#include #include "MySQLHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if USE_POCO_NETSSL #include #include #include #include #endif namespace DB { using namespace MySQLProtocol; #if USE_POCO_NETSSL using Poco::Net::SecureStreamSocket; using Poco::Net::SSLManager; #endif namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int MYSQL_CLIENT_INSUFFICIENT_CAPABILITIES; extern const int SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED; } MySQLHandler::MySQLHandler(IServer & server_, const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket_, bool ssl_enabled, size_t connection_id_) : Poco::Net::TCPServerConnection(socket_) , server(server_) , log(&Poco::Logger::get("MySQLHandler")) , connection_context(server.context()) , connection_id(connection_id_) , auth_plugin(new MySQLProtocol::Authentication::Native41()) { server_capability_flags = CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 | CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH | CLIENT_PLUGIN_AUTH_LENENC_CLIENT_DATA | CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB | CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF; if (ssl_enabled) server_capability_flags |= CLIENT_SSL; } void MySQLHandler::run() { connection_context.makeSessionContext(); connection_context.setDefaultFormat("MySQLWire"); in = std::make_shared(socket()); out = std::make_shared(socket()); packet_sender = std::make_shared(*in, *out, connection_context.mysql.sequence_id); try { Handshake handshake(server_capability_flags, connection_id, VERSION_STRING + String("-") + VERSION_NAME, auth_plugin->getName(), auth_plugin->getAuthPluginData()); packet_sender->sendPacket(handshake, true); LOG_TRACE(log, "Sent handshake"); HandshakeResponse handshake_response; finishHandshake(handshake_response); connection_context.mysql.client_capabilities = handshake_response.capability_flags; if (handshake_response.max_packet_size) connection_context.mysql.max_packet_size = handshake_response.max_packet_size; if (!connection_context.mysql.max_packet_size) connection_context.mysql.max_packet_size = MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; LOG_TRACE(log, "Capabilities: " << handshake_response.capability_flags << ", max_packet_size: " << handshake_response.max_packet_size << ", character_set: " << static_cast(handshake_response.character_set) << ", user: " << handshake_response.username << ", auth_response length: " << handshake_response.auth_response.length() << ", database: " << handshake_response.database << ", auth_plugin_name: " << handshake_response.auth_plugin_name); client_capability_flags = handshake_response.capability_flags; if (!(client_capability_flags & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41)) throw Exception("Required capability: CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41.", ErrorCodes::MYSQL_CLIENT_INSUFFICIENT_CAPABILITIES); authenticate(handshake_response.username, handshake_response.auth_plugin_name, handshake_response.auth_response); try { if (!handshake_response.database.empty()) connection_context.setCurrentDatabase(handshake_response.database); connection_context.setCurrentQueryId(""); } catch (const Exception & exc) { log->log(exc); packet_sender->sendPacket(ERR_Packet(exc.code(), "00000", exc.message()), true); } OK_Packet ok_packet(0, handshake_response.capability_flags, 0, 0, 0); packet_sender->sendPacket(ok_packet, true); while (true) { packet_sender->resetSequenceId(); PacketPayloadReadBuffer payload = packet_sender->getPayload(); char command = 0; payload.readStrict(command); // For commands which are executed without MemoryTracker. LimitReadBuffer limited_payload(payload, 10000, true, "too long MySQL packet."); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Received command: " << static_cast(static_cast(command)) << ". Connection id: " << connection_id << "."); try { switch (command) { case COM_QUIT: return; case COM_INIT_DB: comInitDB(limited_payload); break; case COM_QUERY: comQuery(payload); break; case COM_FIELD_LIST: comFieldList(limited_payload); break; case COM_PING: comPing(); break; default: throw Exception(Poco::format("Command %d is not implemented.", command), ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } catch (const NetException & exc) { log->log(exc); throw; } catch (const Exception & exc) { log->log(exc); packet_sender->sendPacket(ERR_Packet(exc.code(), "00000", exc.message()), true); } } } catch (const Poco::Exception & exc) { log->log(exc); } } /** Reads 3 bytes, finds out whether it is SSLRequest or HandshakeResponse packet, starts secure connection, if it is SSLRequest. * Reading is performed from socket instead of ReadBuffer to prevent reading part of SSL handshake. * If we read it from socket, it will be impossible to start SSL connection using Poco. Size of SSLRequest packet payload is 32 bytes, thus we can read at most 36 bytes. */ void MySQLHandler::finishHandshake(MySQLProtocol::HandshakeResponse & packet) { size_t packet_size = PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + SSL_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE; /// Buffer for SSLRequest or part of HandshakeResponse. char buf[packet_size]; size_t pos = 0; /// Reads at least count and at most packet_size bytes. auto read_bytes = [this, &buf, &pos, &packet_size](size_t count) -> void { while (pos < count) { int ret = socket().receiveBytes(buf + pos, packet_size - pos); if (ret == 0) { throw Exception("Cannot read all data. Bytes read: " + std::to_string(pos) + ". Bytes expected: 3.", ErrorCodes::CANNOT_READ_ALL_DATA); } pos += ret; } }; read_bytes(3); /// We can find out whether it is SSLRequest of HandshakeResponse by first 3 bytes. size_t payload_size = unalignedLoad(buf) & 0xFFFFFFu; LOG_TRACE(log, "payload size: " << payload_size); if (payload_size == SSL_REQUEST_PAYLOAD_SIZE) { finishHandshakeSSL(packet_size, buf, pos, read_bytes, packet); } else { /// Reading rest of HandshakeResponse. packet_size = PACKET_HEADER_SIZE + payload_size; WriteBufferFromOwnString buf_for_handshake_response; buf_for_handshake_response.write(buf, pos); copyData(*packet_sender->in, buf_for_handshake_response, packet_size - pos); ReadBufferFromString payload(buf_for_handshake_response.str()); payload.ignore(PACKET_HEADER_SIZE); packet.readPayload(payload); packet_sender->sequence_id++; } } void MySQLHandler::authenticate(const String & user_name, const String & auth_plugin_name, const String & initial_auth_response) { try { // For compatibility with JavaScript MySQL client, Native41 authentication plugin is used when possible (if password is specified using double SHA1). Otherwise SHA256 plugin is used. auto user = connection_context.getAccessControlManager().read(user_name); const DB::Authentication::Type user_auth_type = user->authentication.getType(); if (user_auth_type != DB::Authentication::DOUBLE_SHA1_PASSWORD && user_auth_type != DB::Authentication::PLAINTEXT_PASSWORD && user_auth_type != DB::Authentication::NO_PASSWORD) { authPluginSSL(); } std::optional auth_response = auth_plugin_name == auth_plugin->getName() ? std::make_optional(initial_auth_response) : std::nullopt; auth_plugin->authenticate(user_name, auth_response, connection_context, packet_sender, secure_connection, socket().peerAddress()); } catch (const Exception & exc) { LOG_ERROR(log, "Authentication for user " << user_name << " failed."); packet_sender->sendPacket(ERR_Packet(exc.code(), "00000", exc.message()), true); throw; } LOG_INFO(log, "Authentication for user " << user_name << " succeeded."); } void MySQLHandler::comInitDB(ReadBuffer & payload) { String database; readStringUntilEOF(database, payload); LOG_DEBUG(log, "Setting current database to " << database); connection_context.setCurrentDatabase(database); packet_sender->sendPacket(OK_Packet(0, client_capability_flags, 0, 0, 1), true); } void MySQLHandler::comFieldList(ReadBuffer & payload) { ComFieldList packet; packet.readPayload(payload); String database = connection_context.getCurrentDatabase(); StoragePtr table_ptr = DatabaseCatalog::instance().getTable({database, packet.table}); for (const NameAndTypePair & column: table_ptr->getColumns().getAll()) { ColumnDefinition column_definition( database, packet.table, packet.table, column.name, column.name, CharacterSet::binary, 100, ColumnType::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0 ); packet_sender->sendPacket(column_definition); } packet_sender->sendPacket(OK_Packet(0xfe, client_capability_flags, 0, 0, 0), true); } void MySQLHandler::comPing() { packet_sender->sendPacket(OK_Packet(0x0, client_capability_flags, 0, 0, 0), true); } static bool isFederatedServerSetupCommand(const String & query); void MySQLHandler::comQuery(ReadBuffer & payload) { String query = String(payload.position(), payload.buffer().end()); // This is a workaround in order to support adding