if (UNBUNDLED AND USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) set (ENABLE_LDAP OFF CACHE INTERNAL "") endif() option (ENABLE_LDAP "Enable LDAP" ${ENABLE_LIBRARIES}) if (NOT ENABLE_LDAP) if(USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Cannot use internal LDAP library with ENABLE_LDAP=OFF") endif () return() endif() option (USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY "Set to FALSE to use system *LDAP library instead of bundled" ${NOT_UNBUNDLED}) if (NOT EXISTS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/openldap/README") if (USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY) message (WARNING "Submodule contrib/openldap is missing. To fix try running:\n git submodule update --init --recursive") message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Can't find internal LDAP library") endif () set (USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY 0) set (MISSING_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY 1) endif () set (OPENLDAP_USE_STATIC_LIBS ${USE_STATIC_LIBRARIES}) set (OPENLDAP_USE_REENTRANT_LIBS 1) if (NOT USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY) if (OPENLDAP_USE_STATIC_LIBS) message (WARNING "Unable to use external static OpenLDAP libraries, falling back to the bundled version.") message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Unable to use external OpenLDAP") set (USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY 1) else () if (APPLE AND NOT OPENLDAP_ROOT_DIR) set (OPENLDAP_ROOT_DIR "/usr/local/opt/openldap") endif () find_package (OpenLDAP) if (NOT OPENLDAP_FOUND) message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Can't find system OpenLDAP") endif() endif () endif () if (NOT OPENLDAP_FOUND AND NOT MISSING_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY) string (TOLOWER "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" _system_name) string (TOLOWER "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" _system_processor) if ( "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "amd64" OR "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "x64" ) set (_system_processor "x86_64") elseif ( "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "arm64" ) set (_system_processor "aarch64") endif () if ( ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "linux" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "x86_64" ) OR ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "linux" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "aarch64" ) OR ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "linux" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "ppc64le" ) OR ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "freebsd" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "x86_64" ) OR ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "darwin" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "x86_64" ) OR ( "${_system_name}" STREQUAL "darwin" AND "${_system_processor}" STREQUAL "aarch64" ) ) set (_ldap_supported_platform TRUE) endif () if (NOT _ldap_supported_platform) message (WARNING "LDAP support using the bundled library is not implemented for ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} platform.") message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Cannot enable LDAP support") elseif (NOT USE_SSL) message (WARNING "LDAP support using the bundled library is not possible if SSL is not used.") message (${RECONFIGURE_MESSAGE_LEVEL} "Cannot enable LDAP support") else () set (USE_INTERNAL_LDAP_LIBRARY 1) set (OPENLDAP_ROOT_DIR "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/openldap") set (OPENLDAP_INCLUDE_DIRS "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/openldap-cmake/${_system_name}_${_system_processor}/include" "${ClickHouse_SOURCE_DIR}/contrib/openldap/include" ) # Below, 'ldap'/'ldap_r' and 'lber' will be resolved to # the targets defined in contrib/openldap-cmake/CMakeLists.txt if (OPENLDAP_USE_REENTRANT_LIBS) set (OPENLDAP_LDAP_LIBRARY "ldap_r") else () set (OPENLDAP_LDAP_LIBRARY "ldap") endif() set (OPENLDAP_LBER_LIBRARY "lber") set (OPENLDAP_LIBRARIES ${OPENLDAP_LDAP_LIBRARY} ${OPENLDAP_LBER_LIBRARY}) set (OPENLDAP_FOUND 1) endif () endif () if (OPENLDAP_FOUND) set (USE_LDAP 1) endif () message (STATUS "Using ldap=${USE_LDAP}: ${OPENLDAP_INCLUDE_DIRS} : ${OPENLDAP_LIBRARIES}")