Update changelog script.

* support python3
* synchronize with Description Check
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Kuzmenkov 2019-11-05 16:16:22 +03:00
parent 2c13661ccd
commit bba08b585d

View File

@ -217,49 +217,61 @@ def process_unknown_commits(commits, commits_info, users):
text = 'Commits which are not from any pull request:\n\n'
return text + '\n\n'.join(texts)
# This function mirrors the PR description checks in ClickhousePullRequestTrigger.
# Returns False if the PR should not be mentioned changelog.
def parse_one_pull_request(item):
description = item['description']
lines = [line for line in map(lambda x: x.strip(), description.split('\n')) if line]
lines = [re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', l) for l in lines]
cat_pos = None
short_descr_pos = None
long_descr_pos = None
if lines:
for i in range(len(lines) - 1):
if re.match(r'(?i)^\**Category', lines[i]):
cat_pos = i
if re.match(r'(?i)^\**\s*(Short description|Change\s*log entry)', lines[i]):
short_descr_pos = i
if re.match(r'(?i)^\**\s*Detailed description', lines[i]):
long_descr_pos = i
if cat_pos is None:
return False
cat = lines[cat_pos + 1]
cat = re.sub(r'^[-*\s]*', '', cat)
# Filter out the PR categories that are not for changelog.
if re.match(r'(?i)doc|((non|in|not|un)[-\s]*significant)', cat):
return False
short_descr = ''
if short_descr_pos:
short_descr_end = long_descr_pos or len(lines)
short_descr = lines[short_descr_pos + 1]
if short_descr_pos + 2 != short_descr_end:
short_descr += ' ...'
# If we have nothing meaningful
if not re.match('\w', short_descr):
short_descr = item['title']
# TODO: Add detailed description somewhere
item['entry'] = short_descr
item['category'] = cat
return True
# List of pull requests -> text description.
def process_pull_requests(pull_requests, users, repo):
groups = {}
for id, item in pull_requests.items():
lines = list(filter(len, map(lambda x: x.strip(), item['description'].split('\n'))))
cat_pos = None
short_descr_pos = None
long_descr_pos = None
if lines:
for i in range(len(lines) - 1):
if re.match('^\**Category', lines[i]):
cat_pos = i
if re.match('^\**\s*Short description', lines[i]):
short_descr_pos = i
if re.match('^\**\s*Detailed description', lines[i]):
long_descr_pos = i
cat = ''
if cat_pos is not None:
# TODO: Sometimes have more than one
cat = lines[cat_pos + 1]
cat = cat.strip().lstrip('-').strip()
# We are not interested in documentation PRs in changelog.
if re.match('^\**\s*(?:Documentation|Doc\s)', cat):
short_descr = ''
if short_descr_pos:
short_descr_end = long_descr_pos or len(lines)
short_descr = lines[short_descr_pos + 1]
if short_descr_pos + 2 != short_descr_end:
short_descr += ' ...'
# If we have nothing meaningful
if not re.match('\w', short_descr):
short_descr = item['title']
# TODO: Add detailed description somewhere
if not parse_one_pull_request(item):
pattern = u"{} [#{}]({}) ({})"
link = 'https://github.com/{}/pull/{}'.format(repo, id)
@ -269,20 +281,21 @@ def process_pull_requests(pull_requests, users, repo):
user = users[item['user']]
author = u'[{}]({})'.format(user['name'] or user['login'], user['html_url'])
cat = item['category']
if cat not in groups:
groups[cat] = []
groups[cat].append(pattern.format(short_descr, id, link, author))
groups[cat].append(pattern.format(item['entry'], id, link, author))
categories_preferred_order = ['New Feature', 'Bug Fix', 'Improvement', 'Performance Improvement', 'Build/Testing/Packaging Improvement', 'Backward Incompatible Change', 'Other']
categories_preferred_order = ['Backward Incompatible Change', 'New Feature', 'Bug Fix', 'Improvement', 'Performance Improvement', 'Build/Testing/Packaging Improvement', 'Other']
def categories_sort_key(name):
if name in categories_preferred_order:
return categories_preferred_order.index(name)
return str(categories_preferred_order.index(name)).zfill(3)
return name.lower()
texts = []
for group, text in sorted(groups.items(), key = lambda (k, v): categories_sort_key(k)):
for group, text in sorted(groups.items(), key = lambda kv: categories_sort_key(kv[0])):
items = [u'* {}'.format(pr) for pr in text]
texts.append(u'### {}\n{}'.format(group if group else u'[No category]', '\n'.join(items)))