dbms: development [#CONV-2944].

This commit is contained in:
Alexey Milovidov 2011-08-22 01:01:01 +00:00
parent f2af972222
commit dbf88adcb1
2 changed files with 393 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
#pragma once
#include <Poco/NumberFormatter.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberFixed.h>
#include <DB/DataTypes/DataTypesNumberVariable.h>
#include <DB/Functions/IFunction.h>
namespace DB
/** Функции - логические связки: and, or, not, xor.
* Принимают любые числовые типы, возвращают UInt8, содержащий 0 или 1.
template<typename A, typename B>
struct AndImpl
static void vector_vector(const std::vector<A> & a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a[i] && b[i];
static void vector_constant(const std::vector<A> & a, B b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a[i] && b;
static void constant_vector(A a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = b.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a && b[i];
static void constant_constant(A a, B b, UInt8 & c)
c = a && b;
template<typename A, typename B>
struct OrImpl
static void vector_vector(const std::vector<A> & a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a[i] || b[i];
static void vector_constant(const std::vector<A> & a, B b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a[i] || b;
static void constant_vector(A a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = b.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = a || b[i];
static void constant_constant(A a, B b, UInt8 & c)
c = a || b;
template<typename A, typename B>
struct XorImpl
static void vector_vector(const std::vector<A> & a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = (a[i] && !b[i]) || (!a[i] && b[i]);
static void vector_constant(const std::vector<A> & a, B b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = (a[i] && !b) || (!a[i] && b);
static void constant_vector(A a, const std::vector<B> & b, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = b.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = (a && !b[i]) || (!a && b[i]);
static void constant_constant(A a, B b, UInt8 & c)
c = (a && !b) || (!a && b);
template<typename A>
struct NotImpl
static void vector(const std::vector<A> & a, std::vector<UInt8> & c)
size_t size = a.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
c[i] = !a[i];
static void constant(A a, UInt8 & c)
c = !a;
template <template <typename, typename> class Impl, typename Name>
class FunctionBinaryLogical : public IFunction
template <typename T0, typename T1>
bool executeRightType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result, const ColumnVector<T0> * col_left)
if (ColumnVector<T1> * col_right = dynamic_cast<ColumnVector<T1> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column))
ColumnVector<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnVector<UInt8>;
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
typename ColumnVector<UInt8>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
Impl<T0, T1>::vector_vector(col_left->getData(), col_right->getData(), vec_res);
return true;
else if (ColumnConst<T1> * col_right = dynamic_cast<ColumnConst<T1> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column))
ColumnVector<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnVector<UInt8>;
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
typename ColumnVector<UInt8>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
Impl<T0, T1>::vector_constant(col_left->getData(), col_right->getData(), vec_res);
return true;
return false;
template <typename T0, typename T1>
bool executeConstRightType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result, const ColumnConst<T0> * col_left)
if (ColumnVector<T1> * col_right = dynamic_cast<ColumnVector<T1> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column))
ColumnVector<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnVector<UInt8>;
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
typename ColumnVector<UInt8>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
Impl<T0, T1>::constant_vector(col_left->getData(), col_right->getData(), vec_res);
return true;
else if (ColumnConst<T1> * col_right = dynamic_cast<ColumnConst<T1> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column))
UInt8 res = 0;
Impl<T0, T1>::constant_constant(col_left->getData(), col_right->getData(), res);
ColumnConst<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnConst<UInt8>(col_left->size(), res);
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
return true;
return false;
template <typename T0>
bool executeLeftType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result)
if (ColumnVector<T0> * col_left = dynamic_cast<ColumnVector<T0> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
if ( executeRightType<T0, UInt8>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, UInt16>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, UInt32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, UInt64>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Int8>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Int16>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Int32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Int64>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Float32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeRightType<T0, Float64>(block, arguments, result, col_left))
return true;
throw Exception("Illegal column of second argument of function " + getName(),
else if (ColumnConst<T0> * col_left = dynamic_cast<ColumnConst<T0> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
if ( executeConstRightType<T0, UInt8>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, UInt16>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, UInt32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, UInt64>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Int8>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Int16>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Int32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Int64>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Float32>(block, arguments, result, col_left)
|| executeConstRightType<T0, Float64>(block, arguments, result, col_left))
return true;
throw Exception("Illegal column of second argument of function " + getName(),
return false;
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return Name::get();
/// Получить типы результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypes getReturnTypes(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 2)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ Poco::NumberFormatter::format(arguments.size()) + ", should be 2.",
if (!(arguments[0]->isNumeric() && arguments[1]->isNumeric()))
throw Exception("Illegal types ("
+ arguments[0]->getName() + ", " + arguments[1]->getName()
+ ") of arguments of function " + getName(),
DataTypes types_res;
types_res.push_back(new DataTypeUInt8);
return types_res;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result)
if (result.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Wrong number of result columns in function " + getName() + ", should be 1.",
if (!( executeLeftType<UInt8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<UInt16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<UInt32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<UInt64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Int8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Int16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Int32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Int64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Float32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeLeftType<Float64>(block, arguments, result)))
throw Exception("Illegal column of first argument of function " + getName(),
template <template <typename> class Impl, typename Name>
class FunctionUnaryLogical : public IFunction
template <typename T>
bool executeType(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result)
if (ColumnVector<T> * col = dynamic_cast<ColumnVector<T> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[0]).column))
ColumnVector<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnVector<UInt8>;
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
typename ColumnVector<UInt8>::Container_t & vec_res = col_res->getData();
Impl<T>::vector(col->getData(), vec_res);
return true;
else if (ColumnConst<T> * col = dynamic_cast<ColumnConst<T> *>(&*block.getByPosition(arguments[1]).column))
UInt8 res = 0;
Impl<T>::constant(col->getData(), res);
ColumnConst<UInt8> * col_res = new ColumnConst<UInt8>(col->size(), res);
block.getByPosition(result[0]).column = col_res;
return true;
return false;
/// Получить имя функции.
