#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # The script to update user-guides documentation repo # https://github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-docs WORKDIR=$(dirname "$0") WORKDIR=$(readlink -f "${WORKDIR}") cd "$WORKDIR" UPDATE_PERIOD_HOURS="${1:-24}" # By default update once per 24 hours; 0 means "always update" if [ ! -d "clickhouse-docs" ]; then echo "There's no clickhouse-docs/ dir, run get-clickhouse-docs.sh first to clone the repo" exit 1 fi # Do not update it too often LAST_FETCH_TS=$(stat -c %Y clickhouse-docs/.git/FETCH_HEAD 2>/dev/null || echo 0) CURRENT_TS=$(date +%s) HOURS_SINCE_LAST_FETCH=$(( (CURRENT_TS - LAST_FETCH_TS) / 60 / 60 )) if [ "$HOURS_SINCE_LAST_FETCH" -lt "$UPDATE_PERIOD_HOURS" ]; then exit 0; fi echo "Updating clickhouse-docs..." git -C clickhouse-docs pull