Fix docs and comments for windowFunnel and remove strict option

This commit is contained in:
achimbab 2021-08-20 23:56:28 +09:00
parent 9a7cce83b3
commit f371151e18
3 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ windowFunnel(window, [mode, [mode, ... ]])(timestamp, cond1, cond2, ..., condN)
- `window` — Length of the sliding window, it is the time interval between the first and the last condition. The unit of `window` depends on the `timestamp` itself and varies. Determined using the expression `timestamp of cond1 <= timestamp of cond2 <= ... <= timestamp of condN <= timestamp of cond1 + window`.
- `mode` — It is an optional argument. One or more modes can be set.
- `'strict'` — If same condition holds for sequence of events then such non-unique events would be skipped.
- `'strict_deduplication'` — If a same condition holds for sequence of events, then such repeating event interrupts further processing.
- `'strict_order'` — Don't allow interventions of other events. E.g. in the case of `A->B->D->C`, it stops finding `A->B->C` at the `D` and the max event level is 2.
- `'strict_increase'` — Apply conditions only to events with strictly increasing timestamps.

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@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ private:
/// Loop through the entire events_list, update the event timestamp value
/// The level path must be 1---2---3---...---check_events_size, find the max event level that satisfied the path in the sliding window.
/// If found, returns the max event level, else return 0.
/// The Algorithm complexity is O(n).
/// The algorithm works in O(n * log(n)) time.
UInt8 getEventLevel(Data & data) const
if (data.size() == 0)
@ -232,12 +232,14 @@ public:
for (size_t i = 1; i < params.size(); ++i)
String option =<String>();
if (option == "strict" || option == "strict_deduplication")
if (option == "strict_deduplication")
strict_deduplication = true;
else if (option == "strict_order")
strict_order = true;
else if (option == "strict_increase")
strict_increase = true;
else if (option == "strict")
throw Exception{"strict is replaced with strict_deduplication in Aggregate function " + getName(), ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};
throw Exception{"Aggregate function " + getName() + " doesn't support a parameter: " + option, ErrorCodes::BAD_ARGUMENTS};

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ drop table if exists funnel_test_strict;
create table funnel_test_strict (timestamp UInt32, event UInt32) engine=Memory;
insert into funnel_test_strict values (00,1000),(10,1001),(20,1002),(30,1003),(40,1004),(50,1005),(51,1005),(60,1006),(70,1007),(80,1008);
select 6 = windowFunnel(10000, 'strict')(timestamp, event = 1000, event = 1001, event = 1002, event = 1003, event = 1004, event = 1005, event = 1006) from funnel_test_strict;
select 6 = windowFunnel(10000, 'strict_deduplication')(timestamp, event = 1000, event = 1001, event = 1002, event = 1003, event = 1004, event = 1005, event = 1006) from funnel_test_strict;
select 7 = windowFunnel(10000)(timestamp, event = 1000, event = 1001, event = 1002, event = 1003, event = 1004, event = 1005, event = 1006) from funnel_test_strict;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ insert into funnel_test_strict_order values (1, 5, 'a') (2, 5, 'a') (3, 5, 'b')
insert into funnel_test_strict_order values (1, 6, 'c') (2, 6, 'c') (3, 6, 'b') (4, 6, 'b') (5, 6, 'a') (6, 6, 'a');
select user, windowFunnel(86400)(dt, event='a', event='b', event='c') as s from funnel_test_strict_order group by user order by user format JSONCompactEachRow;
select user, windowFunnel(86400, 'strict_order')(dt, event='a', event='b', event='c') as s from funnel_test_strict_order group by user order by user format JSONCompactEachRow;
select user, windowFunnel(86400, 'strict', 'strict_order')(dt, event='a', event='b', event='c') as s from funnel_test_strict_order group by user order by user format JSONCompactEachRow;
select user, windowFunnel(86400, 'strict_deduplication', 'strict_order')(dt, event='a', event='b', event='c') as s from funnel_test_strict_order group by user order by user format JSONCompactEachRow;
insert into funnel_test_strict_order values (1, 7, 'a') (2, 7, 'c') (3, 7, 'b');
select user, windowFunnel(10, 'strict_order')(dt, event = 'a', event = 'b', event = 'c') as s from funnel_test_strict_order where user = 7 group by user format JSONCompactEachRow;
drop table funnel_test_strict_order;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ drop table funnel_test_strict_order;
drop table if exists strict_BiteTheDDDD;
create table strict_BiteTheDDDD (ts UInt64, event String) engine = Log();
insert into strict_BiteTheDDDD values (1,'a') (2,'b') (3,'c') (4,'b') (5,'d');
select 3 = windowFunnel(86400, 'strict')(ts, event='a', event='b', event='c', event='d') from strict_BiteTheDDDD format JSONCompactEachRow;
select 3 = windowFunnel(86400, 'strict_deduplication')(ts, event='a', event='b', event='c', event='d') from strict_BiteTheDDDD format JSONCompactEachRow;
drop table strict_BiteTheDDDD;
drop table if exists funnel_test_non_null;