import time import pytest import logging import string import random from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=["config.d/backups.xml"], stay_alive=True, with_zookeeper=True, ) cluster.add_instance( "node_restart", main_configs=["config.d/dont_start_broken.xml"], stay_alive=True, with_zookeeper=True, )"Starting cluster...") cluster.start()"Cluster started") yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def create_table(node, table, replica, data_prefix="", aggressive_merge=True): if data_prefix == "": data_prefix = table if aggressive_merge: vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate = 1 vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate = 1 max_parts_to_merge_at_once = 3 else: vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate = 100000 vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate = 100 max_parts_to_merge_at_once = 3 node.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table} SYNC; CREATE TABLE {table} ( a String, b String, c Int64, d Int64, e Int64, PROJECTION proj1 ( SELECT c ORDER BY d ), PROJECTION proj2 ( SELECT d ORDER BY c ) ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/test_broken_projection_{data_prefix}/data/', '{replica}') ORDER BY a SETTINGS min_bytes_for_wide_part = 0, max_parts_to_merge_at_once={max_parts_to_merge_at_once}, enable_vertical_merge_algorithm=0, vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate = {vertical_merge_algorithm_min_rows_to_activate}, vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate = {vertical_merge_algorithm_min_columns_to_activate}, compress_primary_key=0; """ ) def insert(node, table, offset, size): node.query( f""" INSERT INTO {table} SELECT number, number, number, number, number%2 FROM numbers({offset}, {size}) SETTINGS insert_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; """ ) def get_parts(node, table): return ( node.query( f""" SELECT name FROM WHERE table='{table}' AND database=currentDatabase() AND active = 1 ORDER BY name;" """ ) .strip() .split("\n") ) def bash(node, command): node.exec_in_container(["bash", "-c", command], privileged=True, user="root") def break_projection(node, table, part, parent_part, break_type): part_path = node.query( f""" SELECT path FROM system.projection_parts WHERE table='{table}' AND database=currentDatabase() AND active=1 AND part_name='{part}' AND parent_name='{parent_part}' ORDER BY modification_time DESC LIMIT 1; """ ).strip() node.query( f"select throwIf(substring('{part_path}', 1, 1) != '/', 'Path is relative: {part_path}')" ) if break_type == "data": bash(node, f"rm '{part_path}/d.bin'") bash(node, f"rm '{part_path}/c.bin'") elif break_type == "metadata": bash(node, f"rm '{part_path}/columns.txt'") elif break_type == "part": bash(node, f"rm -r '{part_path}'") def break_part(node, table, part): part_path = node.query( f""" SELECT path FROM WHERE table='{table}' AND database=currentDatabase() AND active=1 AND part_name='{part}' ORDER BY modification_time DESC LIMIT 1; """ ).strip() node.query( f"select throwIf(substring('{part_path}', 1, 1) != '/', 'Path is relative: {part_path}')" ) bash(node, f"rm '{part_path}/columns.txt'") def get_broken_projections_info(node, table, part=None, projection=None, active=True): parent_name_filter = f" AND parent_name = '{part}'" if part else "" name_filter = f" AND name = '{projection}'" if projection else "" return node.query( f""" SELECT parent_name, name, exception FROM system.projection_parts WHERE table='{table}' AND database=currentDatabase() AND is_broken = 1 AND active = {active} {parent_name_filter} {name_filter} ORDER BY parent_name, name """ ) def get_projections_info(node, table): return node.query( f""" SELECT parent_name, name, is_broken FROM system.projection_parts WHERE table='{table}' AND active = 1 AND database=currentDatabase() ORDER BY parent_name, name """ ).strip() def optimize(node, table, final, no_wait): query = f"OPTIMIZE TABLE {table}" if final: query += " FINAL" if no_wait: query += " SETTINGS alter_sync=0" node.query(query) def reattach(node, table): node.query( f""" DETACH TABLE {table}; ATTACH TABLE {table}; """ ) def materialize_projection(node, table, proj): node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table} MATERIALIZE PROJECTION {proj} SETTINGS mutations_sync=2" ) def check_table_full(node, table): return node.query( f"CHECK TABLE {table} SETTINGS check_query_single_value_result = 0;" ).strip() def random_str(length=6): alphabet = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits return "".join(random.SystemRandom().choice(alphabet) for _ in range(length)) def check( node, table, check_result, expect_broken_part="", expected_error="", do_check_command=True, ): if expect_broken_part == "proj1": assert