mirror of
synced 2024-11-24 00:22:29 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ClickHouse/ClickHouse into pipe_reading
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,9 +168,6 @@
[submodule "contrib/fmtlib"]
path = contrib/fmtlib
url = https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt.git
[submodule "contrib/antlr4-runtime"]
path = contrib/antlr4-runtime
url = https://github.com/ClickHouse-Extras/antlr4-runtime.git
[submodule "contrib/sentry-native"]
path = contrib/sentry-native
url = https://github.com/ClickHouse-Extras/sentry-native.git
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ClickHouse® is an open-source column-oriented database management system that a
* [Tutorial](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/getting_started/tutorial/) shows how to set up and query small ClickHouse cluster.
* [Documentation](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/) provides more in-depth information.
* [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/ClickHouseDB) has a lot of content about ClickHouse in video format.
* [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/clickhousedb/shared_invite/zt-qfort0u8-TWqK4wIP0YSdoDE0btKa1w) and [Telegram](https://telegram.me/clickhouse_en) allow to chat with ClickHouse users in real-time.
* [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/clickhousedb/shared_invite/zt-rxm3rdrk-lIUmhLC3V8WTaL0TGxsOmg) and [Telegram](https://telegram.me/clickhouse_en) allow to chat with ClickHouse users in real-time.
* [Blog](https://clickhouse.yandex/blog/en/) contains various ClickHouse-related articles, as well as announcements and reports about events.
* [Code Browser](https://clickhouse.tech/codebrowser/html_report/ClickHouse/index.html) with syntax highlight and navigation.
* [Contacts](https://clickhouse.tech/#contacts) can help to get your questions answered if there are any.
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#include <common/ReplxxLineReader.h>
#include <common/errnoToString.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <functional>
#include <sys/file.h>
@ -24,6 +25,94 @@ void trim(String & s)
s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end());
/// Copied from replxx::src/util.cxx::now_ms_str() under the terms of 3-clause BSD license of Replxx.
/// Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Marcin Konarski (amok at codestation.org)
/// Copyright (c) 2010, Salvatore Sanfilippo (antirez at gmail dot com)
/// Copyright (c) 2010, Pieter Noordhuis (pcnoordhuis at gmail dot com)
std::string replxx_now_ms_str()
std::chrono::milliseconds ms(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()));
time_t t = ms.count() / 1000;
tm broken;
if (!localtime_r(&t, &broken))
return std::string();
static int const BUFF_SIZE(32);
char str[BUFF_SIZE];
strftime(str, BUFF_SIZE, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.", &broken);
snprintf(str + sizeof("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS"), 5, "%03d", static_cast<int>(ms.count() % 1000));
return str;
/// Convert from readline to replxx format.
/// replxx requires each history line to prepended with time line:
/// select 1
/// And w/o those service lines it will load all lines from history file as
/// one history line for suggestion. And if there are lots of lines in file it
/// will take lots of time (getline() + tons of reallocations).
/// NOTE: this code uses std::ifstream/std::ofstream like original replxx code.
void convertHistoryFile(const std::string & path, replxx::Replxx & rx)
std::ifstream in(path);
if (!in)
rx.print("Cannot open %s reading (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString(errno).c_str());
std::string line;
if (!getline(in, line).good())
rx.print("Cannot read from %s (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString(errno).c_str());
/// This is the marker of the date, no need to convert.
static char const REPLXX_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN[] = "### dddd-dd-dd dd:dd:dd.ddd";
if (line.starts_with("### ") && line.size() == strlen(REPLXX_TIMESTAMP_PATTERN))
std::vector<std::string> lines;
while (getline(in, line).good())
size_t lines_size = lines.size();
std::sort(lines.begin(), lines.end());
lines.erase(std::unique(lines.begin(), lines.end()), lines.end());
rx.print("The history file (%s) is in old format. %zu lines, %zu unique lines.\n",
path.c_str(), lines_size, lines.size());
std::ofstream out(path);
if (!out)
rx.print("Cannot open %s for writing (for conversion): %s\n",
path.c_str(), errnoToString(errno).c_str());
const std::string & timestamp = replxx_now_ms_str();
for (const auto & out_line : lines)
out << "### " << timestamp << "\n" << out_line << std::endl;
@ -47,6 +136,8 @@ ReplxxLineReader::ReplxxLineReader(
convertHistoryFile(history_file_path, rx);
if (flock(history_file_fd, LOCK_SH))
rx.print("Shared lock of history file failed: %s\n", errnoToString(errno).c_str());
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ endif()
add_subdirectory (abseil-cpp-cmake)
add_subdirectory (antlr4-runtime-cmake)
add_subdirectory (boost-cmake)
add_subdirectory (cctz-cmake)
add_subdirectory (consistent-hashing)
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 672643e9a427ef803abf13bc8cb4989606553d64
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
set (LIBRARY_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/antlr4-runtime")
set (SRCS
add_library (antlr4-runtime ${SRCS})
target_include_directories (antlr4-runtime SYSTEM PUBLIC ${LIBRARY_DIR})
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit c7624588ddd84f153dd5990e81b886e4568bddde
Subproject commit e071ea570f8985aa00e34f5b9d50a3cfe666327e
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ set(SRCS
@ -18,8 +18,12 @@ set(SRCS
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit a491c27b33109a842d577c0f7ac5f5f218859181
Subproject commit cdcc3d8c6f6e80a0886082704a0902d61d8d3ffe
@ -43,29 +43,6 @@ command -v flock >/dev/null && FLOCK=flock
# Override defaults from optional config file
test -f /etc/default/clickhouse && . /etc/default/clickhouse
# On x86_64, check for required instruction set.
if uname -mpi | grep -q 'x86_64'; then
if ! grep -q 'sse4_2' /proc/cpuinfo; then
# On KVM, cpuinfo could falsely not report SSE 4.2 support, so skip the check.
if ! grep -q 'Common KVM processor' /proc/cpuinfo; then
# Some other VMs also report wrong flags in cpuinfo.
# Tricky way to test for instruction set:
# create temporary binary and run it;
# if it get caught illegal instruction signal,
# then required instruction set is not supported really.
# Generated this way:
# gcc -xc -Os -static -nostdlib - <<< 'void _start() { __asm__("pcmpgtq %%xmm0, %%xmm1; mov $0x3c, %%rax; xor %%rdi, %%rdi; syscall":::"memory"); }' && strip -R .note.gnu.build-id -R .comment -R .eh_frame -s ./a.out && gzip -c -9 ./a.out | base64 -w0; echo
if ! (echo -n 'H4sICAwAW1cCA2Eub3V0AKt39XFjYmRkgAEmBjsGEI+H0QHMd4CKGyCUAMUsGJiBJDNQNUiYlQEZOKDQclB9cnD9CmCSBYqJBRxQOvBpSQobGfqIAWn8FuYnPI4fsAGyPQz/87MeZtArziguKSpJTGLQK0mtKGGgGHADMSgoYH6AhTMPNHyE0NQzYuEzYzEXFr6CBPQDANAsXKTwAQAA' | base64 -d | gzip -d > /tmp/clickhouse_test_sse42 && chmod a+x /tmp/clickhouse_test_sse42 && /tmp/clickhouse_test_sse42); then
echo 'Warning! SSE 4.2 instruction set is not supported'
#exit 3
@ -116,7 +93,7 @@ forcestop()
if [ -x "/bin/systemctl" ] && [ -f /etc/systemd/system/clickhouse-server.service ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ]; then
service $PROGRAM $1
systemctl $1 $PROGRAM
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ RUN apt-get update \
pigz \
pkg-config \
tzdata \
pv \
--yes --no-install-recommends
# Sanitizer options for services (clickhouse-server)
@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ function clone_submodules
@ -382,6 +381,9 @@ function run_tests
# needs psql
# needs pv
time clickhouse-test --hung-check -j 8 --order=random --use-skip-list \
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# docker build -t yandex/clickhouse-integration-test .
