CREATE TABLE file (n Int8) ENGINE = File(upper('tsv') || 'WithNames' || 'AndTypes'); CREATE TABLE buffer (n Int8) ENGINE = Buffer(currentDatabase(), file, 16, 10, 200, 10000, 1000000, 10000000, 1000000000); CREATE TABLE merge (n Int8) ENGINE = Merge('', lower('DISTRIBUTED')); CREATE TABLE merge_tf as merge(currentDatabase(), '.*'); CREATE TABLE distributed (n Int8) ENGINE = Distributed(test_shard_localhost, currentDatabase(), 'fi' || 'le'); CREATE TABLE distributed_tf as cluster('test' || '_' || 'shard_localhost', '', 'buf' || 'fer'); INSERT INTO buffer VALUES (1); DETACH TABLE buffer; -- trigger flushing ATTACH TABLE buffer; CREATE TABLE url (n UInt64, col String) ENGINE=URL ( replace ( 'https://localhost:8443/?query=' || 'select n, _table from ' || currentDatabase() || '.merge format CSV', ' ', '+' ), CSV ); CREATE VIEW view AS SELECT toInt64(n) as n FROM (SELECT toString(n) as n from merge WHERE _table != 'qwerty' ORDER BY _table) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM file; -- The following line is needed just to disable checking stderr for emptiness SELECT nonexistentsomething; -- { serverError 47 } CREATE DICTIONARY dict (n UInt64, col String DEFAULT '42') PRIMARY KEY n SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9440 SECURE 1 USER 'default' TABLE 'url')) LIFETIME(1) LAYOUT(CACHE(SIZE_IN_CELLS 1)); -- dict --> url --> merge |-> distributed -> file (1) -- |-> distributed_tf -> buffer -> file (1) -- TODO make fuzz test from this CREATE TABLE rich_syntax as remote ( 'localhos{x|y|t}', cluster ( 'test' || '_' || 'shard_localhost', remote ( '127.0.0.{1..4}', if ( toString(40 + 2) NOT IN ('hello', dictGetString(currentDatabase() || '.dict', 'col', toUInt64('0001'))), currentDatabase(), 'FAIL' ), extract('123view456', '[a-z]+') ) ) ); SHOW CREATE file; SHOW CREATE buffer; SHOW CREATE merge; SHOW CREATE merge_tf; SHOW CREATE distributed; SHOW CREATE distributed_tf; SHOW CREATE url; SHOW CREATE rich_syntax; SHOW CREATE VIEW view; SHOW CREATE dict; INSERT INTO buffer VALUES (1); -- remote(localhost) --> cluster(test_shard_localhost) |-> remote( --> view |-> subquery --> merge |-> distributed --> file (1) -- | | |-> distributed_tf -> buffer (1) -> file (1) -- | |-> file (1) -- |-> remote( --> ... SELECT sum(n) from rich_syntax; -- Clear cache to avoid future errors in the logs SYSTEM DROP DNS CACHE