#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: no-parallel, no-ordinary-database # ^^^^^^^^^^^ # Since the underlying view may disappears while flushing log, and leads to: # # DB::Exception: Table test_x449vo..inner_id.9c14fb82-e6b1-4d1a-85a6-935c3a2a2029 is dropped. (TABLE_IS_DROPPED) # CUR_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CUR_DIR"/../shell_config.sh # regression test for columns TTLs # note, that this should be written in .sh since we need $CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE # not 'default' to catch text_log $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -m -q " drop table if exists ttl_02262; drop table if exists this_text_log; create table ttl_02262 (date Date, key Int, value String TTL date + interval 1 month) engine=MergeTree order by key; insert into ttl_02262 values ('2010-01-01', 2010, 'foo'); optimize table ttl_02262 final; detach table ttl_02262; attach table ttl_02262; -- create system.text_log system flush logs; " ttl_02262_uuid=$($CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -q "select uuid from system.tables where database = '$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE' and name = 'ttl_02262'") $CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT -m -q " -- OPTIMIZE TABLE x FINAL will be done in background -- attach to it's log, via table UUID in query_id (see merger/mutator code). create materialized view this_text_log engine=Memory() as select * from system.text_log where query_id like '%${ttl_02262_uuid}%' SETTINGS max_rows_to_read = 0; optimize table ttl_02262 final; system flush logs; -- If TTL will be applied again (during OPTIMIZE TABLE FINAL) it will produce the following message: -- -- Some TTL values were not calculated for part 201701_487_641_3. Will calculate them forcefully during merge. -- -- Let's ensure that this is not happen anymore: select count()>0, countIf(message LIKE '%TTL%') from this_text_log; drop table ttl_02262; drop table this_text_log; "