FROM yandex/clickhouse-test-base
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
RUN apt-get update \
&& env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y install \
tzdata \
@ -20,7 +22,9 @@ RUN apt-get update \
krb5-user \
iproute2 \
lsof \
g++ \
RUN rm -rf \
/var/lib/apt/lists/* \
/var/cache/debconf \
@ -30,6 +34,19 @@ RUN apt-get clean
# Install MySQL ODBC driver
RUN curl 'https://cdn.mysql.com//Downloads/Connector-ODBC/8.0/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.21-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz' --output 'mysql-connector.tar.gz' && tar -xzf mysql-connector.tar.gz && cd mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.21-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit/lib && mv * /usr/local/lib && ln -s /usr/local/lib/libmyodbc8a.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libmyodbc.so
# Unfortunately this is required for a single test for conversion data from zookeeper to clickhouse-keeper.
# ZooKeeper is not started by default, but consumes some space in containers.
# 777 perms used to allow anybody to start/stop ZooKeeper
RUN curl -O "https://mirrors.estointernet.in/apache/zookeeper/zookeeper-${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}/apache-zookeeper-${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz"
RUN tar -zxvf apache-zookeeper-${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz && mv apache-zookeeper-${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}-bin /opt/zookeeper && chmod -R 777 /opt/zookeeper && rm apache-zookeeper-${ZOOKEEPER_VERSION}-bin.tar.gz
RUN echo $'tickTime=2500 \n\
tickTime=2500 \n\
dataDir=/zookeeper \n\
clientPort=2181 \n\
maxClientCnxns=80' > /opt/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
RUN mkdir /zookeeper && chmod -R 777 /zookeeper
ENV TZ=Europe/Moscow
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
@ -319,14 +319,14 @@ function get_profiles
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 2 format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 'QueryFinish' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_thread_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-query-thread-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-trace-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-addresses.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-metric-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $LEFT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.asynchronous_metric_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > left-async-metric-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 2 format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_log where type = 'QueryFinish' format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-query-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.query_thread_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-query-thread-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select * from system.trace_log format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-trace-log.tsv ||: &
clickhouse-client --port $RIGHT_SERVER_PORT --query "select arrayJoin(trace) addr, concat(splitByChar('/', addressToLine(addr))[-1], '#', demangle(addressToSymbol(addr)) ) name from system.trace_log group by addr format TSVWithNamesAndTypes" > right-addresses.tsv ||: &
@ -409,10 +409,10 @@ create view right_query_log as select *
'$(cat "right-query-log.tsv.columns")');
create view query_logs as
select 0 version, query_id, ProfileEvents.keys, ProfileEvents.values,
select 0 version, query_id, ProfileEvents,
query_duration_ms, memory_usage from left_query_log
union all
select 1 version, query_id, ProfileEvents.keys, ProfileEvents.values,
select 1 version, query_id, ProfileEvents,
query_duration_ms, memory_usage from right_query_log
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ create table query_run_metric_arrays engine File(TSV, 'analyze/query-run-metric-
with (
-- sumMapState with the list of all keys with '-0.' values. Negative zero is because
-- sumMap removes keys with positive zeros.
with (select groupUniqArrayArray(ProfileEvents.keys) from query_logs) as all_names
with (select groupUniqArrayArray(mapKeys(ProfileEvents)) from query_logs) as all_names
select arrayReduce('sumMapState', [(all_names, arrayMap(x->-0., all_names))])
) as all_metrics
select test, query_index, version, query_id,
@ -433,8 +433,8 @@ create table query_run_metric_arrays engine File(TSV, 'analyze/query-run-metric-
arrayMap(x->toFloat64(x), ProfileEvents.values))]
arrayMap(x->toFloat64(x), mapValues(ProfileEvents)))]
arrayReduce('sumMapState', [(
['client_time', 'server_time', 'memory_usage'],
@ -1003,10 +1003,11 @@ create view query_log as select *
create table unstable_run_metrics engine File(TSVWithNamesAndTypes,
'unstable-run-metrics.$version.rep') as
test, query_index, query_id,
ProfileEvents.values value, ProfileEvents.keys metric
from query_log array join ProfileEvents
select test, query_index, query_id, value, metric
from query_log
array join
mapValues(ProfileEvents) as value,
mapKeys(ProfileEvents) as metric
join unstable_query_runs using (query_id)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ if [ "$NUM_TRIES" -gt "1" ]; then
# simpliest way to forward env variables to server
sudo -E -u clickhouse /usr/bin/clickhouse-server --config /etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --daemon
service clickhouse-server start
sudo clickhouse start
if [[ -n "$USE_DATABASE_REPLICATED" ]] && [[ "$USE_DATABASE_REPLICATED" -eq 1 ]]; then
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# ARM (AArch64) build works on Amazon Graviton, Oracle Cloud, Huawei Cloud ARM machines.
# The support for AArch64 is pre-production ready.
wget 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse'
chmod a+x ./clickhouse
sudo ./clickhouse install
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
wget 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/freebsd/clickhouse'
chmod a+x ./clickhouse
sudo ./clickhouse install
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
wget 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos-aarch64/clickhouse'
chmod a+x ./clickhouse
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
wget 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse'
chmod a+x ./clickhouse
@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ For production environments, it’s recommended to use the latest `stable`-versi
To run ClickHouse inside Docker follow the guide on [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/yandex/clickhouse-server/). Those images use official `deb` packages inside.
### Single Binary
### Single Binary {#from-single-binary}
You can install ClickHouse on Linux using single portable binary from the latest commit of the `master` branch: [https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/amd64/clickhouse].
You can install ClickHouse on Linux using a single portable binary from the latest commit of the `master` branch: [https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/amd64/clickhouse].
``` bash
curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/amd64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x clickhouse
sudo ./clickhouse install
@ -107,9 +107,10 @@ sudo ./clickhouse install
For non-Linux operating systems and for AArch64 CPU arhitecture, ClickHouse builds are provided as a cross-compiled binary from the latest commit of the `master` branch (with a few hours delay).
- [macOS](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [FreeBSD](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/freebsd/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/freebsd/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [AArch64](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [MacOS x86_64](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [MacOS Aarch64 (Apple Silicon)](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos-aarch64/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos-aarch64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [FreeBSD x86_64](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/freebsd/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/freebsd/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [Linux AArch64](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
After downloading, you can use the `clickhouse client` to connect to the server, or `clickhouse local` to process local data.
@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ Return a message.
<response_content>Say Hi!</response_content>
``` bash
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ toc_title: Adopters
| <a href="https://www.semrush.com/" class="favicon">SEMrush</a> | Marketing | Main product | — | — | [Slides in Russian, August 2018](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/blob/master/meetup17/5_semrush.pdf) |
| <a href="https://sentry.io/" class="favicon">Sentry</a> | Software Development | Main product | — | — | [Blog Post in English, May 2019](https://blog.sentry.io/2019/05/16/introducing-snuba-sentrys-new-search-infrastructure) |
| <a href="https://seo.do/" class="favicon">seo.do</a> | Analytics | Main product | — | — | [Slides in English, November 2019](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/blob/master/meetup35/CH%20Presentation-%20Metehan%20Çetinkaya.pdf) |
| <a href="http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/portal/sgk/tr" class="favicon">SGK</a> | Goverment Social Security | Analytics | — | — | [Slides in English, November 2019](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/blob/master/meetup35/ClickHouse%20Meetup-Ramazan%20POLAT.pdf) |
| <a href="http://www.sgk.gov.tr/wps/portal/sgk/tr" class="favicon">SGK</a> | Government Social Security | Analytics | — | — | [Slides in English, November 2019](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/blob/master/meetup35/ClickHouse%20Meetup-Ramazan%20POLAT.pdf) |
| <a href="http://english.sina.com/index.html" class="favicon">Sina</a> | News | — | — | — | [Slides in Chinese, October 2018](https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-presentations/blob/master/meetup19/6.%20ClickHouse最佳实践%20高鹏_新浪.pdf) |
| <a href="https://smi2.ru/" class="favicon">SMI2</a> | News | Analytics | — | — | [Blog Post in Russian, November 2017](https://habr.com/ru/company/smi2/blog/314558/) |
| <a href="https://www.spark.co.nz/" class="favicon">Spark New Zealand</a> | Telecommunications | Security Operations | — | — | [Blog Post, Feb 2020](https://blog.n0p.me/2020/02/2020-02-05-dnsmonster/) |
@ -154,5 +154,7 @@ toc_title: Adopters
| <a href="https://www.hydrolix.io/" class="favicon">Hydrolix</a> | Cloud data platform | Main product | — | — | [Documentation](https://docs.hydrolix.io/guide/query) |
| <a href="https://www.argedor.com/en/clickhouse/" class="favicon">Argedor</a> | ClickHouse support | — | — | — | [Official website](https://www.argedor.com/en/clickhouse/) |
| <a href="https://signoz.io/" class="favicon">SigNoz</a> | Observability Platform | Main Product | — | — | [Source code](https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz) |
| <a href="https://chelpipegroup.com/" class="favicon">ChelPipe Group</a> | Analytics | — | — | — | [Blog post, June 2021](https://vc.ru/trade/253172-tyazhelomu-proizvodstvu-user-friendly-sayt-internet-magazin-trub-dlya-chtpz) |
| <a href="https://zagravagames.com/en/" class="favicon">Zagrava Trading</a> | — | — | — | — | [Job offer, May 2021](https://twitter.com/datastackjobs/status/1394707267082063874) |
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/introduction/adopters/) <!--hide-->
@ -1728,6 +1728,28 @@ Possible values:
Default value: 0.
## optimize_functions_to_subcolumns {#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns}
Enables or disables optimization by transforming some functions to reading subcolumns. This reduces the amount of data to read.
These functions can be transformed:
- [length](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#array_functions-length) to read the [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn.
- [empty](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#function-empty) to read the [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn.
- [notEmpty](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#function-notempty) to read the [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn.
