SET max_execution_speed = 1000000; SET timeout_before_checking_execution_speed = 0.001; SET max_block_size = 100; SET log_queries=1; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE times (t DateTime); INSERT INTO times SELECT now(); SELECT count('special query for 01290_max_execution_speed_distributed') FROM remote('127.0.0.{2,3}', numbers(1000000)); INSERT INTO times SELECT now(); SELECT max(t) - min(t) >= 1 FROM times; -- Check that the query was also throttled on "remote" servers. SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS; SELECT DISTINCT query_duration_ms >= 500 FROM system.query_log WHERE current_database = currentDatabase() AND event_date >= yesterday() AND query LIKE '%special query for 01290_max_execution_speed_distributed%' AND query NOT LIKE '%system.query_log%' AND type = 2;