#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNKNOWN_FORMAT_VERSION; extern const int UNKNOWN_TYPE_OF_QUERY; extern const int INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int DNS_ERROR; } HostID HostID::fromString(const String & host_port_str) { HostID res; std::tie(res.host_name, res.port) = Cluster::Address::fromString(host_port_str); return res; } bool HostID::isLocalAddress(UInt16 clickhouse_port) const { try { return DB::isLocalAddress(DNSResolver::instance().resolveAddress(host_name, port), clickhouse_port); } catch (const Poco::Net::NetException &) { /// Avoid "Host not found" exceptions return false; } } void DDLLogEntry::assertVersion() const { if (version == 0 /// NORMALIZE_CREATE_ON_INITIATOR_VERSION does not change the entry format, it uses versioin 2, so there shouldn't be such version || version == NORMALIZE_CREATE_ON_INITIATOR_VERSION || version > DDL_ENTRY_FORMAT_MAX_VERSION) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FORMAT_VERSION, "Unknown DDLLogEntry format version: {}." "Maximum supported version is {}", version, DDL_ENTRY_FORMAT_MAX_VERSION); } void DDLLogEntry::setSettingsIfRequired(ContextPtr context) { version = context->getSettingsRef().distributed_ddl_entry_format_version; if (version <= 0 || version > DDL_ENTRY_FORMAT_MAX_VERSION) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_FORMAT_VERSION, "Unknown distributed_ddl_entry_format_version: {}." "Maximum supported version is {}.", version, DDL_ENTRY_FORMAT_MAX_VERSION); /// NORMALIZE_CREATE_ON_INITIATOR_VERSION does not affect entry format in ZooKeeper if (version == NORMALIZE_CREATE_ON_INITIATOR_VERSION) version = SETTINGS_IN_ZK_VERSION; if (version >= SETTINGS_IN_ZK_VERSION) settings.emplace(context->getSettingsRef().changes()); } String DDLLogEntry::toString() const { WriteBufferFromOwnString wb; wb << "version: " << version << "\n"; wb << "query: " << escape << query << "\n"; bool write_hosts = version == OLDEST_VERSION || !hosts.empty(); if (write_hosts) { Strings host_id_strings(hosts.size()); std::transform(hosts.begin(), hosts.end(), host_id_strings.begin(), HostID::applyToString); wb << "hosts: " << host_id_strings << "\n"; } wb << "initiator: " << initiator << "\n"; bool write_settings = SETTINGS_IN_ZK_VERSION <= version && settings && !settings->empty(); if (write_settings) { ASTSetQuery ast; ast.is_standalone = false; ast.changes = *settings; wb << "settings: " << serializeAST(ast) << "\n"; } if (version >= OPENTELEMETRY_ENABLED_VERSION) wb << "tracing: " << this->tracing_context; /// NOTE: OPENTELEMETRY_ENABLED_VERSION has new line in TracingContext::serialize(), so no need to add one more if (version >= PRESERVE_INITIAL_QUERY_ID_VERSION) { writeString("initial_query_id: ", wb); writeEscapedString(initial_query_id, wb); writeChar('\n', wb); } return wb.str(); } void DDLLogEntry::parse(const String & data) { ReadBufferFromString rb(data); rb >> "version: " >> version >> "\n"; assertVersion(); Strings host_id_strings; rb >> "query: " >> escape >> query >> "\n"; if (version == OLDEST_VERSION) { rb >> "hosts: " >> host_id_strings >> "\n"; if (!rb.eof()) rb >> "initiator: " >> initiator >> "\n"; else initiator.clear(); } else if (version >= SETTINGS_IN_ZK_VERSION) { if (!rb.eof() && *rb.position() == 'h') rb >> "hosts: " >> host_id_strings >> "\n"; if (!rb.eof() && *rb.position() == 'i') rb >> "initiator: " >> initiator >> "\n"; if (!rb.eof() && *rb.position() == 's') { String settings_str; rb >> "settings: " >> settings_str >> "\n"; ParserSetQuery parser{true}; constexpr UInt64 max_size = 4096; constexpr UInt64 max_depth = 16; ASTPtr settings_ast = parseQuery(parser, settings_str, max_size, max_depth); settings.emplace(std::move(settings_ast->as()->changes)); } } if (version >= OPENTELEMETRY_ENABLED_VERSION) { if (!rb.eof() && *rb.position() == 't') rb >> "tracing: " >> this->tracing_context; } if (version >= PRESERVE_INITIAL_QUERY_ID_VERSION) { checkString("initial_query_id: ", rb); readEscapedString(initial_query_id, rb); checkChar('\n', rb); } assertEOF(rb); if (!host_id_strings.empty()) { hosts.resize(host_id_strings.size()); std::transform(host_id_strings.begin(), host_id_strings.end(), hosts.begin(), HostID::fromString); } } void DDLTaskBase::parseQueryFromEntry(ContextPtr context) { const char * begin = entry.query.data(); const char * end = begin + entry.query.size(); const auto & settings = context->getSettingsRef(); ParserQuery parser_query(end, settings.allow_settings_after_format_in_insert); String description; query = parseQuery(parser_query, begin, end, description, 0, settings.max_parser_depth); } void DDLTaskBase::formatRewrittenQuery(ContextPtr context) { /// Convert rewritten AST back to string. query_str = queryToString(*query); query_for_logging = query->formatForLogging(context->getSettingsRef().log_queries_cut_to_length); } ContextMutablePtr DDLTaskBase::makeQueryContext(ContextPtr from_context, const ZooKeeperPtr & /*zookeeper*/) { auto query_context = Context::createCopy(from_context); query_context->makeQueryContext(); query_context->setCurrentQueryId(""); // generate random query_id query_context->getClientInfo().query_kind = ClientInfo::QueryKind::SECONDARY_QUERY; if (entry.settings) query_context->applySettingsChanges(*entry.settings); return query_context; } bool DDLTask::findCurrentHostID(ContextPtr global_context, Poco::Logger * log) { bool host_in_hostlist = false; std::exception_ptr first_exception = nullptr; for (const HostID & host : entry.hosts) { auto maybe_secure_port = global_context->getTCPPortSecure(); try { /// The port is considered local if it matches TCP or TCP secure port that the server is listening. bool is_local_port = (maybe_secure_port && host.isLocalAddress(*maybe_secure_port)) || host.isLocalAddress(global_context->getTCPPort()); if (!is_local_port) continue; } catch (const Exception & e) { if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::DNS_ERROR) throw; if (!first_exception) first_exception = std::current_exception(); /// Ignore unknown hosts (in case DNS record was removed) /// We will rethrow exception if we don't find local host in the list. continue; } if (host_in_hostlist) { /// This check could be slow a little bit LOG_WARNING(log, "There are two the same ClickHouse instances in task {}: {} and {}. Will use the first one only.", entry_name, host_id.readableString(), host.readableString()); } else { host_in_hostlist = true; host_id = host; host_id_str = host.toString(); } } if (!host_in_hostlist && first_exception) { /// We don't know for sure if we should process task or not std::rethrow_exception(first_exception); } return host_in_hostlist; } void DDLTask::setClusterInfo(ContextPtr context, Poco::Logger * log) { auto * query_on_cluster = dynamic_cast(query.get()); if (!query_on_cluster) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TYPE_OF_QUERY, "Received unknown DDL query"); cluster_name = query_on_cluster->cluster; cluster = context->tryGetCluster(cluster_name); if (!cluster) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION, "DDL task {} contains current host {} in cluster {}, but there is no such cluster here.", entry_name, host_id.readableString(), cluster_name); /// Try to find host from task host list in cluster /// At the first, try find exact match (host name and ports should be literally equal) /// If the attempt fails, try find it resolving host name of each instance if (!tryFindHostInCluster()) { LOG_WARNING(log, "Not found the exact match of host {} from task {} in cluster {} definition. Will try to find it using host name resolving.", host_id.readableString(), entry_name, cluster_name); if (!tryFindHostInClusterViaResolving(context)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION, "Not found host {} in definition of cluster {}", host_id.readableString(), cluster_name); LOG_INFO(log, "Resolved host {} from task {} as host {} in definition of cluster {}", host_id.readableString(), entry_name, address_in_cluster.readableString(), cluster_name); } /// Rewrite AST without ON CLUSTER. WithoutOnClusterASTRewriteParams params; params.default_database = address_in_cluster.default_database; params.host_id = address_in_cluster.toString(); query = query_on_cluster->getRewrittenASTWithoutOnCluster(params); query_on_cluster = nullptr; } bool DDLTask::tryFindHostInCluster() { const auto & shards = cluster->getShardsAddresses(); bool found_exact_match = false; String default_database; for (size_t shard_num = 0; shard_num < shards.size(); ++shard_num) { for (size_t replica_num = 0; replica_num < shards[shard_num].size(); ++replica_num) { const Cluster::Address & address = shards[shard_num][replica_num]; if (address.host_name == host_id.host_name && address.port == host_id.port) { if (found_exact_match) { if (default_database == address.default_database) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION, "There are two exactly the same ClickHouse instances {} in cluster {}", address.readableString(), cluster_name); } else { /* Circular replication is used. * It is when every physical node contains * replicas of different shards of the same table. * To distinguish one replica from another on the same node, * every shard is placed into separate database. * */ is_circular_replicated = true; auto * query_with_table = dynamic_cast(query.get()); /// For other DDLs like CREATE USER, there is no database name and should be executed successfully. if (query_with_table) { if (!query_with_table->database) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION, "For a distributed DDL on circular replicated cluster its table name " "must be qualified by database name."); if (default_database == query_with_table->getDatabase()) return true; } } } found_exact_match = true; host_shard_num = shard_num; host_replica_num = replica_num; address_in_cluster = address; default_database = address.default_database; } } } return found_exact_match; } bool DDLTask::tryFindHostInClusterViaResolving(ContextPtr