import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node = cluster.add_instance( "node", image="yandex/clickhouse-server", tag="", stay_alive=True, with_zookeeper=True, with_installed_binary=True, allow_analyzer=False, ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def start_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def q(query): return node.query(query, settings={"log_queries": 1}) def check_convert_system_db_to_atomic(): q( "CREATE TABLE t(date Date, id UInt32) ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(date) ORDER BY id" ) q("INSERT INTO t VALUES (today(), 1)") q("INSERT INTO t SELECT number % 1000, number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 1000000") assert "1000001\n" == q("SELECT count() FROM t") assert "499999500001\n" == q("SELECT sum(id) FROM t") assert "1970-01-01\t1000\t499500000\n1970-01-02\t1000\t499501000\n" == q( "SELECT date, count(), sum(id) FROM t GROUP BY date ORDER BY date LIMIT 2" ) q("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") assert "query_log" in q("SHOW TABLES FROM system") assert "part_log" in q("SHOW TABLES FROM system") q("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") assert "1\n" == q("SELECT count() != 0 FROM system.query_log") assert "1\n" == q("SELECT count() != 0 FROM system.part_log") node.restart_with_latest_version(fix_metadata=True) assert "Ordinary" in node.query("SHOW CREATE DATABASE default") assert "Atomic" in node.query("SHOW CREATE DATABASE system") assert "query_log" in node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM system") assert "part_log" in node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM system") node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") assert "query_log_0" in node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM system") assert "part_log_0" in node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM system") assert "1\n" == node.query("SELECT count() != 0 FROM system.query_log_0") assert "1\n" == node.query("SELECT count() != 0 FROM system.part_log_0") assert "1970-01-01\t1000\t499500000\n1970-01-02\t1000\t499501000\n" == node.query( "SELECT date, count(), sum(id) FROM t GROUP BY date ORDER BY date LIMIT 2" ) assert "INFORMATION_SCHEMA\ndefault\ninformation_schema\nsystem\n" == node.query( "SELECT name FROM system.databases ORDER BY name" ) errors_count = node.count_in_log("") assert "0\n" == errors_count or ( "1\n" == errors_count and "1\n" == node.count_in_log("Can't receive Netlink response") ) assert "0\n" == node.count_in_log(" Database") errors_count = node.count_in_log("always include the lines below") assert "0\n" == errors_count or ( "1\n" == errors_count and "1\n" == node.count_in_log("Can't receive Netlink response") ) def create_some_tables(db): node.query("CREATE TABLE {}.t1 (n int) ENGINE=Memory".format(db)) node.query( "CREATE TABLE {}.mt1 (n int) ENGINE=MergeTree order by n".format(db), ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE {}.mt2 (n int) ENGINE=MergeTree order by n".format(db), ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE {}.rmt1 (n int, m int) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/rmt1/{}', '1') order by n".format( db, db ), ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE {}.rmt2 (n int, m int) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/{}/rmt2', '1') order by n".format( db, db ), ) node.exec_in_container( [ "bash", "-c", f"sed --follow-symlinks -i 's|/test/{db}/rmt2|/test/{{database}}/{{table}}|' /var/lib/clickhouse/metadata/{db}/rmt2.sql", ] ) node.query( "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {}.mv1 (n int) ENGINE=ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/{}/mv1/', '1') order by n AS SELECT n FROM {}.rmt1".format( db, db, db ), ) node.query( "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW {}.mv2 (n int) ENGINE=MergeTree order by n AS SELECT n FROM {}.rmt2".format( db, db ), ) node.query( "CREATE DICTIONARY {}.d1 (n int DEFAULT 0, m int DEFAULT 1) PRIMARY KEY n " "SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'rmt1' PASSWORD '' DB '{}')) " "LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) LAYOUT(FLAT())".format(db, db) ) node.query( "CREATE