expected_error in node.query_and_get_error( f"SELECT c FROM '{table}' WHERE d == 12 ORDER BY c SETTINGS force_optimize_projection_name = 'proj1'" ) else: query_id = node.query( f"SELECT queryID() FROM (SELECT c FROM '{table}' WHERE d == 12 ORDER BY c SETTINGS force_optimize_projection_name = 'proj1')" ).strip() for _ in range(10): node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") res = node.query( f""" SELECT query, splitByChar('.', arrayJoin(projections))[-1] FROM system.query_log WHERE query_id='{query_id}' AND type='QueryFinish' """ ) if res != "": break if res == "": res = node.query( """ SELECT query_id, query, splitByChar('.', arrayJoin(projections))[-1] FROM system.query_log ORDER BY query_start_time_microseconds DESC """ ) print(f"Looked for query id {query_id}, but to no avail: {res}") assert False assert "proj1" in res if expect_broken_part == "proj2": assert expected_error in node.query_and_get_error( f"SELECT d FROM '{table}' WHERE c == 12 ORDER BY d SETTINGS force_optimize_projection_name = 'proj2'" ) else: query_id = node.query( f"SELECT queryID() FROM (SELECT d FROM '{table}' WHERE c == 12 ORDER BY d SETTINGS force_optimize_projection_name = 'proj2')" ).strip() for _ in range(10): node.query("SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS") res = node.query( f""" SELECT query, splitByChar('.', arrayJoin(projections))[-1] FROM system.query_log WHERE query_id='{query_id}' AND type='QueryFinish' """ ) if res != "": break if res == "": res = node.query( """ SELECT query_id, query, splitByChar('.', arrayJoin(projections))[-1] FROM system.query_log ORDER BY query_start_time_microseconds DESC """ ) print(f"Looked for query id {query_id}, but to no avail: {res}") assert False assert "proj2" in res if do_check_command: assert check_result == int(node.query(f"CHECK TABLE {table}")) def test_broken_ignored(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test1" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) # Break metadata (columns.txt) file of projection 'proj1' break_projection(node, table_name, "proj1", "all_2_2_0", "metadata") # Do select and after "check table" query. # Select works because it does not read columns.txt. # But expect check table result as 0. check(node, table_name, 0) # Projection 'proj1' from part all_2_2_0 will now appear in broken parts info # because it was marked broken during "check table" query. assert "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0", projection="proj1" ) # Check table query will also show a list of parts which have broken projections. assert "all_2_2_0" in check_table_full(node, table_name) # Break data file of projection 'proj2' for part all_2_2_0 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0", "data") # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, projection="proj2") # Select now fails with error "File doesn't exist" check(node, table_name, 0, "proj2", "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST") # Projection 'proj2' from part all_2_2_0 will now appear in broken parts info. assert "NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0", projection="proj2" ) # Second select works, because projection is now marked as broken. check(node, table_name, 0) # Break data file of projection 'proj2' for part all_3_3_0 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_3_3_0", "data") # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, part="all_3_3_0") insert(node, table_name, 20, 5) insert(node, table_name, 25, 5) # Part all_3_3_0 has 'proj' and 'proj2' projections, but 'proj2' is broken and server does NOT know it yet. # Parts all_4_4_0 and all_5_5_0 have both non-broken projections. # So a merge will be create for future part all_3_5_1. # During merge it will fail to read from 'proj2' of part all_3_3_0 and proj2 will be marked broken. # Merge will be retried and on second attempt it will succeed. # The result part all_3_5_1 will have only 1 projection - 'proj', because # it will skip 'proj2' as it will see that one part does not have it anymore in the set of valid projections. optimize(node, table_name, 0, 1) time.sleep(5) # table_uuid=node.query(f"SELECT uuid FROM system.tables WHERE table='{table_name}' and database=currentDatabase()").strip() # assert 0 < int( # node.query( # f""" # SYSTEM FLUSH LOGS; # SELECT count() FROM system.text_log # WHERE level='Error' # AND logger_name='MergeTreeBackgroundExecutor' # AND message like 'Exception while executing background task %{table_uuid}:all_3_5_1%%Cannot open file%proj2.proj/c.bin%' # """) # ) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_5_1"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) assert get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, part="all_3_3_0", active=False) assert