import helpers.client from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster from helpers.test_tools import TSV import pytest import logging import os import json import time import glob import random import string import pyspark import delta from delta import * from pyspark.sql.types import ( StructType, StructField, StringType, IntegerType, DateType, TimestampType, BooleanType, ArrayType, ) from pyspark.sql.functions import current_timestamp from datetime import datetime from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id, row_number from pyspark.sql.window import Window from minio.deleteobjects import DeleteObject import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq from deltalake.writer import write_deltalake from helpers.s3_tools import ( prepare_s3_bucket, upload_directory, get_file_contents, list_s3_objects, ) SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) def get_spark(): builder = ( pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.appName("spark_test") .config("spark.sql.extensions", "") .config( "spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog", "", ) .master("local") ) return builder.master("local").getOrCreate() def randomize_table_name(table_name, random_suffix_length=10): letters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits return f"{table_name}{''.join(random.choice(letters) for _ in range(random_suffix_length))}" @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__, with_spark=True) cluster.add_instance( "node1", main_configs=["configs/config.d/named_collections.xml"], user_configs=["configs/users.d/users.xml"], with_minio=True, stay_alive=True, )"Starting cluster...") cluster.start() prepare_s3_bucket(cluster) cluster.spark_session = get_spark() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def write_delta_from_file(spark, path, result_path, mode="overwrite"):"compression", "none").format( "delta" ).option("delta.columnMapping.mode", "name").save(result_path) def write_delta_from_df(spark, df, result_path, mode="overwrite", partition_by=None): if partition_by is None: df.write.mode(mode).option("compression", "none").format("delta").option( "delta.columnMapping.mode", "name" ).save(result_path) else: df.write.mode(mode).option("compression", "none").format("delta").option( "delta.columnMapping.mode", "name" ).partitionBy("a").save(result_path) def generate_data(spark, start, end): a = spark.range(start, end, 1).toDF("a") b = spark.range(start + 1, end + 1, 1).toDF("b") b = b.withColumn("b", b["b"].cast(StringType())) a = a.withColumn( "row_index", row_number().over(Window.orderBy(monotonically_increasing_id())) ) b = b.withColumn( "row_index", row_number().over(Window.orderBy(monotonically_increasing_id())) ) df = a.join(b, on=["row_index"]).drop("row_index") return df def get_delta_metadata(delta_metadata_file): jsons = [json.loads(x) for x in delta_metadata_file.splitlines()] combined_json = {} for d in jsons: combined_json.update(d) return combined_json def create_delta_table(node, table_name, bucket="root"): node.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {table_name}; CREATE TABLE {table_name} ENGINE=DeltaLake(s3, filename = '{table_name}/', url = 'http://minio1:9001/{bucket}/')""" ) def create_initial_data_file( cluster, node, query, table_name, compression_method="none" ): node.query( f""" INSERT INTO TABLE FUNCTION file('{table_name}.parquet') SETTINGS output_format_parquet_compression_method='{compression_method}', s3_truncate_on_insert=1 {query} FORMAT Parquet""" ) user_files_path = os.path.join( SCRIPT_DIR, f"{cluster.instances_dir_name}/node1/database/user_files" ) result_path = f"{user_files_path}/{table_name}.parquet" return result_path def test_single_log_file(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_single_log_file") inserted_data = "SELECT number as a, toString(number + 1) as b FROM numbers(100)" parquet_data_path = create_initial_data_file( started_cluster, instance, inserted_data, TABLE_NAME ) write_delta_from_file(spark, parquet_data_path, f"/{TABLE_NAME}") files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) == 2 # 1 metadata files + 1 data file create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 assert instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME}") == instance.query( inserted_data ) def test_partition_by(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_partition_by") write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, 0, 10), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="overwrite", partition_by="a", ) files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) == 11 # 10 partitions and 1 metadata file create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 10 def test_checkpoint(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_checkpoint") write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, 0, 1), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="overwrite", ) for