diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/__init__.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/logs.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/logs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e5077af3f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/logs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ trace
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/log.log
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/log.err.log
+ 1000M
+ 10
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/stderr.log
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/stdout.log
+ system
+ 500
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/macros.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/macros.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/remote.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/remote.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7d02ceeec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/remote.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ true
+ clickhouse1
+ 9000
+ clickhouse2
+ 9000
+ clickhouse3
+ 9000
+ clickhouse1
+ 9000
+ clickhouse2
+ 9000
+ clickhouse3
+ 9000
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/zookeeper.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/zookeeper.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..96270e7b645
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.d/zookeeper.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ zookeeper
+ 2181
+ 15000
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ec12232539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/config.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+ trace
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log
+ /var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log
+ 1000M
+ 10
+ 8123
+ 9000
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/server.crt
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/server.key
+ /etc/clickhouse-server/dhparam.pem
+ none
+ true
+ true
+ sslv2,sslv3
+ true
+ true
+ true
+ sslv2,sslv3
+ true
+ RejectCertificateHandler
+ 9009
+ 4096
+ 3
+ 100
+ 8589934592
+ 5368709120
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/tmp/
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/user_files/
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/access/
+ users.xml
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/access/
+ users.xml
+ default
+ default
+ false
+ localhost
+ 9000
+ localhost
+ 9000
+ localhost
+ 9000
+ localhost
+ 9440
+ 1
+ localhost
+ 9000
+ localhost
+ 1
+ 3600
+ 3600
+ 60
+ system
+ toYYYYMM(event_date)
+ 7500
+ system
+ toYYYYMM(event_date)
+ 7500
+ system
+ toYYYYMM(event_date)
+ 7500
+ *_dictionary.xml
+ /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl
+ click_cost
+ any
+ 0
+ 3600
+ 86400
+ 60
+ max
+ 0
+ 60
+ 3600
+ 300
+ 86400
+ 3600
+ /var/lib/clickhouse/format_schemas/
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/users.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/users.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86b2cd9e1e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse/users.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ 10000000000
+ 0
+ random
+ 1
+ ::/0
+ default
+ default
+ 1
+ 3600
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse1/config.d/macros.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse1/config.d/macros.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cdcc1b440c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse1/config.d/macros.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ clickhouse1
+ 01
+ 01
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse2/config.d/macros.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse2/config.d/macros.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a114a9ce4ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse2/config.d/macros.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ clickhouse2
+ 01
+ 02
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse3/config.d/macros.xml b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse3/config.d/macros.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..904a27b0172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/configs/clickhouse3/config.d/macros.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ clickhouse3
+ 01
+ 03
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/clickhouse-service.yml b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/clickhouse-service.yml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fdd4a8057a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/clickhouse-service.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+version: '2.3'
+ clickhouse:
+ image: yandex/clickhouse-integration-test
+ expose:
+ - "9000"
+ - "9009"
+ - "8123"
+ volumes:
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse/config.d:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse/users.d:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.d"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse/config.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse/users.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/users.xml"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_SERVER_BIN_PATH:-/usr/bin/clickhouse}:/usr/bin/clickhouse"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_ODBC_BRIDGE_BIN_PATH:-/usr/bin/clickhouse-odbc-bridge}:/usr/bin/clickhouse-odbc-bridge"
+ entrypoint: bash -c "clickhouse server --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml --log-file=/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.log --errorlog-file=/var/log/clickhouse-server/clickhouse-server.err.log"
+ healthcheck:
+ test: clickhouse client --query='select 1'
+ interval: 10s
+ timeout: 10s
+ retries: 3
+ start_period: 300s
+ cap_add:
+ security_opt:
+ - label:disable
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..29f2ef52470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+version: '2.3'
+ zookeeper:
+ extends:
+ file: zookeeper-service.yml
+ service: zookeeper
+ clickhouse1:
+ extends:
+ file: clickhouse-service.yml
+ service: clickhouse
+ hostname: clickhouse1
+ volumes:
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse1/database/:/var/lib/clickhouse/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse1/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse1/config.d/macros.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml"
+ depends_on:
+ zookeeper:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ clickhouse2:
+ extends:
+ file: clickhouse-service.yml
+ service: clickhouse
+ hostname: clickhouse2
+ volumes:
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse2/database/:/var/lib/clickhouse/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse2/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse2/config.d/macros.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml"
+ depends_on:
+ zookeeper:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ clickhouse3:
+ extends:
+ file: clickhouse-service.yml
+ service: clickhouse
+ hostname: clickhouse3
+ volumes:
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse3/database/:/var/lib/clickhouse/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/_instances/clickhouse3/logs/:/var/log/clickhouse-server/"
+ - "${CLICKHOUSE_TESTS_DIR}/configs/clickhouse3/config.d/macros.xml:/etc/clickhouse-server/config.d/macros.xml"
+ depends_on:
+ zookeeper:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ # dummy service which does nothing, but allows to postpone
+ # 'docker-compose up -d' till all dependecies will go healthy
+ all_services_ready:
+ image: hello-world
+ depends_on:
+ clickhouse1:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ clickhouse2:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ clickhouse3:
+ condition: service_healthy
+ zookeeper:
+ condition: service_healthy
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/zookeeper-service.yml b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/zookeeper-service.yml
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..f3df33358be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/docker-compose/zookeeper-service.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+version: '2.3'
+ zookeeper:
+ image: zookeeper:3.4.12
+ expose:
+ - "2181"
+ environment:
+ ZOO_MY_ID: 1
+ healthcheck:
+ test: echo stat | nc localhost 2181
+ interval: 3s
+ timeout: 2s
+ retries: 5
+ start_period: 2s
+ security_opt:
+ - label:disable
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/regression.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/regression.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..54d713347c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/regression.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from testflows.core import *
+append_path(sys.path, "..")
+from helpers.cluster import Cluster
+from helpers.argparser import argparser
+from map_type.requirements import SRS018_ClickHouse_Map_Data_Type
+xfails = {
+ "tests/table map with key integer/Int:":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21032")],
+ "tests/table map with value integer/Int:":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21032")],
+ "tests/table map with key integer/UInt256":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21031")],
+ "tests/table map with value integer/UInt256":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21031")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/Int64":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21030")],
+ "tests/select map with value integer/Int64":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21030")],
+ "tests/cast tuple of two arrays to map/string -> int":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21029")],
+ "tests/mapcontains/null key in map":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21028")],
+ "tests/mapcontains/null key not in map":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21028")],
+ "tests/mapkeys/null key not in map":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21028")],
+ "tests/mapkeys/null key in map":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21028")],
+ "tests/mapcontains/select nullable key":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21026")],
+ "tests/mapkeys/select keys from column":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21026")],
+ "tests/table map select key with value string/LowCardinality:":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21406")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key string/FixedString":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21406")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key string/Nullable":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21406")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key string/Nullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21026")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key string/LowCardinality:":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21406")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key integer/Int:":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21032")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key integer/UInt256":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21031")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key integer/toNullable":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21406")],
+ "tests/table map select key with key integer/toNullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/issues/21026")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/Int128":
+ [(Fail, "large Int128 as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/Int256":
+ [(Fail, "large Int256 as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/UInt256":
+ [(Fail, "large UInt256 as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/toNullable":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key integer/toNullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key string/Nullable":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/select map with key string/Nullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map queries/select map with nullable value":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable value not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key integer/toNullable":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key integer/toNullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/Nullable":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/Nullable(NULL)":
+ [(Fail, "Nullable type as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/LowCardinality(String)":
+ [(Fail, "LowCardinality(String) as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/LowCardinality(String) cast from String":
+ [(Fail, "LowCardinality(String) as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/LowCardinality(String) for key and value":
+ [(Fail, "LowCardinality(String) as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with key string/LowCardinality(FixedString)":
+ [(Fail, "LowCardinality(FixedString) as key not supported")],
+ "tests/table map with value string/LowCardinality(String) for key and value":
+ [(Fail, "LowCardinality(String) as key not supported")],
+xflags = {
+@Name("map type")
+ SRS018_ClickHouse_Map_Data_Type
+def regression(self, local, clickhouse_binary_path, stress=None, parallel=None):
+ """Map type regression.
+ """
+ nodes = {
+ "clickhouse":
+ ("clickhouse1", "clickhouse2", "clickhouse3")
+ }
+ with Cluster(local, clickhouse_binary_path, nodes=nodes) as cluster:
+ self.context.cluster = cluster
+ self.context.stress = stress
+ if parallel is not None:
+ self.context.parallel = parallel
+ Feature(run=load("map_type.tests.feature", "feature"))
+if main():
+ regression()
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/__init__.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02f7d430154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .requirements import *
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f19f5a7f7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+# SRS018 ClickHouse Map Data Type
+# Software Requirements Specification
+## Table of Contents
+* 1 [Revision History](#revision-history)
+* 2 [Introduction](#introduction)
+* 3 [Requirements](#requirements)
+ * 3.1 [General](#general)
+ * 3.1.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatype)
+ * 3.2 [Performance](#performance)
+ * 3.2.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeperformancevsarrayoftuples)
+ * 3.2.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeperformancevstupleofarrays)
+ * 3.3 [Key Types](#key-types)
+ * 3.3.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypekeystring)
+ * 3.3.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypekeyinteger)
+ * 3.4 [Value Types](#value-types)
+ * 3.4.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevaluestring)
+ * 3.4.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueinteger)
+ * 3.4.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevaluearray)
+ * 3.5 [Invalid Types](#invalid-types)
+ * 3.5.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeinvalidnullable)
+ * 3.5.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeinvalidnothingnothing)
+ * 3.6 [Duplicated Keys](#duplicated-keys)
+ * 3.6.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeduplicatedkeys)
+ * 3.7 [Array of Maps](#array-of-maps)
+ * 3.7.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypearrayofmaps)
+ * 3.8 [Nested With Maps](#nested-with-maps)
+ * 3.8.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypenestedwithmaps)
+ * 3.9 [Value Retrieval](#value-retrieval)
+ * 3.9.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrieval)
+ * 3.9.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrievalkeyinvalid)
+ * 3.9.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrievalkeynotfound)
+ * 3.10 [Converting Tuple(Array, Array) to Map](#converting-tuplearray-array-to-map)
+ * 3.10.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromtupleofarraystomap)
+ * 3.10.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromtupleofarraysmapinvalid)
+ * 3.11 [Converting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to Map](#converting-arraytuplekv-to-map)
+ * 3.11.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromarrayoftuplestomap)
+ * 3.11.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromarrayoftuplestomapinvalid)
+ * 3.12 [Keys and Values Subcolumns](#keys-and-values-subcolumns)
+ * 3.12.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeys)
+ * 3.12.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeysarrayfunctions)
+ * 3.12.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeysinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.12.4 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvalues)
+ * 3.12.5 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvaluesarrayfunctions)
+ * 3.12.6 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvaluesinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.13 [Functions](#functions)
+ * 3.13.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.13.2 [`length`](#length)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionslength)
+ * 3.13.3 [`empty`](#empty)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsempty)
+ * 3.13.4 [`notEmpty`](#notempty)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsnotempty)
+ * 3.13.5 [`map`](#map)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmap)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapinvalidnumberofarguments)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmixedkeyorvaluetypes)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmapadd)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmapsubstract)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmappopulateseries)
+ * 3.13.6 [`mapContains`](#mapcontains)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapcontains)
+ * 3.13.7 [`mapKeys`](#mapkeys)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapkeys)
+ * 3.13.8 [`mapValues`](#mapvalues)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapvalues)
+## Revision History
+This document is stored in an electronic form using [Git] source control management software
+hosted in a [GitHub Repository].