- [isNull](../../sql-reference/operators/index.md#operator-is-null) to read the [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn.
- [isNotNull](../../sql-reference/operators/index.md#is-not-null) to read the [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn.
- [count](../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/count.md) to read the [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn.
- [mapKeys](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#mapkeys) to read the [keys](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn.
- [mapValues](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#mapvalues) to read the [values](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn.
Possible values:
- 0 — Optimization disabled.
- 1 — Optimization enabled.
Default value: `0`.
## distributed_replica_error_half_life {#settings-distributed_replica_error_half_life}
- Type: seconds
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.asynchronous_metric_log LIMIT 10
- [system.asynchronous_metrics](../system-tables/asynchronous_metrics.md) — Contains metrics, calculated periodically in the background.
- [system.metric_log](../system-tables/metric_log.md) — Contains history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` and `system.events`, periodically flushed to disk.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/asynchronous_metric_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/asynchronous_metric_log) <!--hide-->
@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ SELECT * FROM system.asynchronous_metrics LIMIT 10
- [Monitoring](../../operations/monitoring.md) — Base concepts of ClickHouse monitoring.
- [system.metrics](../../operations/system-tables/metrics.md#system_tables-metrics) — Contains instantly calculated metrics.
- [system.events](../../operations/system-tables/events.md#system_tables-events) — Contains a number of events that have occurred.
- [system.metric_log](../../operations/system-tables/metric_log.md#system_tables-metric_log) — Contains a history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` и `system.events`.
- [system.metric_log](../../operations/system-tables/metric_log.md#system_tables-metric_log) — Contains a history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` and `system.events`.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/asynchronous_metrics) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/asynchronous_metrics) <!--hide-->
@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ estimated_recovery_time: 0
- [distributed_replica_error_cap setting](../../operations/settings/settings.md#settings-distributed_replica_error_cap)
- [distributed_replica_error_half_life setting](../../operations/settings/settings.md#settings-distributed_replica_error_half_life)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/clusters) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/clusters) <!--hide-->
@ -69,4 +69,21 @@ is_in_sampling_key: 0
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/columns) <!--hide-->
The `system.columns` table contains the following columns (the column type is shown in brackets):
- `database` (String) — Database name.
- `table` (String) — Table name.
- `name` (String) — Column name.
- `type` (String) — Column type.
- `default_kind` (String) — Expression type (`DEFAULT`, `MATERIALIZED`, `ALIAS`) for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined.
- `default_expression` (String) — Expression for the default value, or an empty string if it is not defined.
- `data_compressed_bytes` (UInt64) — The size of compressed data, in bytes.
- `data_uncompressed_bytes` (UInt64) — The size of decompressed data, in bytes.
- `marks_bytes` (UInt64) — The size of marks, in bytes.
- `comment` (String) — Comment on the column, or an empty string if it is not defined.
- `is_in_partition_key` (UInt8) — Flag that indicates whether the column is in the partition expression.
- `is_in_sorting_key` (UInt8) — Flag that indicates whether the column is in the sorting key expression.
- `is_in_primary_key` (UInt8) — Flag that indicates whether the column is in the primary key expression.
- `is_in_sampling_key` (UInt8) — Flag that indicates whether the column is in the sampling key expression.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/columns) <!--hide-->
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.contributors WHERE name = 'Olga Khvostikova'
│ Olga Khvostikova │
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/contributors) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/contributors) <!--hide-->
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ Columns:
- `with_admin_option` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)) — Flag that shows whether `current_role` is a role with `ADMIN OPTION` privilege.
- `is_default` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)) — Flag that shows whether `current_role` is a default role.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/current-roles) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/current-roles) <!--hide-->
@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.data_type_families WHERE alias_to = 'String'
- [Syntax](../../sql-reference/syntax.md) — Information about supported syntax.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/data_type_families) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/data_type_families) <!--hide-->
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.databases
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/databases) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/databases) <!--hide-->
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ For the description of other columns, see [system.parts](../../operations/system
If part name is invalid, values of some columns may be `NULL`. Such parts can be deleted with [ALTER TABLE DROP DETACHED PART](../../sql-reference/statements/alter/partition.md#alter_drop-detached).
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/detached_parts) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/detached_parts) <!--hide-->
@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.dictionaries
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/dictionaries) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/dictionaries) <!--hide-->
@ -10,9 +10,6 @@ Columns:
- `total_space` ([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md)) — Disk volume in bytes.
- `keep_free_space` ([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md)) — Amount of disk space that should stay free on disk in bytes. Defined in the `keep_free_space_bytes` parameter of disk configuration.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/disks) <!--hide-->
@ -27,5 +24,4 @@ Columns:
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/disks) <!--hide-->
@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ Columns:
- `is_current` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)) — Flag that shows whether `enabled_role` is a current role of a current user.
- `is_default` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)) — Flag that shows whether `enabled_role` is a default role.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/enabled-roles) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/enabled-roles) <!--hide-->
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.events LIMIT 5
- [system.metric_log](../../operations/system-tables/metric_log.md#system_tables-metric_log) — Contains a history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` и `system.events`.
- [Monitoring](../../operations/monitoring.md) — Base concepts of ClickHouse monitoring.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/events) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/events) <!--hide-->
@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ Columns:
- `name`(`String`) – The name of the function.
- `is_aggregate`(`UInt8`) — Whether the function is aggregate.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/functions) <!--hide-->
@ -31,3 +29,5 @@ Columns:
10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/functions) <!--hide-->
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Columns:
- `grant_option` ([UInt8](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges)) — Permission is granted `WITH GRANT OPTION`, see [GRANT](../../sql-reference/statements/grant.md#grant-privigele-syntax).
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/grants) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/grants) <!--hide-->
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Columns:
- `Tables.database` (Array(String)) - Array of names of database tables that use the `config_name` parameter.
- `Tables.table` (Array(String)) - Array of table names that use the `config_name` parameter.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/graphite_retentions) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/graphite_retentions) <!--hide-->
@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ SELECT library_name, license_type, license_path FROM system.licenses LIMIT 15
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/licenses) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/licenses) <!--hide-->
@ -51,4 +51,4 @@ type: SettingUInt64
4 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/merge_tree_settings) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/merge_tree_settings) <!--hide-->
@ -22,4 +22,4 @@ Columns:
- `merge_type` — The type of current merge. Empty if it's an mutation.
- `merge_algorithm` — The algorithm used in current merge. Empty if it's an mutation.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/merges) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/merges) <!--hide-->
@ -48,4 +48,4 @@ CurrentMetric_DistributedFilesToInsert: 0
- [system.metrics](../../operations/system-tables/metrics.md) — Contains instantly calculated metrics.
- [Monitoring](../../operations/monitoring.md) — Base concepts of ClickHouse monitoring.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/metric_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/metric_log) <!--hide-->
@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.metrics LIMIT 10
- [system.metric_log](../../operations/system-tables/metric_log.md#system_tables-metric_log) — Contains a history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` и `system.events`.
- [Monitoring](../../operations/monitoring.md) — Base concepts of ClickHouse monitoring.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/metrics) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/metrics) <!--hide-->
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ If there were problems with mutating some data parts, the following columns cont
- [MergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/mergetree.md) table engine
- [ReplicatedMergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/replication.md) family
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/mutations) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/mutations) <!--hide-->
@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ Reads from this table are not parallelized.
10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/numbers) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/numbers) <!--hide-->
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ Used for tests.
10 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/numbers_mt) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/numbers_mt) <!--hide-->
@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ This is similar to the `DUAL` table found in other DBMSs.
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/one) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/one) <!--hide-->
@ -66,4 +66,4 @@ error: 0
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/part_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/part_log) <!--hide-->
@ -155,4 +155,4 @@ move_ttl_info.max: []
- [MergeTree family](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/mergetree.md)
- [TTL for Columns and Tables](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/mergetree.md#table_engine-mergetree-ttl)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/parts) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/parts) <!--hide-->
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ Columns:
- `query` (String) – The query text. For `INSERT`, it does not include the data to insert.
- `query_id` (String) – Query ID, if defined.
:) SELECT * FROM system.processes LIMIT 10 FORMAT Vertical;
@ -59,4 +58,4 @@ Settings: {'background_pool_size':'32','load_balancing':'random','al
1 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.002 sec.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/processes) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/processes) <!--hide-->
@ -156,4 +156,4 @@ Settings: {'background_pool_size':'32','load_balancing':'random','al
- [system.query_thread_log](../../operations/system-tables/query_thread_log.md#system_tables-query_thread_log) — This table contains information about each query execution thread.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/query_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/query_log) <!--hide-->
@ -113,4 +113,4 @@ ProfileEvents: {'Query':1,'SelectQuery':1,'ReadCompressedBytes':36,'Compr
- [system.query_log](../../operations/system-tables/query_log.md#system_tables-query_log) — Description of the `query_log` system table which contains common information about queries execution.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/query_thread_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/query_thread_log) <!--hide-->
@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ Columns:
- `max_read_rows` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Maximum number of rows read from all tables and table functions participated in queries.
