#include "Server.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MetricsTransmitter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if !defined(ARCADIA_BUILD) # include "config_core.h" # include "Common/config_version.h" # if USE_OPENCL # include "Common/BitonicSort.h" // Y_IGNORE # endif #endif #if defined(OS_LINUX) # include # include #endif #if USE_SSL # include # include #endif #if USE_GRPC # include #endif namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric Revision; extern const Metric VersionInteger; extern const Metric MemoryTracking; } int mainEntryClickHouseServer(int argc, char ** argv) { DB::Server app; try { return app.run(argc, argv); } catch (...) { std::cerr << DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true) << "\n"; auto code = DB::getCurrentExceptionCode(); return code ? code : 1; } } namespace { void setupTmpPath(Poco::Logger * log, const std::string & path) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Setting up {} to store temporary data in it", path); Poco::File(path).createDirectories(); /// Clearing old temporary files. Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end; for (Poco::DirectoryIterator it(path); it != dir_end; ++it) { if (it->isFile() && startsWith(it.name(), "tmp")) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removing old temporary file {}", it->path()); it->remove(); } else LOG_DEBUG(log, "Skipped file in temporary path {}", it->path()); } } } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED; extern const int ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND; extern const int EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG; extern const int INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER; extern const int SYSTEM_ERROR; extern const int FAILED_TO_GETPWUID; extern const int MISMATCHING_USERS_FOR_PROCESS_AND_DATA; extern const int NETWORK_ERROR; } static std::string getCanonicalPath(std::string && path) { Poco::trimInPlace(path); if (path.empty()) throw Exception("path configuration parameter is empty", ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER); if (path.back() != '/') path += '/'; return std::move(path); } static std::string getUserName(uid_t user_id) { /// Try to convert user id into user name. auto buffer_size = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX); if (buffer_size <= 0) buffer_size = 1024; std::string buffer; buffer.reserve(buffer_size); struct passwd passwd_entry; struct passwd * result = nullptr; const auto error = getpwuid_r(user_id, &passwd_entry, buffer.data(), buffer_size, &result); if (error) throwFromErrno("Failed to find user name for " + toString(user_id), ErrorCodes::FAILED_TO_GETPWUID, error); else if (result) return result->pw_name; return toString(user_id); } void Server::uninitialize() { logger().information("shutting down"); BaseDaemon::uninitialize(); } int Server::run() { if (config().hasOption("help")) { Poco::Util::HelpFormatter help_formatter(Server::options()); auto header_str = fmt::format("{} [OPTION] [-- [ARG]...]\n" "positional arguments can be used to rewrite config.xml properties, for example, --http_port=8010", commandName()); help_formatter.setHeader(header_str); help_formatter.format(std::cout); return 0; } if (config().hasOption("version")) { std::cout << DBMS_NAME << " server version " << VERSION_STRING << VERSION_OFFICIAL << "." << std::endl; return 0; } return Application::run(); // NOLINT } void Server::initialize(Poco::Util::Application & self) { BaseDaemon::initialize(self); logger().information("starting up"); } std::string Server::getDefaultCorePath() const { return getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)) + "cores"; } void Server::defineOptions(Poco::Util::OptionSet & options) { options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("help", "h", "show help and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("help")); options.addOption( Poco::Util::Option("version", "V", "show version and exit") .required(false) .repeatable(false) .binding("version")); BaseDaemon::defineOptions(options); } void checkForUsersNotInMainConfig( const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_path, const std::string & users_config_path, Poco::Logger * log) { if (config.getBool("skip_check_for_incorrect_settings", false)) return; if (config.has("users") || config.has("profiles") || config.has("quotas")) { /// We cannot throw exception here, because we have support for obsolete 'conf.d' directory /// (that does not correspond to config.d or users.d) but substitute configuration to both of them. LOG_ERROR(log, "The , and elements