+All the updates are tracked using the [Revision History].
+## Introduction
+This software requirements specification covers requirements for `Map(key, value)` data type in [ClickHouse].
+## Requirements
+### General
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type that stores `key:value` pairs.
+### Performance
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples
+[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as
+compared to `Array(Tuple(K,V))` data type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays
+[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as
+compared to `Tuple(Array(String), Array(String))` data type where the first
+array defines an array of keys and the second array defines an array of values.
+### Key Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of a [String] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of an [Integer] type.
+### Value Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [String] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Integer] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Array] type.
+### Invalid Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Nullable(Map(key, value))` data type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Map(Nothing, Nothing))` data type.
+### Duplicated Keys
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY support `Map(key, value)` data type with duplicated keys.
+### Array of Maps
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Array(Map(key, value))` data type.
+### Nested With Maps
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support defining `Map(key, value)` data type inside the [Nested] data type.
+### Value Retrieval
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support getting the value from a `Map(key, value)` data type using `map[key]` syntax.
+If `key` has duplicates then the first `key:value` pair MAY be returned.
+For example,
+SELECT a['key2'] FROM table_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when key does not match the key type.
+For example,
+SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[1024]
+* when key is `NULL` the return value MAY be `NULL`
+* when key value is not valid for the key type, for example it is out of range for [Integer] type,
+ when reading from a table column it MAY return the default value for key data type
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return default value for the data type of the value
+when there's no corresponding `key` defined in the `Map(key, value)` data type.
+### Converting Tuple(Array, Array) to Map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.
+``` sql
+SELECT CAST(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map;
+``` text
+│ {1:'Ready',2:'Steady',3:'Go'} │
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)`
+* when arrays are not of equal size
+ For example,
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([2, 1, 1023], ['', '']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map, map[10]
+ ```
+### Converting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to Map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Array(Tuple(K,V))] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Array(Tuple(K, V))] to `Map(key, value)`
+* when element is not a [Tuple]
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+ ```
+* when [Tuple] does not contain two elements
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3,)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+ ```
+### Keys and Values Subcolumns
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used
+to retrieve an [Array] of map keys.
+SELECT m.keys FROM t_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.
+For example,
+SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.keys, 'a');
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `keys` subcolumn.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.keys
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used
+to retrieve an [Array] of map values.
+SELECT m.values FROM t_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.
+For example,
+SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.values, 'a');
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `values` subcolumn.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.values
+### Functions
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support using inline defined maps as an argument to map functions.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapKeys(c)
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapValues(c)
+#### `length`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [length] function
+that SHALL return number of keys in the map.
+For example,
+SELECT length(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT length(map())
+#### `empty`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [empty] function
+that SHALL return 1 if number of keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is
+greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 0.
+For example,
+SELECT empty(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT empty(map())
+#### `notEmpty`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [notEmpty] function
+that SHALL return 0 if number if keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is
+greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 1.
+For example,
+SELECT notEmpty(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT notEmpty(map())
+#### `map`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support arranging `key, value` pairs into `Map(key, value)` data type
+using `map` function.
+``` sql
+map(key1, value1[, key2, value2, ...])
+For example,
+``` sql
+SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) FROM numbers(3);
+┌─map('key1', number, 'key2', multiply(number, 2))─┐
+│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │
+│ {'key1':1,'key2':2} │
+│ {'key1':2,'key2':4} │
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with non even number of arguments.
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with mixed key or value types.
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapAdd` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+``` sql
+SELECT CAST(mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapSubstract` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(mapSubtract(([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(1), 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(2), 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapPopulateSeries` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(mapPopulateSeries([1,2,4], [11,22,44], 5), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+#### `mapContains`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapContains(map, key)` function to check weather `map.keys` contains the `key`.
+For example,
+SELECT mapContains(a, 'abc') from table_map;
+#### `mapKeys`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapKeys(map)` function to return all the map keys in the [Array] format.
+For example,
+SELECT mapKeys(a) from table_map;
+#### `mapValues`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapValues(map)` function to return all the map values in the [Array] format.
+For example,
+SELECT mapValues(a) from table_map;
+[Nested]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/nested-data-structures/nested/
+[length]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#array_functions-length
+[empty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-empty
+[notEmpty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-notempty
+[CAST]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/type-conversion-functions/#type_conversion_function-cast
+[Tuple]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/
+[Tuple(Array,Array)]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/
+[Array]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/array/
+[String]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/string/
+[Integer]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/int-uint/
+[ClickHouse]: https://clickhouse.tech
+[GitHub Repository]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
+[Revision History]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commits/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
+[Git]: https://git-scm.com/
+[GitHub]: https://github.com
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24e8abdf15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1427 @@
+# These requirements were auto generated
+# from software requirements specification (SRS)
+# document by TestFlows v1.6.210226.1200017.
+# Do not edit by hand but re-generate instead
+# using 'tfs requirements generate' command.
+from testflows.core import Specification
+from testflows.core import Requirement
+Heading = Specification.Heading
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type that stores `key:value` pairs.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.1.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_ArrayOfTuples = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as\n'
+ 'compared to `Array(Tuple(K,V))` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.2.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_TupleOfArrays = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as\n'
+ 'compared to `Tuple(Array(String), Array(String))` data type where the first\n'
+ 'array defines an array of keys and the second array defines an array of values.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.2.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_String = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of a [String] type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.3.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_Integer = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of an [Integer] type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.3.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_String = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [String] type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.4.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Integer = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Integer] type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.4.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Array = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Array] type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.4.3')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_Nullable = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Nullable(Map(key, value))` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.5.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_NothingNothing = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Map(Nothing, Nothing))` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.5.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_DuplicatedKeys = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] MAY support `Map(key, value)` data type with duplicated keys.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.6.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_ArrayOfMaps = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Array(Map(key, value))` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.7.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_NestedWithMaps = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support defining `Map(key, value)` data type inside the [Nested] data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.8.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support getting the value from a `Map(key, value)` data type using `map[key]` syntax.\n'
+ 'If `key` has duplicates then the first `key:value` pair MAY be returned. \n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT a['key2'] FROM table_map;\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.9.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyInvalid = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when key does not match the key type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[1024]\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'Exceptions:\n'
+ '\n'
+ '* when key is `NULL` the return value MAY be `NULL`\n'
+ '* when key value is not valid for the key type, for example it is out of range for [Integer] type, \n'
+ ' when reading from a table column it MAY return the default value for key data type\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.9.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyNotFound = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL return default value for the data type of the value\n'
+ "when there's no corresponding `key` defined in the `Map(key, value)` data type. \n"
+ '\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.9.3')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysToMap = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.\n'
+ '\n'
+ '``` sql\n'
+ "SELECT CAST(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map;\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ '``` text\n'
+ '┌─map───────────────────────────┐\n'
+ "│ {1:'Ready',2:'Steady',3:'Go'} │\n"
+ '└───────────────────────────────┘\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.10.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysMap_Invalid = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)`\n'
+ '\n'
+ '* when arrays are not of equal size\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' ```sql\n'
+ " SELECT CAST(([2, 1, 1023], ['', '']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map, map[10]\n"
+ ' ```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.10.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Array(Tuple(K,V))] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.11.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap_Invalid = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Array(Tuple(K, V))] to `Map(key, value)`\n'
+ '\n'
+ '* when element is not a [Tuple]\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' ```sql\n'
+ " SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map\n"
+ ' ```\n'
+ '\n'
+ '* when [Tuple] does not contain two elements\n'
+ '\n'
+ ' ```sql\n'
+ " SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3,)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map\n"
+ ' ```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.11.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used \n'
+ 'to retrieve an [Array] of map keys.\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT m.keys FROM t_map;\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_ArrayFunctions = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.keys, 'a');\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.2')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_InlineDefinedMap = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `keys` subcolumn.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.keys\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.3')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used \n'
+ 'to retrieve an [Array] of map values.\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT m.values FROM t_map;\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.4')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_ArrayFunctions = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.values, 'a');\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.5')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_InlineDefinedMap = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `values` subcolumn.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.values\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.12.6')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_InlineDefinedMap = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support using inline defined maps as an argument to map functions.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapKeys(c)\n"
+ "SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapValues(c)\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=3,
+ num='3.13.1')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Length = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [length] function\n'
+ 'that SHALL return number of keys in the map.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT length(map(1,2,3,4))\n'
+ 'SELECT length(map())\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Empty = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [empty] function\n'
+ 'that SHALL return 1 if number of keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is \n'
+ 'greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 0.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT empty(map(1,2,3,4))\n'
+ 'SELECT empty(map())\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_NotEmpty = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [notEmpty] function\n'
+ 'that SHALL return 0 if number if keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is\n'
+ 'greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 1.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT notEmpty(map(1,2,3,4))\n'
+ 'SELECT notEmpty(map())\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support arranging `key, value` pairs into `Map(key, value)` data type\n'
+ 'using `map` function.\n'
+ '\n'
+ '**Syntax** \n'
+ '\n'
+ '``` sql\n'
+ 'map(key1, value1[, key2, value2, ...])\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '``` sql\n'
+ "SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) FROM numbers(3);\n"
+ '\n'
+ "┌─map('key1', number, 'key2', multiply(number, 2))─┐\n"
