#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; extern const int TOO_DEEP_AST; extern const int AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME; extern const int NOT_IMPLEMENTED; extern const int UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER; } NamesAndTypesList getNamesAndTypeListFromTableExpression(const ASTTableExpression & table_expression, const Context & context); namespace { /// Replace asterisks in select_expression_list with column identifiers class ExtractAsterisksMatcher { public: using Visitor = InDepthNodeVisitor; struct Data { std::unordered_map table_columns; std::vector tables_order; std::shared_ptr new_select_expression_list; Data(const Context & context, const std::vector & table_expressions) { tables_order.reserve(table_expressions.size()); for (const auto & expr : table_expressions) { if (expr->subquery) { table_columns.clear(); tables_order.clear(); break; } String table_name = DatabaseAndTableWithAlias(*expr, context.getCurrentDatabase()).getQualifiedNamePrefix(false); NamesAndTypesList columns = getNamesAndTypeListFromTableExpression(*expr, context); tables_order.push_back(table_name); table_columns.emplace(std::move(table_name), std::move(columns)); } } void addTableColumns(const String & table_name) { auto it = table_columns.find(table_name); if (it == table_columns.end()) throw Exception("Unknown qualified identifier: " + table_name, ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_IDENTIFIER); for (const auto & column : it->second) new_select_expression_list->children.push_back( std::make_shared(std::vector{it->first, column.name})); } }; static bool needChildVisit(ASTPtr &, const ASTPtr &) { return false; } static void visit(ASTPtr & ast, Data & data) { if (auto * t = ast->as()) visit(*t, ast, data); if (auto * t = ast->as()) visit(*t, ast, data); } private: static void visit(ASTSelectQuery & node, ASTPtr &, Data & data) { if (data.table_columns.empty()) return; Visitor(data).visit(node.refSelect()); if (!data.new_select_expression_list) return; node.setExpression(ASTSelectQuery::Expression::SELECT, std::move(data.new_select_expression_list)); } static void visit(ASTExpressionList & node, ASTPtr &, Data & data) { bool has_asterisks = false; data.new_select_expression_list = std::make_shared(); data.new_select_expression_list->children.reserve(node.children.size()); for (auto & child : node.children) { if (child->as()) { has_asterisks = true; for (auto & table_name : data.tables_order) data.addTableColumns(table_name); } else if (child->as()) { has_asterisks = true; if (child->children.size() != 1) throw Exception("Logical error: qualified asterisk must have exactly one child", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); ASTIdentifier & identifier = child->children[0]->as(); data.addTableColumns(identifier.name); } else data.new_select_expression_list->children.push_back(child); } if (!has_asterisks) data.new_select_expression_list.reset(); } }; /// Find columns with aliases to push them into rewritten subselects. /// Normalize table aliases: table_name.column_name -> table_alias.column_name /// Make aliases maps (alias -> column_name, column_name -> alias) struct ColumnAliasesMatcher { struct Data { const std::vector tables; bool public_names; AsteriskSemantic::RevertedAliases rev_aliases; /// long_name -> aliases std::unordered_map aliases; /// alias -> long_name std::vector> compound_identifiers; std::set allowed_long_names; /// original names allowed as aliases '--t.x as t.x' (select expressions only). Data(const std::vector && tables_) : tables(tables_) , public_names(false) {} void replaceIdentifiersWithAliases() { String hide_prefix = "--"; /// @note restriction: user should not use alises like `--table.column` for (auto & [identifier, is_public] : compound_identifiers) { String long_name = identifier->name; auto it = rev_aliases.find(long_name); if (it == rev_aliases.end()) { bool last_table = IdentifierSemantic::canReferColumnToTable(*identifier, tables.back()); if (!last_table) { String alias = hide_prefix + long_name; aliases[alias] = long_name; rev_aliases[long_name].push_back(alias); identifier->setShortName(alias); if (is_public) { identifier->setAlias(long_name); allowed_long_names.insert(long_name); } } else if (is_public) identifier->setAlias(long_name); /// prevent crop long to short name } else { if (it->second.empty()) throw Exception("No alias for '" + long_name + "'", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (is_public && allowed_long_names.count(long_name)) ; /// leave original name unchanged for correct output else identifier->setShortName(it->second[0]); } } } }; static bool needChildVisit(ASTPtr & node, const ASTPtr &) { if (node->as()) return false; return true; } static void visit(ASTPtr & ast, Data & data) { if (auto * t = ast->as()) visit(*t, ast, data); if (ast->as() || ast->as()) throw Exception("Multiple JOIN do not support asterisks for complex queries yet", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } static void visit(ASTIdentifier & node, ASTPtr &, Data & data) { if (node.isShort()) return; bool last_table = false; String long_name; for (auto & table : data.tables) { if (IdentifierSemantic::canReferColumnToTable(node, table)) { if (!long_name.empty()) throw Exception("Cannot refer column '" + node.name + "' to one table", ErrorCodes::AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME); IdentifierSemantic::setColumnLongName(node, table); /// table_name.column_name -> table_alias.column_name long_name = node.name; if (&table == &data.tables.back()) last_table = true; } } if (long_name.empty()) throw Exception("Cannot refer column '" + node.name + "' to table", ErrorCodes::AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_NAME); String alias = node.tryGetAlias(); if (!alias.empty()) { data.aliases[alias] = long_name; data.rev_aliases[long_name].push_back(alias); if (!last_table) { node.setShortName(alias); node.setAlias(""); } } else