import json import time from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Optional, Any, Union, Sequence, List, Set from ci_config import CI from ci_utils import is_hex, GHActions from commit_status_helper import CommitStatusData from env_helper import ( TEMP_PATH, CI_CONFIG_PATH, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, GITHUB_RUN_URL, REPORT_PATH, ) from report import BuildResult from s3_helper import S3Helper from digest_helper import JobDigester @dataclass class PendingState: updated_at: float run_url: str class CiCache: """ CI cache is a bunch of records. Record is a file stored under special location on s3. The file name has a format: _[] RECORD_TYPE: SUCCESSFUL - for successful jobs PENDING - for pending jobs ATTRIBUTES: release - for jobs being executed on the release branch including master branch (not a PR branch) """ _REQUIRED_DIGESTS = [CI.JobNames.DOCS_CHECK, CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE] _S3_CACHE_PREFIX = "CI_cache_v1" _CACHE_BUILD_REPORT_PREFIX = "build_report" _RECORD_FILE_EXTENSION = ".ci" _LOCAL_CACHE_PATH = Path(TEMP_PATH) / "ci_cache" _ATTRIBUTE_RELEASE = "release" # divider symbol 1 _DIV1 = "--" # divider symbol 2 _DIV2 = "_" assert _DIV1 != _DIV2 class RecordType(Enum): SUCCESSFUL = "successful" PENDING = "pending" FAILED = "failed" @dataclass class Record: record_type: "CiCache.RecordType" job_name: str job_digest: str batch: int num_batches: int release_branch: bool file: str = "" def to_str_key(self): """other fields must not be included in the hash str""" return "_".join( [self.job_name, self.job_digest, str(self.batch), str(self.num_batches)] ) class JobType(Enum): DOCS = "DOCS" SRCS = "SRCS" @classmethod def is_docs_job(cls, job_name: str) -> bool: return job_name == CI.JobNames.DOCS_CHECK @classmethod def is_srcs_job(cls, job_name: str) -> bool: return not cls.is_docs_job(job_name) @classmethod def get_type_by_name(cls, job_name: str) -> "CiCache.JobType": res = cls.SRCS if cls.is_docs_job(job_name): res = cls.DOCS elif cls.is_srcs_job(job_name): res = cls.SRCS else: assert False return res def __init__( self, s3: S3Helper, job_digests: Dict[str, str], cache_enabled: bool = True, ): self.enabled = cache_enabled self.jobs_to_skip = [] # type: List[str] self.jobs_to_wait = {} # type: Dict[str, CI.JobConfig] self.jobs_to_do = {} # type: Dict[str, CI.JobConfig] self.s3 = s3 self.job_digests = job_digests self.cache_s3_paths = { job_type: f"{self._S3_CACHE_PREFIX}/{job_type.value}-{self._get_digest_for_job_type(self.job_digests, job_type)}/" for job_type in self.JobType } self.s3_record_prefixes = { record_type: record_type.value for record_type in self.RecordType } self.records: Dict["CiCache.RecordType", Dict[str, "CiCache.Record"]] = { record_type: {} for record_type in self.RecordType } self.updated = False self.cache_data_fetched = True if not self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH.exists(): self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) @classmethod def calc_digests_and_create( cls, s3: S3Helper, job_configs: Dict[str, CI.JobConfig], cache_enabled: bool = True, dry_run: bool = False, ) -> "CiCache": job_digester = JobDigester(dry_run=dry_run) digests = {} print("::group::Job Digests") for job, job_config in job_configs.items(): digest = job_digester.get_job_digest(job_config.digest) digests[job] = digest print(f" job [{job.rjust(50)}] has digest [{digest}]") for job in cls._REQUIRED_DIGESTS: if job not in job_configs: digest = job_digester.get_job_digest(CI.get_job_config(job).digest) digests[job] = digest print( f" job [{job.rjust(50)}] required for CI Cache has digest [{digest}]" ) print("::endgroup::") return CiCache(s3, digests, cache_enabled=cache_enabled) def _get_digest_for_job_type( self, job_digests: Dict[str, str], job_type: JobType ) -> str: if job_type == self.JobType.DOCS: res = job_digests[CI.JobNames.DOCS_CHECK] elif job_type == self.JobType.SRCS: if CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE in job_digests: res = job_digests[CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE] else: assert False, "BUG, no build job in digest' list" else: assert False, "BUG, New JobType? - please update the function" return res def _get_record_file_name( self, record_type: RecordType, job_name: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool, ) -> str: prefix = self.s3_record_prefixes[record_type] prefix_extended = ( self._DIV2.join([prefix, self._ATTRIBUTE_RELEASE]) if