mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 12:01:58 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ LRUFileCache::FileSegmentCell::FileSegmentCell(FileSegmentPtr file_segment_, LRU
String LRUFileCache::dumpStructure()
String LRUFileCache::dumpStructure(const Key & key_)
std::lock_guard cache_lock(mutex);
@ -598,10 +598,13 @@ String LRUFileCache::dumpStructure()
for (auto it = queue.begin(); it != queue.end(); ++it)
auto [key, offset] = *it;
if (key == key_)
auto * cell = getCell(key, offset, cache_lock);
result << (it != queue.begin() ? ", " : "") << cell->file_segment->range().toString();
result << "(state: " << cell->file_segment->download_state << ")";
return result.str();
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ public:
virtual void remove(const Key & key) = 0;
/// For debug.
virtual String dumpStructure() = 0;
virtual String dumpStructure(const Key & key) = 0;
String cache_base_path;
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ public:
Stat getStat();
String dumpStructure() override;
String dumpStructure(const Key & key_) override;
@ -53,9 +53,11 @@ String FileSegment::getOrSetDownloader()
if (downloader_id.empty())
downloader_id = getCallerId();
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "Set downloader: {}, prev state: {}", downloader_id, toString(download_state));
download_state = State::DOWNLOADING;
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "Returning with downloader: {} and state: {}", downloader_id, toString(download_state));
return downloader_id;
@ -97,7 +99,15 @@ FileSegment::State FileSegment::wait()
if (download_state == State::DOWNLOADING)
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii"), "Waiting on: {}", range().toString());
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "{} waiting on: {}", downloader_id, range().toString());
assert(!downloader_id.empty() && downloader_id != getCallerId());
#ifndef NDEBUG
std::lock_guard cache_lock(cache->mutex);
assert(!cache->isLastFileSegmentHolder(key(), offset(), cache_lock));
cv.wait_for(segment_lock, std::chrono::seconds(60)); /// TODO: pass through settings
@ -116,8 +126,9 @@ bool FileSegment::reserve(size_t size)
"Attempt to reserve space too much space ({}) for file segment with range: {} (downloaded size: {})",
size, range().toString(), downloaded_size);
if (downloader_id != getCallerId())
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_CACHE_ERROR, "Space can be reserved only by downloader");
auto caller_id = getCallerId();
if (downloader_id != caller_id)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_CACHE_ERROR, "Space can be reserved only by downloader (current: {}, expected: {})", caller_id, downloader_id);
assert(reserved_size >= downloaded_size);
@ -139,22 +150,48 @@ bool FileSegment::reserve(size_t size)
return reserved;
void FileSegment::completeBatch()
std::lock_guard segment_lock(mutex);
bool is_downloader = downloader_id == getCallerId();
if (!is_downloader)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_CACHE_ERROR, "File segment can be completed only by downloader");
if (downloaded_size == range().size())
download_state = State::DOWNLOADED;
void FileSegment::complete(State state)
std::lock_guard segment_lock(mutex);
bool is_downloader = downloader_id == getCallerId();
if (!is_downloader)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_CACHE_ERROR,
"File segment can be completed only by downloader or downloader's FileSegmentsHodler");
if (state != State::DOWNLOADED
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::FILE_CACHE_ERROR,
"Cannot complete file segment with state: {}", toString(state));
download_state = state;
@ -174,7 +211,7 @@ void FileSegment::complete()
if (downloaded_size == range().size() && download_state != State::DOWNLOADED)
download_state = State::DOWNLOADED;
if (download_state == State::DOWNLOADING)
if (download_state == State::DOWNLOADING || download_state == State::EMPTY)
download_state = State::PARTIALLY_DOWNLOADED;
@ -200,6 +237,7 @@ void FileSegment::completeImpl(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* segment_lock */)
if (!downloaded_size)
download_state = State::SKIP_CACHE;
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "Remove cell {} (downloaded: {})", range().toString(), downloaded_size);
cache->remove(key(), offset(), cache_lock);
else if (is_last_holder)
@ -210,13 +248,17 @@ void FileSegment::completeImpl(std::lock_guard<std::mutex> & /* segment_lock */)
* in FileSegmentsHolder represent a contiguous range, so we can resize
* it only when nobody needs it.