+ "│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │\n"
+ "│ {'key1':1,'key2':2} │\n"
+ "│ {'key1':2,'key2':4} │\n"
+ '└──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_InvalidNumberOfArguments = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with non even number of arguments.\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MixedKeyOrValueTypes = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with mixed key or value types.\n'
+ '\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapAdd = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapAdd` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '``` sql\n'
+ 'SELECT CAST(mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapSubstract = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapSubstract` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT CAST(mapSubtract(([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(1), 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(2), 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")\n'
+ '```\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapPopulateSeries = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapPopulateSeries` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT CAST(mapPopulateSeries([1,2,4], [11,22,44], 5), "Map(Int8,Int8)")\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapContains = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapContains(map, key)` function to check weather `map.keys` contains the `key`.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ "SELECT mapContains(a, 'abc') from table_map;\n"
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapKeys = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapKeys(map)` function to return all the map keys in the [Array] format.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT mapKeys(a) from table_map;\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapValues = Requirement(
+ name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues',
+ version='1.0',
+ priority=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ uid=None,
+ description=(
+ '[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapValues(map)` function to return all the map values in the [Array] format.\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'For example,\n'
+ '\n'
+ '```sql\n'
+ 'SELECT mapValues(a) from table_map;\n'
+ '```\n'
+ '\n'
+ '[Nested]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/nested-data-structures/nested/\n'
+ '[length]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#array_functions-length\n'
+ '[empty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-empty\n'
+ '[notEmpty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-notempty\n'
+ '[CAST]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/type-conversion-functions/#type_conversion_function-cast\n'
+ '[Tuple]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/\n'
+ '[Tuple(Array,Array)]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/\n'
+ '[Array]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/array/ \n'
+ '[String]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/string/\n'
+ '[Integer]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/int-uint/\n'
+ '[ClickHouse]: https://clickhouse.tech\n'
+ '[GitHub Repository]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md \n'
+ '[Revision History]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commits/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md\n'
+ '[Git]: https://git-scm.com/\n'
+ '[GitHub]: https://github.com\n'
+ ),
+ link=None,
+ level=4,
+ num='')
+SRS018_ClickHouse_Map_Data_Type = Specification(
+ name='SRS018 ClickHouse Map Data Type',
+ description=None,
+ author=None,
+ date=None,
+ status=None,
+ approved_by=None,
+ approved_date=None,
+ approved_version=None,
+ version=None,
+ group=None,
+ type=None,
+ link=None,
+ uid=None,
+ parent=None,
+ children=None,
+ headings=(
+ Heading(name='Revision History', level=1, num='1'),
+ Heading(name='Introduction', level=1, num='2'),
+ Heading(name='Requirements', level=1, num='3'),
+ Heading(name='General', level=2, num='3.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType', level=3, num='3.1.1'),
+ Heading(name='Performance', level=2, num='3.2'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples', level=3, num='3.2.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays', level=3, num='3.2.2'),
+ Heading(name='Key Types', level=2, num='3.3'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String', level=3, num='3.3.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer', level=3, num='3.3.2'),
+ Heading(name='Value Types', level=2, num='3.4'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String', level=3, num='3.4.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer', level=3, num='3.4.2'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array', level=3, num='3.4.3'),
+ Heading(name='Invalid Types', level=2, num='3.5'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable', level=3, num='3.5.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing', level=3, num='3.5.2'),
+ Heading(name='Duplicated Keys', level=2, num='3.6'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys', level=3, num='3.6.1'),
+ Heading(name='Array of Maps', level=2, num='3.7'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps', level=3, num='3.7.1'),
+ Heading(name='Nested With Maps', level=2, num='3.8'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps', level=3, num='3.8.1'),
+ Heading(name='Value Retrieval', level=2, num='3.9'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval', level=3, num='3.9.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid', level=3, num='3.9.2'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound', level=3, num='3.9.3'),
+ Heading(name='Converting Tuple(Array, Array) to Map', level=2, num='3.10'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap', level=3, num='3.10.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid', level=3, num='3.10.2'),
+ Heading(name='Converting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to Map', level=2, num='3.11'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap', level=3, num='3.11.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid', level=3, num='3.11.2'),
+ Heading(name='Keys and Values Subcolumns', level=2, num='3.12'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys', level=3, num='3.12.1'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions', level=3, num='3.12.2'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap', level=3, num='3.12.3'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values', level=3, num='3.12.4'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions', level=3, num='3.12.5'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap', level=3, num='3.12.6'),
+ Heading(name='Functions', level=2, num='3.13'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap', level=3, num='3.13.1'),
+ Heading(name='`length`', level=3, num='3.13.2'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`empty`', level=3, num='3.13.3'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`notEmpty`', level=3, num='3.13.4'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`map`', level=3, num='3.13.5'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`mapContains`', level=3, num='3.13.6'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`mapKeys`', level=3, num='3.13.7'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys', level=4, num=''),
+ Heading(name='`mapValues`', level=3, num='3.13.8'),
+ Heading(name='RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues', level=4, num=''),
+ ),
+ requirements=(
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_ArrayOfTuples,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_TupleOfArrays,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_String,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_Integer,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_String,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Integer,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Array,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_Nullable,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_NothingNothing,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_DuplicatedKeys,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_ArrayOfMaps,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_NestedWithMaps,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyInvalid,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyNotFound,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysToMap,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysMap_Invalid,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap_Invalid,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_ArrayFunctions,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_InlineDefinedMap,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_ArrayFunctions,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_InlineDefinedMap,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_InlineDefinedMap,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Length,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Empty,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_NotEmpty,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_InvalidNumberOfArguments,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MixedKeyOrValueTypes,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapAdd,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapSubstract,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapPopulateSeries,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapContains,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapKeys,
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapValues,
+ ),
+ content='''
+# SRS018 ClickHouse Map Data Type
+# Software Requirements Specification
+## Table of Contents
+* 1 [Revision History](#revision-history)
+* 2 [Introduction](#introduction)
+* 3 [Requirements](#requirements)
+ * 3.1 [General](#general)
+ * 3.1.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatype)
+ * 3.2 [Performance](#performance)
+ * 3.2.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeperformancevsarrayoftuples)
+ * 3.2.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeperformancevstupleofarrays)
+ * 3.3 [Key Types](#key-types)
+ * 3.3.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypekeystring)
+ * 3.3.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypekeyinteger)
+ * 3.4 [Value Types](#value-types)
+ * 3.4.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevaluestring)
+ * 3.4.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueinteger)
+ * 3.4.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevaluearray)
+ * 3.5 [Invalid Types](#invalid-types)
+ * 3.5.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeinvalidnullable)
+ * 3.5.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeinvalidnothingnothing)
+ * 3.6 [Duplicated Keys](#duplicated-keys)
+ * 3.6.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeduplicatedkeys)
+ * 3.7 [Array of Maps](#array-of-maps)
+ * 3.7.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypearrayofmaps)
+ * 3.8 [Nested With Maps](#nested-with-maps)
+ * 3.8.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypenestedwithmaps)
+ * 3.9 [Value Retrieval](#value-retrieval)
+ * 3.9.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrieval)
+ * 3.9.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrievalkeyinvalid)
+ * 3.9.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypevalueretrievalkeynotfound)
+ * 3.10 [Converting Tuple(Array, Array) to Map](#converting-tuplearray-array-to-map)
+ * 3.10.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromtupleofarraystomap)
+ * 3.10.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromtupleofarraysmapinvalid)
+ * 3.11 [Converting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to Map](#converting-arraytuplekv-to-map)
+ * 3.11.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromarrayoftuplestomap)
+ * 3.11.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypeconversionfromarrayoftuplestomapinvalid)
+ * 3.12 [Keys and Values Subcolumns](#keys-and-values-subcolumns)
+ * 3.12.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeys)
+ * 3.12.2 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeysarrayfunctions)
+ * 3.12.3 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnskeysinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.12.4 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvalues)
+ * 3.12.5 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvaluesarrayfunctions)
+ * 3.12.6 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypesubcolumnsvaluesinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.13 [Functions](#functions)
+ * 3.13.1 [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsinlinedefinedmap)
+ * 3.13.2 [`length`](#length)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionslength)
+ * 3.13.3 [`empty`](#empty)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsempty)
+ * 3.13.4 [`notEmpty`](#notempty)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsnotempty)
+ * 3.13.5 [`map`](#map)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmap)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapinvalidnumberofarguments)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmixedkeyorvaluetypes)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmapadd)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmapsubstract)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapmappopulateseries)
+ * 3.13.6 [`mapContains`](#mapcontains)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapcontains)
+ * 3.13.7 [`mapKeys`](#mapkeys)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapkeys)
+ * 3.13.8 [`mapValues`](#mapvalues)
+ * [RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues](#rqsrs-018clickhousemapdatatypefunctionsmapvalues)
+## Revision History
+This document is stored in an electronic form using [Git] source control management software
+hosted in a [GitHub Repository].
+All the updates are tracked using the [Revision History].
+## Introduction
+This software requirements specification covers requirements for `Map(key, value)` data type in [ClickHouse].
+## Requirements
+### General
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type that stores `key:value` pairs.
+### Performance
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.ArrayOfTuples
+[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as
+compared to `Array(Tuple(K,V))` data type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Performance.Vs.TupleOfArrays
+[ClickHouse] SHALL provide comparable performance for `Map(key, value)` data type as
+compared to `Tuple(Array(String), Array(String))` data type where the first
+array defines an array of keys and the second array defines an array of values.
+### Key Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.String
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of a [String] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Key.Integer
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where key is of an [Integer] type.
+### Value Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.String
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [String] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Integer
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Integer] type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Array
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type where value is of a [Array] type.
+### Invalid Types
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.Nullable
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Nullable(Map(key, value))` data type.
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Invalid.NothingNothing
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL not support creating table columns that have `Map(Nothing, Nothing))` data type.
+### Duplicated Keys
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.DuplicatedKeys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY support `Map(key, value)` data type with duplicated keys.
+### Array of Maps
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.ArrayOfMaps
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Array(Map(key, value))` data type.
+### Nested With Maps
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.NestedWithMaps
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support defining `Map(key, value)` data type inside the [Nested] data type.
+### Value Retrieval
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support getting the value from a `Map(key, value)` data type using `map[key]` syntax.
+If `key` has duplicates then the first `key:value` pair MAY be returned.
+For example,
+SELECT a['key2'] FROM table_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyInvalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when key does not match the key type.
+For example,
+SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[1024]
+* when key is `NULL` the return value MAY be `NULL`
+* when key value is not valid for the key type, for example it is out of range for [Integer] type,
+ when reading from a table column it MAY return the default value for key data type
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Value.Retrieval.KeyNotFound
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return default value for the data type of the value
+when there's no corresponding `key` defined in the `Map(key, value)` data type.
