option (ENABLE_H3 "Enable H3" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) if (ENABLE_H3) option (USE_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system h3 library instead of bundled" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED}) if(NOT EXISTS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/h3/src/h3lib/include/h3Index.h") if(USE_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY) message(WARNING "submodule contrib/h3 is missing. to fix try run: \n git submodule update --init --recursive") endif() set(MISSING_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY 1) set(USE_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY 0) endif() if (USE_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY) set (H3_LIBRARY h3) set (H3_INCLUDE_DIR ${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/h3/src/h3lib/include) elseif (NOT MISSING_INTERNAL_H3_LIBRARY) find_library (H3_LIBRARY h3) find_path (H3_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES h3/h3api.h PATHS ${H3_INCLUDE_PATHS}) endif () if (H3_LIBRARY AND H3_INCLUDE_DIR) set (USE_H3 1) endif () endif () message (STATUS "Using h3=${USE_H3}: ${H3_INCLUDE_DIR} : ${H3_LIBRARY}")