i in range(1, 25): write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, i, i + 1), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="append", ) files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") # 25 data files # 25 metadata files # 1 last_metadata file # 2 checkpoints assert len(files) == 25 * 2 + 3 ok = False for file in files: if file.endswith("last_checkpoint"): ok = True assert ok create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME) assert ( int( instance.query( f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME} SETTINGS input_format_parquet_allow_missing_columns=1" ) ) == 25 ) table = DeltaTable.forPath(spark, f"/{TABLE_NAME}") table.delete("a < 10") files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 15 for i in range(0, 5): write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, i, i + 1), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="append", ) # + 1 metadata files (for delete) # + 5 data files # + 5 metadata files # + 1 checkpoint file # + 1 ? files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) == 53 + 1 + 5 * 2 + 1 + 1 assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 20 assert ( instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME} ORDER BY 1").strip() == instance.query( "SELECT * FROM (" "SELECT number, toString(number + 1) FROM numbers(5) " "UNION ALL SELECT number, toString(number + 1) FROM numbers(10, 15) " ") ORDER BY 1" ).strip() ) def test_multiple_log_files(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_multiple_log_files") write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, 0, 100), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="overwrite" ) files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) == 2 # 1 metadata files + 1 data file s3_objects = list( minio_client.list_objects(bucket, f"{TABLE_NAME}/_delta_log/", recursive=True) ) assert len(s3_objects) == 1 create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 write_delta_from_df( spark, generate_data(spark, 100, 200), f"/{TABLE_NAME}", mode="append" ) files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) == 4 # 2 metadata files + 2 data files s3_objects = list( minio_client.list_objects(bucket, f"{TABLE_NAME}/_delta_log/", recursive=True) ) assert len(s3_objects) == 2 assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 200 assert instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME} ORDER BY 1") == instance.query( "SELECT number, toString(number + 1) FROM numbers(200)" ) def test_metadata(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_metadata") parquet_data_path = create_initial_data_file( started_cluster, instance, "SELECT number, toString(number) FROM numbers(100)", TABLE_NAME, ) write_delta_from_file(spark, parquet_data_path, f"/{TABLE_NAME}") upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") data = get_file_contents( minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}/_delta_log/00000000000000000000.json", ) delta_metadata = get_delta_metadata(data) stats = json.loads(delta_metadata["add"]["stats"]) assert stats["numRecords"] == 100 assert next(iter(stats["minValues"].values())) == 0 assert next(iter(stats["maxValues"].values())) == 99 create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 def test_types(started_cluster): TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_types") spark = started_cluster.spark_session result_file = randomize_table_name(f"{TABLE_NAME}_result_2") delta_table = ( DeltaTable.create(spark) .tableName(TABLE_NAME) .location(f"/{result_file}") .addColumn("a", "INT") .addColumn("b", "STRING") .addColumn("c", "DATE") .addColumn("d", "ARRAY") .addColumn("e", "BOOLEAN") .execute() ) data = [ ( 123, "string", datetime.strptime("2000-01-01", "%Y-%m-%d"), ["str1", "str2"], True, ) ] schema = StructType( [ StructField("a", IntegerType()), StructField("b", StringType()), StructField("c", DateType()), StructField("d", ArrayType(StringType())), StructField("e", BooleanType()), ] ) df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema) df.printSchema() df.write.mode("append").format("delta").saveAsTable(TABLE_NAME) minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{result_file}", "") instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] instance.