- `max_read_bytes` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md))) — Maximum number of bytes read from all tables and table functions participated in queries.
- `max_execution_time` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([Float64](../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md))) — Maximum of the query execution time, in seconds.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/quota_limits) <!--hide-->
@ -28,3 +28,5 @@ Columns:
## See Also {#see-also}
- [SHOW QUOTA](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-quota-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/quota_usage) <!--hide-->
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ Columns:
- [SHOW QUOTAS](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-quotas-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/quotas) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/quotas) <!--hide-->
@ -31,3 +31,5 @@ Columns:
## See Also {#see-also}
- [SHOW QUOTA](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-quota-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/quotas_usage) <!--hide-->
@ -120,5 +120,5 @@ WHERE
If this query does not return anything, it means that everything is fine.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/replicas) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/replicas) <!--hide-->
@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ Columns:
- 1 — The role has `ADMIN OPTION` privilege.
- 0 — The role without `ADMIN OPTION` privilege.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/role-grants) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/role-grants) <!--hide-->
@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ Columns:
- [SHOW ROLES](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-roles-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/roles) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/roles) <!--hide-->
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ Columns:
- [SHOW POLICIES](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-policies-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/row_policies) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/row_policies) <!--hide-->
@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.settings WHERE changed AND name='load_balancing'
- [Constraints on Settings](../../operations/settings/constraints-on-settings.md)
- [SHOW SETTINGS](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-settings) statement
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/settings) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/settings) <!--hide-->
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ Columns:
- `inherit_profile` ([Nullable](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md)([String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md))) — A parent profile for this setting profile. `NULL` if not set. Setting profile will inherit all the settings' values and constraints (`min`, `max`, `readonly`) from its parent profiles.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/settings_profile_elements) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/settings_profile_elements) <!--hide-->
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ Columns:
- [SHOW PROFILES](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-profiles-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/settings_profiles) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/settings_profiles) <!--hide-->
@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ Columns:
If the storage policy contains more then one volume, then information for each volume is stored in the individual row of the table.
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/storage_policies) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/storage_policies) <!--hide-->
@ -35,4 +35,4 @@ WHERE name in ('Kafka', 'MergeTree', 'ReplicatedCollapsingMergeTree')
- Kafka [settings](../../engines/table-engines/integrations/kafka.md#table_engine-kafka-creating-a-table)
- Join [settings](../../engines/table-engines/special/join.md#join-limitations-and-settings)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/table_engines) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/table_engines) <!--hide-->
@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ lifetime_bytes: ᴺᵁᴸᴸ
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/tables) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/tables) <!--hide-->
@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ source_file: /ClickHouse/src/Interpreters/DNSCacheUpdater.cpp; void
source_line: 45
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/text_log) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/text_log) <!--hide-->
@ -27,4 +27,4 @@ SELECT * FROM system.time_zones LIMIT 10
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/time_zones) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/time_zones) <!--hide-->
@ -55,4 +55,3 @@ size: 5244400
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/trace_log) <!--hide-->
@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ Columns:
- [SHOW USERS](../../sql-reference/statements/show.md#show-users-statement)
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/users) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/users) <!--hide-->
@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ numChildren: 7
pzxid: 987021252247
path: /clickhouse/tables/01-08/visits/replicas
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system_tables/zookeeper) <!--hide-->
[Original article](https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/operations/system-tables/zookeeper) <!--hide-->
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ ClickHouse supports the `COUNT(DISTINCT ...)` syntax. The behavior of this const
The `SELECT count() FROM table` query is not optimized, because the number of entries in the table is not stored separately. It chooses a small column from the table and counts the number of values in it.
However `SELECT count(nullable_column) FROM table` query can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [null](../../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT count(n) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT sum(NOT n.null) FROM table`.
Example 1:
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ The `median*` functions are the aliases for the corresponding `quantile*` functi
- `median` — Alias for [quantile](#quantile).
- `medianDeterministic` — Alias for [quantileDeterministic](#quantiledeterministic).
- `medianExact` — Alias for [quantileExact](#quantileexact).
- `medianExactWeighted` — Alias for [quantileExactWeighted](#quantileexactweighted).
- `medianTiming` — Alias for [quantileTiming](#quantiletiming).
- `medianTimingWeighted` — Alias for [quantileTimingWeighted](#quantiletimingweighted).
- `medianTDigest` — Alias for [quantileTDigest](#quantiletdigest).
- `medianTDigestWeighted` — Alias for [quantileTDigestWeighted](#quantiletdigestweighted).
- `median` — Alias for [quantile](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantile.md#quantile).
- `medianDeterministic` — Alias for [quantileDeterministic](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiledeterministic.md#quantiledeterministic).
- `medianExact` — Alias for [quantileExact](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexact.md#quantileexact).
- `medianExactWeighted` — Alias for [quantileExactWeighted](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexactweighted.md#quantileexactweighted).
- `medianTiming` — Alias for [quantileTiming](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiletiming.md#quantiletiming).
- `medianTimingWeighted` — Alias for [quantileTimingWeighted](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiletimingweighted.md#quantiletimingweighted).
- `medianTDigest` — Alias for [quantileTDigest](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiletdigest.md#quantiletdigest).
- `medianTDigestWeighted` — Alias for [quantileTDigestWeighted](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiletdigestweighted.md#quantiletdigestweighted).
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
toc_priority: 202
# quantileExact {#quantileexact}
# quantileExact Functions {#quantileexact-functions}
## quantileExact {#quantileexact}
Exactly computes the [quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ Result:
# quantileExactLow {#quantileexactlow}
## quantileExactLow {#quantileexactlow}
Similar to `quantileExact`, this computes the exact [quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
@ -107,12 +109,11 @@ Result:
│ 4 │
# quantileExactHigh {#quantileexacthigh}
## quantileExactHigh {#quantileexacthigh}
Similar to `quantileExact`, this computes the exact [quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
All the passed values are combined into an array, which is then fully sorted,
to get the exact value. The sorting [algorithm's](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/sort) complexity is `O(N·log(N))`, where `N = std::distance(first, last)` comparisons.
All the passed values are combined into an array, which is then fully sorted, to get the exact value. The sorting [algorithm's](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/algorithm/sort) complexity is `O(N·log(N))`, where `N = std::distance(first, last)` comparisons.
The return value depends on the quantile level and the number of elements in the selection, i.e. if the level is 0.5, then the function returns the higher median value for an even number of elements and the middle median value for an odd number of elements. Median is calculated similarly to the [median_high](https://docs.python.org/3/library/statistics.html#statistics.median_high) implementation which is used in python. For all other levels, the element at the index corresponding to the value of `level * size_of_array` is returned.
@ -158,6 +159,111 @@ Result:
│ 5 │
## quantileExactExclusive {#quantileexactexclusive}
Exactly computes the [quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
To get exact value, all the passed values are combined into an array, which is then partially sorted. Therefore, the function consumes `O(n)` memory, where `n` is a number of values that were passed. However, for a small number of values, the function is very effective.
This function is equivalent to [PERCENTILE.EXC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-exc-function-bbaa7204-e9e1-4010-85bf-c31dc5dce4ba) Excel function, ([type R6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample)).
When using multiple `quantileExactExclusive` functions with different levels in a query, the internal states are not combined (that is, the query works less efficiently than it could). In this case, use the [quantilesExactExclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiles.md#quantilesexactexclusive) function.
``` sql
- `expr` — Expression over the column values resulting in numeric [data types](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) or [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — Level of quantile. Optional. Possible values: (0, 1) — bounds not included. Default value: 0.5. At `level=0.5` the function calculates [median](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median). [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Returned value**
- Quantile of the specified level.
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) for numeric data type input.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) if input values have the `Date` type.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md) if input values have the `DateTime` type.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantileExactExclusive(0.6)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
│ 599.6 │
## quantileExactInclusive {#quantileexactinclusive}
Exactly computes the [quantile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
To get exact value, all the passed values are combined into an array, which is then partially sorted. Therefore, the function consumes `O(n)` memory, where `n` is a number of values that were passed. However, for a small number of values, the function is very effective.
This function is equivalent to [PERCENTILE.INC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-inc-function-680f9539-45eb-410b-9a5e-c1355e5fe2ed) Excel function, ([type R7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample)).
When using multiple `quantileExactInclusive` functions with different levels in a query, the internal states are not combined (that is, the query works less efficiently than it could). In this case, use the [quantilesExactInclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiles.md#quantilesexactinclusive) function.
``` sql
- `expr` — Expression over the column values resulting in numeric [data types](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) or [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — Level of quantile. Optional. Possible values: [0, 1] — bounds included. Default value: 0.5. At `level=0.5` the function calculates [median](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median). [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Returned value**
- Quantile of the specified level.
