add frontmatter dashes

This commit is contained in:
DanRoscigno 2022-08-28 09:53:52 -04:00
parent a0bc5b6ea4
commit c4caa35cfd
77 changed files with 154 additions and 0 deletions

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# Integrating Rust libraries
Rust library integration will be described based on BLAKE3 hash-function integration.

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# Kerberos
Existing and properly configured ClickHouse users can be authenticated via Kerberos authentication protocol.

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LDAP server can be used to authenticate ClickHouse users. There are two different approaches for doing this:

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# SSL X.509 certificate authentication
[SSL 'strict' option](../server-configuration-parameters/ enables mandatory certificate validation for the incoming connections. In this case, only connections with trusted certificates can be established. Connections with untrusted certificates will be rejected. Thus, certificate validation allows to uniquely authenticate an incoming connection. `Common Name` field of the certificate is used to identify connected user. This allows to associate multiple certificates with the same user. Additionally, reissuing and revoking of the certificates does not affect the ClickHouse configuration.

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# Memory overcommit
Memory overcommit is an experimental technique intended to allow to set more flexible memory limits for queries.

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# MergeTree tables settings
The values of `merge_tree` settings (for all MergeTree tables) can be viewed in the table `system.merge_tree_settings`, they can be overridden in `config.xml` in the `merge_tree` section, or set in the `SETTINGS` section of each table.

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# asynchronous_metric_log
Contains the historical values for `system.asynchronous_metrics`, which are saved once per minute. Enabled by default.

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# asynchronous_metrics
Contains metrics that are calculated periodically in the background. For example, the amount of RAM in use.

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# clusters
Contains information about clusters available in the config file and the servers in them.

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# columns
Contains information about columns in all the tables.

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# contributors
Contains information about contributors. The order is random at query execution time.

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# crash_log
Contains information about stack traces for fatal errors. The table does not exist in the database by default, it is created only when fatal errors occur.

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# current_roles
Contains active roles of a current user. `SET ROLE` changes the contents of this table.

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# data_skipping_indices
Contains information about existing data skipping indices in all the tables.

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# data_type_families
Contains information about supported [data types](../../sql-reference/data-types/

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# databases
Contains information about the databases that are available to the current user.

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# detached_parts
Contains information about detached parts of [MergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ tables. The `reason` column specifies why the part was detached.

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# dictionaries
Contains information about [external dictionaries](../../sql-reference/dictionaries/external-dictionaries/

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# disks
Contains information about disks defined in the [server configuration](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/

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# distributed_ddl_queue
Contains information about [distributed ddl queries (ON CLUSTER clause)](../../sql-reference/ that were executed on a cluster.

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# distribution_queue
Contains information about local files that are in the queue to be sent to the shards. These local files contain new parts that are created by inserting new data into the Distributed table in asynchronous mode.

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# enabled_roles
Contains all active roles at the moment, including current role of the current user and granted roles for current role.

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# errors
Contains error codes with the number of times they have been triggered.

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# events
Contains information about the number of events that have occurred in the system. For example, in the table, you can find how many `SELECT` queries were processed since the ClickHouse server started.

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# functions
Contains information about normal and aggregate functions.

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# grants
Privileges granted to ClickHouse user accounts.

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# graphite_retentions
Contains information about parameters [graphite_rollup](../../operations/server-configuration-parameters/ which are used in tables with [\*GraphiteMergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ engines.

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`INFORMATION_SCHEMA` (`information_schema`) is a system database that contains views. Using these views, you can get information about the metadata of database objects. These views read data from the columns of the [system.columns](../../operations/system-tables/, [system.databases](../../operations/system-tables/ and [system.tables](../../operations/system-tables/ system tables.

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# licenses
Сontains licenses of third-party libraries that are located in the [contrib]( directory of ClickHouse sources.

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# merge_tree_settings
Contains information about settings for `MergeTree` tables.

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# merges
Contains information about merges and part mutations currently in process for tables in the MergeTree family.

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# metric_log
Contains history of metrics values from tables `system.metrics` and ``, periodically flushed to disk.

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# metrics
Contains metrics which can be calculated instantly, or have a current value. For example, the number of simultaneously processed queries or the current replica delay. This table is always up to date.

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# mutations
The table contains information about [mutations](../../sql-reference/statements/alter/ of [MergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ tables and their progress. Each mutation command is represented by a single row.

