// // TaskManager.h // // $Id: //poco/1.4/Foundation/include/Poco/TaskManager.h#2 $ // // Library: Foundation // Package: Tasks // Module: Tasks // // Definition of the TaskManager class. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH. // and Contributors. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 // #ifndef Foundation_TaskManager_INCLUDED #define Foundation_TaskManager_INCLUDED #include "Poco/Foundation.h" #include "Poco/Mutex.h" #include "Poco/Task.h" #include "Poco/AutoPtr.h" #include "Poco/NotificationCenter.h" #include "Poco/Timestamp.h" #include namespace Poco { class Notification; class ThreadPool; class Exception; class Foundation_API TaskManager /// The TaskManager manages a collection of tasks /// and monitors their lifetime. /// /// A TaskManager has a built-in NotificationCenter that /// is used to send out notifications on task progress /// and task states. See the TaskNotification class and its /// subclasses for the various events that result in a notification. /// To keep the number of notifications small, a TaskProgressNotification /// will only be sent out once in 100 milliseconds. { public: typedef AutoPtr TaskPtr; typedef std::list TaskList; TaskManager(); /// Creates the TaskManager, using the /// default ThreadPool. TaskManager(ThreadPool& pool); /// Creates the TaskManager, using the /// given ThreadPool. ~TaskManager(); /// Destroys the TaskManager. void start(Task* pTask); /// Starts the given task in a thread obtained /// from the thread pool. /// /// The TaskManager takes ownership of the Task object /// and deletes it when it it finished. void cancelAll(); /// Requests cancellation of all tasks. void joinAll(); /// Waits for the completion of all the threads /// in the TaskManager's thread pool. /// /// Note: joinAll() will wait for ALL tasks in the /// TaskManager's ThreadPool to complete. If the /// ThreadPool has threads created by other /// facilities, these threads must also complete /// before joinAll() can return. TaskList taskList() const; /// Returns a copy of the internal task list. int count() const; /// Returns the number of tasks in the internal task list. void addObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer); /// Registers an observer with the NotificationCenter. /// Usage: /// Observer obs(*this, &MyClass::handleNotification); /// notificationCenter.addObserver(obs); void removeObserver(const AbstractObserver& observer); /// Unregisters an observer with the NotificationCenter. static const int MIN_PROGRESS_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL; protected: void postNotification(const Notification::Ptr& pNf); /// Posts a notification to the task manager's /// notification center. void taskStarted(Task* pTask); void taskProgress(Task* pTask, float progress); void taskCancelled(Task* pTask); void taskFinished(Task* pTask); void taskFailed(Task* pTask, const Exception& exc); private: ThreadPool& _threadPool; TaskList _taskList; Timestamp _lastProgressNotification; NotificationCenter _nc; mutable FastMutex _mutex; friend class Task; }; // // inlines // inline int TaskManager::count() const { FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_mutex); return static_cast(_taskList.size()); } } // namespace Poco #endif // Foundation_TaskManager_INCLUDED