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) for numeric data type input.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) if input values have the `Date` type.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md) if input values have the `DateTime` type.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantileExactInclusive(0.6)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
│ 599.4 │
**See Also**
- [median](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/median.md#median)
@ -2,8 +2,114 @@
toc_priority: 201
# quantiles {#quantiles}
# quantiles Functions {#quantiles-functions}
## quantiles {#quantiles}
Syntax: `quantiles(level1, level2, …)(x)`
All the quantile functions also have corresponding quantiles functions: `quantiles`, `quantilesDeterministic`, `quantilesTiming`, `quantilesTimingWeighted`, `quantilesExact`, `quantilesExactWeighted`, `quantilesTDigest`. These functions calculate all the quantiles of the listed levels in one pass, and return an array of the resulting values.
## quantilesExactExclusive {#quantilesexactexclusive}
Exactly computes the [quantiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
To get exact value, all the passed values are combined into an array, which is then partially sorted. Therefore, the function consumes `O(n)` memory, where `n` is a number of values that were passed. However, for a small number of values, the function is very effective.
This function is equivalent to [PERCENTILE.EXC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-exc-function-bbaa7204-e9e1-4010-85bf-c31dc5dce4ba) Excel function, ([type R6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample)).
Works more efficiently with sets of levels than [quantilesExactExclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexact.md#quantileexactexclusive).
``` sql
quantilesExactExclusive(level1, level2, ...)(expr)
- `expr` — Expression over the column values resulting in numeric [data types](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) or [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — Levels of quantiles. Possible values: (0, 1) — bounds not included. [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Returned value**
- [Array](../../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md) of quantiles of the specified levels.
Type of array values:
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) for numeric data type input.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) if input values have the `Date` type.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md) if input values have the `DateTime` type.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantilesExactExclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
┌─quantilesExactExclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x)─┐
│ [249.25,499.5,749.75,899.9,949.9499999999999,989.99,998.999] │
## quantilesExactInclusive {#quantilesexactinclusive}
Exactly computes the [quantiles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) of a numeric data sequence.
To get exact value, all the passed values are combined into an array, which is then partially sorted. Therefore, the function consumes `O(n)` memory, where `n` is a number of values that were passed. However, for a small number of values, the function is very effective.
This function is equivalent to [PERCENTILE.INC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-inc-function-680f9539-45eb-410b-9a5e-c1355e5fe2ed) Excel function, ([type R7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample)).
Works more efficiently with sets of levels than [quantilesExactInclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexact.md#quantilesexactinclusive).
``` sql
quantilesExactInclusive(level1, level2, ...)(expr)
- `expr` — Expression over the column values resulting in numeric [data types](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) or [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — Levels of quantiles. Possible values: [0, 1] — bounds included. [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Returned value**
- [Array](../../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md) of quantiles of the specified levels.
Type of array values:
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) for numeric data type input.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) if input values have the `Date` type.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md) if input values have the `DateTime` type.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantilesExactInclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
┌─quantilesExactInclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x)─┐
│ [249.75,499.5,749.25,899.1,949.05,989.01,998.001] │
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ toc_title: Map(key, value)
`Map(key, value)` data type stores `key:value` pairs.
- `key` — The key part of the pair. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md) or [Integer](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
- `value` — The value part of the pair. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md), [Integer](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md) or [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md).
@ -75,6 +76,36 @@ SELECT CAST(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map
## Map.keys and Map.values Subcolumns {#map-subcolumns}
To optimize `Map` column processing, in some cases you can use the `keys` and `values` subcolumns instead of reading the whole column.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE t_map (`a` Map(String, UInt64)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO t_map VALUES (map('key1', 1, 'key2', 2, 'key3', 3));
SELECT a.keys FROM t_map;
SELECT a.values FROM t_map;
``` text
│ ['key1','key2','key3'] │
│ [1,2,3] │
**See Also**
- [map()](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#function-map) function
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ In this case, ClickHouse can reload the dictionary earlier if the dictionary con
When updating the dictionaries, the ClickHouse server applies different logic depending on the type of [source](../../../sql-reference/dictionaries/external-dictionaries/external-dicts-dict-sources.md):
- For a text file, it checks the time of modification. If the time differs from the previously recorded time, the dictionary is updated.
- For MySQL source, the time of modification is checked using a `SHOW TABLE STATUS` query (in case of MySQL 8 you need to disable meta-information caching in MySQL by `set global information_schema_stats_expiry=0`.
- For MySQL source, the time of modification is checked using a `SHOW TABLE STATUS` query (in case of MySQL 8 you need to disable meta-information caching in MySQL by `set global information_schema_stats_expiry=0`).
- Dictionaries from other sources are updated every time by default.
For other sources (ODBC, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, etc), you can set up a query that will update the dictionaries only if they really changed, rather than each time. To do this, follow these steps:
@ -88,13 +88,13 @@ SOURCE(ODBC(... invalidate_query 'SELECT update_time FROM dictionary_source wher
For `Cache`, `ComplexKeyCache`, `SSDCache`, and `SSDComplexKeyCache` dictionaries both synchronious and asynchronious updates are supported.
It is also possible for `Flat`, `Hashed`, `ComplexKeyHashed` dictionaries to only request data that was changed after previous update. If `update_field` is specified in as part of dictionary source configuration value of previous update time in seconds will be added to data request. Depends of source type Executable, HTTP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, ODBC different logic will be applied to `update_field` before request data from external source.
It is also possible for `Flat`, `Hashed`, `ComplexKeyHashed` dictionaries to only request data that was changed after the previous update. If `update_field` is specified as part of the dictionary source configuration, value of the previous update time in seconds will be added to the data request. Depends on source type (Executable, HTTP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, or ODBC) different logic will be applied to `update_field` before request data from an external source.
- If source is HTTP then `update_field` will be added as query parameter with last update time as parameter value.
- If source is Executable then `update_field` will be added as executable script argument with last update time as argument value.
- If source is ClickHouse, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC there will be additional part of WHERE, where `update_field` is compared as greater or equal with last update time.
- If the source is HTTP then `update_field` will be added as a query parameter with the last update time as the parameter value.
- If the source is Executable then `update_field` will be added as an executable script argument with the last update time as the argument value.
- If the source is ClickHouse, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ODBC there will be an additional part of `WHERE`, where `update_field` is compared as greater or equal with the last update time.
If `update_field` option is set. Additional option `update_lag` can be set. Value of `update_lag` option is subtracted from previous update time before request updated data.
If `update_field` option is set, additional option `update_lag` can be set. Value of `update_lag` option is subtracted from previous update time before request updated data.
Example of settings:
@ -11,18 +11,24 @@ Returns 1 for an empty array, or 0 for a non-empty array.
The result type is UInt8.
The function also works for strings.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT empty(arr) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 = 0 FROM TABLE`.
## notEmpty {#function-notempty}
Returns 0 for an empty array, or 1 for a non-empty array.
The result type is UInt8.
The function also works for strings.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT notEmpty(arr) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 != 0 FROM TABLE`.
## length {#array_functions-length}
Returns the number of items in the array.
The result type is UInt64.
The function also works for strings.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole array column. The query `SELECT length(arr) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT arr.size0 FROM TABLE`.
## emptyArrayUInt8, emptyArrayUInt16, emptyArrayUInt32, emptyArrayUInt64 {#emptyarrayuint8-emptyarrayuint16-emptyarrayuint32-emptyarrayuint64}
## emptyArrayInt8, emptyArrayInt16, emptyArrayInt32, emptyArrayInt64 {#emptyarrayint8-emptyarrayint16-emptyarrayint32-emptyarrayint64}
@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ Collect all the keys and sum corresponding values.
``` sql
mapAdd(Tuple(Array, Array), Tuple(Array, Array) [, ...])
mapAdd(arg1, arg2 [, ...])
Arguments are [tuples](../../sql-reference/data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2) of two [arrays](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#data-type-array), where items in the first array represent keys, and the second array contains values for the each key. All key arrays should have same type, and all value arrays should contain items which are promote to the one type ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#int-ranges), [UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges) or [Float64](../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md#float32-float64)). The common promoted type is used as a type for the result array.
Arguments are [maps](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md) or [tuples](../../sql-reference/data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2) of two [arrays](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#data-type-array), where items in the first array represent keys, and the second array contains values for the each key. All key arrays should have same type, and all value arrays should contain items which are promote to the one type ([Int64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#int-ranges), [UInt64](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md#uint-ranges) or [Float64](../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md#float32-float64)). The common promoted type is used as a type for the result array.
**Returned value**
- Returns one [tuple](../../sql-reference/data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2), where the first array contains the sorted keys and the second array contains values.
- Depending on the arguments returns one [map](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md) or [tuple](../../sql-reference/data-types/tuple.md#tuplet1-t2), where the first array contains the sorted keys and the second array contains values.
