSpecialRow(columns, row_num, PortKind::Totals, "Min");
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeSpecialRow(columns, row_num, PortKind::Totals, "Max");
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeSpecialRow(columns, row_num, PortKind::Totals, "Totals");
was_totals_written = true;
void VerticalRowOutputFormat::writeSpecialRow(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num, PortKind port_kind, const char * title)
writeCString("\n", out);
row_number = 0;
field_number = 0;
auto & header = getPort(port_kind).getHeader();
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
writeCString(title, out);
writeCString(":\n", out);
size_t width = strlen(title) + 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < width; ++i)
writeCString("", out);
writeChar('\n', out);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
if (i != 0)
auto & col = header.getByPosition(i);
writeField(*columns[i], *col.type, row_num);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorVertical(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("Vertical", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<VerticalRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
class Context;
/** Stream to output data in format "each value in separate row".
* Usable to show few rows with many columns.
class VerticalRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
VerticalRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "VerticalRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowBetweenDelimiter() override;
void writeSuffix() override;
void writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeBeforeExtremes() override;
virtual void writeValue(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) const;
/// For totals and extremes.
void writeSpecialRow(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num, PortKind port_kind, const char * title);
const FormatSettings format_settings;
size_t field_number = 0;
size_t row_number = 0;
bool was_totals_written = false;
using NamesAndPaddings = std::vector<String>;
NamesAndPaddings names_and_paddings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
#include <IO/WriteBufferValidUTF8.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/Impl/XMLRowOutputFormat.h>
#include <Formats/FormatFactory.h>
namespace DB
XMLRowOutputFormat::XMLRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings)
: IRowOutputFormat(std::move(header), out), format_settings(format_settings)
auto & sample = getPort(PortKind::Main).getHeader();
NamesAndTypesList columns(sample.getNamesAndTypesList());
fields.assign(columns.begin(), columns.end());
bool need_validate_utf8 = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample.columns(); ++i)
if (!sample.getByPosition(i).type->textCanContainOnlyValidUTF8())
need_validate_utf8 = true;
/// As element names, we will use the column name if it has a valid form, or "field", otherwise.
/// The condition below is more strict than the XML standard requires.
bool is_column_name_suitable = true;
const char * begin = fields[i];
const char * end = begin + fields[i].name.size();
for (const char * pos = begin; pos != end; ++pos)
char c = *pos;
if (!(isAlphaASCII(c)
|| (pos != begin && isNumericASCII(c))
|| c == '_'
|| c == '-'
|| c == '.'))
is_column_name_suitable = false;
field_tag_names[i] = is_column_name_suitable
? fields[i].name
: "field";
if (need_validate_utf8)
validating_ostr = std::make_unique<WriteBufferValidUTF8>(out);
ostr = validating_ostr.get();
ostr = &out;
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writePrefix()
writeCString("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("<result>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t<meta>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t<columns>\n", *ostr);
for (const auto & field : fields)
writeCString("\t\t\t<column>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\t\t<name>", *ostr);
writeXMLString(, *ostr);
writeCString("</name>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\t\t<type>", *ostr);
writeXMLString(field.type->getName(), *ostr);
writeCString("</type>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t\t</column>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t</columns>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t</meta>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t<data>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num)
writeCString("\t\t\t<", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[field_number], *ostr);
writeCString(">", *ostr);
type.serializeAsTextXML(column, row_num, *ostr, format_settings);
writeCString("</", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[field_number], *ostr);
writeCString(">\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeRowStartDelimiter()
writeCString("\t\t<row>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeRowEndDelimiter()
writeCString("\t\t</row>\n", *ostr);
field_number = 0;
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeSuffix()
