#!/usr/bin/env python3 import logging from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ArgumentParser from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Literal, Optional, Union from integration_test_images import IMAGES class Labels(Enum): DO_NOT_TEST_LABEL = "do not test" @dataclass class DigestConfig: # all files, dirs to include into digest, glob supported include_paths: List[Union[str, Path]] = field(default_factory=list) # file suffixes to exclude from digest exclude_files: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) # directories to exlude from digest exclude_dirs: List[Union[str, Path]] = field(default_factory=list) # docker names to include into digest docker: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) # git submodules digest git_submodules: bool = False @dataclass class LabelConfig: """ class to configure different CI scenarious per GH label """ run_jobs: Iterable[str] = frozenset() @dataclass class JobConfig: """ contains config parameter relevant for job execution in CI workflow @digest - configures digest calculation for the job @run_command - will be triggered for the job if omited in CI workflow yml @timeout @num_batches - sets number of batches for multi-batch job """ digest: DigestConfig = field(default_factory=DigestConfig) run_command: str = "" timeout: Optional[int] = None num_batches: int = 1 run_by_label: str = "" run_always: bool = False # About the "sparse_checkout" option: # # Misha f. Shiryaev # :facepalm: # we have this feature, it's used by devs, we need to test it in CI # It's not useful for the CI itself @dataclass class BuildConfig: name: str compiler: str package_type: Literal["deb", "binary", "fuzzers"] additional_pkgs: bool = False debug_build: bool = False coverage: bool = False sanitizer: str = "" tidy: bool = False sparse_checkout: bool = False comment: str = "" static_binary_name: str = "" job_config: JobConfig = field( default_factory=lambda: JobConfig( digest=DigestConfig( include_paths=[ "./src", "./contrib/*-cmake", "./contrib/consistent-hashing", "./contrib/murmurhash", "./contrib/libfarmhash", "./contrib/pdqsort", "./contrib/cityhash102", "./contrib/sparse-checkout", "./contrib/libmetrohash", "./contrib/update-submodules.sh", "./contrib/CMakeLists.txt", "./cmake", "./base", "./programs", "./packages", "./docker/packager/packager", ], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/binary-builder"], git_submodules=True, ), ) ) def export_env(self, export: bool = False) -> str: def process(field_name: str, field: Union[bool, str]) -> str: if isinstance(field, bool): field = str(field).lower() if export: return f"export BUILD_{field_name.upper()}={repr(field)}" return f"BUILD_{field_name.upper()}={field}" return "\n".join(process(k, v) for k, v in self.__dict__.items()) @dataclass class BuildReportConfig: builds: List[str] job_config: JobConfig = field(default_factory=JobConfig) @dataclass class TestConfig: required_build: str force_tests: bool = False job_config: JobConfig = field(default_factory=JobConfig) BuildConfigs = Dict[str, BuildConfig] BuildsReportConfig = Dict[str, BuildReportConfig] TestConfigs = Dict[str, TestConfig] LabelConfigs = Dict[str, LabelConfig] # common digests configs compatibility_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/compatibility_check.py"], docker=["clickhouse/test-old-ubuntu", "clickhouse/test-old-centos"], ) install_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/install_check.py"], docker=["clickhouse/install-deb-test", "clickhouse/install-rpm-test"], ) statless_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/queries/0_stateless/"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/stateless-test"], ) stateful_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/queries/1_stateful/"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/stateful-test"], ) # FIXME: which tests are stresstest? stateless? stress_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/queries/0_stateless/"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/stress-test"], ) # FIXME: which tests are upgrade? just python? upgrade_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/upgrade_check.py"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/upgrade-check"], ) integration_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/integration_test_check.py", "./tests/integration"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=IMAGES.copy(), ) ast_fuzzer_check_digest = DigestConfig( # include_paths=["./tests/ci/ast_fuzzer_check.py"], # exclude_files=[".md"], # docker=["clickhouse/fuzzer"], ) unit_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/unit_tests_check.py"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/unit-test"], ) perf_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=[ "./tests/ci/performance_comparison_check.py", "./tests/performance/", ], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/performance-comparison"], ) sqllancer_check_digest = DigestConfig( # include_paths=["./tests/ci/sqlancer_check.py"], # exclude_files=[".md"], # docker=["clickhouse/sqlancer-test"], ) sqllogic_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/sqllogic_test.py"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/sqllogic-test"], ) sqltest_check_digest = DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/ci/sqltest.py"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/sqltest"], ) bugfix_validate_check = DigestConfig( include_paths=[ "./tests/queries/0_stateless/", "./tests/ci/integration_test_check.py", "./tests/ci/functional_test_check.py", "./tests/ci/bugfix_validate_check.py", ], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=IMAGES.copy() + [ "clickhouse/stateless-test", ], ) # common test params statless_test_common_params = { "digest": statless_check_digest, "run_command": 'functional_test_check.py "$CHECK_NAME" $KILL_TIMEOUT', "timeout": 10800, } stateful_test_common_params = { "digest": stateful_check_digest, "run_command": 'functional_test_check.py "$CHECK_NAME" $KILL_TIMEOUT', "timeout": 3600, } stress_test_common_params = { "digest": stress_check_digest, "run_command": "stress_check.py", } upgrade_test_common_params = { "digest": upgrade_check_digest, "run_command": "upgrade_check.py", } astfuzzer_test_common_params = { "digest": ast_fuzzer_check_digest, "run_command": "ast_fuzzer_check.py", "run_always": True, } integration_test_common_params = { "digest": integration_check_digest, "run_command": 'integration_test_check.py "$CHECK_NAME"', } unit_test_common_params = { "digest": unit_check_digest, "run_command": "unit_tests_check.py", } perf_test_common_params = { "digest": perf_check_digest, "run_command": "performance_comparison_check.py", } sqllancer_test_common_params = { "digest": sqllancer_check_digest, "run_command": "sqlancer_check.py", "run_always": True, } sqllogic_test_params = { "digest": sqllogic_check_digest, "run_command": "sqllogic_test.py", "timeout": 10800, } sql_test_params = { "digest": sqltest_check_digest, "run_command": "sqltest.py", "timeout": 10800, } @dataclass class CIConfig: """ Contains configs for all jobs in the CI pipeline each config item in the below dicts should be an instance of JobConfig class or inherited from it """ build_config: BuildConfigs builds_report_config: BuildsReportConfig test_configs: TestConfigs other_jobs_configs: TestConfigs label_configs: LabelConfigs def get_label_config(self, label_name: str) -> Optional[LabelConfig]: for label, config in self.label_configs.items(): if label_name == label: return config return None def get_job_config(self, check_name: str) -> JobConfig: res = None for config in ( self.build_config, self.builds_report_config, self.test_configs, self.other_jobs_configs, ): if check_name in config: # type: ignore res = config[check_name].job_config # type: ignore break assert ( res is not None ), f"Invalid check_name or CI_CONFIG outdated, config not found for [{check_name}]" return res # type: ignore def get_job_with_parents(self, check_name: str) -> List[str]: def _normalize_string(input_string: str) -> str: lowercase_string = input_string.lower() normalized_string = ( lowercase_string.replace(" ", "_") .replace("-", "_") .replace("(", "") .replace(")", "") .replace(",", "") ) return normalized_string res = [] check_name = _normalize_string(check_name) for config in ( self.build_config, self.builds_report_config, self.test_configs, self.other_jobs_configs, ): for job_name in config: # type: ignore if check_name == _normalize_string(job_name): res.append(job_name) if isinstance(config[job_name], TestConfig): # type: ignore assert config[ job_name ].required_build, f"Error: Experimantal feature... Not supported job [{job_name}]" # type: ignore res.append(config[job_name].required_build) # type: ignore res.append("Fast tests") res.append("Style check") elif isinstance(config[job_name], BuildConfig): # type: ignore res.append("Fast tests") res.append("Style check") else: assert ( False ), f"check commit message tags or FIXME: request for job [{check_name}] not yet supported" break assert ( res ), f"Error: Experimantal feature... Invlid request or not supported job [{check_name}]" return res def get_digest_config(self, check_name: str) -> DigestConfig: res = None for config in ( self.other_jobs_configs, self.build_config, self.builds_report_config, self.test_configs, ): if check_name in config: # type: ignore res = config[check_name].job_config.digest # type: ignore assert ( res ), f"Invalid check_name or CI_CONFIG outdated, config not found for [{check_name}]" return res # type: ignore def job_generator(self) -> Iterable[str]: """ traverses all check names in CI pipeline """ for config in ( self.other_jobs_configs, self.build_config, self.builds_report_config, self.test_configs, ): for check_name in config: # type: ignore yield check_name def get_builds_for_report(self, report_name: str) -> List[str]: return self.builds_report_config[report_name].builds def validate(self) -> None: errors = [] for name, build_config in self.build_config.items(): build_in_reports = False for _, report_config in self.builds_report_config.items(): if name in report_config.builds: build_in_reports = True break # All build configs must belong to build_report_config if not build_in_reports: logging.error("Build