should be located in users config file: {} not in main config {}." " Also note that you should place configuration changes to the appropriate *.d directory like 'users.d'.", users_config_path, config_path); } } int Server::main(const std::vector & /*args*/) { Poco::Logger * log = &logger(); UseSSL use_ssl; MainThreadStatus::getInstance(); registerFunctions(); registerAggregateFunctions(); registerTableFunctions(); registerStorages(); registerDictionaries(); registerDisks(); registerFormats(); CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::Revision, ClickHouseRevision::getVersionRevision()); CurrentMetrics::set(CurrentMetrics::VersionInteger, ClickHouseRevision::getVersionInteger()); if (ThreadFuzzer::instance().isEffective()) LOG_WARNING(log, "ThreadFuzzer is enabled. Application will run slowly and unstable."); #if !defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(__OPTIMIZE__) LOG_WARNING(log, "Server was built in debug mode. It will work slowly."); #endif #if defined(ADDRESS_SANITIZER) || defined(THREAD_SANITIZER) || defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER) LOG_WARNING(log, "Server was built with sanitizer. It will work slowly."); #endif /** Context contains all that query execution is dependent: * settings, available functions, data types, aggregate functions, databases, ... */ auto shared_context = Context::createShared(); auto global_context = std::make_unique(Context::createGlobal(shared_context.get())); global_context_ptr = global_context.get(); global_context->makeGlobalContext(); global_context->setApplicationType(Context::ApplicationType::SERVER); // Initialize global thread pool. Do it before we fetch configs from zookeeper // nodes (`from_zk`), because ZooKeeper interface uses the pool. We will // ignore `max_thread_pool_size` in configs we fetch from ZK, but oh well. GlobalThreadPool::initialize(config().getUInt("max_thread_pool_size", 10000)); bool has_zookeeper = config().has("zookeeper"); zkutil::ZooKeeperNodeCache main_config_zk_node_cache([&] { return global_context->getZooKeeper(); }); zkutil::EventPtr main_config_zk_changed_event = std::make_shared(); if (loaded_config.has_zk_includes) { auto old_configuration = loaded_config.configuration; ConfigProcessor config_processor(config_path); loaded_config = config_processor.loadConfigWithZooKeeperIncludes( main_config_zk_node_cache, main_config_zk_changed_event, /* fallback_to_preprocessed = */ true); config_processor.savePreprocessedConfig(loaded_config, config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); config().removeConfiguration(old_configuration.get()); config().add(loaded_config.configuration.duplicate(), PRIO_DEFAULT, false); } Settings::checkNoSettingNamesAtTopLevel(config(), config_path); const auto memory_amount = getMemoryAmount(); #if defined(OS_LINUX) std::string executable_path = getExecutablePath(); if (executable_path.empty()) executable_path = "/usr/bin/clickhouse"; /// It is used for information messages. /// After full config loaded { if (config().getBool("remap_executable", false)) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "Will remap executable in memory."); remapExecutable(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "The code in memory has been successfully remapped."); } if (config().getBool("mlock_executable", false)) { if (hasLinuxCapability(CAP_IPC_LOCK)) { try { /// Get the memory area with (current) code segment. /// It's better to lock only the code segment instead of calling "mlockall", /// because otherwise debug info will be also locked in memory, and it can be huge. auto [addr, len] = getMappedArea(reinterpret_cast(mainEntryClickHouseServer)); LOG_TRACE(log, "Will do mlock to prevent executable memory from being paged out. It may take a few seconds."); if (0 != mlock(addr, len)) LOG_WARNING(log, "Failed mlock: {}", errnoToString(ErrorCodes::SYSTEM_ERROR)); else LOG_TRACE(log, "The memory map of clickhouse executable has been mlock'ed, total {}", ReadableSize(len)); } catch (...) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot mlock: {}", getCurrentExceptionMessage(false)); } } else { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like the process has no CAP_IPC_LOCK capability, binary mlock will be disabled." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.", executable_path); } } } #endif global_context->setRemoteHostFilter(config()); std::string path = getCanonicalPath(config().getString("path", DBMS_DEFAULT_PATH)); std::string default_database = config().getString("default_database", "default"); /// Check that the process user id matches the owner of the data. const auto effective_user_id = geteuid(); struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path.c_str(), &statbuf) == 0 && effective_user_id != statbuf.st_uid) { const auto effective_user = getUserName(effective_user_id); const auto data_owner = getUserName(statbuf.st_uid); std::string message = "Effective user of the process (" + effective_user + ") does not match the owner of the data (" + data_owner + ")."; if (effective_user_id == 0) { message += " Run under 'sudo -u " + data_owner + "'."; throw Exception(message, ErrorCodes::MISMATCHING_USERS_FOR_PROCESS_AND_DATA); } else { LOG_WARNING(log, message); } } global_context->setPath(path); StatusFile status{path + "status", StatusFile::write_full_info}; SCOPE_EXIT({ /** Ask to cancel background jobs all table engines, * and also query_log. * It is important to do early, not in destructor of Context, because * table engines could use Context on destroy. */ LOG_INFO(log, "Shutting down storages."); global_context->shutdown(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Shut down storages."); /** Explicitly destroy Context. It is more convenient than in destructor of Server, because logger is still available. * At this moment, no one could own shared part of Context. */ global_context_ptr = nullptr; global_context.reset(); shared_context.reset(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Destroyed global context."); }); /// Try to increase limit on number of open files. { rlimit rlim; if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim)) throw Poco::Exception("Cannot getrlimit"); if (rlim.rlim_cur == rlim.rlim_max) { LOG_DEBUG(log, "rlimit on number of file descriptors is {}", rlim.rlim_cur); } else { rlim_t old = rlim.rlim_cur; rlim.rlim_cur = config().getUInt("max_open_files", rlim.rlim_max); int rc = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim); if (rc != 0) LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot set max number of file descriptors to {}. Try to specify max_open_files according to your system limits. error: {}", rlim.rlim_cur, strerror(errno)); else LOG_DEBUG(log, "Set max number of file descriptors to {} (was {}).", rlim.rlim_cur, old); } } static ServerErrorHandler error_handler; Poco::ErrorHandler::set(&error_handler); /// Initialize DateLUT early, to not interfere with running time of first query. LOG_DEBUG(log, "Initializing DateLUT."); DateLUT::instance(); LOG_TRACE(log, "Initialized DateLUT with time zone '{}'.", DateLUT::instance().getTimeZone()); /// Storage with temporary data for processing of heavy queries. { std::string tmp_path = config().getString("tmp_path", path + "tmp/"); std::string tmp_policy = config().getString("tmp_policy", ""); const VolumePtr & volume = global_context->setTemporaryStorage(tmp_path, tmp_policy); for (const DiskPtr & disk : volume->getDisks()) setupTmpPath(log, disk->getPath()); } /** Directory with 'flags': files indicating temporary settings for the server set by system administrator. * Flags may be cleared automatically after being applied by the server. * Examples: do repair of local data; clone all replicated tables from replica. */ { Poco::File(path + "flags/").createDirectories(); global_context->setFlagsPath(path + "flags/"); } /** Directory with user provided files that are usable by 'file' table function. */ { std::string user_files_path = config().getString("user_files_path", path + "user_files/"); global_context->setUserFilesPath(user_files_path); Poco::File(user_files_path).createDirectories(); } { std::string dictionaries_lib_path = config().getString("dictionaries_lib_path", path + "dictionaries_lib/"); global_context->setDictionariesLibPath(dictionaries_lib_path); Poco::File(dictionaries_lib_path).createDirectories(); } { Poco::File(path + "data/").createDirectories(); Poco::File(path + "metadata/").createDirectories(); /// Directory with metadata of tables, which was marked as dropped by Atomic database Poco::File(path + "metadata_dropped/").createDirectories(); } if (config().has("interserver_http_port") && config().has("interserver_https_port")) throw Exception("Both http and https interserver ports are specified", ErrorCodes::EXCESSIVE_ELEMENT_IN_CONFIG); static const auto interserver_tags = { std::make_tuple("interserver_http_host", "interserver_http_port", "http"), std::make_tuple("interserver_https_host", "interserver_https_port", "https") }; for (auto [host_tag, port_tag, scheme] : interserver_tags) { if (config().has(port_tag)) { String this_host = config().getString(host_tag, ""); if (this_host.empty()) { this_host = getFQDNOrHostName(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Configuration parameter '{}' doesn't exist or exists and empty. Will use '{}' as replica host.", host_tag, this_host); } String port_str = config().getString(port_tag); int port = parse(port_str); if (port < 0 || port > 0xFFFF) throw Exception("Out of range '" + String(port_tag) + "': " + toString(port), ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND); global_context->setInterserverIOAddress(this_host, port); global_context->setInterserverScheme(scheme); } } if (config().has("interserver_http_credentials")) { String user = config().getString("interserver_http_credentials.user", ""); String password = config().getString("interserver_http_credentials.password", ""); if (user.empty()) throw Exception("Configuration parameter interserver_http_credentials user can't be empty", ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG); global_context->setInterserverCredentials(user, password); } if (config().has("macros")) global_context->setMacros(std::make_unique(config(), "macros", log)); /// Initialize main config reloader. std::string include_from_path = config().getString("include_from", "/etc/metrika.xml"); if (config().has("query_masking_rules")) { SensitiveDataMasker::setInstance(std::make_unique(config(), "query_masking_rules")); } auto main_config_reloader = std::make_unique( config_path, include_from_path, config().getString("path", ""), std::move(main_config_zk_node_cache), main_config_zk_changed_event, [&](ConfigurationPtr config) { Settings::checkNoSettingNamesAtTopLevel(*config, config_path); // FIXME logging-related things need synchronization -- see the 'Logger * log' saved // in a lot of places. For now, disable updating log configuration without server restart. //setTextLog(global_context->getTextLog()); //buildLoggers(*config, logger()); global_context->setClustersConfig(config); global_context->setMacros(std::make_unique(*config, "macros", log)); global_context->setExternalAuthenticatorsConfig(*config); /// Setup protection to avoid accidental DROP for big tables (that are greater than 50 GB by default) if (config->has("max_table_size_to_drop")) global_context->setMaxTableSizeToDrop(config->getUInt64("max_table_size_to_drop")); if (config->has("max_partition_size_to_drop")) global_context->setMaxPartitionSizeToDrop(config->getUInt64("max_partition_size_to_drop")); if (config->has("zookeeper")) global_context->reloadZooKeeperIfChanged(config); global_context->reloadAuxiliaryZooKeepersConfigIfChanged(config); global_context->updateStorageConfiguration(*config); }, /* already_loaded = */ true); auto & access_control = global_context->getAccessControlManager(); if (config().has("custom_settings_prefixes")) access_control.setCustomSettingsPrefixes(config().getString("custom_settings_prefixes")); /// Initialize access storages. access_control.addStoragesFromMainConfig(config(), config_path, [&] { return global_context->getZooKeeper(); }); /// Reload config in SYSTEM RELOAD CONFIG query. global_context->setConfigReloadCallback([&]() { main_config_reloader->reload(); access_control.reloadUsersConfigs(); }); /// Limit on total number of concurrently executed queries. global_context->getProcessList().setMaxSize(config().getInt("max_concurrent_queries", 0)); /// Set up caches. /// Lower cache size on low-memory systems. double cache_size_to_ram_max_ratio = config().getDouble("cache_size_to_ram_max_ratio", 0.5); size_t max_cache_size = memory_amount * cache_size_to_ram_max_ratio; /// Size of cache for uncompressed blocks. Zero means disabled. size_t uncompressed_cache_size = config().getUInt64("uncompressed_cache_size", 0); if (uncompressed_cache_size > max_cache_size) { uncompressed_cache_size = max_cache_size; LOG_INFO(log, "Uncompressed cache size was lowered to {} because the system has low amount of memory", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(uncompressed_cache_size)); } global_context->setUncompressedCache(uncompressed_cache_size); /// Load global settings from default_profile and system_profile. global_context->setDefaultProfiles(config()); const Settings & settings = global_context->getSettingsRef(); /// Size of cache for marks (index of MergeTree family of tables). It is mandatory. size_t mark_cache_size = config().getUInt64("mark_cache_size"); if (!mark_cache_size) LOG_ERROR(log, "Too low mark cache size will lead to severe performance degradation."); if (mark_cache_size > max_cache_size) { mark_cache_size = max_cache_size; LOG_INFO(log, "Mark cache size was lowered to {} because the system has low amount of