CI reports [1]:
Indirect leak of 648 byte(s) in 9 object(s) allocated from:
2 0x12b96503 in DB::AggregateFunctionSimpleState::getReturnType() const obj-x86_64-linux-gnu/../src/AggregateFunctions/AggregateFunctionSimpleState.h:47:15
After we can get this query by using query_log artifact:
$ wget
$ tar -xf query_log_dump.tar
$ clickhouse-local --path var/lib/clickhouse/
SELECT query
FROM system.query_log
ARRAY JOIN used_aggregate_function_combinators AS func
WHERE has(used_aggregate_functions, 'groupBitOr') AND has(used_aggregate_function_combinators, 'SimpleState') AND (type != 'QueryStart')
Query id: 5b7722b3-f77e-4e7e-bd0b-586d6d32a899
│ with groupBitOrSimpleState(number) as c select toTypeName(c), c from numbers(1); │
Fixes: 01570_aggregator_combinator_simple_state.sql
Fixes: #16853
Signed-off-by: Azat Khuzhin <>