+### Converting Tuple(Array, Array) to Map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysToMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.
+``` sql
+SELECT CAST(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map;
+``` text
+│ {1:'Ready',2:'Steady',3:'Go'} │
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.TupleOfArraysMap.Invalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Tuple(Array, Array)] to `Map(key, value)`
+* when arrays are not of equal size
+ For example,
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([2, 1, 1023], ['', '']), 'Map(UInt8, String)') AS map, map[10]
+ ```
+### Converting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to Map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting [Array(Tuple(K,V))] to `Map(key, value)` using the [CAST] function.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Conversion.From.ArrayOfTuplesToMap.Invalid
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY return an error when casting [Array(Tuple(K, V))] to `Map(key, value)`
+* when element is not a [Tuple]
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+ ```
+* when [Tuple] does not contain two elements
+ ```sql
+ SELECT CAST(([(1,2),(3,)]), 'Map(UInt8, UInt8)') AS map
+ ```
+### Keys and Values Subcolumns
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used
+to retrieve an [Array] of map keys.
+SELECT m.keys FROM t_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.ArrayFunctions
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `keys` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.
+For example,
+SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.keys, 'a');
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Keys.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `keys` subcolumn.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.keys
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type that can be used
+to retrieve an [Array] of map values.
+SELECT m.values FROM t_map;
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.ArrayFunctions
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support applying [Array] functions to the `values` subcolumn in the `Map(key, value)` type.
+For example,
+SELECT * FROM t_map WHERE has(m.values, 'a');
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.SubColumns.Values.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] MAY not support using inline defined map to get `values` subcolumn.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.values
+### Functions
+#### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.InlineDefinedMap
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support using inline defined maps as an argument to map functions.
+For example,
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapKeys(c)
+SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, mapValues(c)
+#### `length`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Length
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [length] function
+that SHALL return number of keys in the map.
+For example,
+SELECT length(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT length(map())
+#### `empty`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Empty
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [empty] function
+that SHALL return 1 if number of keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is
+greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 0.
+For example,
+SELECT empty(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT empty(map())
+#### `notEmpty`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.NotEmpty
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `Map(key, value)` data type as an argument to the [notEmpty] function
+that SHALL return 0 if number if keys in the map is 0 otherwise if the number of keys is
+greater or equal to 1 it SHALL return 1.
+For example,
+SELECT notEmpty(map(1,2,3,4))
+SELECT notEmpty(map())
+#### `map`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support arranging `key, value` pairs into `Map(key, value)` data type
+using `map` function.
+``` sql
+map(key1, value1[, key2, value2, ...])
+For example,
+``` sql
+SELECT map('key1', number, 'key2', number * 2) FROM numbers(3);
+┌─map('key1', number, 'key2', multiply(number, 2))─┐
+│ {'key1':0,'key2':0} │
+│ {'key1':1,'key2':2} │
+│ {'key1':2,'key2':4} │
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.InvalidNumberOfArguments
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with non even number of arguments.
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MixedKeyOrValueTypes
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL return an error when `map` function is called with mixed key or value types.
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapAdd
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapAdd` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+``` sql
+SELECT CAST(mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapSubstract
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapSubstract` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(mapSubtract(([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(1), 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(2), 1])), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.Map.MapPopulateSeries
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support converting the results of `mapPopulateSeries` function to a `Map(key, value)` data type.
+For example,
+SELECT CAST(mapPopulateSeries([1,2,4], [11,22,44], 5), "Map(Int8,Int8)")
+#### `mapContains`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapContains
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapContains(map, key)` function to check weather `map.keys` contains the `key`.
+For example,
+SELECT mapContains(a, 'abc') from table_map;
+#### `mapKeys`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapKeys
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapKeys(map)` function to return all the map keys in the [Array] format.
+For example,
+SELECT mapKeys(a) from table_map;
+#### `mapValues`
+##### RQ.SRS-018.ClickHouse.Map.DataType.Functions.MapValues
+version: 1.0
+[ClickHouse] SHALL support `mapValues(map)` function to return all the map values in the [Array] format.
+For example,
+SELECT mapValues(a) from table_map;
+[Nested]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/nested-data-structures/nested/
+[length]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#array_functions-length
+[empty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-empty
+[notEmpty]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/array-functions/#function-notempty
+[CAST]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/functions/type-conversion-functions/#type_conversion_function-cast
+[Tuple]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/
+[Tuple(Array,Array)]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/tuple/
+[Array]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/array/
+[String]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/string/
+[Integer]: https://clickhouse.tech/docs/en/sql-reference/data-types/int-uint/
+[ClickHouse]: https://clickhouse.tech
+[GitHub Repository]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/blob/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
+[Revision History]: https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/commits/master/tests/testflows/map_type/requirements/requirements.md
+[Git]: https://git-scm.com/
+[GitHub]: https://github.com
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/__init__.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/common.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/common.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a3a0d0ef0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/common.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import uuid
+from collections import namedtuple
+from testflows.core import *
+from testflows.core.name import basename, parentname
+from testflows._core.testtype import TestSubType
+def getuid():
+ if current().subtype == TestSubType.Example:
+ testname = f"{basename(parentname(current().name)).replace(' ', '_').replace(',','')}"
+ else:
+ testname = f"{basename(current().name).replace(' ', '_').replace(',','')}"
+ return testname + "_" + str(uuid.uuid1()).replace('-', '_')
+def allow_experimental_map_type(self):
+ """Set allow_experimental_map_type = 1
+ """
+ setting = ("allow_experimental_map_type", 1)
+ default_query_settings = None
+ try:
+ with By("adding allow_experimental_map_type to the default query settings"):
+ default_query_settings = getsattr(current().context, "default_query_settings", [])
+ default_query_settings.append(setting)
+ yield
+ finally:
+ with Finally("I remove allow_experimental_map_type from the default query settings"):
+ if default_query_settings:
+ try:
+ default_query_settings.pop(default_query_settings.index(setting))
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def create_table(self, name, statement, on_cluster=False):
+ """Create table.
+ """
+ node = current().context.node
+ try:
+ with Given(f"I have a {name} table"):
+ node.query(statement.format(name=name))
+ yield name
+ finally:
+ with Finally("I drop the table"):
+ if on_cluster:
+ node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {name} ON CLUSTER {on_cluster}")
+ else:
+ node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {name}")
diff --git a/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/feature.py b/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/feature.py
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..5fd48844825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testflows/map_type/tests/feature.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1195 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import time
+from testflows.core import *
+from testflows.asserts import error
+from map_type.requirements import *
+from map_type.tests.common import *
+def select_map(self, map, output, exitcode=0, message=None):
+ """Create a map using select statement.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("I create a map using select", description=map):
+ r = node.query(f"SELECT {map}", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ with Then("I expect output to match", description=output):
+ assert r.output == output, error()
+def table_map(self, type, data, select, filter, exitcode, message, check_insert=False, order_by=None):
+ """Check using a map column in a table.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ if order_by is None:
+ order_by = "m"
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY " + order_by
+ with And(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into the map column"):
+ if check_insert:
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES {data}", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ else:
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES {data}")
+ if not check_insert:
+ with And("I try to read from the table"):
+ node.query(f"SELECT {select} FROM {table} WHERE {filter} FORMAT JSONEachRow", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_String("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("map('',1)", "{'':1}", Name("empty string")),
+ ("map('hello',1)", "{'hello':1}", Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("map('Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât',1)", "{'Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât':1}", Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("map('hello there',1)", "{'hello there':1}", Name("multi word string")),
+ ("map('hello',1,'there',2)", "{'hello':1,'there':2}", Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("map(toString(1),1)", "{'1':1}", Name("toString")),
+ ("map(toFixedString('1',1),1)", "{'1':1}", Name("toFixedString")),
+ ("map(toNullable('1'),1)", "{'1':1}", Name("Nullable")),
+ ("map(toNullable(NULL),1)", "{NULL:1}", Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("map(toLowCardinality('1'),1)", "{'1':1}", Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("map(toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1)),1)", "{'1':1}", Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)")),
+], row_format="%20s,%20s")
+def select_map_with_key_string(self, map, output):
+ """Create a map using select that has key string type.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_String("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("map('key','')", "{'key':''}", Name("empty string")),
+ ("map('key','hello')", "{'key':'hello'}", Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("map('key','Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât')", "{'key':'Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât'}", Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("map('key','hello there')", "{'key':'hello there'}", Name("multi word string")),
+ ("map('key','hello','key2','there')", "{'key':'hello','key2':'there'}", Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("map('key',toString(1))", "{'key':'1'}", Name("toString")),
+ ("map('key',toFixedString('1',1))", "{'key':'1'}", Name("toFixedString")),
+ ("map('key',toNullable('1'))", "{'key':'1'}", Name("Nullable")),
+ ("map('key',toNullable(NULL))", "{'key':NULL}", Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("map('key',toLowCardinality('1'))", "{'key':'1'}", Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("map('key',toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1)))", "{'key':'1'}", Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)")),
+], row_format="%20s,%20s")
+def select_map_with_value_string(self, map, output):
+ """Create a map using select that has value string type.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Array("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("map('key',[])", "{'key':[]}", Name("empty Array")),
+ ("map('key',[1,2,3])", "{'key':[1,2,3]}", Name("non-empty array of ints")),
+ ("map('key',['1','2','3'])", "{'key':['1','2','3']}", Name("non-empty array of strings")),
+ ("map('key',[map(1,2),map(2,3)])", "{'key':[{1:2},{2:3}]}", Name("non-empty array of maps")),
+ ("map('key',[map(1,[map(1,[1])]),map(2,[map(2,[3])])])", "{'key':[{1:[{1:[1]}]},{2:[{2:[3]}]}]}", Name("non-empty array of maps of array of maps")),
+def select_map_with_value_array(self, map, output):
+ """Create a map using select that has value array type.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Integer("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("(map(1,127,2,0,3,-128))", '{1:127,2:0,3:-128}', Name("Int8")),