release_branch else prefix ) assert self._DIV1 not in job_name, f"Invalid job name {job_name}" job_name = self._DIV2.join( [job_name, self.job_digests[job_name], str(batch), str(num_batches)] ) file_name = self._DIV1.join([prefix_extended, job_name]) file_name += self._RECORD_FILE_EXTENSION return file_name def _get_record_s3_path(self, job_name: str) -> str: return self.cache_s3_paths[self.JobType.get_type_by_name(job_name)] def _parse_record_file_name( self, record_type: RecordType, file_name: str ) -> Optional["CiCache.Record"]: # validate filename if ( not file_name.endswith(self._RECORD_FILE_EXTENSION) or not len(file_name.split(self._DIV1)) == 2 ): print("ERROR: wrong file name format") return None file_name = file_name.removesuffix(self._RECORD_FILE_EXTENSION) release_branch = False prefix_extended, job_suffix = file_name.split(self._DIV1) record_type_and_attribute = prefix_extended.split(self._DIV2) # validate filename prefix failure = False if not 0 < len(record_type_and_attribute) <= 2: print("ERROR: wrong file name prefix") failure = True if ( len(record_type_and_attribute) > 1 and record_type_and_attribute[1] != self._ATTRIBUTE_RELEASE ): print("ERROR: wrong record attribute") failure = True if record_type_and_attribute[0] != self.s3_record_prefixes[record_type]: print("ERROR: wrong record type") failure = True if failure: return None if ( len(record_type_and_attribute) > 1 and record_type_and_attribute[1] == self._ATTRIBUTE_RELEASE ): release_branch = True job_properties = job_suffix.split(self._DIV2) job_name, job_digest, batch, num_batches = ( self._DIV2.join(job_properties[:-3]), job_properties[-3], int(job_properties[-2]), int(job_properties[-1]), ) if not is_hex(job_digest): print("ERROR: wrong record job digest") return None record = self.Record( record_type, job_name, job_digest, batch, num_batches, release_branch, file="", ) return record def print_status(self): print(f"Cache enabled: [{self.enabled}]") for record_type in self.RecordType: GHActions.print_in_group( f"Cache records: [{record_type}]", list(self.records[record_type]) ) GHActions.print_in_group( "Jobs to do:", list(self.jobs_to_do.items()), ) GHActions.print_in_group("Jobs to skip:", self.jobs_to_skip) GHActions.print_in_group( "Jobs to wait:", list(self.jobs_to_wait.items()), ) return self @staticmethod def dump_run_config(indata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: assert indata assert CI_CONFIG_PATH with open(CI_CONFIG_PATH, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(indata, json_file, indent=2) def update(self): """ Pulls cache records from s3. Only records name w/o content. """ if not self.enabled: return self for record_type in self.RecordType: prefix = self.s3_record_prefixes[record_type] cache_list = self.records[record_type] for job_type in self.JobType: path = self.cache_s3_paths[job_type] records = self.s3.list_prefix(f"{path}{prefix}", S3_BUILDS_BUCKET) records = [record.split("/")[-1] for record in records] for file in records: record = self._parse_record_file_name( record_type=record_type, file_name=file ) if not record: print(f"ERROR: failed to parse cache record [{file}]") continue if ( record.job_name not in self.job_digests or self.job_digests[record.job_name] != record.job_digest ): # skip records we are not interested in continue if record.to_str_key() not in cache_list: cache_list[record.to_str_key()] = record self.cache_data_fetched = False elif ( not cache_list[record.to_str_key()].release_branch and record.release_branch ): # replace a non-release record with a release one cache_list[record.to_str_key()] = record self.cache_data_fetched = False self.updated = True return self def fetch_records_data(self): """ Pulls CommitStatusData for all cached jobs from s3 """ if not self.updated: self.update() if self.cache_data_fetched: # there are no records without fetched data - no need to fetch return self # clean up for file in self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH.glob("*.ci"): file.unlink() # download all record files for job_type in self.JobType: path = self.cache_s3_paths[job_type] for record_type in self.RecordType: prefix = self.s3_record_prefixes[record_type] _ = self.s3.download_files( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, s3_path=f"{path}{prefix}", file_suffix=self._RECORD_FILE_EXTENSION, local_directory=self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH, ) # validate we have files for all records