#!/usr/bin/env python # here import argparse import json import logging import subprocess import sys import time from pathlib import Path from os import path as p, makedirs from typing import List from github import Github from build_check import get_release_or_pr from clickhouse_helper import ClickHouseHelper, prepare_tests_results_for_clickhouse from commit_status_helper import format_description, post_commit_status from docker_images_check import DockerImage from env_helper import CI, GITHUB_RUN_URL, RUNNER_TEMP, S3_BUILDS_BUCKET, S3_DOWNLOAD from get_robot_token import get_best_robot_token, get_parameter_from_ssm from git_helper import Git from pr_info import PRInfo from report import TestResults, TestResult from s3_helper import S3Helper from stopwatch import Stopwatch from tee_popen import TeePopen from upload_result_helper import upload_results from version_helper import ( ClickHouseVersion, get_tagged_versions, get_version_from_repo, version_arg, ) TEMP_PATH = p.join(RUNNER_TEMP, "docker_images_check") BUCKETS = {"amd64": "package_release", "arm64": "package_aarch64"} git = Git(ignore_no_tags=True) class DelOS(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, _, namespace, __, option_string=None): no_build = self.dest[3:] if self.dest.startswith("no_") else self.dest if no_build in namespace.os: namespace.os.remove(no_build) def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description="A program to build clickhouse-server image, both alpine and " "ubuntu versions", ) parser.add_argument( "--version", type=version_arg, default=get_version_from_repo(git=git).string, help="a version to build, automaticaly got from version_helper, accepts either " "tag ('refs/tags/' is removed automatically) or a normal format", ) parser.add_argument( "--release-type", type=str, choices=("auto", "latest", "major", "minor", "patch", "head"), default="head", help="version part that will be updated when '--version' is set; " "'auto' is a special case, it will get versions from github and detect the " "release type (latest, major, minor or patch) automatically", ) parser.add_argument( "--image-path", type=str, default="docker/server", help="a path to docker context directory", ) parser.add_argument( "--image-repo", type=str, default="clickhouse/clickhouse-server", help="image name on docker hub", ) parser.add_argument( "--bucket-prefix", help="if set, then is used as source for deb and tgz files", ) parser.add_argument("--reports", default=True, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--no-reports", action="store_false", dest="reports", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="don't push reports to S3 and github", ) parser.add_argument("--push", default=True, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--no-push-images", action="store_false", dest="push", default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="don't push images to docker hub", ) parser.add_argument("--os", default=["ubuntu", "alpine"], help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_argument( "--no-ubuntu", action=DelOS, nargs=0, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="don't build ubuntu image", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-alpine", action=DelOS, nargs=0, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="don't build alpine image", ) return parser.parse_args() def retry_popen(cmd: str, log_file: Path) -> int: max_retries = 5 for retry in range(max_retries): # From time to time docker build may failed. Curl issues, or even push # It will sleep progressively 5, 15, 30 and 50 seconds between retries progressive_sleep = 5 * sum(i + 1 for i in range(retry)) if progressive_sleep: logging.warning( "The following command failed, sleep %s before retry: %s", progressive_sleep, cmd, ) time.sleep(progressive_sleep) with TeePopen( cmd, log_file=log_file, ) as process: retcode = process.wait() if retcode == 0: return 0 return retcode def auto_release_type(version: ClickHouseVersion, release_type: str) -> str: if release_type != "auto": return release_type git_versions = get_tagged_versions() reference_version = git_versions[0] for i in reversed(range(len(git_versions))): if git_versions[i] <= version: if i == len(git_versions) - 1: return "latest" reference_version = git_versions[i + 1] break if version.major < reference_version.major: return "major" if version.minor < reference_version.minor: return "minor" if version.patch < reference_version.patch: return "patch" raise ValueError( "Release type 'tweak' is not supported for " f"{version.string} < {reference_version.string}" ) def gen_tags(version: ClickHouseVersion, release_type: str) -> List[str]: """ + latest: - latest - 22 - 22.2 - 22.2.2 - + major: - 22 - 22.2 - 22.2.2 - + minor: - 22.2 - 22.2.2 - + patch: - 22.2.2 - + head: - head """ parts = version.string.split(".") tags = [] if release_type == "latest": tags.append(release_type) for i in range(len(parts)): tags.append(".".join(parts[: i + 1])) elif release_type == "major": for i in