+ ("(map(1,0,2,255))", '{1:0,2:255}', Name("UInt8")),
+ ("(map(1,32767,2,0,3,-32768))", '{1:32767,2:0,3:-32768}', Name("Int16")),
+ ("(map(1,0,2,65535))", '{1:0,2:65535}', Name("UInt16")),
+ ("(map(1,2147483647,2,0,3,-2147483648))", '{1:2147483647,2:0,3:-2147483648}', Name("Int32")),
+ ("(map(1,0,2,4294967295))", '{1:0,2:4294967295}', Name("UInt32")),
+ ("(map(1,9223372036854775807,2,0,3,-9223372036854775808))", '{1:"9223372036854775807",2:"0",3:"-9223372036854775808"}', Name("Int64")),
+ ("(map(1,0,2,18446744073709551615))", '{1:0,2:18446744073709551615}', Name("UInt64")),
+ ("(map(1,170141183460469231731687303715884105727,2,0,3,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728))", '{1:1.7014118346046923e38,2:0,3:-1.7014118346046923e38}', Name("Int128")),
+ ("(map(1,57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967,2,0,3,-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968))", '{1:5.78960446186581e76,2:0,3:-5.78960446186581e76}', Name("Int256")),
+ ("(map(1,0,2,115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935))", '{1:0,2:1.157920892373162e77}', Name("UInt256")),
+ ("(map(1,toNullable(1)))", '{1:1}', Name("toNullable")),
+ ("(map(1,toNullable(NULL)))", '{1:NULL}', Name("toNullable(NULL)")),
+def select_map_with_value_integer(self, map, output):
+ """Create a map using select that has value integer type.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_Integer("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("(map(127,1,0,1,-128,1))", '{127:1,0:1,-128:1}', Name("Int8")),
+ ("(map(0,1,255,1))", '{0:1,255:1}', Name("UInt8")),
+ ("(map(32767,1,0,1,-32768,1))", '{32767:1,0:1,-32768:1}', Name("Int16")),
+ ("(map(0,1,65535,1))", '{0:1,65535:1}', Name("UInt16")),
+ ("(map(2147483647,1,0,1,-2147483648,1))", '{2147483647:1,0:1,-2147483648:1}', Name("Int32")),
+ ("(map(0,1,4294967295,1))", '{0:1,4294967295:1}', Name("UInt32")),
+ ("(map(9223372036854775807,1,0,1,-9223372036854775808,1))", '{"9223372036854775807":1,"0":1,"-9223372036854775808":1}', Name("Int64")),
+ ("(map(0,1,18446744073709551615,1))", '{0:1,18446744073709551615:1}', Name("UInt64")),
+ ("(map(170141183460469231731687303715884105727,1,0,1,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728,1))", '{1.7014118346046923e38:1,0:1,-1.7014118346046923e38:1}', Name("Int128")),
+ ("(map(57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967,1,0,1,-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968,1))", '{5.78960446186581e76:1,0:1,-5.78960446186581e76:1}', Name("Int256")),
+ ("(map(0,1,115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935,1))", '{0:1,1.157920892373162e77:1}', Name("UInt256")),
+ ("(map(toNullable(1),1))", '{1:1}', Name("toNullable")),
+ ("(map(toNullable(NULL),1))", '{NULL:1}', Name("toNullable(NULL)")),
+def select_map_with_key_integer(self, map, output):
+ """Create a map using select that has key integer type.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_String("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('',1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"":1}}', Name("empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello',1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"hello":1}}', Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât',1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât":1}}', Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello there',1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"hello there":1}}', Name("multi word string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello',1,'there',2))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"hello":1,"there":2}}', Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toString(1),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("toString")),
+ ("Map(FixedString(1), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toFixedString('1',1),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("FixedString")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable('1'),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("Nullable")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(NULL),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{null:1}}', Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toLowCardinality('1'),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('1',1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("LowCardinality(String) cast from String")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('1','1'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":"1"}}', Name("LowCardinality(String) for key and value")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(FixedString(1)), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1)),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":1}}', Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)")),
+def table_map_with_key_string(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with key string.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_String("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output select", [
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('',1))", '{"m":1}', "m[''] AS m", Name("empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello',1))", '{"m":1}', "m['hello'] AS m", Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât',1))", '{"m":1}', "m['Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât'] AS m", Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello there',1))", '{"m":1}', "m['hello there'] AS m", Name("multi word string")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('hello',1,'there',2))", '{"m":1}', "m['hello'] AS m", Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toString(1),1))", '{"m":1}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("toString")),
+ ("Map(FixedString(1), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toFixedString('1',1),1))", '{"m":1}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("FixedString")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable('1'),1))", '{"m":1}}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("Nullable")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(NULL),1))", '{"m":1}', "m[null] AS m", Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toLowCardinality('1'),1))", '{"m":1}}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map('1',1))", '{"m":1}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("LowCardinality(String) cast from String")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('1','1'))", '{"m":"1"}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("LowCardinality(String) for key and value")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(FixedString(1)), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1)),1))", '{"m":1}', "m['1'] AS m", Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)")),
+def table_map_select_key_with_key_string(self, type, data, output, select):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with key string and if key can be selected.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output, select=select)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_String("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key',''))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":""}}', Name("empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','hello'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"hello"}}', Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât"}}', Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key', 'hello there'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"hello there"}}', Name("multi word string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','hello','key2','there'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"hello","key2":"there"}}', Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key', toString(1)))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("toString")),
+ ("Map(String, FixedString(1))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toFixedString('1',1)))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("FixedString")),
+ ("Map(String, Nullable(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toNullable('1')))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("Nullable")),
+ ("Map(String, Nullable(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toNullable(NULL)))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":null}}', Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toLowCardinality('1')))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key','1'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("LowCardinality(String) cast from String")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('1','1'))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"1":"1"}}', Name("LowCardinality(String) for key and value")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(FixedString(1)))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1))))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":"1"}}', Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)"))
+def table_map_with_value_string(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with value string.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_String("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key',''))", '{"m":""}', Name("empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','hello'))", '{"m":"hello"}', Name("non-empty string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât'))", '{"m":"Gãńdåłf_Thê_Gręât"}', Name("utf-8 string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key', 'hello there'))", '{"m":"hello there"}', Name("multi word string")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key','hello','key2','there'))", '{"m":"hello"}', Name("multiple keys")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "('2020-01-01', map('key', toString(1)))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("toString")),
+ ("Map(String, FixedString(1))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toFixedString('1',1)))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("FixedString")),
+ ("Map(String, Nullable(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toNullable('1')))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("Nullable")),
+ ("Map(String, Nullable(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toNullable(NULL)))", '{"m":null}', Name("Nullable(NULL)")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toLowCardinality('1')))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("LowCardinality(String)")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key','1'))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("LowCardinality(String) cast from String")),
+ ("Map(LowCardinality(String), LowCardinality(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key','1'))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("LowCardinality(String) for key and value")),
+ ("Map(String, LowCardinality(FixedString(1)))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',toLowCardinality(toFixedString('1',1))))", '{"m":"1"}', Name("LowCardinality(FixedString)"))
+def table_map_select_key_with_value_string(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with value string and if it can be selected by key.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output, select="m['key'] AS m")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Integer("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(Int8, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,127,2,0,3,-128))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:127,2:0,3:-128}}', Name("Int8")),
+ ("Map(Int8, UInt8)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,0,2,255))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:0,2:255}}', Name("UInt8")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Int16)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,127,2,0,3,-128))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:32767,2:0,3:-32768}}', Name("Int16")),
+ ("Map(Int8, UInt16)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,0,2,65535))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:0,2:65535}}', Name("UInt16")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Int32)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,127,2,0,3,-128))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:2147483647,2:0,3:-2147483648}}', Name("Int32")),
+ ("Map(Int8, UInt32)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,0,2,4294967295))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:0,2:4294967295}}', Name("UInt32")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Int64)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,9223372036854775807,2,0,3,-9223372036854775808))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:"9223372036854775807",2:"0",3:"-9223372036854775808"}}', Name("Int64")),
+ ("Map(Int8, UInt64)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,0,2,18446744073709551615))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:"0",2:"18446744073709551615"}}', Name("UInt64")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Int128)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,170141183460469231731687303715884105727,2,0,3,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:"170141183460469231731687303715884105727",2:"0",3:"-170141183460469231731687303715884105728"}}', Name("Int128")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Int256)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967,2,0,3,-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:"57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967",2:"0",3:"-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968"}}', Name("Int256")),
+ ("Map(Int8, UInt256)", "('2020-01-01', map(1,0,2,115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:"0",2:"115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935"}}', Name("UInt256")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Nullable(Int8))", "('2020-01-01', map(1,toNullable(1)))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:1}}', Name("toNullable")),
+ ("Map(Int8, Nullable(Int8))", "('2020-01-01', map(1,toNullable(NULL)))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:null}}', Name("toNullable(NULL)")),
+def table_map_with_value_integer(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with value integer.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Array("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(String, Array(Int8))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',[]))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":[]}}', Name("empty array")),