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {TABLE_NAME}; CREATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} ENGINE=DeltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123')""" ) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 1 assert ( instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME}").strip() == "123\tstring\t2000-01-01\t['str1','str2']\ttrue" ) table_function = f"deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123')" assert ( instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {table_function}").strip() == "123\tstring\t2000-01-01\t['str1','str2']\ttrue" ) assert instance.query(f"DESCRIBE {table_function} FORMAT TSV") == TSV( [ ["a", "Nullable(Int32)"], ["b", "Nullable(String)"], ["c", "Nullable(Date32)"], ["d", "Array(Nullable(String))"], ["e", "Nullable(Bool)"], ] ) def test_restart_broken(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = "broken" TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_restart_broken") if not minio_client.bucket_exists(bucket): minio_client.make_bucket(bucket) parquet_data_path = create_initial_data_file( started_cluster, instance, "SELECT number, toString(number) FROM numbers(100)", TABLE_NAME, ) write_delta_from_file(spark, parquet_data_path, f"/{TABLE_NAME}") upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") create_delta_table(instance, TABLE_NAME, bucket=bucket) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 s3_objects = list_s3_objects(minio_client, bucket, prefix="") assert ( len( list( minio_client.remove_objects( bucket, [DeleteObject(obj) for obj in s3_objects], ) ) ) == 0 ) minio_client.remove_bucket(bucket) instance.restart_clickhouse() assert "NoSuchBucket" in instance.query_and_get_error( f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}" ) s3_disk_no_key_errors_metric_value = int( instance.query( """ SELECT value FROM system.metrics WHERE metric = 'DiskS3NoSuchKeyErrors' """ ).strip() ) assert s3_disk_no_key_errors_metric_value == 0 minio_client.make_bucket(bucket) upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 def test_restart_broken_table_function(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = "broken2" TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_restart_broken_table_function") if not minio_client.bucket_exists(bucket): minio_client.make_bucket(bucket) parquet_data_path = create_initial_data_file( started_cluster, instance, "SELECT number, toString(number) FROM numbers(100)", TABLE_NAME, ) write_delta_from_file(spark, parquet_data_path, f"/{TABLE_NAME}") upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") instance.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {TABLE_NAME}; CREATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} AS deltaLake(s3, filename = '{TABLE_NAME}/', url = 'http://minio1:9001/{bucket}/')""" ) assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 s3_objects = list_s3_objects(minio_client, bucket, prefix="") assert ( len( list( minio_client.remove_objects( bucket, [DeleteObject(obj) for obj in s3_objects], ) ) ) == 0 ) minio_client.remove_bucket(bucket) instance.restart_clickhouse() assert "NoSuchBucket" in instance.query_and_get_error( f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}" ) minio_client.make_bucket(bucket) upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert int(instance.query(f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME}")) == 100 def test_partition_columns(started_cluster): instance = started_cluster.instances["node1"] spark = started_cluster.spark_session minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket TABLE_NAME = randomize_table_name("test_partition_columns") result_file = f"{TABLE_NAME}" partition_columns = ["b", "c", "d", "e"] delta_table = ( DeltaTable.create(spark) .tableName(TABLE_NAME) .location(f"/{result_file}") .addColumn("a", "INT") .addColumn("b", "STRING") .addColumn("c", "DATE") .addColumn("d", "INT") .addColumn("e", "BOOLEAN") .partitionedBy(partition_columns) .execute() ) num_rows = 9 schema = StructType( [ StructField("a", IntegerType()), StructField("b", StringType()), StructField("c", DateType()), StructField("d", IntegerType()), StructField("e", BooleanType()), ] ) for i in range(1, num_rows + 1): data = [ ( i, "test" + str(i), datetime.strptime(f"2000-01-0{i}", "%Y-%m-%d"), i, False if i % 2 == 0 else True, ) ] df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema) df.printSchema() df.write.mode("append").format("delta").partitionBy(partition_columns).save( f"/{TABLE_NAME}" ) minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") assert len(files) > 0 print(f"Uploaded files: {files}") result = instance.query( f"describe table deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123')" ).strip() assert ( result == "a\tNullable(Int32)\t\t\t\t\t\nb\tNullable(String)\t\t\t\t\t\nc\tNullable(Date32)\t\t\t\t\t\nd\tNullable(Int32)\t\t\t\t\t\ne\tNullable(Bool)" ) result = int( instance.query( f"""SELECT count() FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123') """ ) ) assert result == num_rows result = int( instance.query( f"""SELECT count() FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123') WHERE c == toDateTime('2000/01/05') """ ) ) assert result == 1 instance.