* Add link to flink-clickhouse-sink + fixes nearby
* Add link to dbal-doctrine
* cleanup ru toc root
* Sort out russian docs ToC a little bit
* Add link collection of commercial support services
* replace exit with assert in test_single_page
* improve save_raw_single_page docs option
* More grammar fixes
* "Built from" link in new tab
* fix mistype
* Example of include in docs
* add anchor to meeting form
* Draft of translation helper
* WIP on translation helper
* Replace some fa docs content with machine translation
* add normalize-en-markdown.sh
* normalize some en markdown
* normalize some en markdown
* admonition support
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* support wide tables
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* normalize
* lightly edited machine translation of introdpection.md
* lightly edited machhine translation of lazy.md
* WIP on translation utils
* Normalize ru docs
* Normalize other languages
* some fixes
* WIP on normalize/translate tools
* add requirements.txt
* [experimental] add es docs language as machine translated draft
* remove duplicate script
* Back to wider tab-stop (narrow renders not so well)
* Print error messages to stderr.
It makes it possible to redirect output to /dev/null and see only the
failed tests.
* Show an error message if we failed to find the queries dir.
* Treat 'distributed' and 'global' the same way as 'shard' in test names.
Some tests that need to run distributed queries do not use the
'shard' marker. It seems easier to support another two markers than
to rename the tests.
* CLICKHOUSE-4063: less manual html @ index.md
* CLICKHOUSE-4063: recommend markdown="1" in README.md
* CLICKHOUSE-4003: manually purge custom.css for now
* CLICKHOUSE-4064: expand <details> before any print (including to pdf)
* CLICKHOUSE-3927: rearrange interfaces/formats.md a bit
* CLICKHOUSE-3306: add few http headers
* Remove copy-paste introduced in #3392
* Hopefully better chinese fonts #3392
* get rid of tabs @ custom.css
* Apply comments and patch from #3384
* Add jdbc.md to ToC and some translation, though it still looks badly incomplete
* minor punctuation
* Add some backlinks to official website from mirrors that just blindly take markdown sources
* Do not make fonts extra light
* find . -name '*.md' -type f | xargs -I{} perl -pi -e 's//g' {}
* find . -name '*.md' -type f | xargs -I{} perl -pi -e 's/ sql/g' {}
* Remove outdated stuff from roadmap.md
* Not so light font on front page too
* Refactor Chinese formats.md to match recent changes in other languages
* Some improvements for introduction/performance.md
* Minor improvements for example_datasets
* Add website/package-lock.json to .gitignore
* YT paragraph was badly outdated and there is no real reason to write a new one
* Use weird introduction article as a starting point for F.A.Q.
* Some refactoring of first half of ya_metrika_task.md
* minor
* Weird docs footer bugfix
* Forgotten redirect
* h/v scrollbars same size in docs
* CLICKHOUSE-3831: introduce security changelog
* A bit more narrow tables on docs front page
* fix flag in ru docs
* Save some space in top level of docs ToC
* Capitalize most words in titles of docs/en/
* more docs scrollbar fixes
* fix incorrect merge
* fix link
* fix switching languages in single page docs mode
* Update mkdocs & mkdocs-material + unminify javascript
* cherrypick 17e18d1ecc
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Using unixodbc as submodule [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Additional .gitignore entries
* Merge a bunch of small articles about system tables into single one
* Merge a bunch of small articles about formats into single one
* Adapt table with formats to English docs too
* Add SPb meetup link to main page
* Move Utilities out of top level of docs (the location is probably not yet final) + translate couple articles
* Merge MacOS.md into build_osx.md
* Move Data types higher in ToC
* Publish changelog on website alongside documentation
* Few fixes for en/table_engines/file.md
* Use smaller header sizes in changelogs
* Group up table engines inside ToC
* Move table engines out of top level too
* Specificy in ToC that query language is SQL based. Thats a bit excessive, but catches eye.
* Move stuff that is part of query language into respective folder
* Move table functions lower in ToC
* Lost redirects.txt update
* Do not rely on comments in yaml + fix few ru titles
* Extract major parts of queries.md into separate articles
* queries.md has been supposed to be removed
* Fix weird translation
* Fix a bunch of links
* There is only table of contents left
* "Query language" is actually part of SQL abbreviation
* Change filename in README.md too
* fix mistype
* s/formats\/interfaces/interfaces\/formats/g
* Remove extra clarification from header as it was too verbose, probably making it a bit more confusing
* Empty article was supposed to be hidden
* At least change incorrect title
* Move special links to the bottom of nav and slightly highlight them
* Skip hidden pages in bottom navigation too
* Make front page of documentation to be part of Introduction
* Make tables in introduction somewhat readable + move abbreviation definitions earlier
* Some introduction text refactoring
* Some docs introduction refactoring
* Use admonitions instead of divs
* Additional .gitignore
* Treat .gif as images too
* Clarify ToC item
* Added documentation about ClickHouse testing (draft) [#CLICKHOUSE-2]
* Updated documentation about ClickHouse testing [#CLICKHOUSE-2]
* Moved information about ClickHouse tests to correct place [#CLICKHOUSE-3]
* Moved information about ClickHouse tests to correct place [#CLICKHOUSE-3]