+ ("Map(String, Array(Int8))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',[1,2,3]))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":[1,2,3]}}', Name("non-empty array of ints")),
+ ("Map(String, Array(String))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',['1','2','3']))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":["1","2","3"]}}', Name("non-empty array of strings")),
+ ("Map(String, Array(Map(Int8, Int8)))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',[map(1,2),map(2,3)]))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":[{1:2},{2:3}]}}', Name("non-empty array of maps")),
+ ("Map(String, Array(Map(Int8, Array(Map(Int8, Array(Int8))))))", "('2020-01-01', map('key',[map(1,[map(1,[1])]),map(2,[map(2,[3])])]))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"key":[{1:[{1:[1]}]},{2:[{2:[3]}]}]}}', Name("non-empty array of maps of array of maps")),
+def table_map_with_value_array(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with value Array.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_Integer("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(Int8, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(127,1,0,1,-128,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{127:1,0:1,-128:1}}', Name("Int8")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,255,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{0:1,255:1}}', Name("UInt8")),
+ ("Map(Int16, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(127,1,0,1,-128,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{32767:1,0:1,-32768:1}}', Name("Int16")),
+ ("Map(UInt16, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,65535,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{0:1,65535:1}}', Name("UInt16")),
+ ("Map(Int32, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(2147483647,1,0,1,-2147483648,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{2147483647:1,0:1,-2147483648:1}}', Name("Int32")),
+ ("Map(UInt32, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,4294967295,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{0:1,4294967295:1}}', Name("UInt32")),
+ ("Map(Int64, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(9223372036854775807,1,0,1,-9223372036854775808,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"9223372036854775807":1,"0":1,"-9223372036854775808":1}}', Name("Int64")),
+ ("Map(UInt64, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,18446744073709551615,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"0":1,"18446744073709551615":1}}', Name("UInt64")),
+ ("Map(Int128, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(170141183460469231731687303715884105727,1,0,1,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{170141183460469231731687303715884105727:1,0:1,"-170141183460469231731687303715884105728":1}}', Name("Int128")),
+ ("Map(Int256, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967,1,0,1,-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967":1,"0":1,"-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968":1}}', Name("Int256")),
+ ("Map(UInt256, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935,1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"0":1,"115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935":1}}', Name("UInt256")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(Int8), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(1),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{1:1}}', Name("toNullable")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(Int8), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(NULL),1))", '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{null:1}}', Name("toNullable(NULL)")),
+def table_map_with_key_integer(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with key integer.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Key_Integer("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output select", [
+ ("Map(Int8, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(127,1,0,1,-128,1))", '{"m":1}', "m[127] AS m", Name("Int8")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,255,1))", '{"m":2}', "(m[255] + m[0]) AS m", Name("UInt8")),
+ ("Map(Int16, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(127,1,0,1,-128,1))", '{"m":3}', "(m[-128] + m[0] + m[-128]) AS m", Name("Int16")),
+ ("Map(UInt16, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,65535,1))", '{"m":2}', "(m[0] + m[65535]) AS m", Name("UInt16")),
+ ("Map(Int32, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(2147483647,1,0,1,-2147483648,1))", '{"m":3}', "(m[2147483647] + m[0] + m[-2147483648]) AS m", Name("Int32")),
+ ("Map(UInt32, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,4294967295,1))", '{"m":2}', "(m[0] + m[4294967295]) AS m", Name("UInt32")),
+ ("Map(Int64, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(9223372036854775807,1,0,1,-9223372036854775808,1))", '{"m":3}', "(m[9223372036854775807] + m[0] + m[-9223372036854775808]) AS m", Name("Int64")),
+ ("Map(UInt64, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,18446744073709551615,1))", '{"m":2}', "(m[0] + m[18446744073709551615]) AS m", Name("UInt64")),
+ ("Map(Int128, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(170141183460469231731687303715884105727,1,0,1,-170141183460469231731687303715884105728,1))", '{"m":3}', "(m[170141183460469231731687303715884105727] + m[0] + m[-170141183460469231731687303715884105728]) AS m", Name("Int128")),
+ ("Map(Int256, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967,1,0,1,-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968,1))", '{"m":3}', "(m[57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819967] + m[0] + m[-57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968]) AS m", Name("Int256")),
+ ("Map(UInt256, Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(0,1,115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935,1))", '{"m":2}', "(m[0] + m[115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935]) AS m", Name("UInt256")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(Int8), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(1),1))", '{"m":1}', "m[1] AS m", Name("toNullable")),
+ ("Map(Nullable(Int8), Int8)", "('2020-01-01', map(toNullable(NULL),1))", '{"m":1}', "m[null] AS m", Name("toNullable(NULL)")),
+def table_map_select_key_with_key_integer(self, type, data, output, select):
+ """Check what values we can insert into map type column with key integer and if we can use the key to select the value.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output, select=select)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_ArrayOfMaps("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_NestedWithMaps("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output partition_by", [
+ ("Array(Map(String, Int8))",
+ "('2020-01-01', [map('hello',1),map('hello',1,'there',2)])",
+ '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":[{"hello":1},{"hello":1,"there":2}]}',
+ "m",
+ Name("Array(Map(String, Int8))")),
+ ("Nested(x Map(String, Int8))",
+ "('2020-01-01', [map('hello',1)])",
+ '{"d":"2020-01-01","m.x":[{"hello":1}]}',
+ "m.x",
+ Name("Nested(x Map(String, Int8)"))
+def table_with_map_inside_another_type(self, type, data, output, partition_by):
+ """Check what values we can insert into a type that has map type.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output, partition_by=partition_by)
+def insert_into_table(self, type, data, output, partition_by="m", select="*"):
+ """Check we can insert data into a table.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (d DATE, m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY " + partition_by + " ORDER BY d"
+ with Given(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data", description=data):
+ sql = f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES {data}"
+ node.query(sql)
+ with And("I select rows from the table"):
+ r = node.query(f"SELECT {select} FROM {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow")
+ with Then("I expect output to match", description=output):
+ assert r.output == output, error()
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MixedKeyOrValueTypes("1.0")
+def select_map_with_invalid_mixed_key_and_value_types(self):
+ """Check that creating a map with mixed key types fails.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ exitcode = 130
+ message = "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types String, UInt8 because some of them are String/FixedString and some of them are not"
+ with Check("attempt to create a map using SELECT with mixed key types then it fails"):
+ node.query("SELECT map('hello',1,2,3)", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ with Check("attempt to create a map using SELECT with mixed value types then it fails"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(1,'hello',2,2)", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_InvalidNumberOfArguments("1.0")
+def select_map_with_invalid_number_of_arguments(self):
+ """Check that creating a map with invalid number of arguments fails.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ exitcode = 42
+ message = "DB::Exception: Function map requires even number of arguments"
+ with When("I create a map using SELECT with invalid number of arguments"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(1,2,3)", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+def select_map_empty(self):
+ """Check that we can can create a empty map by not passing any arguments.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("I create a map using SELECT with no arguments"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map()")
+ with Then("it should create an empty map"):
+ assert r.output == "{}", error()
+def insert_invalid_mixed_key_and_value_types(self):
+ """Check that inserting a map with mixed key or value types fails.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ exitcode = 130
+ message = "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types String, UInt8 because some of them are String/FixedString and some of them are not"
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (d DATE, m Map(String, Int8)) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY m ORDER BY d"
+ with And(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert a map with mixed key types then it should fail"):
+ sql = f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES ('2020-01-01', map('hello',1,2,3))"
+ node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ with When("I insert a map with mixed value types then it should fail"):
+ sql = f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES ('2020-01-01', map(1,'hello',2,2))"
+ node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_DuplicatedKeys("1.0")
+@Examples("type data output", [
+ ("Map(String, String)",
+ "('2020-01-01', map('hello','there','hello','over there'))",
+ '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"hello":"there","hello":"over there"}}',
+ Name("Map(String, String))")),
+ ("Map(Int64, String)",
+ "('2020-01-01', map(12345,'there',12345,'over there'))",
+ '{"d":"2020-01-01","m":{"12345":"there","12345":"over there"}}',
+ Name("Map(Int64, String))")),
+def table_map_with_duplicated_keys(self, type, data, output):
+ """Check that map supports duplicated keys.
+ """
+ insert_into_table(type=type, data=data, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_DuplicatedKeys("1.0")
+@Examples("map output", [
+ ("map('hello','there','hello','over there')", "{'hello':'there','hello':'over there'}", Name("String")),
+ ("map(12345,'there',12345,'over there')", "{12345:'there',12345:'over there'}", Name("Integer"))
+def select_map_with_duplicated_keys(self, map, output):
+ """Check creating a map with duplicated keys.
+ """
+ select_map(map=map, output=output)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyNotFound("1.0")
+def select_map_key_not_found(self):
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("map is empty"):
+ node.query("SELECT map() AS m, m[1]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("map has integer values"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[2] FORMAT Values")
+ with Then("zero should be returned for key that is not found"):
+ assert r.output == "({1:2},0)", error()
+ with When("map has string values"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map(1,'2') AS m, m[2] FORMAT Values")
+ with Then("empty string should be returned for key that is not found"):
+ assert r.output == "({1:'2'},'')", error()
+ with When("map has array values"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map(1,[2]) AS m, m[2] FORMAT Values")
+ with Then("empty array be returned for key that is not found"):
+ assert r.output == "({1:[2]},[])", error()
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyNotFound("1.0")
+@Examples("type data select exitcode message", [
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8), y Int8", "(y) VALUES (1)", "m[1] AS v", 0, '{"v":0}', Name("empty map")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "VALUES (map(1,2))", "m[2] AS v", 0, '{"v":0}', Name("map has integer values")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, String)", "VALUES (map(1,'2'))", "m[2] AS v", 0, '{"v":""}', Name("map has string values")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, Array(Int8))", "VALUES (map(1,[2]))", "m[2] AS v", 0, '{"v":[]}', Name("map has array values")),
+def table_map_key_not_found(self, type, data, select, exitcode, message, order_by=None):
+ """Check values returned from a map column when key is not found.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ if order_by is None:
+ order_by = "m"
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY " + order_by
+ with And(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into the map column"):
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table} {data}")
+ with And("I try to read from the table"):
+ node.query(f"SELECT {select} FROM {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyInvalid("1.0")
+def invalid_key(self):
