#include #include #include #include #include #ifdef OS_LINUX /// We can detect if code is linked with one or another readline variants or open the library dynamically. # include extern "C" { char * readline(const char *) __attribute__((__weak__)); char * (*readline_ptr)(const char *) = readline; } #endif namespace { /// Trim ending whitespace inplace void trim(String & s) { s.erase(std::find_if(s.rbegin(), s.rend(), [](int ch) { return !std::isspace(ch); }).base(), s.end()); } /// Check if multi-line query is inserted from the paste buffer. /// Allows delaying the start of query execution until the entirety of query is inserted. bool hasInputData() { timeval timeout = {0, 0}; fd_set fds{}; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds); return select(1, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, &timeout) == 1; } } LineReader::Suggest::WordsRange LineReader::Suggest::getCompletions(const String & prefix, size_t prefix_length) const { if (!ready) return std::make_pair(words.end(), words.end()); std::string_view last_word; auto last_word_pos = prefix.find_last_of(word_break_characters); if (std::string::npos == last_word_pos) last_word = prefix; else last_word = std::string_view(prefix).substr(last_word_pos + 1, std::string::npos); /// last_word can be empty. /// Only perform case sensitive completion when the prefix string contains any uppercase characters if (std::none_of(prefix.begin(), prefix.end(), [&](auto c) { return c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'; })) return std::equal_range( words_no_case.begin(), words_no_case.end(), last_word, [prefix_length](std::string_view s, std::string_view prefix_searched) { return strncasecmp(s.data(), prefix_searched.data(), prefix_length) < 0; }); else return std::equal_range(words.begin(), words.end(), last_word, [prefix_length](std::string_view s, std::string_view prefix_searched) { return strncmp(s.data(), prefix_searched.data(), prefix_length) < 0; }); } LineReader::LineReader(const String & history_file_path_, char extender_, char delimiter_) : history_file_path(history_file_path_), extender(extender_), delimiter(delimiter_) { /// FIXME: check extender != delimiter } String LineReader::readLine(const String & first_prompt, const String & second_prompt) { String line; bool is_multiline = false; while (auto status = readOneLine(is_multiline ? second_prompt : first_prompt)) { if (status == RESET_LINE) { line.clear(); is_multiline = false; continue; } if (input.empty()) { if (!line.empty() && !delimiter && !hasInputData()) break; else continue; } is_multiline = (input.back() == extender) || (delimiter && input.back() != delimiter) || hasInputData(); if (input.back() == extender) { input = input.substr(0, input.size() - 1); trim(input); if (input.empty()) continue; } line += (line.empty() ? "" : " ") + input; if (!is_multiline) break; } if (!line.empty() && line != prev_line) { addToHistory(line); prev_line = line; } return line; } LineReader::InputStatus LineReader::readOneLine(const String & prompt) { input.clear(); #ifdef OS_LINUX if (!readline_ptr) { for (auto name : {"libreadline.so", "libreadline.so.0", "libeditline.so", "libeditline.so.0"}) { void * dl_handle = dlopen(name, RTLD_LAZY); if (dl_handle) { readline_ptr = reinterpret_cast(dlsym(dl_handle, "readline")); if (readline_ptr) { break; } } } } /// Minimal support for readline if (readline_ptr) { char * line_read = (*readline_ptr)(prompt.c_str()); if (!line_read) return ABORT; input = line_read; } else #endif { std::cout << prompt; std::getline(std::cin, input); if (!std::cin.good()) return ABORT; } trim(input); return INPUT_LINE; }