writeCString("\t</data>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeTotals()
writeCString("\t<totals>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
size_t totals_columns = columns.size();
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Totals).getHeader();
for (size_t i = 0; i < totals_columns; ++i)
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = header.safeGetByPosition(i);
writeCString("\t\t<", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[i], *ostr);
writeCString(">", *ostr);
column.type->serializeAsTextXML(*columns[i], row_num, *ostr, format_settings);
writeCString("</", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[i], *ostr);
writeCString(">\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeAfterTotals()
writeCString("\t</totals>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeBeforeExtremes()
writeCString("\t<extremes>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeExtremesElement("min", columns, row_num);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
writeExtremesElement("max", columns, row_num);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeAfterExtremes()
writeCString("\t</extremes>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num)
auto & header = getPort(PortKind::Extremes).getHeader();
writeCString("\t\t<", *ostr);
writeCString(title, *ostr);
writeCString(">\n", *ostr);
size_t extremes_columns = columns.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < extremes_columns; ++i)
const ColumnWithTypeAndName & column = header.safeGetByPosition(i);
writeCString("\t\t\t<", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[i], *ostr);
writeCString(">", *ostr);
column.type->serializeAsTextXML(*columns[i], row_num, *ostr, format_settings);
writeCString("</", *ostr);
writeString(field_tag_names[i], *ostr);
writeCString(">\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t</", *ostr);
writeCString(title, *ostr);
writeCString(">\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::onProgress(const Progress & value)
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeLastSuffix()
writeCString("\t<rows>", *ostr);
writeIntText(row_count, *ostr);
writeCString("</rows>\n", *ostr);
if (format_settings.write_statistics)
writeCString("</result>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeRowsBeforeLimitAtLeast()
if (applied_limit)
writeCString("\t<rows_before_limit_at_least>", *ostr);
writeIntText(rows_before_limit, *ostr);
writeCString("</rows_before_limit_at_least>\n", *ostr);
void XMLRowOutputFormat::writeStatistics()
writeCString("\t<statistics>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t<elapsed>", *ostr);
writeText(watch.elapsedSeconds(), *ostr);
writeCString("</elapsed>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t<rows_read>", *ostr);
writeText(progress.rows.load(), *ostr);
writeCString("</rows_read>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t\t<bytes_read>", *ostr);
writeText(progress.bytes.load(), *ostr);
writeCString("</bytes_read>\n", *ostr);
writeCString("\t</statistics>\n", *ostr);
void registerOutputFormatProcessorXML(FormatFactory & factory)
factory.registerOutputFormatProcessor("XML", [](
WriteBuffer & buf,
const Block & sample,
const Context &,
const FormatSettings & settings)
return std::make_shared<XMLRowOutputFormat>(buf, sample, settings);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <IO/Progress.h>
#include <IO/WriteBuffer.h>
#include <Common/Stopwatch.h>
#include <Formats/FormatSettings.h>
#include <Processors/Formats/IRowOutputFormat.h>
namespace DB
/** A stream for outputting data in XML format.
class XMLRowOutputFormat : public IRowOutputFormat
XMLRowOutputFormat(WriteBuffer & out, Block header, const FormatSettings & format_settings);
String getName() const override { return "XMLRowOutputFormat"; }
void writeField(const IColumn & column, const IDataType & type, size_t row_num) override;
void writeRowStartDelimiter() override;
void writeRowEndDelimiter() override;
void writePrefix() override;
void writeSuffix() override;
void writeLastSuffix() override;
void writeMinExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeMaxExtreme(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeTotals(const Columns & columns, size_t row_num) override;
void writeBeforeTotals() override;
void writeAfterTotals() override;
void writeBeforeExtremes() override;
void writeAfterExtremes() override;
void flush() override
if (validating_ostr);
void setRowsBeforeLimit(size_t rows_before_limit_) override
applied_limit = true;
rows_before_limit = rows_before_limit_;
void onProgress(const Progress & value) override;
String getContentType() const override { return "application/xml; charset=UTF-8"; }
void writeExtremesElement(const char * title, const Columns & columns, size_t row_num);
void writeRowsBeforeLimitAtLeast();
void writeStatistics();
std::unique_ptr<WriteBuffer> validating_ostr; /// Validates UTF-8 sequences, replaces bad sequences with replacement character.