+ """Check when key is not valid.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("I try to use an integer key that is too large"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[256]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("I try to use an integer key that is negative when key is unsigned"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[-1]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("I try to use a string key when key is an integer"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m['1']", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("I try to use an integer key when key is a string"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map('1',2) AS m, m[1]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("I try to use an empty key when key is a string"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map('1',2) AS m, m[]", exitcode=62, message="DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position")
+ with When("I try to use wrong type conversion in key"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[toInt8('1')]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("in array of maps I try to use an integer key that is negative when key is unsigned"):
+ node.query("SELECT [map(1,2)] AS m, m[1][-1]", exitcode=43, message="DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments")
+ with When("I try to use a NULL key when key is not nullable"):
+ r = node.query("SELECT map(1,2) AS m, m[NULL] FORMAT Values")
+ with Then("it should return NULL"):
+ assert r.output == "({1:2},NULL)", error()
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval_KeyInvalid("1.0")
+@Examples("type data select exitcode message order_by", [
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,2))", "m[256] AS v", 0, '{"v":0}', "m", Name("key too large)")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,2))", "m[-1] AS v", 0, '{"v":0}', "m", Name("key is negative")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,2))", "m['1'] AS v", 43, "DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments", "m", Name("string when key is integer")),
+ ("Map(String, UInt8)", "(map('1',2))", "m[1] AS v", 43, "DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments", "m", Name("integer when key is string")),
+ ("Map(String, UInt8)", "(map('1',2))", "m[] AS v", 62, "DB::Exception: Syntax error: failed at position", "m", Name("empty when key is string")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,2))", "m[toInt8('1')] AS v", 0, '{"v":2}', "m", Name("wrong type conversion when key is integer")),
+ ("Map(String, UInt8)", "(map('1',2))", "m[toFixedString('1',1)] AS v", 0, '{"v":2}', "m", Name("wrong type conversion when key is string")),
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,2))", "m[NULL] AS v", 0, '{"v":null}', "m", Name("NULL key when key is not nullable")),
+ ("Array(Map(UInt8, UInt8))", "([map(1,2)])", "m[1]['1'] AS v", 43, "DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments", "m", Name("string when key is integer in array of maps")),
+ ("Nested(x Map(UInt8, UInt8))", "([map(1,2)])", "m.x[1]['1'] AS v", 43, "DB::Exception: Illegal types of arguments", "m.x", Name("string when key is integer in nested map")),
+def table_map_invalid_key(self, type, data, select, exitcode, message, order_by="m"):
+ """Check selecting values from a map column using an invalid key.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY " + order_by
+ with And(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into the map column"):
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES {data}")
+ with And("I try to read from the table"):
+ node.query(f"SELECT {select} FROM {table} FORMAT JSONEachRow", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Value_Retrieval("1.0")
+@Examples("type data select filter exitcode message order_by", [
+ ("Map(UInt8, UInt8)", "(map(1,1)),(map(1,2)),(map(2,3))", "m[1] AS v", "1=1 ORDER BY m[1]", 0, '{"v":0}\n{"v":1}\n{"v":2}', None,
+ Name("select the same key from all the rows")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b')),(map('c','d','e','f')),(map('e','f'))", "m", "m = map('e','f','c','d')", 0, '', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map having different pair order")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b')),(map('c','d','e','f')),(map('e','f'))", "m", "m = map('c','d','e','f')", 0, '{"m":{"c":"d","e":"f"}}', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map having the same pair order")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b')),(map('e','f'))", "m", "m = map()", 0, '', None,
+ Name("filter rows by empty map")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "(map('a',1,'b',2)),(map('a',2)),(map('b',3))", "m", "m['a'] = 1", 0, '{"m":{"a":1,"b":2}}', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map key value")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "(map('a',1,'b',2)),(map('a',2)),(map('b',3))", "m", "m['a'] = 1 AND m['b'] = 2", 0, '{"m":{"a":1,"b":2}}', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map multiple key value combined with AND")),
+ ("Map(String, Int8)", "(map('a',1,'b',2)),(map('a',2)),(map('b',3))", "m", "m['a'] = 1 OR m['b'] = 3", 0, '{"m":{"a":1,"b":2}}\n{"m":{"b":3}}', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map multiple key value combined with OR")),
+ ("Map(String, Array(Int8))", "(map('a',[])),(map('b',[1])),(map('c',[2]))", "m['b'] AS v", "m['b'] IN ([1],[2])", 0, '{"v":[1]}', None,
+ Name("filter rows by map array value using IN")),
+ ("Map(String, Nullable(String))", "(map('a',NULL)),(map('a',1))", "m", "isNull(m['a']) = 1", 0, '{"m":{"a":null}}', None,
+ Name("select map with nullable value"))
+def table_map_queries(self, type, data, select, filter, exitcode, message, order_by=None):
+ """Check retrieving map values and using maps in queries.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ if order_by is None:
+ order_by = "m"
+ with Given(f"table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY " + order_by
+ with And(f"I create a table", description=sql):
+ table = create_table(name=uid, statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into the map column"):
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {table} VALUES {data}")
+ with And("I try to read from the table"):
+ node.query(f"SELECT {select} FROM {table} WHERE {filter} FORMAT JSONEachRow", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_Nullable("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Invalid_NothingNothing("1.0")
+@Examples("type exitcode message", [
+ ("Nullable(Map(String, String))",
+ 43, "DB::Exception: Nested type Map(String,String) cannot be inside Nullable type",
+ Name("nullable map")),
+ ("Map(Nothing, Nothing)",
+ 37, "DB::Exception: Column `m` with type Map(Nothing,Nothing) is not allowed in key expression, it's not comparable",
+ Name("map with nothing type for key and value"))
+def table_map_unsupported_types(self, type, exitcode, message):
+ """Check creating a table with unsupported map column types.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ try:
+ with When(f"I create a table definition with {type}"):
+ sql = f"CREATE TABLE {uid} (m " + type + ") ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY m"
+ node.query(sql, exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ finally:
+ with Finally("drop table if any"):
+ node.query(f"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {uid}")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysToMap("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysMap_Invalid("1.0")
+@Examples("tuple type exitcode message", [
+ ("([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go'])", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 0, "{1:'Ready',2:'Steady',3:'Go'}", Name("int -> int")),
+ ("([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go'])", "Map(String, String)",
+ 0, "{'1':'Ready','2':'Steady','3':'Go'}", Name("int -> string")),
+ ("(['1', '2', '3'], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go'])", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 0, "{1:'Ready',187:'Steady',143:'Go'}", Name("string -> int")),
+ ("([],[])", "Map(String, String)",
+ 0, "{}", Name("empty arrays to map str:str")),
+ ("([],[])", "Map(UInt8, Array(Int8))",
+ 0, "{}", Name("empty arrays to map uint8:array")),
+ ("([[1]],['hello'])", "Map(String, String)",
+ 0, "{'[1]':'hello'}", Name("array -> string")),
+ ("([(1,2),(3,4)])", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)",
+ 0, "{1:2,3:4}", Name("array of two tuples")),
+ ("([1, 2], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go'])", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 53, "DB::Exception: CAST AS Map can only be performed from tuple of arrays with equal sizes",
+ Name("unequal array sizes")),
+def cast_tuple_of_two_arrays_to_map(self, tuple, type, exitcode, message):
+ """Check casting Tuple(Array, Array) to a map type.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("I try to cast tuple", description=tuple):
+ node.query(f"SELECT CAST({tuple}, '{type}') AS map", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysToMap("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_TupleOfArraysMap_Invalid("1.0")
+@Examples("tuple type exitcode message check_insert", [
+ ("(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']))", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 0, '{"m":{1:"Ready",2:"Steady",3:"Go"}}', False, Name("int -> int")),
+ ("(([1, 2, 3], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']))", "Map(String, String)",
+ 0, '{"m":{"1":"Ready","2":"Steady","3":"Go"}}', False, Name("int -> string")),
+ ("((['1', '2', '3'], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']))", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 0, '', True, Name("string -> int")),
+ ("(([],[]))", "Map(String, String)",
+ 0, '{"m":{}}', False, Name("empty arrays to map str:str")),
+ ("(([],[]))", "Map(UInt8, Array(Int8))",
+ 0, '{"m":{}}', False, Name("empty arrays to map uint8:array")),
+ ("(([[1]],['hello']))", "Map(String, String)",
+ 53, 'DB::Exception: Type mismatch in IN or VALUES section', True, Name("array -> string")),
+ ("(([(1,2),(3,4)]))", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)",
+ 0, '{"m":{1:2,3:4}}', False, Name("array of two tuples")),
+ ("(([1, 2], ['Ready', 'Steady', 'Go']))", "Map(UInt8, String)",
+ 53, "DB::Exception: CAST AS Map can only be performed from tuple of arrays with equal sizes", True,
+ Name("unequal array sizes")),
+def table_map_cast_tuple_of_arrays_to_map(self, tuple, type, exitcode, message, check_insert):
+ """Check converting Tuple(Array, Array) into map on insert into a map type column.
+ """
+ table_map(type=type, data=tuple, select="*", filter="1=1", exitcode=exitcode, message=message, check_insert=check_insert)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap_Invalid("1.0")
+@Examples("tuple type exitcode message", [
+ ("([(1,2),(3,4)])", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 0, "{1:2,3:4}",
+ Name("array of two tuples")),
+ ("([(1,2),(3)])", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 130,
+ "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types Tuple(UInt8, UInt8), UInt8 because some of them are Tuple and some of them are not",
+ Name("not a tuple")),
+ ("([(1,2),(3,)])", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 130,
+ "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types Tuple(UInt8, UInt8), Tuple(UInt8) because Tuples have different sizes",
+ Name("invalid tuple")),
+def cast_array_of_two_tuples_to_map(self, tuple, type, exitcode, message):
+ """Check casting Array(Tuple(K,V)) to a map type.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with When("I try to cast tuple", description=tuple):
+ node.query(f"SELECT CAST({tuple}, '{type}') AS map", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Conversion_From_ArrayOfTuplesToMap_Invalid("1.0")
+@Examples("tuple type exitcode message check_insert", [
+ ("(([(1,2),(3,4)]))", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 0, '{"m":{1:2,3:4}}', False,
+ Name("array of two tuples")),
+ ("(([(1,2),(3)]))", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 130,
+ "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types Tuple(UInt8, UInt8), UInt8 because some of them are Tuple and some of them are not", True,
+ Name("not a tuple")),
+ ("(([(1,2),(3,)]))", "Map(UInt8, UInt8)", 130,
+ "DB::Exception: There is no supertype for types Tuple(UInt8, UInt8), Tuple(UInt8) because Tuples have different sizes", True,
+ Name("invalid tuple")),
+def table_map_cast_array_of_two_tuples_to_map(self, tuple, type, exitcode, message, check_insert):
+ """Check converting Array(Tuple(K,V),...) into map on insert into a map type column.
+ """
+ table_map(type=type, data=tuple, select="*", filter="1=1", exitcode=exitcode, message=message, check_insert=check_insert)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_InlineDefinedMap("1.0")
+def subcolumns_keys_using_inline_defined_map(self):
+ node = self.context.node
+ exitcode = 47
+ message = "DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'c.keys'"
+ with When("I try to access keys sub-column using an inline defined map"):
+ node.query("SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.keys", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_InlineDefinedMap("1.0")
+def subcolumns_values_using_inline_defined_map(self):
+ node = self.context.node
+ exitcode = 47
+ message = "DB::Exception: Missing columns: 'c.values'"
+ with When("I try to access values sub-column using an inline defined map"):
+ node.query("SELECT map( 'aa', 4, '44' , 5) as c, c.values", exitcode=exitcode, message=message)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Keys_ArrayFunctions("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_SubColumns_Values_ArrayFunctions("1.0")
+@Examples("type data select filter exitcode message", [
+ # keys
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "m.keys AS keys", "1=1",
+ 0, '{"keys":["a","c"]}\n{"keys":["e"]}', Name("select keys")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "m.keys AS keys", "has(m.keys, 'e')",
+ 0, '{"keys":["e"]}', Name("filter by using keys in an array function")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "has(m.keys, 'e') AS r", "1=1",
+ 0, '{"r":0}\n{"r":1}', Name("column that uses keys in an array function")),
+ # values
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "m.values AS values", "1=1",
+ 0, '{"values":["b","d"]}\n{"values":["f"]}', Name("select values")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "m.values AS values", "has(m.values, 'f')",
+ 0, '{"values":["f"]}', Name("filter by using values in an array function")),
+ ("Map(String, String)", "(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))", "has(m.values, 'f') AS r", "1=1",
+ 0, '{"r":0}\n{"r":1}', Name("column that uses values in an array function"))
+def subcolumns(self, type, data, select, filter, exitcode, message, order_by=None):
+ """Check usage of sub-columns in queries.