and save file names meanwhile for record_type in self.RecordType: record_list = self.records[record_type] for _, record in record_list.items(): record_file_name = self._get_record_file_name( record_type, record.job_name, record.batch, record.num_batches, record.release_branch, ) assert ( self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH / record_file_name ).is_file(), f"BUG. Record file must be present: {self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH / record_file_name}" record.file = record_file_name self.cache_data_fetched = True return self def exist( self, record_type: "CiCache.RecordType", job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool, ) -> bool: if not self.updated: self.update() record_key = self.Record( record_type, job, self.job_digests[job], batch, num_batches, release_branch, ).to_str_key() res = record_key in self.records[record_type] if release_branch: return res and self.records[record_type][record_key].release_branch else: return res def push( self, record_type: "CiCache.RecordType", job: str, batches: Union[int, Sequence[int]], num_batches: int, status: Union[CommitStatusData, PendingState], release_branch: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Pushes a cache record (CommitStatusData) @release_branch adds "release" attribute to a record """ if isinstance(batches, int): batches = [batches] for batch in batches: record_file = self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH / self._get_record_file_name( record_type, job, batch, num_batches, release_branch ) record_s3_path = self._get_record_s3_path(job) if record_type == self.RecordType.SUCCESSFUL: assert isinstance(status, CommitStatusData) status.dump_to_file(record_file) elif record_type == self.RecordType.FAILED: assert isinstance(status, CommitStatusData) status.dump_to_file(record_file) elif record_type == self.RecordType.PENDING: assert isinstance(status, PendingState) with open(record_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(asdict(status), json_file) else: assert False _ = self.s3.upload_file( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, file_path=record_file, s3_path=record_s3_path +, ) record = self.Record( record_type, job, self.job_digests[job], batch, num_batches, release_branch,, ) if ( record.release_branch or record.to_str_key() not in self.records[record_type] ): self.records[record_type][record.to_str_key()] = record def get( self, record_type: "CiCache.RecordType", job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int ) -> Optional[Union[CommitStatusData, PendingState]]: """ Gets a cache record data for a job, or None if a cache miss """ if not self.cache_data_fetched: self.fetch_records_data() record_key = self.Record( record_type, job, self.job_digests[job], batch, num_batches, release_branch=False, ).to_str_key() if record_key not in self.records[record_type]: return None record_file_name = self.records[record_type][record_key].file res = CommitStatusData.load_from_file( self._LOCAL_CACHE_PATH / record_file_name ) # type: CommitStatusData return res def delete( self, record_type: "CiCache.RecordType", job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool, ) -> None: """ deletes record from the cache """ raise NotImplementedError("Let's try make cache push-and-read-only") # assert ( # record_type == self.RecordType.PENDING # ), "FIXME: delete is supported for pending records only" # record_file_name = self._get_record_file_name( # self.RecordType.PENDING, # job, # batch, # num_batches, # release_branch=release_branch, # ) # record_s3_path = self._get_record_s3_path(job) # self.s3.delete_file_from_s3(S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, record_s3_path + record_file_name) # record_key = self.Record( # record_type, # job, # self.job_digests[job], # batch, # num_batches, # release_branch=False, # ).to_str_key() # if record_key in self.records[record_type]: # del self.records[record_type][record_key] def is_successful( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool ) -> bool: """ checks if a given job have already been done successfully """ return self.exist( self.RecordType.SUCCESSFUL, job, batch, num_batches, release_branch ) def has_evidence(self, job: str, job_config: CI.JobConfig) -> bool: """ checks if the job has been seen in master/release CI function is to be used to check if change did not affect the job :param job_config: :param job: :return: """ return ( self.is_successful( job=job, batch=0, num_batches=job_config.num_batches, release_branch=not job_config.pr_only, ) or self.is_pending( job=job, batch=0, num_batches=job_config.num_batches, release_branch=not job_config.pr_only, ) or self.is_failed( job=job, batch=0, num_batches=job_config.num_batches, release_branch=not job_config.pr_only, ) ) def is_failed( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool ) -> bool: """ checks if a given job have already been done with failure """ return self.exist( self.RecordType.FAILED, job, batch, num_batches, release_branch ) def is_pending( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool ) -> bool: """ check pending record in the cache for a given job @release_branch - checks that "release" attribute is set for a record """ if self.is_successful( job, batch, num_batches, release_branch ) or self.is_failed(job, batch, num_batches, release_branch): return False return self.exist( self.RecordType.PENDING, job, batch, num_batches, release_branch ) def push_successful( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, job_status: CommitStatusData, release_branch: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Pushes a cache record (CommitStatusData) @release_branch adds "release" attribute to a record """ self.push( self.RecordType.SUCCESSFUL, job, [batch], num_batches, job_status, release_branch, ) def push_failed( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, job_status: CommitStatusData, release_branch: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Pushes a cache record of type Failed (CommitStatusData) @release_branch adds "release" attribute to a record """ self.push( self.RecordType.FAILED, job, [batch], num_batches, job_status, release_branch, ) def push_pending( self, job: str, batches: List[int], num_batches: int, release_branch: bool ) -> None: """ pushes pending record for a job to the cache """ pending_state = PendingState(time.time(), run_url=GITHUB_RUN_URL) self.push( self.RecordType.PENDING, job, batches, num_batches, pending_state, release_branch, ) def push_pending_all(self, release_branch: bool) -> None: """ pushes pending records for all jobs that supposed to be run """ for job, job_config in self.jobs_to_do.items(): if not job_config.has_digest(): continue pending_state = PendingState(time.time(), run_url=GITHUB_RUN_URL) assert job_config.batches self.push( self.RecordType.PENDING, job, job_config.batches, job_config.num_batches, pending_state, release_branch, ) def get_successful( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int ) -> Optional[CommitStatusData]: """ Gets a cache record (CommitStatusData) for a job, or None if a cache miss """ res = self.get(self.RecordType.SUCCESSFUL, job, batch, num_batches) assert res is None or isinstance(res, CommitStatusData) return res def delete_pending( self, job: str, batch: int, num_batches: int, release_branch: bool ) -> None: """ deletes pending record from the cache """ self.delete(self.RecordType.PENDING, job, batch, num_batches, release_branch) def download_build_reports(self, file_prefix: str = "") -> List[str]: """ not an ideal class for this method, but let it be as we store build reports in CI cache directory on s3 and CiCache knows where exactly @file_prefix allows filtering out reports by git head_ref """ report_path = Path(REPORT_PATH) report_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) path = ( self._get_record_s3_path(CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE) + self._CACHE_BUILD_REPORT_PREFIX ) if file_prefix: path += "_" + file_prefix reports_files = self.s3.download_files( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, s3_path=path, file_suffix=".json", local_directory=report_path, ) return reports_files def upload_build_report(self, build_result: BuildResult) -> str: result_json_path = build_result.write_json(Path(TEMP_PATH)) s3_path = ( self._get_record_s3_path(CI.BuildNames.PACKAGE_RELEASE) + ) return self.s3.upload_file( bucket=S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, file_path=result_json_path, s3_path=s3_path ) def filter_out_not_affected_jobs(self): """ Filter is to be applied in PRs to remove jobs that are not affected by the change :return: """ remove_from_to_do = [] required_builds = [] for job_name, job_config in self.jobs_to_do.items(): if CI.is_test_job(job_name) and job_name != CI.JobNames.BUILD_CHECK: if job_config.reference_job_name: reference_name = job_config.reference_job_name