memory", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(mark_cache_size)); } global_context->setMarkCache(mark_cache_size); #if USE_EMBEDDED_COMPILER size_t compiled_expression_cache_size = config().getUInt64("compiled_expression_cache_size", 500); if (compiled_expression_cache_size) global_context->setCompiledExpressionCache(compiled_expression_cache_size); #endif /// Set path for format schema files auto format_schema_path = Poco::File(config().getString("format_schema_path", path + "format_schemas/")); global_context->setFormatSchemaPath(format_schema_path.path()); format_schema_path.createDirectories(); /// Check sanity of MergeTreeSettings on server startup global_context->getMergeTreeSettings().sanityCheck(settings); global_context->getReplicatedMergeTreeSettings().sanityCheck(settings); /// Limit on total memory usage size_t max_server_memory_usage = config().getUInt64("max_server_memory_usage", 0); double max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio = config().getDouble("max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio", 0.9); size_t default_max_server_memory_usage = memory_amount * max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio; if (max_server_memory_usage == 0) { max_server_memory_usage = default_max_server_memory_usage; LOG_INFO(log, "Setting max_server_memory_usage was set to {}" " ({} available * {:.2f} max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio)", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(max_server_memory_usage), formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); } else if (max_server_memory_usage > default_max_server_memory_usage) { max_server_memory_usage = default_max_server_memory_usage; LOG_INFO(log, "Setting max_server_memory_usage was lowered to {}" " because the system has low amount of memory. The amount was" " calculated as {} available" " * {:.2f} max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(max_server_memory_usage), formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), max_server_memory_usage_to_ram_ratio); } total_memory_tracker.setOrRaiseHardLimit(max_server_memory_usage); total_memory_tracker.setDescription("(total)"); total_memory_tracker.setMetric(CurrentMetrics::MemoryTracking); /// Set current database name before loading tables and databases because /// system logs may copy global context. global_context->setCurrentDatabaseNameInGlobalContext(default_database); LOG_INFO(log, "Loading metadata from {}", path); try { loadMetadataSystem(*global_context); /// After attaching system databases we can initialize system log. global_context->initializeSystemLogs(); auto & database_catalog = DatabaseCatalog::instance(); /// After the system database is created, attach virtual system tables (in addition to query_log and part_log) attachSystemTablesServer(*database_catalog.getSystemDatabase(), has_zookeeper); /// Then, load remaining databases loadMetadata(*global_context, default_database); database_catalog.loadDatabases(); /// After loading validate that default database exists database_catalog.assertDatabaseExists(default_database); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(log, "Caught exception while loading metadata"); throw; } LOG_DEBUG(log, "Loaded metadata."); /// Init trace collector only after trace_log system table was created /// Disable it if we collect test coverage information, because it will work extremely slow. /// /// It also cannot work with sanitizers. /// Sanitizers are using quick "frame walking" stack unwinding (this implies -fno-omit-frame-pointer) /// And they do unwinding frequently (on every malloc/free, thread/mutex operations, etc). /// They change %rbp during unwinding and it confuses libunwind if signal comes during sanitizer unwinding /// and query profiler decide to unwind stack with libunwind at this moment. /// /// Symptoms: you'll get silent Segmentation Fault - without sanitizer message and without usual ClickHouse diagnostics. /// /// Look at compiler-rt/lib/sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stacktrace.h /// #if USE_UNWIND && !WITH_COVERAGE && !defined(SANITIZER) /// Profilers cannot work reliably with any other libunwind or without PHDR cache. if (hasPHDRCache()) { global_context->initializeTraceCollector(); /// Set up server-wide memory profiler (for total memory tracker). UInt64 total_memory_profiler_step = config().getUInt64("total_memory_profiler_step", 0); if (total_memory_profiler_step) { total_memory_tracker.setOrRaiseProfilerLimit(total_memory_profiler_step); total_memory_tracker.setProfilerStep(total_memory_profiler_step); } double total_memory_tracker_sample_probability = config().getDouble("total_memory_tracker_sample_probability", 0); if (total_memory_tracker_sample_probability) { total_memory_tracker.setSampleProbability(total_memory_tracker_sample_probability); } } #endif /// Describe multiple reasons when query profiler cannot work. #if !USE_UNWIND LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they cannot work without bundled unwind (stack unwinding) library."); #endif #if WITH_COVERAGE LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they work extremely slow with test coverage."); #endif #if defined(SANITIZER) LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they cannot work under sanitizers" " when two different stack unwinding methods will interfere with each other."); #endif if (!hasPHDRCache()) LOG_INFO(log, "Query Profiler and TraceCollector are disabled because they require PHDR cache to be created" " (otherwise the function 'dl_iterate_phdr' is not lock free and not async-signal safe)."); if (has_zookeeper && config().has("distributed_ddl")) { /// DDL worker should be started after all tables were loaded String ddl_zookeeper_path = config().getString("distributed_ddl.path", "/clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/"); int pool_size = config().getInt("distributed_ddl.pool_size", 1); if (pool_size < 1) throw Exception("distributed_ddl.pool_size should be greater then 0", ErrorCodes::ARGUMENT_OUT_OF_BOUND); global_context->setDDLWorker(std::make_unique(pool_size, ddl_zookeeper_path, *global_context, &config(), "distributed_ddl")); } std::unique_ptr dns_cache_updater; if (config().has("disable_internal_dns_cache") && config().getInt("disable_internal_dns_cache")) { /// Disable DNS caching at all DNSResolver::instance().setDisableCacheFlag(); LOG_DEBUG(log, "DNS caching disabled"); } else { /// Initialize a watcher periodically updating DNS cache dns_cache_updater = std::make_unique(*global_context, config().getInt("dns_cache_update_period", 15)); } #if defined(OS_LINUX) if (!TasksStatsCounters::checkIfAvailable()) { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like this system does not have procfs mounted at /proc location," " neither clickhouse-server process has CAP_NET_ADMIN capability." " 'taskstats' performance statistics will be disabled." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You can try to resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_net_admin=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems." " It also doesn't work if you run clickhouse-server inside network namespace as it happens in some containers.", executable_path); } if (!hasLinuxCapability(CAP_SYS_NICE)) { LOG_INFO(log, "It looks like the process has no CAP_SYS_NICE capability, the setting 'os_thread_priority' will have no effect." " It could happen due to incorrect ClickHouse package installation." " You could resolve the problem manually with 'sudo setcap cap_sys_nice=+ep {}'." " Note that it will not work on 'nosuid' mounted filesystems.", executable_path); } #else LOG_INFO(log, "TaskStats is not implemented for this OS. IO accounting will be disabled."); #endif { Poco::Timespan keep_alive_timeout(config().getUInt("keep_alive_timeout", 10), 0); Poco::ThreadPool server_pool(3, config().getUInt("max_connections", 1024)); Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams::Ptr http_params = new Poco::Net::HTTPServerParams; http_params->setTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); http_params->setKeepAliveTimeout(keep_alive_timeout); std::vector servers; std::vector listen_hosts = DB::getMultipleValuesFromConfig(config(), "", "listen_host"); bool listen_try = config().getBool("listen_try", false); if (listen_hosts.empty()) { listen_hosts.emplace_back("::1"); listen_hosts.emplace_back(""); listen_try = true; } auto make_socket_address = [&](const std::string & host, UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::SocketAddress socket_address; try { socket_address = Poco::Net::SocketAddress(host, port); } catch (const Poco::Net::DNSException & e) { const auto code = e.code(); if (code == EAI_FAMILY #if defined(EAI_ADDRFAMILY) || code == EAI_ADDRFAMILY #endif ) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Cannot resolve listen_host ({}), error {}: {}. " "If it is an IPv6 address and your host has disabled IPv6, then consider to " "specify IPv4 address to listen in element of configuration " "file. Example:", host, e.code(), e.message()); } throw; } return socket_address; }; auto socket_bind_listen = [&](auto & socket, const std::string & host, UInt16 port, [[maybe_unused]] bool secure = false) { auto address = make_socket_address(host, port); #if !defined(POCO_CLICKHOUSE_PATCH) || POCO_VERSION < 0x01090100 if (secure) /// Bug in old (<1.9.1) poco, listen() after bind() with reusePort param will fail because have no implementation in SecureServerSocketImpl /// https://github.com/pocoproject/poco/pull/2257 socket.bind(address, /* reuseAddress = */ true); else #endif #if POCO_VERSION < 0x01080000 socket.bind(address, /* reuseAddress = */ true); #else socket.bind(address, /* reuseAddress = */ true, /* reusePort = */ config().getBool("listen_reuse_port", false)); #endif socket.listen(/* backlog = */ config().getUInt("listen_backlog", 64)); return address; }; /// This object will periodically calculate some metrics. AsynchronousMetrics async_metrics(*global_context, config().getUInt("asynchronous_metrics_update_period_s", 60)); attachSystemTablesAsync(*DatabaseCatalog::instance().getSystemDatabase(), async_metrics); for (const auto & listen_host : listen_hosts) { auto create_server = [&](const char * port_name, auto && func) { /// For testing purposes, user may omit tcp_port or http_port or https_port in configuration file. if (!config().has(port_name)) return; auto port = config().getInt(port_name); try { func(port); } catch (const Poco::Exception &) { std::string message = "Listen [" + listen_host + "]:" + std::to_string(port) + " failed: " + getCurrentExceptionMessage(false); if (listen_try) { LOG_WARNING(log, "{}. If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to " "specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in element of configuration " "file. Example for disabled IPv6: ." " Example for disabled IPv4: ::", message); } else { throw Exception{message, ErrorCodes::NETWORK_ERROR}; } } }; /// HTTP create_server("http_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( createHandlerFactory(*this, async_metrics, "HTTPHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for http://{}", address.toString()); }); /// HTTPS create_server("https_port", [&](UInt16 port) { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( createHandlerFactory(*this, async_metrics, "HTTPSHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for https://{}", address.toString()); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception{"HTTPS protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED}; #endif }); /// TCP create_server("tcp_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( new TCPHandlerFactory(*this), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for connections with native protocol (tcp): {}", address.toString()); }); /// TCP with SSL create_server("tcp_port_secure", [&](UInt16 port) { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( new TCPHandlerFactory(*this, /* secure= */ true), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for connections with secure native protocol (tcp_secure): {}", address.toString()); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception{"SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED}; #endif }); /// Interserver IO HTTP create_server("interserver_http_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( createHandlerFactory(*this, async_metrics, "InterserverIOHTTPHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for replica communication (interserver): http://{}", address.toString()); }); create_server("interserver_https_port", [&](UInt16 port) { #if USE_SSL Poco::Net::SecureServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( createHandlerFactory(*this, async_metrics, "InterserverIOHTTPSHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for secure replica communication (interserver): https://{}", address.toString()); #else UNUSED(port); throw Exception{"SSL support for TCP protocol is disabled because Poco library was built without NetSSL support.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED}; #endif }); create_server("mysql_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan()); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( new MySQLHandlerFactory(*this), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for MySQL compatibility protocol: {}", address.toString()); }); create_server("postgresql_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port, /* secure = */ true); socket.setReceiveTimeout(Poco::Timespan()); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( new PostgreSQLHandlerFactory(*this), server_pool, socket, new Poco::Net::TCPServerParams)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for PostgreSQL compatibility protocol: " + address.toString()); }); #if USE_GRPC create_server("grpc_port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::SocketAddress