If perf test definition changed, run everything + longer (as in master)

Also some other perf test fixes
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Kuzmenkov 2020-09-18 16:27:50 +03:00
parent 0052bbdd84
commit e7b9319e12
4 changed files with 71 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -114,8 +114,6 @@ function run_tests
# Just check that the script runs at all
"$script_dir/perf.py" --help > /dev/null
# Find the directory with test files.
if [ -v CHPC_TEST_PATH ]
@ -130,14 +128,6 @@ function run_tests
# For PRs, use newer test files so we can test these changes.
# If only the perf tests were changed in the PR, we will run only these
# tests. The list of changed tests in changed-test.txt is prepared in
# entrypoint.sh from git diffs, because it has the cloned repo. Used
# to use rsync for that but it was really ugly and not always correct
# (e.g. when the reference SHA is really old and has some other
# differences to the tested SHA, besides the one introduced by the PR).
changed_test_files=$(sed "s/tests\/performance/${test_prefix//\//\\/}/" changed-tests.txt)
# Determine which tests to run.
@ -146,19 +136,26 @@ function run_tests
# Run only explicitly specified tests, if any.
# shellcheck disable=SC2010
test_files=$(ls "$test_prefix" | grep "$CHPC_TEST_GREP" | xargs -I{} -n1 readlink -f "$test_prefix/{}")
elif [ "$changed_test_files" != "" ]
elif [ "$PR_TO_TEST" -ne 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-definitions.txt)" -gt 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-scripts.txt)" -eq 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < other-changed-files.txt)" -eq 0 ]
# Use test files that changed in the PR.
# If only the perf tests were changed in the PR, we will run only these
# tests. The lists of changed files are prepared in entrypoint.sh because
# it has the repository.
test_files=$(sed "s/tests\/performance/${test_prefix//\//\\/}/" changed-test-definitions.txt)
# The default -- run all tests found in the test dir.
test_files=$(ls "$test_prefix"/*.xml)
# For PRs, test only a subset of queries, and run them less times.
# If the corresponding environment variables are already set, keep
# those values.
if [ "$PR_TO_TEST" == "0" ]
# For PRs w/o changes in test definitons and scripts, test only a subset of
# queries, and run them less times. If the corresponding environment variables
# are already set, keep those values.
if [ "$PR_TO_TEST" -ne 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-definitions.txt)" -eq 0 ] \
&& [ "$(wc -l < changed-test-files.txt)" -eq 0 ]
@ -662,6 +659,38 @@ create table test_time engine Memory as
from total_client_time_per_query full join queries using (test, query_index)
group by test;
create view query_runs as select * from file('analyze/query-runs.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int, query_id text, version UInt8, time float');
-- Guess the number of query runs used for this test. The number is required to
-- calculate and check the average query run time in the report.
-- We have to be careful, because we will encounter:
-- 1) partial queries which run only on one server
-- 2) short queries which run for a much higher number of times
-- 3) some errors that make query run for a different number of times on a
-- particular server.
create view test_runs as
select test,
-- Default to 7 runs if there are only 'short' queries in the test, and
-- we can't determine the number of runs.
if((ceil(medianOrDefaultIf(t.runs, not short), 0) as r) != 0, r, 7) runs
from (
-- The query id is the same for both servers, so no need to divide here.
uniqExact(query_id) runs,
(test, query_index) in
(select * from file('analyze/marked-short-queries.tsv', TSV,
'test text, query_index int'))
as short,
test, query_index
from query_runs
group by test, query_index
) t
group by test
create table test_times_report engine File(TSV, 'report/test-times.tsv') as
select wall_clock_time_per_test.test, real,
toDecimal64(total_client_time, 3),
@ -669,11 +698,15 @@ create table test_times_report engine File(TSV, 'report/test-times.tsv') as
toDecimal64(query_max, 3),
toDecimal64(real / queries, 3) avg_real_per_query,
toDecimal64(query_min, 3)
toDecimal64(query_min, 3),
from test_time
-- wall clock times are also measured for skipped tests, so don't
-- do full join
left join wall_clock_time_per_test using test
-- wall clock times are also measured for skipped tests, so don't
-- do full join
left join wall_clock_time_per_test
on wall_clock_time_per_test.test = test_time.test
full join test_runs
on test_runs.test = test_time.test
order by avg_real_per_query desc;
-- report for all queries page, only main metric

