-- Tags: long, zookeeper, no-replicated-database, no-polymorphic-parts, no-random-merge-tree-settings -- Tag no-replicated-database: Fails due to additional replicas or shards SET insert_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0; -- disable fault injection; part ids are non-deterministic in case of insert retries drop table if exists rmt sync; -- cleanup code will perform extra Exists -- (so the .reference will not match) create table rmt (n int) engine=ReplicatedMergeTree('/test/01158/{database}/rmt', '1') order by n settings cleanup_delay_period=86400, max_cleanup_delay_period=86400, replicated_can_become_leader=0, allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication=0; system sync replica rmt; insert into rmt values (1); insert into rmt values (1); system sync replica rmt; system flush logs; select 'log'; select address, type, has_watch, op_num, path, is_ephemeral, is_sequential, version, requests_size, request_idx, error, watch_type, watch_state, path_created, stat_version, stat_cversion, stat_dataLength, stat_numChildren from system.zookeeper_log where path like '/test/01158/' || currentDatabase() || '/rmt/log%' and op_num not in (3, 4, 12, 500) order by xid, type, request_idx; select 'parts'; select type, has_watch, op_num, replace(path, toString(serverUUID()), ''), is_ephemeral, is_sequential, if(startsWith(path, '/clickhouse/sessions'), 1, version), requests_size, request_idx, error, watch_type, watch_state, path_created, stat_version, stat_cversion, stat_dataLength, stat_numChildren from system.zookeeper_log where (session_id, xid) in ( select session_id, xid from system.zookeeper_log where path='/test/01158/' || currentDatabase() || '/rmt/replicas/1/parts/all_0_0_0' and (query_id='' or query_id in (select query_id from system.query_log where current_database=currentDatabase() and event_date>=yesterday())) ) order by xid, type, request_idx; select 'blocks'; select type, has_watch, op_num, path, is_ephemeral, is_sequential, version, requests_size, request_idx, error, watch_type, watch_state, path_created, stat_version, stat_cversion, stat_dataLength, stat_numChildren from system.zookeeper_log where (session_id, xid) in ( select session_id, xid from system.zookeeper_log where path like '/test/01158/' || currentDatabase() || '/rmt/blocks/%' and op_num not in (1, 12, 500) and (query_id='' or query_id in (select query_id from system.query_log where current_database=currentDatabase() and event_date>=yesterday())) ) order by xid, type, request_idx; drop table rmt sync; system flush logs; select 'duration_microseconds'; select count()>0 from system.zookeeper_log where path like '/test/01158/' || currentDatabase() || '/rmt%' and duration_microseconds > 0;