ClickHouse to MySQL using federated server. // As Clickhouse doesn't support these statements, we just send OK packet in response. if (isFederatedServerSetupCommand(query)) { packet_sender->sendPacket(OK_Packet(0x00, client_capability_flags, 0, 0, 0), true); } else { String replacement_query = "select ''"; bool should_replace = false; bool with_output = false; // Translate query from MySQL to ClickHouse. // This is a temporary workaround until ClickHouse supports the syntax "@@var_name". if (query == "select @@version_comment limit 1") // MariaDB client starts session with that query { should_replace = true; } // This is a workaround in order to support adding ClickHouse to MySQL using federated server. if (0 == strncasecmp("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE", query.c_str(), 22)) { should_replace = true; replacement_query = boost::replace_all_copy(query, "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ", show_table_status_replacement_query); } ReadBufferFromString replacement(replacement_query); Context query_context = connection_context; executeQuery(should_replace ? replacement : payload, *out, true, query_context, [&with_output](const String &, const String &, const String &, const String &) { with_output = true; } ); if (!with_output) packet_sender->sendPacket(OK_Packet(0x00, client_capability_flags, 0, 0, 0), true); } } void MySQLHandler::authPluginSSL() { throw Exception("ClickHouse was built without SSL support. Try specifying password using double SHA1 in users.xml.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED); } void MySQLHandler::finishHandshakeSSL([[maybe_unused]] size_t packet_size, [[maybe_unused]] char * buf, [[maybe_unused]] size_t pos, [[maybe_unused]] std::function read_bytes, [[maybe_unused]] MySQLProtocol::HandshakeResponse & packet) { throw Exception("Client requested SSL, while it is disabled.", ErrorCodes::SUPPORT_IS_DISABLED); } #if USE_SSL && USE_POCO_NETSSL MySQLHandlerSSL::MySQLHandlerSSL(IServer & server_, const Poco::Net::StreamSocket & socket_, bool ssl_enabled, size_t connection_id_, RSA & public_key_, RSA & private_key_) : MySQLHandler(server_, socket_, ssl_enabled, connection_id_) , public_key(public_key_) , private_key(private_key_) {} void MySQLHandlerSSL::authPluginSSL() { auth_plugin = std::make_unique(public_key, private_key, log); } void MySQLHandlerSSL::finishHandshakeSSL(size_t packet_size, char * buf, size_t pos, std::function read_bytes, MySQLProtocol::HandshakeResponse & packet) { read_bytes(packet_size); /// Reading rest SSLRequest. SSLRequest ssl_request; ReadBufferFromMemory payload(buf, pos); payload.ignore(PACKET_HEADER_SIZE); ssl_request.readPayload(payload); connection_context.mysql.client_capabilities = ssl_request.capability_flags; connection_context.mysql.max_packet_size = ssl_request.max_packet_size ? ssl_request.max_packet_size : MAX_PACKET_LENGTH; secure_connection = true; ss = std::make_shared(SecureStreamSocket::attach(socket(), SSLManager::instance().defaultServerContext())); in = std::make_shared(*ss); out = std::make_shared(*ss); connection_context.mysql.sequence_id = 2; packet_sender = std::make_shared(*in, *out, connection_context.mysql.sequence_id); packet_sender->max_packet_size = connection_context.mysql.max_packet_size; packet_sender->receivePacket(packet); /// Reading HandshakeResponse from secure socket. } #endif static bool isFederatedServerSetupCommand(const String & query) { return 0 == strncasecmp("SET NAMES", query.c_str(), 9) || 0 == strncasecmp("SET character_set_results", query.c_str(), 25) || 0 == strncasecmp("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS", query.c_str(), 22) || 0 == strncasecmp("SET AUTOCOMMIT", query.c_str(), 14) || 0 == strncasecmp("SET SESSION TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL", query.c_str(), 39); } const String MySQLHandler::show_table_status_replacement_query("SELECT" " name AS Name," " engine AS Engine," " '10' AS Version," " 'Dynamic' AS Row_format," " 0 AS Rows," " 0 AS Avg_row_length," " 0 AS Data_length," " 0 AS Max_data_length," " 0 AS Index_length," " 0 AS Data_free," " 'NULL' AS Auto_increment," " metadata_modification_time AS Create_time," " metadata_modification_time AS Update_time," " metadata_modification_time AS Check_time," " 'utf8_bin' AS Collation," " 'NULL' AS Checksum," " '' AS Create_options," " '' AS Comment" " FROM system.tables" " WHERE name LIKE "); }