+ """
+ table_map(type=type, data=data, select=select, filter=filter, exitcode=exitcode, message=message, order_by=order_by)
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Length("1.0")
+def length(self):
+ """Check usage of length function with map data type.
+ """
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('a','b','c','d')),(map('e','f'))",
+ select="length(m) AS len, m",
+ filter="length(m) = 1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"len":"1","m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Empty("1.0")
+def empty(self):
+ """Check usage of empty function with map data type.
+ """
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f'))",
+ select="empty(m) AS em, m",
+ filter="empty(m) <> 1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"em":0,"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_NotEmpty("1.0")
+def notempty(self):
+ """Check usage of notEmpty function with map data type.
+ """
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f'))",
+ select="notEmpty(m) AS em, m",
+ filter="notEmpty(m) = 1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"em":1,"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapAdd("1.0")
+def cast_from_mapadd(self):
+ """Check converting the result of mapAdd function to a map data type.
+ """
+ select_map(map="CAST(mapAdd(([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [1, 1])), 'Map(Int8, Int8)')", output="{1:2,2:2}")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapSubstract("1.0")
+def cast_from_mapsubstract(self):
+ """Check converting the result of mapSubstract function to a map data type.
+ """
+ select_map(map="CAST(mapSubtract(([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(1), 1]), ([toUInt8(1), 2], [toInt32(2), 1])), 'Map(Int8, Int8)')", output="{1:-1,2:0}")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map_MapPopulateSeries("1.0")
+def cast_from_mappopulateseries(self):
+ """Check converting the result of mapPopulateSeries function to a map data type.
+ """
+ select_map(map="CAST(mapPopulateSeries([1,2,4], [11,22,44], 5), 'Map(Int8, Int8)')", output="{1:11,2:22,3:0,4:44,5:0}")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapContains("1.0")
+def mapcontains(self):
+ """Check usages of mapContains function with map data type.
+ """
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Example("key in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="mapContains(m, 'a')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"a":"b"}}')
+ with Example("key not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="NOT mapContains(m, 'a')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ with Example("null key not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(Nullable(String), String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="mapContains(m, NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='')
+ with Example("null key in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(Nullable(String), String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b')),(map(NULL,'c'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="mapContains(m, NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='{null:"c"}')
+ with Example("select nullable key"):
+ node.query("SELECT map(NULL, 1, 2, 3) AS m, mapContains(m, toNullable(toUInt8(2)))", exitcode=0, message="{2:3}")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapKeys("1.0")
+def mapkeys(self):
+ """Check usages of mapKeys function with map data type.
+ """
+ with Example("key in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapKeys(m), 'a')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"a":"b"}}')
+ with Example("key not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="NOT has(mapKeys(m), 'a')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ with Example("null key not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(Nullable(String), String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapKeys(m), NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='')
+ with Example("null key in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(Nullable(String), String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b')),(map(NULL,'c'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapKeys(m), NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{null:"c"}}')
+ with Example("select keys from column"):
+ table_map(type="Map(Nullable(String), String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b')),(map(NULL,'c'))",
+ select="mapKeys(m) AS keys",
+ filter="1 = 1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"keys":["a"]}\n{"keys":["e"]}\n{"keys":[null]}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_MapValues("1.0")
+def mapvalues(self):
+ """Check usages of mapValues function with map data type.
+ """
+ with Example("value in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapValues(m), 'b')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"a":"b"}}')
+ with Example("value not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="NOT has(mapValues(m), 'b')",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ with Example("null value not in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, Nullable(String))",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b'))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapValues(m), NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='')
+ with Example("null value in map"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, Nullable(String))",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b')),(map('c',NULL))",
+ select="m",
+ filter="has(mapValues(m), NULL)",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{"c":null}}')
+ with Example("select values from column"):
+ table_map(type="Map(String, Nullable(String))",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map('a','b')),(map('c',NULL))",
+ select="mapValues(m) AS values",
+ filter="1 = 1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"values":["b"]}\n{"values":[null]}\n{"values":["f"]}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_InlineDefinedMap("1.0")
+def functions_with_inline_defined_map(self):
+ """Check that a map defined inline inside the select statement
+ can be used with functions that work with maps.
+ """
+ with Example("mapKeys"):
+ select_map(map="map(1,2,3,4) as map, mapKeys(map) AS keys", output="{1:2,3:4}\t[1,3]")
+ with Example("mapValyes"):
+ select_map(map="map(1,2,3,4) as map, mapValues(map) AS values", output="{1:2,3:4}\t[2,4]")
+ with Example("mapContains"):
+ select_map(map="map(1,2,3,4) as map, mapContains(map, 1) AS contains", output="{1:2,3:4}\t1")
+def empty_map(self):
+ """Check creating of an empty map `{}` using the map() function
+ when inserting data into a map type table column.
+ """
+ table_map(type="Map(String, String)",
+ data="(map('e','f')),(map())",
+ select="m",
+ filter="1=1",
+ exitcode=0, message='{"m":{}}\n{"m":{"e":"f"}}')
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_TupleOfArrays("1.0")
+def performance_vs_two_tuple_of_arrays(self, len=10, rows=6000000):
+ """Check performance of using map data type vs Tuple(Array, Array).
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Given(f"table with Tuple(Array(Int8),Array(Int8))"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (pairs Tuple(Array(Int8),Array(Int8))) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY pairs"
+ tuple_table = create_table(name=f"tuple_{uid}", statement=sql)
+ with And(f"table with Map(Int8,Int8)"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (pairs Map(Int8,Int8)) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY pairs"
+ map_table = create_table(name=f"map_{uid}", statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into table with tuples"):
+ keys = range(len)
+ values = range(len)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {tuple_table} SELECT ({keys},{values}) FROM numbers({rows})")
+ tuple_insert_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("tuple insert time", tuple_insert_time, "sec")
+ with When("I insert data into table with a map"):
+ keys = range(len)
+ values = range(len)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {map_table} SELECT ({keys},{values}) FROM numbers({rows})")
+ map_insert_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map insert time", map_insert_time, "sec")
+ with And("I retrieve particular key value from table with tuples"):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"SELECT sum(arrayFirst((v, k) -> k = {len-1}, tupleElement(pairs, 2), tupleElement(pairs, 1))) AS sum FROM {tuple_table}",
+ exitcode=0, message=f"{rows*(len-1)}")
+ tuple_select_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("tuple(array, array) select time", tuple_select_time, "sec")
+ with And("I retrieve particular key value from table with map"):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"SELECT sum(pairs[{len-1}]) AS sum FROM {map_table}",
+ exitcode=0, message=f"{rows*(len-1)}")
+ map_select_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map select time", map_select_time, "sec")
+ metric("insert difference", (1 - map_insert_time/tuple_insert_time) * 100, "%")
+ metric("select difference", (1 - map_select_time/tuple_select_time) * 100, "%")
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Performance_Vs_ArrayOfTuples("1.0")
+def performance_vs_array_of_tuples(self, len=10, rows=6000000):
+ """Check performance of using map data type vs Array(Tuple(K,V)).
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Given(f"table with Array(Tuple(K,V))"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (pairs Array(Tuple(Int8, Int8))) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY pairs"
+ array_table = create_table(name=f"tuple_{uid}", statement=sql)
+ with And(f"table with Map(Int8,Int8)"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (pairs Map(Int8,Int8)) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY pairs"
+ map_table = create_table(name=f"map_{uid}", statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into table with an array of tuples"):
+ pairs = list(zip(range(len),range(len)))
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {array_table} SELECT ({pairs}) FROM numbers({rows})")
+ array_insert_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("array insert time", array_insert_time, "sec")
+ with When("I insert data into table with a map"):
+ keys = range(len)
+ values = range(len)
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {map_table} SELECT ({keys},{values}) FROM numbers({rows})")
+ map_insert_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map insert time", map_insert_time, "sec")
+ with And("I retrieve particular key value from table with an array of tuples"):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"SELECT sum(arrayFirst((v) -> v.1 = {len-1}, pairs).2) AS sum FROM {array_table}",
+ exitcode=0, message=f"{rows*(len-1)}")
+ array_select_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("array(tuple(k,v)) select time", array_select_time, "sec")
+ with And("I retrieve particular key value from table with map"):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"SELECT sum(pairs[{len-1}]) AS sum FROM {map_table}",
+ exitcode=0, message=f"{rows*(len-1)}")
+ map_select_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map select time", map_select_time, "sec")
+ metric("insert difference", (1 - map_insert_time/array_insert_time) * 100, "%")
+ metric("select difference", (1 - map_select_time/array_select_time) * 100, "%")
+def performance(self, len=10, rows=6000000):
+ """Check insert and select performance of using map data type.
+ """
+ uid = getuid()
+ node = self.context.node
+ with Given("table with Map(Int8,Int8)"):
+ sql = "CREATE TABLE {name} (pairs Map(Int8,Int8)) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY pairs"
+ map_table = create_table(name=f"map_{uid}", statement=sql)
+ with When("I insert data into table with a map"):
+ values = [x for pair in zip(range(len),range(len)) for x in pair]
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"INSERT INTO {map_table} SELECT (map({','.join([str(v) for v in values])})) FROM numbers({rows})")
+ map_insert_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map insert time", map_insert_time, "sec")
+ with And("I retrieve particular key value from table with map"):
+ start_time = time.time()
+ node.query(f"SELECT sum(pairs[{len-1}]) AS sum FROM {map_table}",
+ exitcode=0, message=f"{rows*(len-1)}")
+ map_select_time = time.time() - start_time
+ metric("map select time", map_select_time, "sec")
+# FIXME: add tests for different table engines
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType("1.0"),
+ RQ_SRS_018_ClickHouse_Map_DataType_Functions_Map("1.0")
+def feature(self, node="clickhouse1"):
+ self.context.node = self.context.cluster.node(node)
+ with Given("I allow experimental map type"):
+ allow_experimental_map_type()
+ for scenario in loads(current_module(), Scenario):
+ scenario()
diff --git a/tests/testflows/regression.py b/tests/testflows/regression.py
index 45f1ed64a6c..13a24f97f9f 100755
--- a/tests/testflows/regression.py
+++ b/tests/testflows/regression.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ def regression(self, local, clickhouse_binary_path, stress=None, parallel=None):
# Feature(test=load("ldap.regression", "regression"))(**args)
# Feature(test=load("rbac.regression", "regression"))(**args)
# Feature(test=load("aes_encryption.regression", "regression"))(**args)
+ Feature(test=load("map_type.regression", "regression"))(**args)
# Feature(test=load("kerberos.regression", "regression"))(**args)
if main():