* Basic blog similar to docs
* rename post
* no post content in post_meta
* update readme and template
* more "en" content
* complete "en" content
* build blog redirects
* redirects for migration
* link sitemaps
* update po
* add "ru" content
* ru redirects
* remove old domain mentions
* adjust styles
* content improvements
* +1 alt
* use main images from CDN
* use re-hosted in-content images
* extra vertical margin around embedded youtube
* minor improvements
* adjust post page
* adjust html meta
* adjust post page
* improve blog rendering
* rm outdated nginx config
* get rid of most outdated markup of benchmark.html
* reformat js
* get rid of ru comments + wrap benchmark.js in a function call
* split benchmark results into separate files
* adjust links to benchmarks
* refactor hardware benchmarks as well
* adjust links
* fix filtering for hardware
* additional markup tuning
* replace exit with assert in test_single_page
* improve save_raw_single_page docs option
* More grammar fixes
* "Built from" link in new tab
* fix mistype
* Example of include in docs
* add anchor to meeting form
* Draft of translation helper
* WIP on translation helper
* Replace some fa docs content with machine translation
* add normalize-en-markdown.sh
* normalize some en markdown
* normalize some en markdown
* admonition support
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* support wide tables
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* lightly edited machine translation of introdpection.md
* lightly edited machhine translation of lazy.md
* WIP on translation utils
* Normalize ru docs
* Normalize other languages
* some fixes
* WIP on normalize/translate tools
* add requirements.txt
* [experimental] add es docs language as machine translated draft
* remove duplicate script
* Back to wider tab-stop (narrow renders not so well)