#!/usr/bin/env python import re from typing import Tuple # Individual trusted contirbutors who are not in any trusted organization. # Can be changed in runtime: we will append users that we learned to be in # a trusted org, to save GitHub API calls. TRUSTED_CONTRIBUTORS = { e.lower() for e in [ "achimbab", # Kakao corp "Algunenano", # Raúl Marín, ClickHouse, Inc "amosbird", "azat", # SEMRush "bharatnc", # Many contributions. "bobrik", # Seasoned contributor, CloudFlare "cwurm", # ClickHouse, Inc "den-crane", # Documentation contributor "hagen1778", # Roman Khavronenko, seasoned contributor "hczhcz", "hexiaoting", # Seasoned contributor "ildus", # adjust, ex-pgpro "javisantana", # a Spanish ClickHouse enthusiast, ex-Carto "kreuzerkrieg", "nikvas0", "nvartolomei", # Seasoned contributor, CloudFlare "spongedu", # Seasoned contributor "taiyang-li", "ucasFL", # Amos Bird's friend "vdimir", # ClickHouse, Inc "YiuRULE", "zlobober", # Developer of YT "ilejn", # Arenadata, responsible for Kerberized Kafka "thomoco", # ClickHouse, Inc "BoloniniD", # Seasoned contributor, HSE "tonickkozlov", # Cloudflare "tylerhannan", # ClickHouse, Inc "myrrc", # Mike Kot, DoubleCloud "thevar1able", # ClickHouse, Inc "aalexfvk", "MikhailBurdukov", "tsolodov", # ClickHouse, Inc "kitaisreal", "k-morozov", # Konstantin Morozov, Yandex Cloud ] } # Descriptions are used in .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md, keep comments there # updated accordingly # The following lists are append only, try to avoid editing them # They still could be cleaned out after the decent time though. LABELS = { "pr-backward-incompatible": ["Backward Incompatible Change"], "pr-bugfix": [ "Bug Fix", "Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in an official stable release)", "Bug Fix (user-visible misbehaviour in official stable or prestable release)", "Bug Fix (user-visible misbehavior in official stable or prestable release)", ], "pr-build": [ "Build/Testing/Packaging Improvement", "Build Improvement", "Build/Testing Improvement", "Build", "Packaging Improvement", ], "pr-documentation": [ "Documentation (changelog entry is not required)", "Documentation", ], "pr-feature": ["New Feature"], "pr-improvement": ["Improvement"], "pr-not-for-changelog": [ "Not for changelog (changelog entry is not required)", "Not for changelog", ], "pr-performance": ["Performance Improvement"], } CATEGORY_TO_LABEL = {c: lb for lb, categories in LABELS.items() for c in categories} def check_pr_description(pr_body: str, repo_name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """The function checks the body to being properly formatted according to .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md, if the first returned string is not empty, then there is an error.""" lines = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), pr_body.split("\n") if pr_body else [])) lines = [re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line) for line in lines] # Check if body contains "Reverts ClickHouse/ClickHouse#36337" if [True for line in lines if re.match(rf"\AReverts {repo_name}#[\d]+\Z", line)]: return "", LABELS["pr-not-for-changelog"][0] category = "" entry = "" description_error = "" i = 0 while i < len(lines): if re.match(r"(?i)^[#>*_ ]*change\s*log\s*category", lines[i]): i += 1 if i >= len(lines): break # Can have one empty line between header and the category # itself. Filter it out. if not lines[i]: i += 1 if i >= len(lines): break category = re.sub(r"^[-*\s]*", "", lines[i]) i += 1 # Should not have more than one category. Require empty line # after the first found category. if i >= len(lines): break if lines[i]: second_category = re.sub(r"^[-*\s]*", "", lines[i]) description_error = ( "More than one changelog category specified: " f"'{category}', '{second_category}'" ) return description_error, category elif re.match( r"(?i)^[#>*_ ]*(short\s*description|change\s*log\s*entry)", lines[i] ): i += 1 # Can have one empty line between header and the entry itself. # Filter it out. if i < len(lines) and not lines[i]: i += 1 # All following lines until empty one are the changelog entry. entry_lines = [] while i < len(lines) and lines[i]: entry_lines.append(lines[i]) i += 1 entry = " ".join(entry_lines) # Don't accept changelog entries like '...'. entry = re.sub(r"[#>*_.\- ]", "", entry) # Don't accept changelog entries like 'Close #12345'. entry = re.sub(r"^[\w\-\s]{0,10}#?\d{5,6}\.?$", "", entry) else: i += 1 if not category: description_error = "Changelog category is empty" # Filter out the PR categories that are not for changelog. elif re.match( r"(?i)doc|((non|in|not|un)[-\s]*significant)|(not[ ]*for[ ]*changelog)", category, ): pass # to not check the rest of the conditions elif category not in CATEGORY_TO_LABEL: description_error, category = f"Category '{category}' is not valid", "" elif not entry: description_error = f"Changelog entry required for category '{category}'" return description_error, category