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# numbers
This table contains a single UInt64 column named `number` that contains almost all the natural numbers starting from zero.

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# numbers_mt
The same as [system.numbers](../../operations/system-tables/ but reads are parallelized. The numbers can be returned in any order.

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# one
This table contains a single row with a single `dummy` UInt8 column containing the value 0.

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# opentelemetry_span_log
Contains information about [trace spans]( for executed queries.

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# part_log
The `system.part_log` table is created only if the [part_log](../../operations/server-configuration-parameters/ server setting is specified.

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# parts {#system_tables-parts}
Contains information about parts of [MergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ tables.

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# parts_columns
Contains information about parts and columns of [MergeTree](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/ tables.

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# processes
This system table is used for implementing the `SHOW PROCESSLIST` query.

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# query_log
Contains information about executed queries, for example, start time, duration of processing, error messages.

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# query_thread_log
Contains information about threads that execute queries, for example, thread name, thread start time, duration of query processing.

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# query_views_log
Contains information about the dependent views executed when running a query, for example, the view type or the execution time.

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# quota_limits
Contains information about maximums for all intervals of all quotas. Any number of rows or zero can correspond to one quota.

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# quota_usage
Quota usage by the current user: how much is used and how much is left.

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# quotas
Contains information about [quotas](../../operations/system-tables/

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# quotas_usage
Quota usage by all users.

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# replicas
Contains information and status for replicated tables residing on the local server.

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# replicated_fetches
Contains information about currently running background fetches.

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# replication_queue
Contains information about tasks from replication queues stored in ClickHouse Keeper, or ZooKeeper, for tables in the `ReplicatedMergeTree` family.

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# role_grants
Contains the role grants for users and roles. To add entries to this table, use `GRANT role TO user`.

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# roles
Contains information about configured [roles](../../operations/

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# row_policies
Contains filters for one particular table, as well as a list of roles and/or users which should use this row policy.

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# session_log
Contains information about all successful and failed login and logout events.

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# settings
Contains information about session settings for current user.

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# settings_profile_elements
Describes the content of the settings profile:

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# settings_profiles
Contains properties of configured setting profiles.

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# stack_trace
Contains stack traces of all server threads. Allows developers to introspect the server state.

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# storage_policies
Contains information about storage policies and volumes defined in the [server configuration](../../engines/table-engines/mergetree-family/

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# table_engines
Contains description of table engines supported by server and their feature support information.

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# tables
Contains metadata of each table that the server knows about.

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# text_log
Contains logging entries. The logging level which goes to this table can be limited to the `text_log.level` server setting.

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# time_zones
Contains a list of time zones that are supported by the ClickHouse server. This list of timezones might vary depending on the version of ClickHouse.

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# trace_log
Contains stack traces collected by the sampling query profiler.

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# users
Contains a list of [user accounts](../../operations/ configured at the server.

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# zookeeper
The table does not exist unless ClickHouse Keeper or ZooKeeper is configured. The `system.zookeeper` table exposes data from the Keeper cluster defined in the config.

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# zookeeper_log
This table contains information about the parameters of the request to the ZooKeeper server and the response from it.

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# clickhouse-compressor

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# clickhouse-format
Allows formatting input queries.

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# clickhouse-obfuscator
A simple tool for table data obfuscation.

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# clickhouse-odbc-bridge
Simple HTTP-server which works like a proxy for ODBC driver. The main motivation

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# SimpleAggregateFunction
`SimpleAggregateFunction(name, types_of_arguments…)` data type stores current value of the aggregate function, and does not store its full state as [`AggregateFunction`](../../sql-reference/data-types/ does. This optimization can be applied to functions for which the following property holds: the result of applying a function `f` to a row set `S1 UNION ALL S2` can be obtained by applying `f` to parts of the row set separately, and then again applying `f` to the results: `f(S1 UNION ALL S2) = f(f(S1) UNION ALL f(S2))`. This property guarantees that partial aggregation results are enough to compute the combined one, so we do not have to store and process any extra data.

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# Distance functions
## L1Norm

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The `EXISTS` operator checks how many records are in the result of a subquery. If it is empty, then the operator returns `0`. Otherwise, it returns `1`.

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# IN Operators
The `IN`, `NOT IN`, `GLOBAL IN`, and `GLOBAL NOT IN` operators are covered separately, since their functionality is quite rich.