name %s does not belong to build reports", name) errors.append(f"Build name {name} does not belong to build reports") # The name should be the same as build_config.name if not build_config.name == name: logging.error( "Build name '%s' does not match the config 'name' value '%s'", name, build_config.name, ) errors.append( f"Build name {name} does not match 'name' value '{build_config.name}'" ) # All build_report_config values should be in build_config.keys() for build_report_name, build_report_config in self.builds_report_config.items(): build_names = build_report_config.builds missed_names = [ name for name in build_names if name not in self.build_config.keys() ] if missed_names: logging.error( "The following names of the build report '%s' " "are missed in build_config: %s", build_report_name, missed_names, ) errors.append( f"The following names of the build report '{build_report_name}' " f"are missed in build_config: {missed_names}", ) # And finally, all of tests' requirements must be in the builds for test_name, test_config in self.test_configs.items(): if test_config.required_build not in self.build_config.keys(): logging.error( "The requierment '%s' for '%s' is not found in builds", test_config, test_name, ) errors.append( f"The requierment '{test_config}' for " f"'{test_name}' is not found in builds" ) if errors: raise KeyError("config contains errors", errors) CI_CONFIG = CIConfig( label_configs={ Labels.DO_NOT_TEST_LABEL.value: LabelConfig(run_jobs=["Style check"]), }, build_config={ "package_release": BuildConfig( name="package_release", compiler="clang-17", package_type="deb", static_binary_name="amd64", additional_pkgs=True, ), "package_aarch64": BuildConfig( name="package_aarch64", compiler="clang-17-aarch64", package_type="deb", static_binary_name="aarch64", additional_pkgs=True, ), "package_asan": BuildConfig( name="package_asan", compiler="clang-17", sanitizer="address", package_type="deb", ), "package_ubsan": BuildConfig( name="package_ubsan", compiler="clang-17", sanitizer="undefined", package_type="deb", ), "package_tsan": BuildConfig( name="package_tsan", compiler="clang-17", sanitizer="thread", package_type="deb", ), "package_msan": BuildConfig( name="package_msan", compiler="clang-17", sanitizer="memory", package_type="deb", ), "package_debug": BuildConfig( name="package_debug", compiler="clang-17", debug_build=True, package_type="deb", sparse_checkout=True, # Check that it works with at least one build, see also update-submodules.sh ), "package_release_coverage": BuildConfig( name="package_release_coverage", compiler="clang-17", coverage=True, package_type="deb", sparse_checkout=True, ), "binary_release": BuildConfig( name="binary_release", compiler="clang-17", package_type="binary", ), "binary_tidy": BuildConfig( name="binary_tidy", compiler="clang-17", debug_build=True, package_type="binary", static_binary_name="debug-amd64", tidy=True, comment="clang-tidy is used for static analysis", ), "binary_darwin": BuildConfig( name="binary_darwin", compiler="clang-17-darwin", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="macos", sparse_checkout=True, # Check that it works with at least one build, see also update-submodules.sh ), "binary_aarch64": BuildConfig( name="binary_aarch64", compiler="clang-17-aarch64", package_type="binary", ), "binary_aarch64_v80compat": BuildConfig( name="binary_aarch64_v80compat", compiler="clang-17-aarch64-v80compat", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="aarch64v80compat", comment="For ARMv8.1 and older", ), "binary_freebsd": BuildConfig( name="binary_freebsd", compiler="clang-17-freebsd", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="freebsd", ), "binary_darwin_aarch64": BuildConfig( name="binary_darwin_aarch64", compiler="clang-17-darwin-aarch64", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="macos-aarch64", ), "binary_ppc64le": BuildConfig( name="binary_ppc64le", compiler="clang-17-ppc64le", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="powerpc64le", ), "binary_amd64_compat": BuildConfig( name="binary_amd64_compat", compiler="clang-17-amd64-compat", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="amd64compat", comment="SSE2-only build", ), "binary_amd64_musl": BuildConfig( name="binary_amd64_musl", compiler="clang-17-amd64-musl", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="amd64musl", comment="Build with Musl", ), "binary_riscv64": BuildConfig( name="binary_riscv64", compiler="clang-17-riscv64", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="riscv64", ), "binary_s390x": BuildConfig( name="binary_s390x", compiler="clang-17-s390x", package_type="binary", static_binary_name="s390x", ), "fuzzers": BuildConfig( name="fuzzers", compiler="clang-17", package_type="fuzzers", ), }, builds_report_config={ "ClickHouse build check": BuildReportConfig( builds=[ "package_release", "package_aarch64", "package_asan", "package_ubsan", "package_tsan", "package_msan", "package_debug", "package_release_coverage", "binary_release", "fuzzers", ] ), "ClickHouse special build check": BuildReportConfig( builds=[ "binary_tidy", "binary_darwin", "binary_aarch64", "binary_aarch64_v80compat", "binary_freebsd", "binary_darwin_aarch64", "binary_ppc64le", "binary_riscv64", "binary_s390x", "binary_amd64_compat", "binary_amd64_musl", ] ), }, other_jobs_configs={ "Docker server and keeper images": TestConfig( "", job_config=JobConfig( digest=DigestConfig( include_paths=[ "tests/ci/docker_server.py", "./docker/server", "./docker/keeper", ] ) ), ), "Docs check": TestConfig( "", job_config=JobConfig( digest=DigestConfig( include_paths=["**/*.md", "./docs", "tests/ci/docs_check.py"], docker=["clickhouse/docs-builder"], ), ), ), "Fast tests": TestConfig( "", job_config=JobConfig( digest=DigestConfig( include_paths=["./tests/queries/0_stateless/"], exclude_files=[".md"], docker=["clickhouse/fasttest"], ) ), ), "Style check": TestConfig( "", job_config=JobConfig( run_always=True, ), ), "tests bugfix validate check": TestConfig( "", # we run this check by label - no digest required job_config=JobConfig(run_by_label="pr-bugfix"), ), }, test_configs={ "Install packages (amd64)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(digest=install_check_digest) ), "Install packages (arm64)": TestConfig( "package_aarch64", job_config=JobConfig(digest=install_check_digest) ), "Stateful tests (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (ubsan)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (release)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (coverage)": TestConfig( "package_release_coverage", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (aarch64)": TestConfig( "package_aarch64", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (release, DatabaseOrdinary)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (release, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (debug, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (asan, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (msan, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (ubsan, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateful tests (tsan, ParallelReplicas)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stateful_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), # End stateful tests for parallel replicas "Stateless tests (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=5, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=6, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (ubsan)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=2, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=5, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (release)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**statless_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (coverage)": TestConfig( "package_release_coverage", job_config=JobConfig(**statless_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (aarch64)": TestConfig( "package_aarch64", job_config=JobConfig(**statless_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (release, analyzer)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**statless_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (release, DatabaseOrdinary)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**statless_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (release, DatabaseReplicated)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (release, s3 storage)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=2, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (debug, s3 storage)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=6, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests (tsan, s3 storage)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=5, **statless_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Stress test (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**stress_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stress test (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stress_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stress test (ubsan)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(**stress_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stress test (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**stress_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stress test (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**stress_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Upgrade check (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**upgrade_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Upgrade check (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**upgrade_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Upgrade check (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**upgrade_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Upgrade check (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**upgrade_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Integration tests (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, **integration_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Integration tests (asan, analyzer)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=6, **integration_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Integration