View File

@ -97,13 +97,10 @@ then
# tests for use by compare.sh. Compare to merge base, because master might be
# far in the future and have unrelated test changes.
base=$(git -C right/ch merge-base pr origin/master)
git -C right/ch diff --name-only "$base" pr | tee changed-tests.txt
if grep -vq '^tests/performance' changed-tests.txt
# Have some other changes besides the tests, so truncate the test list,
# meaning, run all tests.
: > changed-tests.txt
git -C right/ch diff --name-only "$base" pr -- . | tee all-changed-files.txt
git -C right/ch diff --name-only "$base" pr -- tests/performance | tee changed-test-definitions.txt
git -C right/ch diff --name-only "$base" pr -- docker/test/performance-comparison | tee changed-test-scripts.txt
git -C right/ch diff --name-only "$base" pr -- :!tests/performance :!docker/test/performance-comparison | tee other-changed-files.txt
# Set python output encoding so that we can print queries with Russian letters.

View File

@ -457,25 +457,25 @@ if args.report == 'main':
columns = [
'Test', #0
'Test', #0
'Wall clock time,&nbsp;s', #1
'Total client time,&nbsp;s', #2
'Total queries', #3
'Ignored short queries', #4
'Total queries', #3
'Ignored short queries', #4
'Longest query<br>(sum for all runs),&nbsp;s', #5
'Avg wall clock time<br>(sum for all runs),&nbsp;s', #6
'Shortest query<br>(sum for all runs),&nbsp;s', #7
# 'Runs' #8
text = tableStart('Test times')
text += tableHeader(columns)
nominal_runs = 7 # FIXME pass this as an argument
total_runs = (nominal_runs + 1) * 2 # one prewarm run, two servers
allowed_average_run_time = allowed_single_run_time + 60 / total_runs; # some allowance for fill/create queries
allowed_average_run_time = 3.75 # 60 seconds per test at 7 runs
attrs = ['' for c in columns]
for r in rows:
anchor = f'{currentTableAnchor()}.{r[0]}'
total_runs = (int(r[8]) + 1) * 2 # one prewarm run, two servers
if float(r[6]) > allowed_average_run_time * total_runs:
# FIXME should be 15s max -- investigate parallel_insert
slow_average_tests += 1

View File

@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
<test max_ignored_relative_change="0.3">
<query><![CDATA[select sum(UserID + 1 in (select UserID from test.hits)) from test.hits]]></query>
<query><![CDATA[select sum((UserID + 1, RegionID) in (select UserID, RegionID from test.hits)) from test.hits]]></query>
<query><![CDATA[select sum(URL in (select URL from test.hits where URL != '')) from test.hits]]></query>
<query><![CDATA[select sum(MobilePhoneModel in (select MobilePhoneModel from test.hits where MobilePhoneModel != '')) from test.hits]]></query>
<query><![CDATA[select sum((MobilePhoneModel, UserID + 1) in (select MobilePhoneModel, UserID from test.hits where MobilePhoneModel != '')) from test.hits]]></query>
<query>select sum(UserID + 1 in (select UserID from hits_100m_single)) from hits_100m_single</query>
<query>select sum((UserID + 1, RegionID) in (select UserID, RegionID from hits_10m_single)) from hits_10m_single</query>
<query>select sum(URL in (select URL from hits_10m_single where URL != '')) from hits_10m_single</query>
<query>select sum(MobilePhoneModel in (select MobilePhoneModel from hits_10m_single where MobilePhoneModel != '')) from hits_10m_single</query>
<query>select sum((MobilePhoneModel, UserID + 1) in (select MobilePhoneModel, UserID from hits_100m_single where MobilePhoneModel != '')) from hits_100m_single</query>