DROP TABLE IF EXISTS src_table; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS copied_table; CREATE TABLE src_table ( time DateTime('UTC') DEFAULT fromUnixTimestamp(sipTimestamp), sipTimestamp UInt64 ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY time; INSERT INTO src_table(sipTimestamp) VALUES (toUnixTimestamp(toDateTime('2024-05-20 09:00:00', 'UTC'))); CREATE TABLE copied_table AS src_table; ALTER TABLE copied_table RENAME COLUMN `sipTimestamp` TO `timestamp`; SHOW CREATE TABLE src_table; SELECT name, default_expression FROM system.columns WHERE database = currentDatabase() AND table = 'src_table' ORDER BY name; INSERT INTO src_table(sipTimestamp) VALUES (toUnixTimestamp(toDateTime('2024-05-20 09:00:00', 'UTC'))); SELECT * FROM src_table ORDER BY time FORMAT JSONEachRow; SELECT * FROM copied_table ORDER BY time FORMAT JSONEachRow; DROP TABLE src_table; DROP TABLE copied_table;