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "Resize cell {} to downloaded: {}", range().toString(), downloaded_size);
cache->reduceSizeToDownloaded(key(), offset(), cache_lock);
if (downloader_id == getCallerId())
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii " + range().toString() + " "), "Clearing downloader id: {}, current state: {}", downloader_id, toString(download_state));
if (!download_can_continue && download_buffer)
@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ public:
Range(size_t left_, size_t right_) : left(left_), right(right_) {}
bool operator==(const Range & other) const { return left == other.left && right == other.right; }
size_t size() const { return right - left + 1; }
String toString() const { return '[' + std::to_string(left) + ',' + std::to_string(right) + ']'; }
@ -91,6 +93,8 @@ public:
void complete(State state);
void completeBatch();
String getOrSetDownloader();
bool isDownloader() const;
@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ public:
static String getCallerId();
String downloader_id;
size_t availableSize() const { return reserved_size - downloaded_size; }
bool lastFileSegmentHolder() const;
@ -108,7 +113,6 @@ private:
const Range segment_range;
State download_state;
String downloader_id;
std::unique_ptr<WriteBufferFromFile> download_buffer;
@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ TEST(LRUFileCache, get)
std::cerr << "kssenii: " << cache.dumpStructure() << "\n";
ASSERT_TRUE(segments[1]->state() == DB::FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED);
@ -458,8 +457,6 @@ TEST(LRUFileCache, get)
/// Test LRUCache::restore().
auto cache2 = DB::LRUFileCache(cache_base_path, 30, 5);
std::cerr << "kssenii cache: " << cache.dumpStructure() << "\n";
std::cerr << "kssenii cache2: " << cache2.dumpStructure() << "\n";
ASSERT_EQ(cache2.getStat().downloaded_size, 5);
auto holder1 = cache2.getOrSet(key, 2, 28); /// Get [2, 29]
@ -537,6 +537,7 @@ class IColumn;
M(Int64, remote_fs_read_max_backoff_ms, 10000, "Max wait time when trying to read data for remote disk", 0) \
M(Int64, remote_fs_read_backoff_max_tries, 5, "Max attempts to read with backoff", 0) \
M(Bool, remote_fs_enable_cache, true, "Use cache for remote filesystem. This setting does not turn on/off cache for disks (must me done via disk config), but allows to bypass cache for some queries if intended", 0) \
M(UInt64, http_max_tries, 1, "Max attempts to read via http.", 0) \
M(UInt64, http_retry_initial_backoff_ms, 100, "Min milliseconds for backoff, when retrying read via http", 0) \
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::createCacheReadBuffer(size_t
SeekableReadBufferPtr CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::createReadBuffer(FileSegmentPtr file_segment)
auto range = file_segment->range();
assert((impl && range.left == file_offset_of_buffer_end) || (!impl && range.left <= file_offset_of_buffer_end));
bool first_segment_read_in_range = impl == nullptr;
bytes_to_predownload = 0;
SeekableReadBufferPtr implementation_buffer;
@ -109,33 +109,117 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::createReadBuffer(FileSegment
case FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADED:
case FileSegment::State::PARTIALLY_DOWNLOADED:
read_type = ReadType::CACHED;
implementation_buffer = createCacheReadBuffer(range.left);
/// If downloader failed before downloading anything, it is determined
/// whether continuation is possible. In case of no continuation and
/// downloaded_size == 0 - cache cell is removed and state is switched to SKIP_CACHE.
assert(file_segment->downloadOffset() > 0);
read_type = ReadType::CACHED;
implementation_buffer = createCacheReadBuffer(range.left);
case FileSegment::State::PARTIALLY_DOWNLOADED:
auto downloader_id = file_segment->getOrSetDownloader();
if (downloader_id == file_segment->getCallerId())
size_t download_offset = file_segment->downloadOffset();
bool can_start_from_cache = download_offset && download_offset >= file_offset_of_buffer_end;
if (can_start_from_cache)
/// segment{k}
/// cache: [______|___________
/// ^
/// download_offset
/// requested_range: [__________]
/// ^
/// file_offset_of_buffer_end
read_type = ReadType::CACHED;
implementation_buffer = createCacheReadBuffer(range.left);
read_type = ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ_AND_DOWNLOAD;
implementation_buffer = downloader;
if (download_offset && download_offset < file_offset_of_buffer_end)
/// segment{1}
/// cache: [_____|___________
/// ^
/// download_offset
/// requested_range: [__________]
/// ^
/// file_offset_of_buffer_end
bytes_to_predownload = file_offset_of_buffer_end - file_segment->downloadOffset() - 1;
LOG_TEST(log, "Bytes to predownload {} for {}", bytes_to_predownload, downloader_id);
download_state = FileSegment::State::DOWNLOADING;
LOG_TEST(log, "Current file segment: {}, read type: {}", range.toString(), toString(read_type));
assert((!first_segment_read_in_range && range.left == file_offset_of_buffer_end)
|| (first_segment_read_in_range && range.left <= file_offset_of_buffer_end));
assert(file_segment->range() == range);
LOG_TEST(log, "Current file segment: {}, read type: {}, current file offset: {}", range.toString(), toString(read_type), file_offset_of_buffer_end);
implementation_buffer->setReadUntilPosition(range.right + 1); /// [..., range.right]
if (read_type == ReadType::CACHED)
switch (read_type)
case ReadType::CACHED:
implementation_buffer->seek(file_offset_of_buffer_end - range.left, SEEK_SET);
case ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ:
implementation_buffer->seek(file_offset_of_buffer_end, SEEK_SET);
if (bytes_to_predownload)
size_t download_offset = file_segment->downloadOffset();
implementation_buffer->seek(download_offset + 1, SEEK_SET);
assert(read_type != ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ_AND_DOWNLOAD || file_offset_of_buffer_end == range.left);
assert(file_offset_of_buffer_end == range.left);
implementation_buffer->seek(file_offset_of_buffer_end, SEEK_SET);
return implementation_buffer;
@ -152,6 +236,7 @@ bool CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::completeFileSegmentAndGetNext()
if (read_type == ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ_AND_DOWNLOAD)
LOG_TEST(log, "Removing file segment: {}, downloader: {}", (*file_segment_it)->range().toString(), (*file_segment_it)->downloader_id, (*file_segment_it)->state());
/// Do not hold pointer to file segment if it is not needed anymore
/// so can become releasable and can be evicted from cache.