context) { const auto & shards = cluster->getShardsAddresses(); bool found_via_resolving = false; for (size_t shard_num = 0; shard_num < shards.size(); ++shard_num) { for (size_t replica_num = 0; replica_num < shards[shard_num].size(); ++replica_num) { const Cluster::Address & address = shards[shard_num][replica_num]; if (auto resolved = address.getResolvedAddress(); resolved && (isLocalAddress(*resolved, context->getTCPPort()) || (context->getTCPPortSecure() && isLocalAddress(*resolved, *context->getTCPPortSecure())))) { if (found_via_resolving) { throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INCONSISTENT_CLUSTER_DEFINITION, "There are two the same ClickHouse instances in cluster {} : {} and {}", cluster_name, address_in_cluster.readableString(), address.readableString()); } else { found_via_resolving = true; host_shard_num = shard_num; host_replica_num = replica_num; address_in_cluster = address; } } } } return found_via_resolving; } String DDLTask::getShardID() const { /// Generate unique name for shard node, it will be used to execute the query by only single host /// Shard node name has format 'replica_name1,replica_name2,...,replica_nameN' /// Where replica_name is 'replica_config_host_name:replica_port' auto shard_addresses = cluster->getShardsAddresses().at(host_shard_num); Strings replica_names; for (const Cluster::Address & address : shard_addresses) replica_names.emplace_back(address.readableString()); ::sort(replica_names.begin(), replica_names.end()); String res; for (auto it = replica_names.begin(); it != replica_names.end(); ++it) res += *it + (std::next(it) != replica_names.end() ? "," : ""); return res; } DatabaseReplicatedTask::DatabaseReplicatedTask(const String & name, const String & path, DatabaseReplicated * database_) : DDLTaskBase(name, path) , database(database_) { host_id_str = database->getFullReplicaName(); } String DatabaseReplicatedTask::getShardID() const { return database->shard_name; } void DatabaseReplicatedTask::parseQueryFromEntry(ContextPtr context) { DDLTaskBase::parseQueryFromEntry(context); if (auto * ddl_query = dynamic_cast(query.get())) { /// Update database name with actual name of local database chassert(!ddl_query->database); ddl_query->setDatabase(database->getDatabaseName()); } formatRewrittenQuery(context); } ContextMutablePtr DatabaseReplicatedTask::makeQueryContext(ContextPtr from_context, const ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper) { auto query_context = DDLTaskBase::makeQueryContext(from_context, zookeeper); query_context->getClientInfo().query_kind = ClientInfo::QueryKind::SECONDARY_QUERY; query_context->getClientInfo().is_replicated_database_internal = true; query_context->setCurrentDatabase(database->getDatabaseName()); auto txn = std::make_shared(zookeeper, database->zookeeper_path, is_initial_query, entry_path); query_context->initZooKeeperMetadataTransaction(txn); if (is_initial_query) { txn->addOp(zkutil::makeRemoveRequest(entry_path + "/try", -1)); txn->addOp(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(entry_path + "/committed", host_id_str, zkutil::CreateMode::Persistent)); txn->addOp(zkutil::makeSetRequest(database->zookeeper_path + "/max_log_ptr", toString(getLogEntryNumber(entry_name)), -1)); } txn->addOp(getOpToUpdateLogPointer()); for (auto & op : ops) txn->addOp(std::move(op)); ops.clear(); return query_context; } Coordination::RequestPtr DatabaseReplicatedTask::getOpToUpdateLogPointer() { return zkutil::makeSetRequest(database->replica_path + "/log_ptr", toString(getLogEntryNumber(entry_name)), -1); } void DatabaseReplicatedTask::createSyncedNodeIfNeed(const ZooKeeperPtr & zookeeper) { assert(!completely_processed); if (!entry.settings) return; Field value; if (!entry.settings->tryGet("database_replicated_enforce_synchronous_settings", value)) return; /// Bool type is really weird, sometimes it's Bool and sometimes it's UInt64... assert(value.getType() == Field::Types::Bool || value.getType() == Field::Types::UInt64); if (!value.get()) return; zookeeper->createIfNotExists(getSyncedNodePath(), ""); } String DDLTaskBase::getLogEntryName(UInt32 log_entry_number) { return zkutil::getSequentialNodeName("query-", log_entry_number); } UInt32 DDLTaskBase::getLogEntryNumber(const String & log_entry_name) { constexpr const char * name = "query-"; assert(startsWith(log_entry_name, name)); UInt32 num = parse(log_entry_name.substr(strlen(name))); assert(num < std::numeric_limits::max()); return num; } void ZooKeeperMetadataTransaction::commit() { if (state != CREATED) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Incorrect state ({}), it's a bug", state); state = FAILED; current_zookeeper->multi(ops); state = COMMITTED; } ClusterPtr tryGetReplicatedDatabaseCluster(const String & cluster_name) { if (const auto * replicated_db = dynamic_cast(DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetDatabase(cluster_name).get())) return replicated_db->tryGetCluster(); return {}; } }