DICTIONARY {}.d2 (n int DEFAULT 0, m int DEFAULT 1) PRIMARY KEY n " "SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(HOST 'localhost' PORT 9000 USER 'default' TABLE 'rmt2' PASSWORD '' DB '{}')) " "LIFETIME(MIN 1 MAX 10) LAYOUT(FLAT())".format(db, db) ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE {}.merge (n int) ENGINE=Merge('{}', '(mt)|(mv)')".format(db, db) ) node.query("CREATE TABLE {}.detached (n int) ENGINE=Log".format(db)) def check_convert_all_dbs_to_atomic(): node.query( "CREATE DATABASE ordinary ENGINE=Ordinary", settings={"allow_deprecated_database_ordinary": 1}, ) node.query( "CREATE DATABASE other ENGINE=Ordinary", settings={"allow_deprecated_database_ordinary": 1}, ) node.query( "CREATE DATABASE `.o r d i n a r y.` ENGINE=Ordinary", settings={"allow_deprecated_database_ordinary": 1}, ) node.query("CREATE DATABASE atomic ENGINE=Atomic") node.query("CREATE DATABASE mem ENGINE=Memory") node.query("CREATE DATABASE lazy ENGINE=Lazy(1)") tables_with_data = ["mt1", "mt2", "rmt1", "rmt2", "mv1", "mv2", "detached"] for db in ["ordinary", "other", "atomic"]: create_some_tables(db) for table in tables_with_data: node.query("INSERT INTO {}.{} (n) VALUES ({})".format(db, table, len(db))) node.query( "CREATE TABLE `.o r d i n a r y.`.`t. a. b. l. e.` (n int) ENGINE=MergeTree ORDER BY n" ) node.query("CREATE TABLE lazy.table (n int) ENGINE=Log") # Introduce some cross dependencies node.query( "CREATE TABLE ordinary.l (n DEFAULT dictGet('other.d1', 'm', toUInt64(3))) ENGINE=Log" ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE other.l (n DEFAULT dictGet('ordinary.d1', 'm', toUInt64(3))) ENGINE=StripeLog" ) node.query( "CREATE TABLE atomic.l (n DEFAULT dictGet('ordinary.d1', 'm', toUInt64(3))) ENGINE=TinyLog" ) tables_without_data = ["t1", "d1", "d2", "merge", "l"] # 6 tables + 2 inner tables of MVs, each contains 2 rows for db in ["ordinary", "other"]: assert "12\t{}\n".format(12 * len(db)) == node.query( "SELECT count(), sum(n) FROM {}.merge".format(db) ) # 6 tables, MVs contain 2 rows (inner tables does not match regexp) assert "8\t{}\n".format(8 * len("atomic")) == node.query( "SELECT count(), sum(n) FROM atomic.merge".format(db) ) node.query("DETACH TABLE ordinary.detached PERMANENTLY") node.exec_in_container( ["bash", "-c", f"touch /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic"] ) node.stop_clickhouse() cannot_start = False try: node.start_clickhouse() except: cannot_start = True assert cannot_start node.exec_in_container( ["bash", "-c", f"rm /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic"] ) node.start_clickhouse() assert "Ordinary\n" == node.query( "SELECT engine FROM system.databases where name='ordinary'" ) node.query("ATTACH TABLE ordinary.detached") node.exec_in_container( ["bash", "-c", f"touch /var/lib/clickhouse/flags/convert_ordinary_to_atomic"] ) node.restart_clickhouse() assert ( ".o r d i n a r y.\natomic\ndefault\nordinary\nother\nsystem\n" == node.query( "SELECT name FROM system.databases WHERE engine='Atomic' ORDER BY name" ) ) assert "Lazy\nMemory\n" == node.query( "SELECT engine FROM system.databases WHERE name IN ('mem', 'lazy') ORDER BY name" ) assert "t. a. b. l. e.\n" == node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM `.o r d i n a r y.`") assert "table\n" == node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM lazy") for db in ["ordinary", "other", "atomic"]: assert "\n".join( sorted(tables_with_data + tables_without_data) + [""] ) == node.query("SHOW TABLES FROM {} NOT LIKE '%inner%'".format(db)) for db in ["ordinary", "other"]: assert "8\t{}\n".format(8 * len(db)) == node.query( "SELECT count(), sum(n) FROM {}.merge".format(db) ) for db in ["ordinary", "other", "atomic"]: for table in tables_with_data: node.query( "INSERT INTO {}.{} (n) VALUES ({})".format(db, table, len(db) * 3) ) for db in ["ordinary", "other", "atomic"]: assert "16\t{}\n".format(16 * len(db) * 2) == node.query( "SELECT count(), sum(n) FROM {}.merge".format(db) ) assert "2\t{}\n".format(2 * len(db) * 2) == node.query( "SELECT count(), sum(n) FROM {}.detached".format(db) ) def test_convert_ordinary_to_atomic(start_cluster): check_convert_system_db_to_atomic() check_convert_all_dbs_to_atomic()