Query with a tuple map:
``` sql
SELECT mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])) as res, toTypeName(res) as type;
@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ Result:
Query with `Map` type:
``` sql
## mapSubtract {#function-mapsubtract}
Collect all the keys and subtract corresponding values.
@ -220,6 +225,8 @@ Result:
Returns all keys from the `map` parameter.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [keys](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT mapKeys(m) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT m.keys FROM table`.
@ -261,6 +268,8 @@ Result:
Returns all values from the `map` parameter.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [values](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT mapValues(m) FROM table` transforms to `SELECT m.values FROM table`.
@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ ClickHouse supports the `IS NULL` and `IS NOT NULL` operators.
- `0` otherwise.
- For other values, the `IS NULL` operator always returns `0`.
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT n IS NULL FROM table` transforms to `SELECT n.null FROM TABLE`.
<!-- -->
``` sql
@ -313,3 +315,5 @@ SELECT * FROM t_null WHERE y IS NOT NULL
│ 2 │ 3 │
Can be optimized by enabling the [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns) setting. With `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` the function reads only [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) subcolumn instead of reading and processing the whole column data. The query `SELECT n IS NOT NULL FROM table` transforms to `SELECT NOT n.null FROM TABLE`.
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ toc_title: INDEX
The following operations are available:
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value AFTER name [AFTER name2]` - Adds index description to tables metadata.
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value [FIRST|AFTER name]` - Adds index description to tables metadata.
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name DROP INDEX name` - Removes index description from tables metadata and deletes index files from disk.
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ The following operations with [partitions](../../../engines/table-engines/merget
- [UNFREEZE PARTITION](#alter_unfreeze-partition) — Removes a backup of a partition.
- [FETCH PARTITION\|PART](#alter_fetch-partition) — Downloads a part or partition from another server.
- [MOVE PARTITION\|PART](#alter_move-partition) — Move partition/data part to another disk or volume.
- [UPDATE IN PARTITION](#update-in-partition) — Update data inside the partition by condition.
- [DELETE IN PARTITION](#delete-in-partition) — Delete data inside the partition by condition.
<!-- -->
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
toc_priority: 55
toc_title: s3Cluster
# s3Cluster Table Function {#s3Cluster-table-function}
Allows processing files from [Amazon S3](https://aws.amazon.com/s3/) in parallel from many nodes in a specified cluster. On initiator it creates a connection to all nodes in the cluster, discloses asterics in S3 file path, and dispatches each file dynamically. On the worker node it asks the initiator about the next task to process and processes it. This is repeated until all tasks are finished.
``` sql
s3Cluster(cluster_name, source, [access_key_id, secret_access_key,] format, structure)
- `cluster_name` — Name of a cluster that is used to build a set of addresses and connection parameters to remote and local servers.
- `source` — URL to a file or a bunch of files. Supports following wildcards in readonly mode: `*`, `?`, `{'abc','def'}` and `{N..M}` where `N`, `M` — numbers, `abc`, `def` — strings. For more information see [Wildcards In Path](../../engines/table-engines/integrations/s3.md#wildcards-in-path).
- `access_key_id` and `secret_access_key` — Keys that specify credentials to use with given endpoint. Optional.
- `format` — The [format](../../interfaces/formats.md#formats) of the file.
- `structure` — Structure of the table. Format `'column1_name column1_type, column2_name column2_type, ...'`.
**Returned value**
A table with the specified structure for reading or writing data in the specified file.
Select the data from all files in the cluster `cluster_simple`:
``` sql
SELECT * FROM s3Cluster('cluster_simple', 'http://minio1:9001/root/data/{clickhouse,database}/*', 'minio', 'minio123', 'CSV', 'name String, value UInt32, polygon Array(Array(Tuple(Float64, Float64)))') ORDER BY (name, value, polygon);
Count the total amount of rows in all files in the cluster `cluster_simple`:
``` sql
SELECT count(*) FROM s3Cluster('cluster_simple', 'http://minio1:9001/root/data/{clickhouse,database}/*', 'minio', 'minio123', 'CSV', 'name String, value UInt32, polygon Array(Array(Tuple(Float64, Float64)))');
!!! warning "Warning"
If your listing of files contains number ranges with leading zeros, use the construction with braces for each digit separately or use `?`.
**See Also**
- [S3 engine](../../engines/table-engines/integrations/s3.md)
- [s3 table function](../../sql-reference/table-functions/s3.md)
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ toc_title: Security Changelog
### CVE-2019-15024 {#cve-2019-15024}
Аn attacker that has write access to ZooKeeper and who ican run a custom server available from the network where ClickHouse runs, can create a custom-built malicious server that will act as a ClickHouse replica and register it in ZooKeeper. When another replica will fetch data part from the malicious replica, it can force clickhouse-server to write to arbitrary path on filesystem.
Аn attacker that has write access to ZooKeeper and who can run a custom server available from the network where ClickHouse runs, can create a custom-built malicious server that will act as a ClickHouse replica and register it in ZooKeeper. When another replica will fetch data part from the malicious replica, it can force clickhouse-server to write to arbitrary path on filesystem.
Credits: Eldar Zaitov of Yandex Information Security Team
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ max_alter_threads 2
<response_content>Say Hi!</response_content>
``` bash
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ MODIFY ORDER BY new_expression
[複製](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/replication.md) テーブル)。 次の操作
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value AFTER name [AFTER name2]` -付加価指数の説明をテーブルメタデータを指すものとします。
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value [FIRST|AFTER name]` -付加価指数の説明をテーブルメタデータを指すものとします。
- `ALTER TABLE [db].name DROP INDEX name` -除去す指標の説明からテーブルメタデータを削除を行指数のファイルからディスク。
@ -87,9 +87,18 @@ sudo clickhouse-client-$LATEST_VERSION/install/doinst.sh
Для запуска ClickHouse в Docker нужно следовать инструкции на [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/yandex/clickhouse-server/). Внутри образов используются официальные `deb` пакеты.
### Из единого бинарного файла {#from-single-binary}
Для установки ClickHouse под Linux можно использовать единый переносимый бинарный файл из последнего коммита ветки `master`: [https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/amd64/clickhouse].
``` bash
curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/amd64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x clickhouse
sudo ./clickhouse install
### Из исполняемых файлов для нестандартных окружений {#from-binaries-non-linux}
Для других операционных систем и архитектуры AArch64, сборки ClickHouse предоставляются в виде кросс-компилированного бинарника с последнего коммита ветки master (с задержкой в несколько часов).
Для других операционных систем и архитектуры AArch64 сборки ClickHouse предоставляются в виде кросс-компилированного бинарного файла из последнего коммита ветки `master` (с задержкой в несколько часов).
- [macOS](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/macos/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
- [AArch64](https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse) — `curl -O 'https://builds.clickhouse.tech/master/aarch64/clickhouse' && chmod a+x ./clickhouse`
@ -99,7 +108,7 @@ sudo clickhouse-client-$LATEST_VERSION/install/doinst.sh
Чтобы установить ClickHouse в рамках всей системы (с необходимыми конфигурационными файлами, настройками пользователей и т.д.), выполните `sudo ./clickhouse install`. Затем выполните команды `clickhouse start` (чтобы запустить сервер) и `clickhouse-client` (чтобы подключиться к нему).
Данные сборки не рекомендуются для использования в продакшене, так как они недостаточно тщательно протестированны. Также, в них присутствуют не все возможности ClickHouse.
Данные сборки не рекомендуются для использования в рабочей среде, так как они недостаточно тщательно протестированы. Также в них присутствуют не все возможности ClickHouse.
### Из исходного кода {#from-sources}
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ max_alter_threads 2
<response_content>Say Hi!</response_content>
``` bash
@ -1606,6 +1606,28 @@ ClickHouse генерирует исключение
Значение по умолчанию: 0.
## optimize_functions_to_subcolumns {#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns}
Включает или отключает оптимизацию путем преобразования некоторых функций к чтению подстолбцов, таким образом уменьшая объем данных для чтения.
Могут быть преобразованы следующие функции:
- [length](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#array_functions-length) к чтению подстолбца [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn.
- [empty](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#function-empty) к чтению подстолбца [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) subcolumn.
- [notEmpty](../../sql-reference/functions/array-functions.md#function-notempty) к чтению подстолбца [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size).
- [isNull](../../sql-reference/operators/index.md#operator-is-null) к чтению подстолбца [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null).
- [isNotNull](../../sql-reference/operators/index.md#is-not-null) к чтению подстолбца [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null).
- [count](../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/count.md) к чтению подстолбца [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null).
- [mapKeys](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#mapkeys) к чтению подстолбца [keys](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns).
- [mapValues](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#mapvalues) к чтению подстолбца [values](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns).
Возможные значения:
- 0 — оптимизация отключена.
- 1 — оптимизация включена.
Значение по умолчанию: `0`.