get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0", active=True) # 0 because of all_2_2_0 check(node, table_name, 0) def test_materialize_broken_projection(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test2" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) break_projection(node, table_name, "proj1", "all_1_1_0", "metadata") reattach(node, table_name) assert "NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_1_1_0", projection="proj1" ) assert "Part all_1_1_0 has a broken projection proj1" in check_table_full( node, table_name ) break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_1_1_0", "data") reattach(node, table_name) assert "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_1_1_0", projection="proj2" ) assert "Part all_1_1_0 has a broken projection proj2" in check_table_full( node, table_name ) materialize_projection(node, table_name, "proj1") assert "has a broken projection" not in check_table_full(node, table_name) def test_broken_ignored_replicated(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test3" table_name2 = "test3_replica" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) check(node, table_name, 1) create_table(node, table_name2, 2, table_name) node.query(f"system sync replica {table_name}") check(node, table_name2, 1) break_projection(node, table_name, "proj1", "all_0_0_0", "data") assert "Part all_0_0_0 has a broken projection proj1" in check_table_full( node, table_name ) break_part(node, table_name, "all_0_0_0") node.query(f"SYSTEM SYNC REPLICA {table_name}") assert "has a broken projection" not in check_table_full(node, table_name) def get_random_string(string_length=8): alphabet = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return "".join((random.choice(alphabet) for _ in range(string_length))) def test_broken_projections_in_backups_2(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test5" create_table(node, table_name, 1, aggressive_merge=False, data_prefix=table_name) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) check(node, table_name, 1) break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0", "part") check(node, table_name, 0, "proj2", "ErrnoException") assert "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0", projection="proj2" ) assert "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST" in node.query_and_get_error( f""" set backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; backup table {table_name} to Disk('backups', 'b2') """ ) materialize_projection(node, table_name, "proj2") check(node, table_name, 1) backup_name = f"b3-{get_random_string()}" assert "BACKUP_CREATED" in node.query( f""" set backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; backup table {table_name} to Disk('backups', '{backup_name}') settings check_projection_parts=false; """ ) assert "RESTORED" in node.query( f""" drop table {table_name} sync; set backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; restore table {table_name} from Disk('backups', '{backup_name}'); """ ) check(node, table_name, 1) def test_broken_projections_in_backups_3(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test6" create_table(node, table_name, 1, aggressive_merge=False, data_prefix=table_name) node.query("SYSTEM STOP MERGES") insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) check(node, table_name, 1) break_projection(node, table_name, "proj1", "all_1_1_0", "part") assert "Part all_1_1_0 has a broken projection proj1" in check_table_full( node, table_name ) assert "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_1_1_0", projection="proj1" ) backup_name = f"b4-{get_random_string()}" assert "BACKUP_CREATED" in node.query( f""" set backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; backup table {table_name} to Disk('backups', '{backup_name}') settings check_projection_parts=false, allow_backup_broken_projections=true; """ ) assert "RESTORED" in node.query( f""" drop table {table_name} sync; set backup_restore_keeper_fault_injection_probability=0.0; restore table {table_name} from Disk('backups', '{backup_name}'); """ ) check(node, table_name, 0) assert ( "Projection directory proj1.proj does not exist while loading projections" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_1_1_0", projection="proj1" ) ) def test_check_part_thread(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "check_part_thread_test1" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) # Break data file of projection 'proj2' for part all_2_2_0 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0", "data") # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, projection="proj2") # Select now fails with error "File doesn't exist" check(node, table_name, 