reference_config = self.jobs_to_do[reference_name] else: reference_name = job_name reference_config = job_config if self.has_evidence( job=reference_name, job_config=reference_config, ): remove_from_to_do.append(job_name) else: required_builds += ( job_config.required_builds if job_config.required_builds else [] ) has_builds_to_do = False for job_name, job_config in self.jobs_to_do.items(): if CI.is_build_job(job_name): if job_name not in required_builds: remove_from_to_do.append(job_name) else: has_builds_to_do = True if not has_builds_to_do: remove_from_to_do.append(CI.JobNames.BUILD_CHECK) for job in remove_from_to_do: print(f"Filter job [{job}] - not affected by the change") if job in self.jobs_to_do: del self.jobs_to_do[job] if job in self.jobs_to_wait: del self.jobs_to_wait[job] self.jobs_to_skip.append(job) def await_pending_jobs(self, is_release: bool, dry_run: bool = False) -> None: """ await pending jobs to be finished @jobs_with_params - jobs to await. {JOB_NAME: {"batches": [BATCHES...], "num_batches": NUM_BATCHES}} returns successfully finished jobs: {JOB_NAME: [BATCHES...]} """ if not self.jobs_to_wait: print("CI cache: no pending jobs to wait - continue") return poll_interval_sec = 300 # TIMEOUT * MAX_ROUNDS_TO_WAIT must be less than 6h (GH job timeout) with a room for rest RunConfig work TIMEOUT = 3000 # 50 min MAX_ROUNDS_TO_WAIT = 6 MAX_JOB_NUM_TO_WAIT = 3 round_cnt = 0 # FIXME: temporary experiment: lets enable await for PR' workflows but for a shorter time if not is_release: MAX_ROUNDS_TO_WAIT = 3 while ( len(self.jobs_to_wait) > MAX_JOB_NUM_TO_WAIT and round_cnt < MAX_ROUNDS_TO_WAIT ): round_cnt += 1 GHActions.print_in_group( f"Wait pending jobs, round [{round_cnt}/{MAX_ROUNDS_TO_WAIT}]:", list(self.jobs_to_wait), ) # this is an initial approach to wait pending jobs: # start waiting for the next TIMEOUT seconds if there are more than X(=4) jobs to wait # wait TIMEOUT seconds in rounds. Y(=5) is the max number of rounds expired_sec = 0 start_at = int(time.time()) while expired_sec < TIMEOUT and self.jobs_to_wait: await_finished: Set[str] = set() if not dry_run: time.sleep(poll_interval_sec) self.update() for job_name, job_config in self.jobs_to_wait.items(): num_batches = job_config.num_batches job_config = CI.get_job_config(job_name) assert job_config.pending_batches assert job_config.batches pending_batches = list(job_config.pending_batches) for batch in pending_batches: if self.is_pending( job_name, batch, num_batches, release_branch=is_release and job_config.required_on_release_branch, ): continue if self.is_successful( job_name, batch, num_batches, release_branch=is_release and job_config.required_on_release_branch, ): print( f"Job [{job_name}_[{batch}/{num_batches}]] is not pending anymore" ) job_config.batches.remove(batch) else: print( f"NOTE: Job [{job_name}:{batch}] finished failed - do not add to ready" ) job_config.pending_batches.remove(batch) if not job_config.pending_batches: await_finished.add(job_name) for job in await_finished: self.jobs_to_skip.append(job) del self.jobs_to_wait[job] del self.jobs_to_do[job] if not dry_run: expired_sec = int(time.time()) - start_at print( f"...awaiting continues... seconds left [{TIMEOUT - expired_sec}]" ) else: # make up for 2 iterations in dry_run expired_sec += int(TIMEOUT / 2) + 1 GHActions.print_in_group( "Remaining jobs:", [list(self.jobs_to_wait)], ) def apply( self, job_configs: Dict[str, CI.JobConfig], is_release: bool ) -> "CiCache": if not self.enabled: self.jobs_to_do = job_configs return self if not self.updated: self.update() for job, job_config in job_configs.items(): assert ( job_config.batches ), "Batches must be generated. check ci_settings.apply()" if job_config.run_always: self.jobs_to_do[job] = job_config continue ready_batches = [] for batch in job_config.batches: if self.is_successful( job, batch, job_config.num_batches, release_branch=is_release and job_config.required_on_release_branch, ): ready_batches.append(batch) elif self.is_pending( job, batch, job_config.num_batches, release_branch=is_release and job_config.required_on_release_branch, ): if job_config.pending_batches is None: job_config.pending_batches = [] job_config.pending_batches.append(batch) if ready_batches == job_config.batches: self.jobs_to_skip.append(job) else: for batch in ready_batches: job_config.batches.remove(batch) self.jobs_to_do[job] = job_config if job_config.pending_batches: self.jobs_to_wait[job] = job_config return self