@ -198,8 +283,16 @@ bool CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::nextImpl()
if (current_file_segment_it == file_segments_holder->file_segments.end())
return false;
bytes_to_predownload = 0;
if (impl)
if (!use_external_buffer)
impl->position() = position();
auto current_read_range = (*current_file_segment_it)->range();
auto current_state = (*current_file_segment_it)->state();
@ -222,29 +315,71 @@ bool CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::nextImpl()
impl = createReadBuffer(*current_file_segment_it);
auto current_read_range = (*current_file_segment_it)->range();
assert(current_read_range.left <= file_offset_of_buffer_end);
assert(current_read_range.right >= file_offset_of_buffer_end);
if (use_external_buffer)
auto & file_segment = *current_file_segment_it;
auto current_read_range = file_segment->range();
assert(current_read_range.left <= file_offset_of_buffer_end);
assert(current_read_range.right >= file_offset_of_buffer_end);
bool result = false;
size_t size = 0;
if (bytes_to_predownload)
/// Consider this case. Some user needed segment [a, b] and downloaded it partially
/// or did not download it at all. But before he called complete(state) or his holder
/// called complete(), some other user who needed segment [a', b'], a < a' < b' and
/// started waiting on [a, b] to be downloaded as it intersects with the range he needs.
/// But the first downloader fails and second must continue. In this case we need to
/// download from offset a'' < a', but return buffer from offset a'.
LOG_TEST(log, "Bytes to predownload: {}, caller_id: {}", bytes_to_predownload, FileSegment::getCallerId());
while (bytes_to_predownload
&& file_segment->downloadOffset() + 1 != file_offset_of_buffer_end
&& downloader->next())
if (file_segment->reserve(downloader->buffer().size()))
size_t size_to_cache = std::min(bytes_to_predownload, downloader->buffer().size());
file_segment->write(downloader->buffer().begin(), size_to_cache);
bytes_to_predownload -= size_to_cache;
downloader->position() += size_to_cache;
impl->position() = position();
read_type = ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ;
bytes_to_predownload = 0;
if (file_segment->downloadOffset() + 1 != file_offset_of_buffer_end
&& read_type == ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ_AND_DOWNLOAD)
throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Predownloading failed");
result = downloader->hasPendingData();
size = downloader->available();
bool result;
auto & file_segment = *current_file_segment_it;
auto download_current_segment = read_type == ReadType::REMOTE_FS_READ_AND_DOWNLOAD;
if (!result)
result = impl->next();
size = impl->buffer().size();
catch (...)
