#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace ProfileEvents { extern const Event StorageBufferErrorOnFlush; } namespace CurrentMetrics { extern const Metric StorageBufferRows; extern const Metric StorageBufferBytes; } namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int INFINITE_LOOP; extern const int BLOCKS_HAS_DIFFERENT_STRUCTURE; } StoragePtr StorageBuffer::create(const std::string & name_, NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_, const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_, Context & context_, size_t num_shards_, const Thresholds & min_thresholds_, const Thresholds & max_thresholds_, const String & destination_database_, const String & destination_table_) { return make_shared( name_, columns_, materialized_columns_, alias_columns_, column_defaults_, context_, num_shards_, min_thresholds_, max_thresholds_, destination_database_, destination_table_); } StorageBuffer::StorageBuffer(const std::string & name_, NamesAndTypesListPtr columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & materialized_columns_, const NamesAndTypesList & alias_columns_, const ColumnDefaults & column_defaults_, Context & context_, size_t num_shards_, const Thresholds & min_thresholds_, const Thresholds & max_thresholds_, const String & destination_database_, const String & destination_table_) : IStorage{materialized_columns_, alias_columns_, column_defaults_}, name(name_), columns(columns_), context(context_), num_shards(num_shards_), buffers(num_shards_), min_thresholds(min_thresholds_), max_thresholds(max_thresholds_), destination_database(destination_database_), destination_table(destination_table_), no_destination(destination_database.empty() && destination_table.empty()), log(&Logger::get("StorageBuffer (" + name + ")")), flush_thread(&StorageBuffer::flushThread, this) { } /// Читает из одного буфера (из одного блока) под его mutex-ом. class BufferBlockInputStream : public IProfilingBlockInputStream { public: BufferBlockInputStream(const Names & column_names_, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer_) : column_names(column_names_.begin(), column_names_.end()), buffer(buffer_) {} String getName() const { return "Buffer"; } String getID() const { std::stringstream res; res << "Buffer(" << &buffer; for (const auto & name : column_names) res << ", " << name; res << ")"; return res.str(); } protected: Block readImpl() { Block res; if (has_been_read) return res; has_been_read = true; std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex); if (!buffer.data.rows()) return res; for (const auto & name : column_names) { auto & col = buffer.data.getByName(name); res.insert(ColumnWithTypeAndName(col.column->clone(), col.type, name)); } return res; } private: NameSet column_names; StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer; bool has_been_read = false; }; BlockInputStreams StorageBuffer::read( const Names & column_names, ASTPtr query, const Context & context, const Settings & settings, QueryProcessingStage::Enum & processed_stage, size_t max_block_size, unsigned threads) { processed_stage = QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns; BlockInputStreams streams_from_dst; if (!no_destination) { auto destination = context.getTable(destination_database, destination_table); if (destination.get() == this) throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Read will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP); /** Отключаем оптимизацию "перенос в PREWHERE", * так как Buffer не поддерживает PREWHERE. */ Settings modified_settings = settings; modified_settings.optimize_move_to_prewhere = false; streams_from_dst = destination->read(column_names, query, context, modified_settings, processed_stage, max_block_size, threads); } BlockInputStreams streams_from_buffers; streams_from_buffers.reserve(num_shards); for (auto & buf : buffers) streams_from_buffers.push_back(std::make_shared(column_names, buf)); /** Если источники из таблицы были обработаны до какой-то не начальной стадии выполнения запроса, * то тогда источники из буферов надо тоже обернуть в конвейер обработки до той же стадии. */ if (processed_stage > QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns) for (auto & stream : streams_from_buffers) stream = InterpreterSelectQuery(query, context, processed_stage, 0, stream).execute().in; streams_from_dst.insert(streams_from_dst.end(), streams_from_buffers.begin(), streams_from_buffers.end()); return streams_from_dst; } static void appendBlock(const Block & from, Block & to) { if (!to) throw Exception("Cannot append to empty block", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); from.checkNumberOfRows(); to.checkNumberOfRows(); size_t rows = from.rows(); size_t bytes = from.bytes(); CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, rows); CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, bytes); size_t old_rows = to.rows(); try { for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no) { const IColumn & col_from = *from.safeGetByPosition(column_no).column.get(); IColumn & col_to = *to.safeGetByPosition(column_no).column.get(); if (col_from.getName() != col_to.getName()) throw Exception("Cannot append block to another: different type of columns at index " + toString(column_no) + ". Block 