if (node.compound()) data.compound_identifiers.emplace_back(&node, data.public_names); } }; /// Attach additional semantic info to generated selects. struct AppendSemanticVisitorData { using TypeToVisit = ASTSelectQuery; AsteriskSemantic::RevertedAliasesPtr rev_aliases = {}; bool done = false; void visit(ASTSelectQuery & select, ASTPtr &) { if (done || !rev_aliases || !select.select()) return; for (auto & child : select.select()->children) { if (auto * node = child->as()) AsteriskSemantic::setAliases(*node, rev_aliases); if (auto * node = child->as()) AsteriskSemantic::setAliases(*node, rev_aliases); } done = true; } }; /// Replaces table elements with pair. struct RewriteTablesVisitorData { using TypeToVisit = ASTTablesInSelectQuery; ASTPtr left; ASTPtr right; bool done = false; /// @note Do not change ASTTablesInSelectQuery itself. No need to change select.tables. void visit(ASTTablesInSelectQuery &, ASTPtr & ast) { if (done) return; std::vector new_tables{left, right}; ast->children.swap(new_tables); done = true; } }; bool needRewrite(ASTSelectQuery & select, std::vector & table_expressions) { if (!select.tables()) return false; const auto * tables = select.tables()->as(); if (!tables) return false; size_t num_tables = tables->children.size(); if (num_tables <= 2) return false; size_t num_array_join = 0; size_t num_using = 0; table_expressions.reserve(num_tables); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tables; ++i) { const auto * table = tables->children[i]->as(); if (!table) throw Exception("Table expected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (table->table_expression) if (const auto * expression = table->table_expression->as()) table_expressions.push_back(expression); if (!i) continue; if (!table->table_join && !table->array_join) throw Exception("Joined table expected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (table->array_join) { ++num_array_join; continue; } const auto & join = table->table_join->as(); if (isComma(join.kind)) throw Exception("COMMA to CROSS JOIN rewriter is not enabled or cannot rewrite query", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (join.using_expression_list) ++num_using; } if (num_tables - num_array_join <= 2) return false; /// it's not trivial to support mix of JOIN ON & JOIN USING cause of short names if (num_using) throw Exception("Multiple JOIN does not support USING", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); if (num_array_join) throw Exception("Multiple JOIN does not support mix with ARRAY JOINs", ErrorCodes::NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return true; } using RewriteMatcher = OneTypeMatcher; using RewriteVisitor = InDepthNodeVisitor; using ExtractAsterisksVisitor = ExtractAsterisksMatcher::Visitor; using ColumnAliasesVisitor = InDepthNodeVisitor; using AppendSemanticMatcher = OneTypeMatcher; using AppendSemanticVisitor = InDepthNodeVisitor; } /// namelesspace void JoinToSubqueryTransformMatcher::visit(ASTPtr & ast, Data & data) { if (auto * t = ast->as()) visit(*t, ast, data); } void JoinToSubqueryTransformMatcher::visit(ASTSelectQuery & select, ASTPtr & ast, Data & data) { using RevertedAliases = AsteriskSemantic::RevertedAliases; std::vector table_expressions; if (!needRewrite(select, table_expressions)) return; ExtractAsterisksVisitor::Data asterisks_data(data.context, table_expressions); ExtractAsterisksVisitor(asterisks_data).visit(ast); ColumnAliasesVisitor::Data aliases_data(getDatabaseAndTables(select, "")); if (select.select()) { aliases_data.public_names = true; ColumnAliasesVisitor(aliases_data).visit(select.refSelect()); aliases_data.public_names = false; } if (select.where()) ColumnAliasesVisitor(aliases_data).visit(select.refWhere()); if (select.prewhere()) ColumnAliasesVisitor(aliases_data).visit(select.refPrewhere()); if (select.having()) ColumnAliasesVisitor(aliases_data).visit(select.refHaving()); /// JOIN sections for (auto & child : select.tables()->children) { auto * table = child->as(); if (table->table_join) { auto & join = table->table_join->as(); if (join.on_expression) ColumnAliasesVisitor(aliases_data).visit(join.on_expression); } } aliases_data.replaceIdentifiersWithAliases(); auto rev_aliases = std::make_shared(); rev_aliases->swap(aliases_data.rev_aliases); auto & src_tables = select.tables()->children; ASTPtr left_table = src_tables[0]; for (size_t i = 1; i < src_tables.size() - 1; ++i) { left_table = replaceJoin(left_table, src_tables[i]); if (!left_table) throw Exception("Cannot replace tables with subselect", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); /// attach data to generated asterisk AppendSemanticVisitor::Data semantic_data{rev_aliases, false}; AppendSemanticVisitor(semantic_data).visit(left_table); } /// replace tables in select with generated two-table join RewriteVisitor::Data visitor_data{left_table, src_tables.back()}; RewriteVisitor(visitor_data).visit(select.refTables()); data.done = true; } static ASTPtr makeSubqueryTemplate() { ParserTablesInSelectQueryElement parser(true); ASTPtr subquery_template = parseQuery(parser, "(select * from _t)", 0); if (!subquery_template) throw Exception("Cannot parse subquery template", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); return subquery_template; } ASTPtr JoinToSubqueryTransformMatcher::replaceJoin(ASTPtr ast_left, ASTPtr ast_right) { const auto * left = ast_left->as(); const auto * right = ast_right->as(); if (!left || !right) throw Exception("Two TablesInSelectQueryElements expected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); if (!right->table_join) throw Exception("Table join expected", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR); static ASTPtr subquery_template = makeSubqueryTemplate(); /// replace '_t' with pair of joined tables ASTPtr res = subquery_template->clone(); RewriteVisitor::Data visitor_data{ast_left, ast_right}; RewriteVisitor(visitor_data).visit(res); return res; } }