## distributed_replica_error_half_life {#settings-distributed_replica_error_half_life}
- Тип: секунды
@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ ClickHouse поддерживает синтаксис `COUNT(DISTINCT ...)`. П
Запрос `SELECT count() FROM table` не оптимизирован, поскольку количество записей в таблице не хранится отдельно. Он выбирает небольшой столбец из таблицы и подсчитывает количество значений в нём.
При этом запрос `SELECT count(nullable_column) FROM table` может быть оптимизирован включением настройки [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [null](../../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) вместо чтения всех данных столбца. Запрос `SELECT count(n) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT sum(NOT n.null) FROM table`.
Пример 1:
@ -68,4 +70,3 @@ SELECT count(DISTINCT num) FROM t
Этот пример показывает, что `count(DISTINCT num)` выполняется с помощью функции `uniqExact` в соответствии со значением настройки `count_distinct_implementation`.
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
toc_priority: 202
# quantileExact {#quantileexact}
# Функции quantileExact {#quantileexact-functions}
## quantileExact {#quantileexact}
Точно вычисляет [квантиль](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Квантиль) числовой последовательности.
@ -23,7 +25,6 @@ quantileExact(level)(expr)
- `level` — уровень квантили. Опционально. Константное значение с плавающей запятой от 0 до 1. Мы рекомендуем использовать значение `level` из диапазона `[0.01, 0.99]`. Значение по умолчанию: 0.5. При `level=0.5` функция вычисляет [медиану](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Медиана_(статистика)).
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов, возвращающее данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types) или типов [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md), [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
**Возвращаемое значение**
- Квантиль заданного уровня.
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ SELECT quantileExact(number) FROM numbers(10)
# quantileExactLow {#quantileexactlow}
## quantileExactLow {#quantileexactlow}
Как и `quantileExact`, эта функция вычисляет точный [квантиль](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) числовой последовательности данных.
@ -83,7 +84,6 @@ quantileExact(level)(expr)
- `level` — уровень квантили. Опциональный параметр. Константное занчение с плавающей запятой от 0 до 1. Мы рекомендуем использовать значение `level` из диапазона `[0.01, 0.99]`. Значение по умолчанию: 0.5. При `level=0.5` функция вычисляет [медиану](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median).
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов, возвращающее данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
**Возвращаемое значение**
- Квантиль заданного уровня.
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ SELECT quantileExactLow(number) FROM numbers(10)
│ 4 │
# quantileExactHigh {#quantileexacthigh}
## quantileExactHigh {#quantileexacthigh}
Как и `quantileExact`, эта функция вычисляет точный [квантиль](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile) числовой последовательности данных.
@ -134,7 +134,6 @@ quantileExactHigh(level)(expr)
- `level` — уровень квантили. Опциональный параметр. Константное занчение с плавающей запятой от 0 до 1. Мы рекомендуем использовать значение `level` из диапазона `[0.01, 0.99]`. Значение по умолчанию: 0.5. При `level=0.5` функция вычисляет [медиану](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median).
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов, возвращающее данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
**Возвращаемое значение**
- Квантиль заданного уровня.
@ -161,8 +160,111 @@ SELECT quantileExactHigh(number) FROM numbers(10)
## quantileExactExclusive {#quantileexactexclusive}
Точно вычисляет [квантиль](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Квантиль) числовой последовательности.
Чтобы получить точный результат, все переданные значения собираются в массив, который затем частично сортируется. Таким образом, функция потребляет объем памяти `O(n)`, где `n` — количество переданных значений. Для небольшого числа значений эта функция эффективна.
Эта функция эквивалентна Excel функции [PERCENTILE.EXC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-exc-function-bbaa7204-e9e1-4010-85bf-c31dc5dce4ba), [тип R6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample).
Если в одном запросе вызывается несколько функций `quantileExactExclusive` с разными значениями `level`, эти функции вычисляются независимо друг от друга. В таких случаях используйте функцию [quantilesExactExclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiles.md#quantilesexactexclusive), запрос будет выполняться эффективнее.
``` sql
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов. Возвращает данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — уровень квантиля. Необязательный параметр. Возможные значения: (0, 1) — граничные значения не учитываются. Значение по умолчанию: 0.5. При `level=0.5` функция вычисляет [медиану](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Медиана_(статистика)). [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Возвращаемое значение**
- Квантиль заданного уровня.
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) для входных данных числового типа.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md), если входные значения имеют тип `Date`.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md), если входные значения имеют тип `DateTime`.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantileExactExclusive(0.6)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
│ 599.6 │
## quantileExactInclusive {#quantileexactinclusive}
Точно вычисляет [квантиль](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Квантиль) числовой последовательности.
Чтобы получить точный результат, все переданные значения собираются в массив, который затем частично сортируется. Таким образом, функция потребляет объем памяти `O(n)`, где `n` — количество переданных значений. Для небольшого числа значений эта функция эффективна.
Эта функция эквивалентна Excel функции [PERCENTILE.INC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-inc-function-680f9539-45eb-410b-9a5e-c1355e5fe2ed), [тип R7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample).
Если в одном запросе вызывается несколько функций `quantileExactInclusive` с разными значениями `level`, эти функции вычисляются независимо друг от друга. В таких случаях используйте функцию [quantilesExactInclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiles.md#quantilesexactinclusive), запрос будет выполняться эффективнее.
``` sql
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов. Возвращает данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — уровень квантиля. Необязательный параметр. Возможные значения: [0, 1] — граничные значения учитываются. Значение по умолчанию: 0.5. При `level=0.5` функция вычисляет [медиану](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Медиана_(статистика)). [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Возвращаемое значение**
- Квантиль заданного уровня.
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) для входных данных числового типа.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md), если входные значения имеют тип `Date`.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md), если входные значения имеют тип `DateTime`.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantileExactInclusive(0.6)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
│ 599.4 │
**Смотрите также**
- [median](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/median.md#median)
- [quantiles](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantiles.md#quantiles)
@ -2,9 +2,114 @@
toc_priority: 201
# quantiles {#quantiles}
# Функции для нескольких квантилей {#quantiles-functions}
Syntax: `quantiles(level1, level2, …)(x)`
## quantiles {#quantiles}
All the quantile functions also have corresponding quantiles functions: `quantiles`, `quantilesDeterministic`, `quantilesTiming`, `quantilesTimingWeighted`, `quantilesExact`, `quantilesExactWeighted`, `quantilesTDigest`. These functions calculate all the quantiles of the listed levels in one pass, and return an array of the resulting values.
Синтаксис: `quantiles(level1, level2, …)(x)`
Все функции для вычисления квантилей имеют соответствующие функции для вычисления нескольких квантилей: `quantiles`, `quantilesDeterministic`, `quantilesTiming`, `quantilesTimingWeighted`, `quantilesExact`, `quantilesExactWeighted`, `quantilesTDigest`. Эти функции вычисляют все квантили указанных уровней в один проход и возвращают массив с вычисленными значениями.
## quantilesExactExclusive {#quantilesexactexclusive}
Точно вычисляет [квантили](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Квантиль) числовой последовательности.
Чтобы получить точный результат, все переданные значения собираются в массив, который затем частично сортируется. Таким образом, функция потребляет объем памяти `O(n)`, где `n` — количество переданных значений. Для небольшого числа значений эта функция эффективна.
Эта функция эквивалентна Excel функции [PERCENTILE.EXC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-exc-function-bbaa7204-e9e1-4010-85bf-c31dc5dce4ba), [тип R6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample).
С наборами уровней работает эффективнее, чем [quantilesExactExclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexact.md#quantileexactexclusive).
``` sql
quantilesExactExclusive(level1, level2, ...)(expr)
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов. Возвращает данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — уровень квантилей. Возможные значения: (0, 1) — граничные значения не учитываются. [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Возвращаемые значения**
- [Массив](../../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md) квантилей указанных уровней.
Тип значений массива:
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) для входных данных числового типа.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md), если входные значения имеют тип `Date`.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md), если входные значения имеют тип `DateTime`.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantilesExactExclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
┌─quantilesExactExclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x)─┐
│ [249.25,499.5,749.75,899.9,949.9499999999999,989.99,998.999] │
## quantilesExactInclusive {#quantilesexactinclusive}
Точно вычисляет [квантили](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Квантиль) числовой последовательности.
Чтобы получить точный результат, все переданные значения собираются в массив, который затем частично сортируется. Таким образом, функция потребляет объем памяти `O(n)`, где `n` — количество переданных значений. Для небольшого числа значений эта функция эффективна.
Эта функция эквивалентна Excel функции [PERCENTILE.INC](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/percentile-inc-function-680f9539-45eb-410b-9a5e-c1355e5fe2ed), [тип R7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantile#Estimating_quantiles_from_a_sample).
С наборами уровней работает эффективнее, чем [quantilesExactInclusive](../../../sql-reference/aggregate-functions/reference/quantileexact.md#quantilesexactinclusive).
``` sql
quantilesExactInclusive(level1, level2, ...)(expr)
- `expr` — выражение, зависящее от значений столбцов. Возвращает данные [числовых типов](../../../sql-reference/data-types/index.md#data_types), [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md) или [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md).