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {TABLE_NAME}; CREATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} (a Nullable(Int32), b Nullable(String), c Nullable(Date32), d Nullable(Int32), e Nullable(Bool)) ENGINE=DeltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123')""" ) assert ( """1 test1 2000-01-01 1 true 2 test2 2000-01-02 2 false 3 test3 2000-01-03 3 true 4 test4 2000-01-04 4 false 5 test5 2000-01-05 5 true 6 test6 2000-01-06 6 false 7 test7 2000-01-07 7 true 8 test8 2000-01-08 8 false 9 test9 2000-01-09 9 true""" == instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME} ORDER BY b").strip() ) assert ( int( instance.query( f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME} WHERE c == toDateTime('2000/01/05')" ) ) == 1 ) # Subset of columns should work. instance.query( f""" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {TABLE_NAME}; CREATE TABLE {TABLE_NAME} (b Nullable(String), c Nullable(Date32), d Nullable(Int32)) ENGINE=DeltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123')""" ) assert ( """test1 2000-01-01 1 test2 2000-01-02 2 test3 2000-01-03 3 test4 2000-01-04 4 test5 2000-01-05 5 test6 2000-01-06 6 test7 2000-01-07 7 test8 2000-01-08 8 test9 2000-01-09 9""" == instance.query(f"SELECT * FROM {TABLE_NAME} ORDER BY b").strip() ) for i in range(num_rows + 1, 2 * num_rows + 1): data = [ ( i, "test" + str(i), datetime.strptime(f"2000-01-{i}", "%Y-%m-%d"), i, False if i % 2 == 0 else True, ) ] df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema=schema) df.printSchema() df.write.mode("append").format("delta").partitionBy(partition_columns).save( f"/{TABLE_NAME}" ) files = upload_directory(minio_client, bucket, f"/{TABLE_NAME}", "") ok = False for file in files: if file.endswith("last_checkpoint"): ok = True assert ok result = int( instance.query( f"""SELECT count() FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123') """ ) ) assert result == num_rows * 2 assert ( """1 test1 2000-01-01 1 true 2 test2 2000-01-02 2 false 3 test3 2000-01-03 3 true 4 test4 2000-01-04 4 false 5 test5 2000-01-05 5 true 6 test6 2000-01-06 6 false 7 test7 2000-01-07 7 true 8 test8 2000-01-08 8 false 9 test9 2000-01-09 9 true 10 test10 2000-01-10 10 false 11 test11 2000-01-11 11 true 12 test12 2000-01-12 12 false 13 test13 2000-01-13 13 true 14 test14 2000-01-14 14 false 15 test15 2000-01-15 15 true 16 test16 2000-01-16 16 false 17 test17 2000-01-17 17 true 18 test18 2000-01-18 18 false""" == instance.query( f""" SELECT * FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/{bucket}/{result_file}/', 'minio', 'minio123') ORDER BY c """ ).strip() ) assert ( int( instance.query( f"SELECT count() FROM {TABLE_NAME} WHERE c == toDateTime('2000/01/15')" ) ) == 1 ) def test_complex_types(started_cluster): node = started_cluster.instances["node1"] minio_client = started_cluster.minio_client bucket = started_cluster.minio_bucket schema = pa.schema( [ ("id", pa.int32()), ("name", pa.string()), ( "address", pa.struct( [ ("street", pa.string()), ("city", pa.string()), ("state", pa.string()), ] ), ), ("interests", pa.list_(pa.string())), ( "metadata", pa.map_( pa.string(), pa.string() ), # Map with string keys and string values ), ] ) # Create sample data data = [ pa.array([1, 2, 3], type=pa.int32()), pa.array(["John Doe", "Jane Smith", "Jake Johnson"], type=pa.string()), pa.array( [ {"street": "123 Elm St", "city": "Springfield", "state": "IL"}, {"street": "456 Maple St", "city": "Shelbyville", "state": "IL"}, {"street": "789 Oak St", "city": "Ogdenville", "state": "IL"}, ], type=schema.field("address").type, ), pa.array( [ pa.array(["dancing", "coding", "hiking"]), pa.array(["dancing", "coding", "hiking"]), pa.array(["dancing", "coding", "hiking"]), ], type=schema.field("interests").type, ), pa.array( [ {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, {"key1": "value3", "key2": "value4"}, {"key1": "value5", "key2": "value6"}, ], type=schema.field("metadata").type, ), ] endpoint_url = f"http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}" aws_access_key_id = "minio" aws_secret_access_key = "minio123" table_name = randomize_table_name("test_complex_types") storage_options = { "AWS_ENDPOINT_URL": endpoint_url, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": aws_access_key_id, "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": aws_secret_access_key, "AWS_ALLOW_HTTP": "true", "AWS_S3_ALLOW_UNSAFE_RENAME": "true", } path = f"s3://root/{table_name}" table = pa.Table.from_arrays(data, schema=schema) write_deltalake(path, table, storage_options=storage_options) assert "1\n2\n3\n" in node.query( f"SELECT id FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/root/{table_name}' , 'minio', 'minio123')" ) assert ( "('123 Elm St','Springfield','IL')\n('456 Maple St','Shelbyville','IL')\n('789 Oak St','Ogdenville','IL')" in node.query( f"SELECT address FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/root/{table_name}' , 'minio', 'minio123')" ) ) assert ( "{'key1':'value1','key2':'value2'}\n{'key1':'value3','key2':'value4'}\n{'key1':'value5','key2':'value6'}" in node.query( f"SELECT metadata FROM deltaLake('http://{started_cluster.minio_ip}:{started_cluster.minio_port}/root/{table_name}' , 'minio', 'minio123')" ) )