@ -264,16 +399,14 @@ bool CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::nextImpl()
if (download_current_segment)
size_t size = impl->buffer().size();
if (file_segment->reserve(size))
file_segment->write(impl->buffer().begin(), size);
LOG_DEBUG(log, "No space left in cache, will continue without cache download");
LOG_DEBUG(log, "No space left in cache, will continue without cache download");
@ -312,13 +445,10 @@ bool CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS::nextImpl()
BufferBase::set(impl->buffer().begin(), impl->buffer().size(), impl->offset());
LOG_TEST(log, "Key: {}. Returning with {} bytes, current range: {}, current offset: {}, file segment state: {}, download offset: {}, size on local fs: {}",
LOG_TEST(log, "Key: {}. Returning with {} bytes, current range: {}, current offset: {}, file segment state: {}, download offset: {}",
getHexUIntLowercase(key), working_buffer.size(), current_read_range.toString(),
file_offset_of_buffer_end, FileSegment::toString(file_segment->state()), file_segment->downloadOffset());
if (file_offset_of_buffer_end > current_read_range.right)
return result;
@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ private:
size_t read_until_position;
size_t file_offset_of_buffer_end = 0;
String query_id;
size_t bytes_to_predownload = 0;
std::optional<FileSegmentsHolder> file_segments_holder;
FileSegments::iterator current_file_segment_it;
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <base/logger_useful.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <Common/hex.h>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ namespace DB
#if USE_AWS_S3
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromS3Gather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path)
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromS3Gather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size)
current_path = path;
bool use_external_buffer = settings.remote_fs_method == RemoteFSReadMethod::threadpool;
@ -37,8 +38,12 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromS3Gather::createImplementationBuffer(const S
settings, use_external_buffer, read_until_position, true);
auto cache = settings.remote_fs_cache;
if (cache && !cache->shouldBypassCache())
return std::make_shared<CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS>(path, cache, std::move(reader), settings, read_until_position);
if (cache && settings.remote_fs_enable_cache && !cache->shouldBypassCache())
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii"), "New cacheable buffer for{}: {}", getHexUIntLowercase(cache->hash(path)), read_until_position);
return std::make_shared<CachedReadBufferFromRemoteFS>(
path, cache, std::move(reader), settings, read_until_position ? read_until_position : file_size);
return std::move(reader);
@ -46,7 +51,7 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromS3Gather::createImplementationBuffer(const S
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromAzureBlobStorageGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path)
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromAzureBlobStorageGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t /* file_size */)
current_path = path;
bool use_external_buffer = settings.remote_fs_method == RemoteFSReadMethod::threadpool;
@ -56,7 +61,7 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromAzureBlobStorageGather::createImplementation
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromWebServerGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path)
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromWebServerGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t /* file_size */)
current_path = path;
bool use_external_buffer = settings.remote_fs_method == RemoteFSReadMethod::threadpool;
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromWebServerGather::createImplementationBuffer(
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromHDFSGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path)
SeekableReadBufferPtr ReadBufferFromHDFSGather::createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t /* file_size */)
return std::make_unique<ReadBufferFromHDFS>(hdfs_uri, fs::path(hdfs_directory) / path, config, buf_size);
@ -116,7 +121,7 @@ void ReadBufferFromRemoteFSGather::initialize()
if (!current_buf || current_buf_idx != i)
current_buf_idx = i;
current_buf = createImplementationBuffer(file_path);
current_buf = createImplementationBuffer(file_path, size);
current_buf->seek(current_buf_offset, SEEK_SET);
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ bool ReadBufferFromRemoteFSGather::nextImpl()
const auto & [path, size] = metadata.remote_fs_objects[current_buf_idx];
current_buf = createImplementationBuffer(path);
current_buf = createImplementationBuffer(path, size);
return readImpl();
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public:
bool initialized() const { return current_buf != nullptr; }
virtual SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path) = 0;
virtual SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size) = 0;
RemoteMetadata metadata;
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ public:
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path) override;
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size) override;
std::shared_ptr<Aws::S3::S3Client> client_ptr;
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ public:
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path) override;
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size) override;
std::shared_ptr<Azure::Storage::Blobs::BlobContainerClient> blob_container_client;
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ public:
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path) override;
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size) override;
String uri;
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public:
hdfs_uri = hdfs_uri_.substr(0, begin_of_path);
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path) override;
SeekableReadBufferPtr createImplementationBuffer(const String & path, size_t file_size) override;
const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config;
@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ bool ReadBufferFromS3::nextImpl()
off_t ReadBufferFromS3::seek(off_t offset_, int whence)
LOG_TEST(&Poco::Logger::get("kssenii"), "kssenii read buffer from s3 seek to: {}", offset_);
if (impl && restricted_seek)
throw Exception("Seek is allowed only before first read attempt from the buffer.", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_SEEK_THROUGH_FILE);
@ -221,8 +223,11 @@ off_t ReadBufferFromS3::getPosition()
void ReadBufferFromS3::setReadUntilPosition(size_t position)
if (position != static_cast<size_t>(read_until_position))
read_until_position = position;
std::unique_ptr<ReadBuffer> ReadBufferFromS3::initialize()
@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ struct ReadSettings
size_t remote_fs_read_max_backoff_ms = 10000;
size_t remote_fs_read_backoff_max_tries = 4;
bool remote_fs_enable_cache = true;
size_t remote_read_min_bytes_for_seek = DBMS_DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
@ -3124,6 +3124,7 @@ ReadSettings Context::getReadSettings() const
res.remote_fs_read_max_backoff_ms = settings.remote_fs_read_max_backoff_ms;
res.remote_fs_read_backoff_max_tries = settings.remote_fs_read_backoff_max_tries;
res.remote_fs_enable_cache = settings.remote_fs_enable_cache;
res.remote_read_min_bytes_for_seek = settings.remote_read_min_bytes_for_seek;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user