String getName() const
return Name::get();
/// Получить типы результата по типам аргументов. Если функция неприменима для данных аргументов - кинуть исключение.
DataTypes getReturnTypes(const DataTypes & arguments) const
if (arguments.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Number of arguments for function " + getName() + " doesn't match: passed "
+ Poco::NumberFormatter::format(arguments.size()) + ", should be 1.",
if (!arguments[0]->isNumeric())
throw Exception("Illegal type ("
+ arguments[0]->getName()
+ ") of argument of function " + getName(),
DataTypes types_res;
types_res.push_back(new DataTypeUInt8);
return types_res;
/// Выполнить функцию над блоком.
void execute(Block & block, const ColumnNumbers & arguments, const ColumnNumbers & result)
if (result.size() != 1)
throw Exception("Wrong number of result columns in function " + getName() + ", should be 1.",
if (!( executeType<UInt8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<UInt16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<UInt32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<UInt64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Int8>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Int16>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Int32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Int64>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Float32>(block, arguments, result)
|| executeType<Float64>(block, arguments, result)))
throw Exception("Illegal column of argument of function " + getName(),
struct NameAnd { static const char * get() { return "and"; } };
struct NameOr { static const char * get() { return "or"; } };
struct NameXor { static const char * get() { return "xor"; } };
struct NameNot { static const char * get() { return "not"; } };
typedef FunctionBinaryLogical<AndImpl, NameAnd> FunctionAnd;
typedef FunctionBinaryLogical<OrImpl, NameOr> FunctionOr;
typedef FunctionBinaryLogical<XorImpl, NameXor> FunctionXor;
typedef FunctionUnaryLogical<NotImpl, NameNot> FunctionNot;

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsArithmetic.h>
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsComparison.h>
#include <DB/Functions/FunctionsLogical.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ASTSelectQuery.h>
#include <DB/Parsers/ParserSelectQuery.h>
@ -79,10 +80,14 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
DB::ParserSelectQuery parser;
DB::ASTPtr ast;
std::string input = "SELECT x, s1, s2, 2 + x * 2, x * 2, x % 3 == 1, "
std::string input = "SELECT x, s1, s2, "
"2 + x * 2, x * 2, x % 3 == 1, "
"s1 == 'abc', s1 == s2, s1 != 'abc', s1 != s2, "
"s1 < 'abc', s1 < s2, s1 > 'abc', s1 > s2, "
"s1 <= 'abc', s1 <= s2, s1 >= 'abc', s1 >= s2";
"s1 <= 'abc', s1 <= s2, s1 >= 'abc', s1 >= s2, "
"s1 < s2 AND x % 3 < x % 5";
std::string expected;
const char * begin = input.data();
@ -106,16 +111,26 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
context.columns["x"] = new DB::DataTypeInt16;
context.columns["s1"] = new DB::DataTypeString;
context.columns["s2"] = new DB::DataTypeString;
(*context.functions)["plus"] = new DB::FunctionPlus;
(*context.functions)["multiply"] = new DB::FunctionMultiply;
(*context.functions)["modulo"] = new DB::FunctionModulo;
(*context.functions)["equals"] = new DB::FunctionEquals;
(*context.functions)["notEquals"] = new DB::FunctionNotEquals;
(*context.functions)["less"] = new DB::FunctionLess;
(*context.functions)["greater"] = new DB::FunctionGreater;
(*context.functions)["lessOrEquals"] = new DB::FunctionLessOrEquals;
(*context.functions)["plus"] = new DB::FunctionPlus;
(*context.functions)["minus"] = new DB::FunctionMinus;
(*context.functions)["multiply"] = new DB::FunctionMultiply;
(*context.functions)["divide"] = new DB::FunctionDivideFloating;
(*context.functions)["intDiv"] = new DB::FunctionDivideIntegral;
(*context.functions)["modulo"] = new DB::FunctionModulo;
(*context.functions)["equals"] = new DB::FunctionEquals;
(*context.functions)["notEquals"] = new DB::FunctionNotEquals;
(*context.functions)["less"] = new DB::FunctionLess;
(*context.functions)["greater"] = new DB::FunctionGreater;
(*context.functions)["lessOrEquals"] = new DB::FunctionLessOrEquals;
(*context.functions)["greaterOrEquals"] = new DB::FunctionGreaterOrEquals;
(*context.functions)["and"] = new DB::FunctionAnd;
(*context.functions)["or"] = new DB::FunctionOr;
(*context.functions)["xor"] = new DB::FunctionXor;
(*context.functions)["not"] = new DB::FunctionNot;
DB::Expression expression(ast, context);