tests (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=6, **integration_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), # FIXME: currently no wf has this job. Try to enable # "Integration tests (msan)": TestConfig("package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=6, **integration_test_common_params) # type: ignore # ), "Integration tests (release)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, **integration_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Integration tests flaky check (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**integration_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Compatibility check (amd64)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(digest=compatibility_check_digest) ), "Compatibility check (aarch64)": TestConfig( "package_aarch64", job_config=JobConfig(digest=compatibility_check_digest) ), "Unit tests (release)": TestConfig( "binary_release", job_config=JobConfig(**unit_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Unit tests (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**unit_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Unit tests (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**unit_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Unit tests (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**unit_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Unit tests (ubsan)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(**unit_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "AST fuzzer (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**astfuzzer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "AST fuzzer (asan)": TestConfig( "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**astfuzzer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "AST fuzzer (msan)": TestConfig( "package_msan", job_config=JobConfig(**astfuzzer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "AST fuzzer (tsan)": TestConfig( "package_tsan", job_config=JobConfig(**astfuzzer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "AST fuzzer (ubsan)": TestConfig( "package_ubsan", job_config=JobConfig(**astfuzzer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Stateless tests flaky check (asan)": TestConfig( # replace to non-default "package_asan", job_config=JobConfig(**{**statless_test_common_params, "timeout": 3600}), # type: ignore ), "ClickHouse Keeper Jepsen": TestConfig( "binary_release", job_config=JobConfig( run_by_label="jepsen-test", run_command="jepsen_check.py keeper" ), ), "ClickHouse Server Jepsen": TestConfig( "binary_release", job_config=JobConfig( run_by_label="jepsen-test", run_command="jepsen_check.py server" ), ), "Performance Comparison": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, **perf_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "Performance Comparison Aarch64": TestConfig( "package_aarch64", job_config=JobConfig(num_batches=4, run_by_label="pr-performance", **perf_test_common_params), # type: ignore ), "SQLancer (release)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**sqllancer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "SQLancer (debug)": TestConfig( "package_debug", job_config=JobConfig(**sqllancer_test_common_params) # type: ignore ), "Sqllogic test (release)": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**sqllogic_test_params) # type: ignore ), "SQLTest": TestConfig( "package_release", job_config=JobConfig(**sql_test_params) # type: ignore ), "ClickBench (amd64)": TestConfig("package_release"), "ClickBench (aarch64)": TestConfig("package_aarch64"), # FIXME: add digest and params "libFuzzer tests": TestConfig("fuzzers"), # type: ignore }, ) CI_CONFIG.validate() # checks required by Mergeable Check REQUIRED_CHECKS = [ "PR Check", "ClickHouse build check", "ClickHouse special build check", "Docs Check", "Fast test", "Stateful tests (release)", "Stateless tests (release)", "Style Check", "Unit tests (asan)", "Unit tests (msan)", "Unit tests (release)", "Unit tests (tsan)", "Unit tests (ubsan)", ] @dataclass class CheckDescription: name: str description: str # the check descriptions, will be put into the status table match_func: Callable[[str], bool] # the function to check vs the commit status def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.name + self.description) CHECK_DESCRIPTIONS = [ CheckDescription( "AST fuzzer", "Runs randomly generated queries to catch program errors. " "The build type is optionally given in parenthesis. " "If it fails, ask a maintainer for help", lambda x: x.startswith("AST fuzzer"), ), CheckDescription( "Bugfix validate check", "Checks that either a new test (functional or integration) or there " "some changed tests that fail with the binary built on master branch", lambda x: x == "Bugfix validate check", ), CheckDescription( "CI running", "A meta-check that indicates the running CI. Normally, it's in success or " "pending state. The failed status indicates some problems with the PR", lambda x: x == "CI running", ), CheckDescription( "ClickHouse build check", "Builds ClickHouse in various configurations for use in