range(len(parts)): tags.append(".".join(parts[: i + 1])) elif release_type == "minor": for i in range(1, len(parts)): tags.append(".".join(parts[: i + 1])) elif release_type == "patch": for i in range(2, len(parts)): tags.append(".".join(parts[: i + 1])) elif release_type == "head": tags.append(release_type) else: raise ValueError(f"{release_type} is not valid release part") return tags def buildx_args(bucket_prefix: str, arch: str) -> List[str]: args = [ f"--platform=linux/{arch}", f"--label=build-url={GITHUB_RUN_URL}", f"--label=com.clickhouse.build.githash={git.sha}", ] if bucket_prefix: url = p.join(bucket_prefix, BUCKETS[arch]) # to prevent a double // args.append(f"--build-arg=REPOSITORY='{url}'") args.append(f"--build-arg=deb_location_url='{url}'") return args def build_and_push_image( image: DockerImage, push: bool, bucket_prefix: str, os: str, tag: str, version: ClickHouseVersion, ) -> TestResults: result = [] # type: TestResults if os != "ubuntu": tag += f"-{os}" init_args = ["docker", "buildx", "build", "--build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1"] if push: init_args.append("--push") init_args.append("--output=type=image,push-by-digest=true") init_args.append(f"--tag={image.repo}") else: init_args.append("--output=type=docker") # `docker buildx build --load` does not support multiple images currently # images must be built separately and merged together with `docker manifest` digests = [] multiplatform_sw = Stopwatch() for arch in BUCKETS: single_sw = Stopwatch() arch_tag = f"{tag}-{arch}" metadata_path = p.join(TEMP_PATH, arch_tag) dockerfile = p.join(image.full_path, f"Dockerfile.{os}") cmd_args = list(init_args) cmd_args.extend(buildx_args(bucket_prefix, arch)) if not push: cmd_args.append(f"--tag={image.repo}:{arch_tag}") cmd_args.extend( [ f"--metadata-file={metadata_path}", f"--build-arg=VERSION='{version.string}'", "--progress=plain", f"--file={dockerfile}", image.full_path, ] ) cmd = " ".join(cmd_args) logging.info("Building image %s:%s for arch %s: %s", image.repo, tag, arch, cmd) log_file = Path(TEMP_PATH) / f"{image.repo.replace('/', '__')}:{tag}-{arch}.log" if retry_popen(cmd, log_file) != 0: result.append( TestResult( f"{image.repo}:{tag}-{arch}", "FAIL", single_sw.duration_seconds, [log_file], ) ) return result result.append( TestResult( f"{image.repo}:{tag}-{arch}", "OK", single_sw.duration_seconds, [log_file], ) ) with open(metadata_path, "rb") as m: metadata = json.load(m) digests.append(metadata["containerimage.digest"]) if push: cmd = ( "docker buildx imagetools create " f"--tag {image.repo}:{tag} {' '.join(digests)}" ) logging.info("Pushing merged %s:%s image: %s", image.repo, tag, cmd) if retry_popen(cmd, Path("/dev/null")) != 0: result.append( TestResult( f"{image.repo}:{tag}", "FAIL", multiplatform_sw.duration_seconds ) ) return result result.append( TestResult(f"{image.repo}:{tag}", "OK", multiplatform_sw.duration_seconds) ) else: logging.info( "Merging is available only on push, separate %s images are created", f"{image.repo}:{tag}-$arch", ) return result def main(): logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) stopwatch = Stopwatch() makedirs(TEMP_PATH, exist_ok=True) args = parse_args() image = DockerImage(args.image_path, args.image_repo, False) args.release_type = auto_release_type(args.version, args.release_type) tags = gen_tags(args.version, args.release_type) NAME = f"Docker image {image.repo} building check" pr_info = None if CI: pr_info = PRInfo() release_or_pr, _ = get_release_or_pr(pr_info, args.version) args.bucket_prefix = ( f"{S3_DOWNLOAD}/{S3_BUILDS_BUCKET}/{release_or_pr}/{pr_info.sha}" ) if args.push: subprocess.check_output( # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg "docker login --username 'robotclickhouse' --password-stdin", input=get_parameter_from_ssm("dockerhub_robot_password"), encoding="utf-8", shell=True, ) NAME = f"Docker image {image.repo} build and push" logging.info("Following tags will be created: %s", ", ".join(tags)) status = "success" test_results = [] # type: TestResults for os in args.os: for tag in tags: test_results.extend( build_and_push_image( image, args.push, args.bucket_prefix, os, tag, args.version ) ) if test_results[-1].status != "OK": status = "failure" pr_info = pr_info or PRInfo() s3_helper = S3Helper() url = upload_results(s3_helper, pr_info.number, pr_info.sha, test_results, [], NAME) print(f"::notice ::Report url: {url}") if not args.reports: return description = f"Processed tags: {', '.join(tags)}" format_description(description) gh = Github(get_best_robot_token(), per_page=100) post_commit_status(gh, pr_info.sha, NAME, description, status, url) prepared_events = prepare_tests_results_for_clickhouse( pr_info, test_results, status, stopwatch.duration_seconds, stopwatch.start_time_str, url, NAME, ) ch_helper = ClickHouseHelper() ch_helper.insert_events_into(db="default", table="checks", events=prepared_events) if status != "success": sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": main()