server_address(listen_host, port); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique(*this, make_socket_address(listen_host, port))); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for gRPC protocol: " + server_address.toString()); }); #endif /// Prometheus (if defined and not setup yet with http_port) create_server("prometheus.port", [&](UInt16 port) { Poco::Net::ServerSocket socket; auto address = socket_bind_listen(socket, listen_host, port); socket.setReceiveTimeout(settings.http_receive_timeout); socket.setSendTimeout(settings.http_send_timeout); servers.emplace_back(std::make_unique( createHandlerFactory(*this, async_metrics, "PrometheusHandler-factory"), server_pool, socket, http_params)); LOG_INFO(log, "Listening for Prometheus: http://{}", address.toString()); }); } if (servers.empty()) throw Exception("No servers started (add valid listen_host and 'tcp_port' or 'http_port' to configuration file.)", ErrorCodes::NO_ELEMENTS_IN_CONFIG); global_context->enableNamedSessions(); for (auto & server : servers) server.start(); { String level_str = config().getString("text_log.level", ""); int level = level_str.empty() ? INT_MAX : Poco::Logger::parseLevel(level_str); setTextLog(global_context->getTextLog(), level); } buildLoggers(config(), logger()); main_config_reloader->start(); access_control.startPeriodicReloadingUsersConfigs(); if (dns_cache_updater) dns_cache_updater->start(); { LOG_INFO(log, "Available RAM: {}; physical cores: {}; logical cores: {}.", formatReadableSizeWithBinarySuffix(memory_amount), getNumberOfPhysicalCPUCores(), // on ARM processors it can show only enabled at current moment cores std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); } LOG_INFO(log, "Ready for connections."); SCOPE_EXIT({ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Received termination signal."); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for current connections to close."); is_cancelled = true; int current_connections = 0; for (auto & server : servers) { server.stop(); current_connections += server.currentConnections(); } if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets. Waiting for {} outstanding connections.", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed all listening sockets."); /// Killing remaining queries. global_context->getProcessList().killAllQueries(); if (current_connections) { const int sleep_max_ms = 1000 * config().getInt("shutdown_wait_unfinished", 5); const int sleep_one_ms = 100; int sleep_current_ms = 0; while (sleep_current_ms < sleep_max_ms) { current_connections = 0; for (auto & server : servers) current_connections += server.currentConnections(); if (!current_connections) break; sleep_current_ms += sleep_one_ms; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleep_one_ms)); } } if (current_connections) LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections. But {} remain." " Tip: To increase wait time add to config: 60", current_connections); else LOG_INFO(log, "Closed connections."); dns_cache_updater.reset(); main_config_reloader.reset(); if (current_connections) { /// There is no better way to force connections to close in Poco. /// Otherwise connection handlers will continue to live /// (they are effectively dangling objects, but they use global thread pool /// and global thread pool destructor will wait for threads, preventing server shutdown). /// Dump coverage here, because std::atexit callback would not be called. dumpCoverageReportIfPossible(); LOG_INFO(log, "Will shutdown forcefully."); _exit(Application::EXIT_OK); } }); /// try to load dictionaries immediately, throw on error and die ext::scope_guard dictionaries_xmls, models_xmls; try { if (!config().getBool("dictionaries_lazy_load", true)) { global_context->tryCreateEmbeddedDictionaries(); global_context->getExternalDictionariesLoader().enableAlwaysLoadEverything(true); } dictionaries_xmls = global_context->getExternalDictionariesLoader().addConfigRepository( std::make_unique(config(), "dictionaries_config")); models_xmls = global_context->getExternalModelsLoader().addConfigRepository( std::make_unique(config(), "models_config")); } catch (...) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Caught exception while loading dictionaries."); throw; } std::vector> metrics_transmitters; for (const auto & graphite_key : DB::getMultipleKeysFromConfig(config(), "", "graphite")) { metrics_transmitters.emplace_back(std::make_unique( global_context->getConfigRef(), graphite_key, async_metrics)); } waitForTerminationRequest(); } return Application::EXIT_OK; } }