further steps. " "You have to fix the builds that fail. Build logs often has enough " "information to fix the error, but you might have to reproduce the failure " "locally. The cmake options can be found in the build log, grepping for " 'cmake. Use these options and follow the general build process', lambda x: x.startswith("ClickHouse") and x.endswith("build check"), ), CheckDescription( "Compatibility check", "Checks that clickhouse binary runs on distributions with old libc " "versions. If it fails, ask a maintainer for help", lambda x: x.startswith("Compatibility check"), ), CheckDescription( "Docker image for servers", "The check to build and optionally push the mentioned image to docker hub", lambda x: x.startswith("Docker image") and (x.endswith("building check") or x.endswith("build and push")), ), CheckDescription( "Docs Check", "Builds and tests the documentation", lambda x: x == "Docs Check" ), CheckDescription( "Fast test", "Normally this is the first check that is ran for a PR. It builds ClickHouse " 'and runs most of stateless functional tests, ' "omitting some. If it fails, further checks are not started until it is fixed. " "Look at the report to see which tests fail, then reproduce the failure " 'locally as described here', lambda x: x == "Fast test", ), CheckDescription( "Flaky tests", "Checks if new added or modified tests are flaky by running them repeatedly, " "in parallel, with more randomization. Functional tests are run 100 times " "with address sanitizer, and additional randomization of thread scheduling. " "Integrational tests are run up to 10 times. If at least once a new test has " "failed, or was too long, this check will be red. We don't allow flaky tests, " 'read the doc', lambda x: "tests flaky check" in x, ), CheckDescription( "Install packages", "Checks that the built packages are installable in a clear environment", lambda x: x.startswith("Install packages ("), ), CheckDescription( "Integration tests", "The integration tests report. In parenthesis the package type is given, " "and in square brackets are the optional part/total tests", lambda x: x.startswith("Integration tests ("), ), CheckDescription( "Mergeable Check", "Checks if all other necessary checks are successful", lambda x: x == "Mergeable Check", ), CheckDescription( "Performance Comparison", "Measure changes in query performance. The performance test report is " 'described in detail here. ' "In square brackets are the optional part/total tests", lambda x: x.startswith("Performance Comparison"), ), CheckDescription( "Push to Dockerhub", "The check for building and pushing the CI related docker images to docker hub", lambda x: x.startswith("Push") and "to Dockerhub" in x, ), CheckDescription( "Sqllogic", "Run clickhouse on the " 'sqllogic ' "test set against sqlite and checks that all statements are passed", lambda x: x.startswith("Sqllogic test"), ), CheckDescription( "SQLancer", "Fuzzing tests that detect logical bugs with " 'SQLancer tool', lambda x: x.startswith("SQLancer"), ), CheckDescription( "Stateful tests", "Runs stateful functional tests for ClickHouse binaries built in various " "configurations -- release, debug, with sanitizers, etc", lambda x: x.startswith("Stateful tests ("), ), CheckDescription( "Stateless tests", "Runs stateless functional tests for ClickHouse binaries built in various " "configurations -- release, debug, with sanitizers, etc", lambda x: x.startswith("Stateless tests ("), ), CheckDescription( "Stress test", "Runs stateless functional tests concurrently from several clients to detect " "concurrency-related errors", lambda x: x.startswith("Stress test ("), ), CheckDescription( "Style Check", "Runs a set of checks to keep the code style clean. If some of tests failed, " "see the related log from the report", lambda x: x == "Style Check", ), CheckDescription( "Unit tests", "Runs the unit tests for different release types", lambda x: x.startswith("Unit tests ("), ), CheckDescription( "Upgrade check", "Runs stress tests on server version from last release and then tries to " "upgrade it to the version from the PR. It checks if the new server can " "successfully startup without any errors, crashes or sanitizer asserts", lambda x: x.startswith("Upgrade check ("), ), CheckDescription( "ClickBench", "Runs [ClickBench](https://github.com/ClickHouse/ClickBench/) with instant-attach table", lambda x: x.startswith("ClickBench"), ), CheckDescription( "Falback for unknown", "There's no description for the check yet, please add it to " "tests/ci/ci_config.py:CHECK_DESCRIPTIONS", lambda x: True, ), ] def main() -> None: parser = ArgumentParser( formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="The script provides build config for GITHUB_ENV or shell export", ) parser.add_argument("--build-name", help="the build config to export") parser.add_argument( "--export", action="store_true", help="if set, the ENV parameters are provided for shell export", ) args = parser.parse_args() build_config = CI_CONFIG.build_config.get(args.build_name) if build_config: print(build_config.export_env(args.export)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()