#!/usr/bin/env bash # Tags: no-parallel # Tag no-parallel: since someone may create table in system database # Server may ignore some exceptions, but it still print exceptions to logs and (at least in CI) sends Error and Warning log messages to client # making test fail because of non-empty stderr. Ignore such log messages. CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT_SERVER_LOGS_LEVEL=fatal CURDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) # shellcheck source=../shell_config.sh . "$CURDIR"/../shell_config.sh THREADS=8 RAND=$(($RANDOM)) LIMIT=10000 function run_selects() { thread_num=$1 readarray -t tables_arr < <(${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "SELECT database || '.' || name FROM system.tables WHERE database in ('system', 'information_schema', 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA') and name != 'zookeeper' and name != 'models' AND sipHash64(name || toString($RAND)) % $THREADS = $thread_num") for t in "${tables_arr[@]}" do ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} -q "SELECT * FROM $t LIMIT $LIMIT FORMAT Null" # Suppress style check: database=$CLICKHOUSE_DATABASEs done } for ((i=0; i