0, "proj2", "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST", do_check_command=False) good = False for _ in range(10): # We marked projection as broken, checkPartThread must not complain about the part. good = node.contains_in_log( f"{table_name} (ReplicatedMergeTreePartCheckThread): Part all_2_2_0 looks good" ) if good: break time.sleep(1) assert good def test_broken_on_start(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test1" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) # Break data file of projection 'proj2' for part all_2_2_0 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0", "data") # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, projection="proj2") # Select now fails with error "File doesn't exist" # We will mark projection as broken. check(node, table_name, 0, "proj2", "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST") # Projection 'proj2' from part all_2_2_0 will now appear in broken parts info. assert "NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0", projection="proj2" ) # Second select works, because projection is now marked as broken. check(node, table_name, 0) node.restart_clickhouse() # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, projection="proj2") # Select works check(node, table_name, 0) def test_disappeared_projection_on_start(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node_restart"] table_name = "test_disapperead_projection" create_table(node, table_name, 1) node.query(f"SYSTEM STOP MERGES {table_name}") insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) def drop_projection(): node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} DROP PROJECTION proj2", settings={"mutations_sync": "0"}, ) p = Pool(2) p.apply_async(drop_projection) for i in range(30): create_query = node.query(f"SHOW CREATE TABLE {table_name}") if "proj2" not in create_query: break time.sleep(0.5) assert "proj2" not in create_query # Remove 'proj2' for part all_2_2_0 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0", "part") node.restart_clickhouse() # proj2 is not broken, it doesn't exist, but ok check(node, table_name, 0, expect_broken_part="proj2", do_check_command=0) def test_mutation_with_broken_projection(cluster): node = cluster.instances["node"] table_name = "test1" create_table(node, table_name, 1) insert(node, table_name, 0, 5) insert(node, table_name, 5, 5) insert(node, table_name, 10, 5) insert(node, table_name, 15, 5) assert ["all_0_0_0", "all_1_1_0", "all_2_2_0", "all_3_3_0"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) check(node, table_name, 1) node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} DELETE WHERE c == 11 SETTINGS mutations_sync = 1" ) assert ["all_0_0_0_4", "all_1_1_0_4", "all_2_2_0_4", "all_3_3_0_4"] == get_parts( node, table_name ) assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name) check(node, table_name, 1) # Break data file of projection 'proj2' for part all_2_2_0_4 break_projection(node, table_name, "proj2", "all_2_2_0_4", "data") # It will not yet appear in broken projections info. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, projection="proj2") # Select now fails with error "File doesn't exist" # We will mark projection as broken. check(node, table_name, 0, "proj2", "FILE_DOESNT_EXIST") # Projection 'proj2' from part all_2_2_0_4 will now appear in broken parts info. assert "NO_FILE_IN_DATA_PART" in get_broken_projections_info( node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0_4", projection="proj2" ) # Second select works, because projection is now marked as broken. check(node, table_name, 0) assert get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0_4") node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} DELETE WHERE _part == 'all_0_0_0_4' SETTINGS mutations_sync = 1" ) parts = get_parts(node, table_name) # All parts changes because this is how alter delete works, # but all parts apart from the first have only hardlinks to files in previous part. assert ["all_0_0_0_5", "all_1_1_0_5", "all_2_2_0_5", "all_3_3_0_5"] == parts or [ "all_1_1_0_5", "all_2_2_0_5", "all_3_3_0_5", ] == parts # Still broken because it was hardlinked. broken = get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name) if broken: # can be not broken because of a merge. assert get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name, part="all_2_2_0_5") check(node, table_name, not broken) node.query( f"ALTER TABLE {table_name} DELETE WHERE c == 13 SETTINGS mutations_sync = 1" ) parts = get_parts(node, table_name) assert ["all_1_1_0_6", "all_2_2_0_6", "all_3_3_0_6"] == parts or [ "all_0_0_0_6", "all_1_1_0_6", "all_2_2_0_6", "all_3_3_0_6", ] == parts # Not broken anymore. assert not get_broken_projections_info(node, table_name) check(node, table_name, 1)