WriteBuffer * ostr;
size_t field_number = 0;
size_t row_count = 0;
bool applied_limit = false;
size_t rows_before_limit = 0;
NamesAndTypes fields;
Names field_tag_names;
Progress progress;
Stopwatch watch;
const FormatSettings format_settings;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
#include <Formats/verbosePrintString.h>
#include <Common/hex.h>
#include <IO/Operators.h>
namespace DB
void verbosePrintString(const char * begin, const char * end, WriteBuffer & out)
if (end == begin)
out << "<EMPTY>";
out << "\"";
for (auto pos = begin; pos < end; ++pos)
switch (*pos)
case '\0':
out << "<ASCII NUL>";
case '\b':
out << "<BACKSPACE>";
case '\f':
out << "<FORM FEED>";
case '\n':
out << "<LINE FEED>";
case '\r':
case '\t':
out << "<TAB>";
case '\\':
out << "<BACKSLASH>";
case '"':
out << "<DOUBLE QUOTE>";
case '\'':
out << "<SINGLE QUOTE>";
if (static_cast<unsigned char>(*pos) < 32) /// ASCII control characters
out << "<0x" << hexDigitUppercase(*pos / 16) << hexDigitUppercase(*pos % 16) << ">";
out << *pos;
out << "\"";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
namespace DB
class WriteBuffer;
/** Print string in double quotes and with control characters in "<NAME>" form - for output diagnostic info to user.
void verbosePrintString(const char * begin, const char * end, WriteBuffer & out);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ public:
void work() override;
OutputPort & getPort() { return output; }
const OutputPort & getPort() const { return output; }

View File

@ -1,105 +1,8 @@
#include <Processors/Port.h>
#include <IO/WriteHelpers.h>
namespace DB
Chunk::Chunk(DB::Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_) : columns(std::move(columns_)), num_rows(num_rows_)
Chunk::Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_)
: columns(std::move(columns_)), num_rows(num_rows_), chunk_info(std::move(chunk_info_))
static Columns unmuteColumns(MutableColumns && mut_columns)
Columns columns;
for (auto & col : mut_columns)
return columns;
Chunk::Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
: columns(unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_))), num_rows(num_rows_)
Chunk::Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_)
: columns(unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_))), num_rows(num_rows_), chunk_info(std::move(chunk_info_))
Chunk::Chunk(Chunk && other) noexcept
: columns(std::move(other.columns))
, num_rows(other.num_rows)
, chunk_info(std::move(other.chunk_info))
other.num_rows = 0;
Chunk & Chunk::operator=(Chunk && other) noexcept
columns = std::move(other.columns);
chunk_info = std::move(other.chunk_info);
num_rows = other.num_rows;
other.num_rows = 0;
return *this;
void Chunk::setColumns(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
columns = std::move(columns_);
num_rows = num_rows_;
void Chunk::setColumns(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_)
columns = unmuteColumns(std::move(columns_));
num_rows = num_rows_;
void Chunk::checkNumRowsIsConsistent()
for (auto & column : columns)
if (column->size() != num_rows)
throw Exception("Invalid number of rows in Chunk column " + column->getName()+ ": expected " +
toString(num_rows) + ", got " + toString(column->size()), ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR);
MutableColumns Chunk::mutateColumns()
size_t num_columns = columns.size();
MutableColumns mut_columns(num_columns);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_columns; ++i)
mut_columns[i] = (*std::move(columns[i])).mutate();
num_rows = 0;
return mut_columns;
Columns Chunk::detachColumns()
num_rows = 0;
return std::move(columns);
void Chunk::clear()
num_rows = 0;
void connect(OutputPort & output, InputPort & input)
if (input.state || output.state)

View File

@ -3,60 +3,12 @@
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Processors/Chunk.h>
#include <Common/Exception.h>
namespace DB
class ChunkInfo
virtual ~ChunkInfo() = default;
using ChunkInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<const ChunkInfo>;
class Chunk
Chunk() = default;
Chunk(const Chunk & other) = default;
Chunk(Chunk && other) noexcept;
Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Chunk(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_);
Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Chunk(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_, ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_);
Chunk & operator=(const Chunk & other) = default;
Chunk & operator=(Chunk && other) noexcept;
const Columns & getColumns() { return columns; }
void setColumns(Columns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
void setColumns(MutableColumns columns_, UInt64 num_rows_);
Columns detachColumns();
MutableColumns mutateColumns();
const ChunkInfoPtr & getChunkInfo() const { return chunk_info; }
void setChunkInfo(ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info_) { chunk_info = std::move(chunk_info_); }
UInt64 getNumRows() const { return num_rows; }
UInt64 getNumColumns() const { return columns.size(); }
bool empty() const { return num_rows == 0; }
operator bool() const { return !empty() || !columns.empty(); }
void clear();
Columns columns;
UInt64 num_rows = 0;
ChunkInfoPtr chunk_info;
void checkNumRowsIsConsistent();
using Chunks = std::vector<Chunk>;
class InputPort;
class OutputPort;
class IProcessor;