1: " + from.dumpStructure() + ". Block 2: " + to.dumpStructure(), ErrorCodes::BLOCKS_HAS_DIFFERENT_STRUCTURE); col_to.insertRangeFrom(col_from, 0, rows); } } catch (...) { /// Rollback changes. try { for (size_t column_no = 0, columns = to.columns(); column_no < columns; ++column_no) { ColumnPtr & col_to = to.safeGetByPosition(column_no).column; if (col_to->size() != old_rows) col_to = col_to->cut(0, old_rows); } } catch (...) { /// In case when we cannot rollback, do not leave incorrect state in memory. std::terminate(); } throw; } } class BufferBlockOutputStream : public IBlockOutputStream { public: BufferBlockOutputStream(StorageBuffer & storage_) : storage(storage_) {} void write(const Block & block) override { if (!block) return; size_t rows = block.rows(); if (!rows) return; StoragePtr destination; if (!storage.no_destination) { destination = storage.context.tryGetTable(storage.destination_database, storage.destination_table); if (destination) { if (destination.get() == &storage) throw Exception("Destination table is myself. Write will cause infinite loop.", ErrorCodes::INFINITE_LOOP); /// Проверяем структуру таблицы. try { destination->check(block, true); } catch (Exception & e) { e.addMessage("(when looking at destination table " + storage.destination_database + "." + storage.destination_table + ")"); throw; } } } size_t bytes = block.bytes(); /// Если блок уже превышает максимальные ограничения, то пишем минуя буфер. if (rows > storage.max_thresholds.rows || bytes > storage.max_thresholds.bytes) { if (!storage.no_destination) { LOG_TRACE(storage.log, "Writing block with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes directly."); storage.writeBlockToDestination(block, destination); } return; } /// Распределяем нагрузку по шардам по номеру потока. const auto start_shard_num = Poco::ThreadNumber::get() % storage.num_shards; /// Перебираем буферы по кругу, пытаясь заблокировать mutex. Не более одного круга. auto shard_num = start_shard_num; size_t try_no = 0; for (; try_no != storage.num_shards; ++try_no) { std::unique_lock lock(storage.buffers[shard_num].mutex, std::try_to_lock_t()); if (lock.owns_lock()) { insertIntoBuffer(block, storage.buffers[shard_num], std::move(lock)); break; } ++shard_num; if (shard_num == storage.num_shards) shard_num = 0; } /// Если так и не удалось ничего сразу заблокировать, то будем ждать на mutex-е. if (try_no == storage.num_shards) insertIntoBuffer(block, storage.buffers[start_shard_num], std::unique_lock(storage.buffers[start_shard_num].mutex)); } private: StorageBuffer & storage; void insertIntoBuffer(const Block & block, StorageBuffer::Buffer & buffer, std::unique_lock && lock) { time_t current_time = time(0); /// Сортируем столбцы в блоке. Это нужно, чтобы было проще потом конкатенировать блоки. Block sorted_block = block.sortColumns(); if (!buffer.data) { buffer.data = sorted_block.cloneEmpty(); } else if (storage.checkThresholds(buffer, current_time, sorted_block.rows(), sorted_block.bytes())) { /** Если после вставки в буфер, ограничения будут превышены, то будем сбрасывать буфер. * Это также защищает от неограниченного потребления оперативки, так как в случае невозможности записать в таблицу, * будет выкинуто исключение, а новые данные не будут добавлены в буфер. */ lock.unlock(); storage.flushBuffer(buffer, true); lock.lock(); } if (!buffer.first_write_time) buffer.first_write_time = current_time; appendBlock(sorted_block, buffer.data); } }; BlockOutputStreamPtr StorageBuffer::write(ASTPtr query, const Settings & settings) { return std::make_shared(*this); } void StorageBuffer::shutdown() { shutdown_event.set(); if (flush_thread.joinable()) flush_thread.join(); try { optimize({}, {}, context.getSettings()); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } /** NOTE If you do OPTIMIZE after insertion, * it does not guarantee, that all data will be in destination table at the time of next SELECT just after OPTIMIZE. * * Because in case if there was already running flushBuffer method, * then call to flushBuffer inside OPTIMIZE will see empty buffer and return quickly, * but at the same time, the already running flushBuffer method possibly is not finished, * so next SELECT will observe missing data. * * This kind of race condition make very hard to implement proper tests. */ bool StorageBuffer::optimize(const String & partition, bool final, const Settings & settings) { if (!partition.empty()) throw Exception("Partition cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (final) throw Exception("FINAL cannot be specified when optimizing table of type Buffer", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); flushAllBuffers(false); return true; } bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholds(const Buffer & buffer, time_t current_time, size_t additional_rows, size_t additional_bytes) const { time_t time_passed = 0; if (buffer.first_write_time) time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time; size_t rows = buffer.data.rows() + additional_rows; size_t bytes = buffer.data.bytes() + additional_bytes; return checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed); } bool StorageBuffer::checkThresholdsImpl(size_t rows, size_t bytes, time_t time_passed) const { return (time_passed > min_thresholds.time && rows > min_thresholds.rows && bytes > min_thresholds.bytes) || (time_passed > max_thresholds.time || rows > max_thresholds.rows || bytes > max_thresholds.bytes); } void StorageBuffer::flushAllBuffers(const bool check_thresholds) { for (auto & buf : buffers) flushBuffer(buf, check_thresholds); } void StorageBuffer::flushBuffer(Buffer & buffer, bool check_thresholds) { Block block_to_write; time_t current_time = time(0); size_t rows = 0; size_t bytes = 0; time_t time_passed = 0; { std::lock_guard lock(buffer.mutex); block_to_write = buffer.data.cloneEmpty(); rows = buffer.data.rows(); bytes = buffer.data.bytes(); if (buffer.first_write_time) time_passed = current_time - buffer.first_write_time; if (check_thresholds) { if (!checkThresholdsImpl(rows, bytes, time_passed)) return; } else { if (rows == 0) return; } buffer.data.swap(block_to_write); buffer.first_write_time = 0; CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows()); CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes()); LOG_TRACE(log, "Flushing buffer with " << rows << " rows, " << bytes << " bytes, age " << time_passed << " seconds."); if (no_destination) return; /** For simplicity, buffer is locked during write. * We could unlock buffer temporary, but it would lead to too much difficulties: * - data, that is written, will not be visible for SELECTs; * - new data could be appended to buffer, and in case of exception, we must merge it with old data, that has not been written; * - this could lead to infinite memory growth. */ try { writeBlockToDestination(block_to_write, context.tryGetTable(destination_database, destination_table)); } catch (...) { ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::StorageBufferErrorOnFlush); /// Возвращаем блок на место в буфер. CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferRows, block_to_write.rows()); CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::StorageBufferBytes, block_to_write.bytes()); buffer.data.swap(block_to_write); if (!buffer.first_write_time) buffer.first_write_time = current_time; /// Через некоторое время будет следующая попытка записать. throw; } } } void StorageBuffer::writeBlockToDestination(const Block & block, StoragePtr table) { if (no_destination || !block) return; if (!table) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << destination_database << "." << destination_table << " doesn't exist. Block of data is discarded."); return; } auto insert = std::make_shared(); insert->database = destination_database; insert->table = destination_table; /** Будем вставлять столбцы, являющиеся пересечением множества столбцов таблицы-буфера и подчинённой таблицы. * Это позволит поддержать часть случаев (но не все), когда структура таблицы не совпадает. */ Block structure_of_destination_table = table->getSampleBlock(); Names columns_intersection; columns_intersection.reserve(block.columns()); for (size_t i : ext::range(0, structure_of_destination_table.columns())) { auto dst_col = structure_of_destination_table.getByPosition(i); if (block.has(dst_col.name)) { if (block.getByName(dst_col.name).type->getName() != dst_col.type->getName()) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << destination_database << "." << destination_table << " have different type of column " << dst_col.name << ". Block of data is discarded."); return; } columns_intersection.push_back(dst_col.name); } } if (columns_intersection.empty()) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Destination table " << destination_database << "." << destination_table << " have no common columns with block in buffer. Block of data is discarded."); return; } if (columns_intersection.size() != block.columns()) LOG_WARNING(log, "Not all columns from block in buffer exist in destination table " << destination_database << "." << destination_table << ". Some columns are discarded."); auto list_of_columns = std::make_shared(); insert->columns = list_of_columns; list_of_columns->children.reserve(columns_intersection.size()); for (const String & column : columns_intersection) list_of_columns->children.push_back(std::make_shared(StringRange(), column, ASTIdentifier::Column)); InterpreterInsertQuery interpreter{insert, context}; auto block_io = interpreter.execute(); block_io.out->writePrefix(); block_io.out->write(block); block_io.out->writeSuffix(); } void StorageBuffer::flushThread() { setThreadName("BufferFlush"); do { try { flushAllBuffers(true); } catch (...) { tryLogCurrentException(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } } while (!shutdown_event.tryWait(1000)); } void StorageBuffer::alter(const AlterCommands & params, const String & database_name, const String & table_name, const Context & context) { for (const auto & param : params) if (param.type == AlterCommand::MODIFY_PRIMARY_KEY) throw Exception("Storage engine " + getName() + " doesn't support primary key.", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); auto lock = lockStructureForAlter(); /// Чтобы не осталось блоков старой структуры. optimize({}, {}, context.getSettings()); params.apply(*columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults); context.getDatabase(database_name)->alterTable( context, table_name, *columns, materialized_columns, alias_columns, column_defaults, {}); } }