- `level` — уровень квантилей. Возможные значения: [0, 1] — граничные значения учитываются. [Float](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md).
**Возвращаемые значения**
- [Массив](../../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md) квантилей указанных уровней.
Тип значений массива:
- [Float64](../../../sql-reference/data-types/float.md) для входных данных числового типа.
- [Date](../../../sql-reference/data-types/date.md), если входные значения имеют тип `Date`.
- [DateTime](../../../sql-reference/data-types/datetime.md), если входные значения имеют тип `DateTime`.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE num AS numbers(1000);
SELECT quantilesExactInclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x) FROM (SELECT number AS x FROM num);
``` text
┌─quantilesExactInclusive(0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99, 0.999)(x)─┐
│ [249.75,499.5,749.25,899.1,949.05,989.01,998.001] │
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ toc_title: Map(key, value)
Тип данных `Map(key, value)` хранит пары `ключ:значение`.
- `key` — ключ. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md) или [Integer](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md).
- `value` — значение. [String](../../sql-reference/data-types/string.md), [Integer](../../sql-reference/data-types/int-uint.md) или [Array](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md).
@ -61,6 +62,36 @@ SELECT a['key3'] FROM table_map;
## Подстолбцы Map.keys и Map.values {#map-subcolumns}
Для оптимизации обработки столбцов `Map` в некоторых случаях можно использовать подстолбцы `keys` и `values` вместо чтения всего столбца.
``` sql
CREATE TABLE t_map (`a` Map(String, UInt64)) ENGINE = Memory;
INSERT INTO t_map VALUES (map('key1', 1, 'key2', 2, 'key3', 3));
SELECT a.keys FROM t_map;
SELECT a.values FROM t_map;
``` text
│ ['key1','key2','key3'] │
│ [1,2,3] │
**См. также**
- функция [map()](../../sql-reference/functions/tuple-map-functions.md#function-map)
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ LIFETIME(300)
Если `<min>0</min>` и `<max>0</max>`, ClickHouse не перегружает словарь по истечению времени.
В этм случае, ClickHouse может перезагрузить данные словаря если изменился XML файл с конфигурацией словаря или если была выполнена команда `SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY`.
Если `<min>0</min>` и `<max>0</max>`, ClickHouse не перезагружает словарь по истечении времени.
В этом случае ClickHouse может перезагрузить данные словаря, если изменился XML файл с конфигурацией словаря или если была выполнена команда `SYSTEM RELOAD DICTIONARY`.
При обновлении словарей сервер ClickHouse применяет различную логику в зависимости от типа [источника](external-dicts-dict-sources.md):
- У текстового файла проверяется время модификации. Если время изменилось по отношению к запомненному ранее, то словарь обновляется.
- Для MySQL источника, время модификации проверяется запросом `SHOW TABLE STATUS` (для MySQL 8 необходимо отключить кеширование мета-информации в MySQL `set global information_schema_stats_expiry=0`.
- Для MySQL источника время модификации проверяется запросом `SHOW TABLE STATUS` (для MySQL 8 необходимо отключить кеширование мета-информации в MySQL `set global information_schema_stats_expiry=0`).
- Словари из других источников по умолчанию обновляются каждый раз.
Для других источников (ODBC, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse и т.д.) можно настроить запрос, который позволит обновлять словари только в случае их фактического изменения, а не каждый раз. Чтобы это сделать необходимо выполнить следующие условия/действия:
@ -87,3 +87,33 @@ SOURCE(ODBC(... invalidate_query 'SELECT update_time FROM dictionary_source wher
Для словарей `Cache`, `ComplexKeyCache`, `SSDCache` и `SSDComplexKeyCache` поддерживается как синхронное, так и асинхронное обновление.
Словари `Flat`, `Hashed` и `ComplexKeyHashed` могут запрашивать только те данные, которые были изменены после предыдущего обновления. Если `update_field` указано как часть конфигурации источника словаря, к запросу данных будет добавлено время предыдущего обновления в секундах. В зависимости от типа источника (Executable, HTTP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, ClickHouse, ODBC) к `update_field` будет применена соответствующая логика перед запросом данных из внешнего источника.
- Если источник HTTP, то `update_field` будет добавлено в качестве параметра запроса, а время последнего обновления — в качестве значения параметра.
- Если источник Executable, то `update_field` будет добавлено в качестве аргумента исполняемого скрипта, время последнего обновления — в качестве значения аргумента.
- Если источник ClickHouse, MySQL, PostgreSQL или ODBC, то будет дополнительная часть запроса `WHERE`, где `update_field` будет больше или равно времени последнего обновления.
Если установлена опция `update_field`, то может быть установлена дополнительная опция `update_lag`. Значение `update_lag` вычитается из времени предыдущего обновления перед запросом обновленных данных.
Пример настройки:
``` xml
``` sql
SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(... update_field 'added_time' update_lag 15))
@ -11,18 +11,24 @@ toc_title: "Массивы"
Тип результата - UInt8.
Функция также работает для строк.
Функцию можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) вместо чтения и обработки всего столбца массива. Запрос `SELECT empty(arr) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT arr.size0 = 0 FROM TABLE`.
## notEmpty {#function-notempty}
Возвращает 0 для пустого массива, и 1 для непустого массива.
Тип результата - UInt8.
Функция также работает для строк.
Функцию можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) вместо чтения и обработки всего столбца массива. Запрос `SELECT notEmpty(arr) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT arr.size0 != 0 FROM TABLE`.
## length {#array_functions-length}
Возвращает количество элементов в массиве.
Тип результата - UInt64.
Функция также работает для строк.
Функцию можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [size0](../../sql-reference/data-types/array.md#array-size) вместо чтения и обработки всего столбца массива. Запрос `SELECT length(arr) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT arr.size0 FROM TABLE`.
## emptyArrayUInt8, emptyArrayUInt16, emptyArrayUInt32, emptyArrayUInt64 {#emptyarrayuint8-emptyarrayuint16-emptyarrayuint32-emptyarrayuint64}
## emptyArrayInt8, emptyArrayInt16, emptyArrayInt32, emptyArrayInt64 {#emptyarrayint8-emptyarrayint16-emptyarrayint32-emptyarrayint64}
@ -224,6 +224,8 @@ SELECT mapContains(a, 'name') FROM test;
Возвращает все ключи контейнера `map`.
Функцию можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [keys](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) вместо чтения и обработки данных всего столбца. Запрос `SELECT mapKeys(m) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT m.keys FROM table`.
@ -265,6 +267,8 @@ SELECT mapKeys(a) FROM test;
Возвращает все значения контейнера `map`.
Функцию можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` функция читает только подстолбец [values](../../sql-reference/data-types/map.md#map-subcolumns) вместо чтения и обработки данных всего столбца. Запрос `SELECT mapValues(m) FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT m.values FROM table`.
@ -283,6 +283,8 @@ ClickHouse поддерживает операторы `IS NULL` и `IS NOT NULL
- `0` в обратном случае.
- Для прочих значений оператор `IS NULL` всегда возвращает `0`.
Оператор можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` читается только подстолбец [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) вместо чтения и обработки данных всего столбца. Запрос `SELECT n IS NULL FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT n.null FROM TABLE`.
<!-- -->
``` sql
@ -302,6 +304,8 @@ SELECT x+100 FROM t_null WHERE y IS NULL
- `1`, в обратном случае.
- Для прочих значений оператор `IS NOT NULL` всегда возвращает `1`.
Оператор можно оптимизировать, если включить настройку [optimize_functions_to_subcolumns](../../operations/settings/settings.md#optimize-functions-to-subcolumns). При `optimize_functions_to_subcolumns = 1` читается только подстолбец [null](../../sql-reference/data-types/nullable.md#finding-null) вместо чтения и обработки данных всего столбца. Запрос `SELECT n IS NOT NULL FROM table` преобразуется к запросу `SELECT NOT n.null FROM TABLE`.
<!-- -->
``` sql
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ toc_title: "Манипуляции с индексами"
Добавить или удалить индекс можно с помощью операций
``` sql
ALTER TABLE [db.]name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value [AFTER name]
ALTER TABLE [db.]name ADD INDEX name expression TYPE type GRANULARITY value [FIRST|AFTER name]
@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ toc_title: PARTITION
- [UNFREEZE PARTITION](#alter_unfreeze-partition) — удалить резервную копию партиции;
- [FETCH PARTITION](#alter_fetch-partition) — скачать партицию с другого сервера;
- [MOVE PARTITION\|PART](#alter_move-partition) — переместить партицию/кускок на другой диск или том.
- [UPDATE IN PARTITION](#update-in-partition) — обновить данные внутри партиции по условию.
- [DELETE IN PARTITION](#delete-in-partition) — удалить данные внутри партиции по условию.
## DETACH PARTITION\|PART {#alter_detach-partition}
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