#!/usr/bin/env python3 from collections import namedtuple import fnmatch import json import time import jwt import requests # type: ignore import boto3 # type: ignore SUSPICIOUS_CHANGED_FILES_NUMBER = 200 SUSPICIOUS_PATTERNS = [ "tests/ci/*", "docs/tools/*", ".github/*", "utils/release/*", "docker/*", "release", ] # Number of retries for API calls. MAX_RETRY = 5 # Number of times a check can re-run as a whole. # It is needed, because we are using AWS "spot" instances, that are terminated often MAX_WORKFLOW_RERUN = 30 WorkflowDescription = namedtuple( "WorkflowDescription", [ "name", "action", "run_id", "event", "workflow_id", "conclusion", "status", "api_url", "fork_owner_login", "fork_branch", "rerun_url", "jobs_url", "attempt", "repo_url", "url", ], ) # See https://api.github.com/orgs/{name} TRUSTED_ORG_IDS = { 54801242, # clickhouse } # See https://api.github.com/repos/ClickHouse/ClickHouse/actions/workflows # Use ID to not inject a malicious workflow TRUSTED_WORKFLOW_IDS = { 14586616, # Cancel workflows, always trusted } NEED_RERUN_WORKFLOWS = { "BackportPR", "DocsCheck", "DocsReleaseChecks", "MasterCI", "PullRequestCI", "ReleaseBranchCI", } # Individual trusted contirbutors who are not in any trusted organization. # Can be changed in runtime: we will append users that we learned to be in # a trusted org, to save GitHub API calls. TRUSTED_CONTRIBUTORS = { e.lower() for e in [ "achimbab", "adevyatova ", # DOCSUP "Algunenano", # Raúl Marín, Tinybird "amosbird", "AnaUvarova", # DOCSUP "anauvarova", # technical writer, Yandex "annvsh", # technical writer, Yandex "atereh", # DOCSUP "azat", "bharatnc", # Newbie, but already with many contributions. "bobrik", # Seasoned contributor, CloudFlare "BohuTANG", "codyrobert", # Flickerbox engineer "cwurm", # Employee "damozhaeva", # DOCSUP "den-crane", "flickerbox-tom", # Flickerbox "gyuton", # DOCSUP "hagen1778", # Roman Khavronenko, seasoned contributor "hczhcz", "hexiaoting", # Seasoned contributor "ildus", # adjust, ex-pgpro "javisantana", # a Spanish ClickHouse enthusiast, ex-Carto "ka1bi4", # DOCSUP "kirillikoff", # DOCSUP "kreuzerkrieg", "lehasm", # DOCSUP "michon470", # DOCSUP "nikvas0", "nvartolomei", "olgarev", # DOCSUP "otrazhenia", # Yandex docs contractor "pdv-ru", # DOCSUP "podshumok", # cmake expert from QRator Labs "s-mx", # Maxim Sabyanin, former employee, present contributor "sevirov", # technical writer, Yandex "spongedu", # Seasoned contributor "taiyang-li", "ucasFL", # Amos Bird's friend "vdimir", # Employee "vzakaznikov", "YiuRULE", "zlobober", # Developer of YT "ilejn", # Arenadata, responsible for Kerberized Kafka "thomoco", # ClickHouse "BoloniniD", # Seasoned contributor, HSE "tonickkozlov", # Cloudflare "tylerhannan", # ClickHouse Employee ] } def get_installation_id(jwt_token): headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {jwt_token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } response = requests.get("https://api.github.com/app/installations", headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() for installation in data: if installation["account"]["login"] == "ClickHouse": installation_id = installation["id"] return installation_id def get_access_token(jwt_token, installation_id): headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {jwt_token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } response = requests.post( f"https://api.github.com/app/installations/{installation_id}/access_tokens", headers=headers, ) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() return data["token"] def get_key_and_app_from_aws(): secret_name = "clickhouse_github_secret_key" session = boto3.session.Session() client = session.client( service_name="secretsmanager", ) get_secret_value_response = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=secret_name) data = json.loads(get_secret_value_response["SecretString"]) return data["clickhouse-app-key"], int(data["clickhouse-app-id"]) def is_trusted_contributor(pr_user_login, pr_user_orgs): if pr_user_login.lower() in TRUSTED_CONTRIBUTORS: print(f"User '{pr_user_login}' is trusted") return True print(f"User '{pr_user_login}' is not trusted") for org_id in pr_user_orgs: if org_id in TRUSTED_ORG_IDS: print( f"Org '{org_id}' is trusted; will mark user {pr_user_login} as trusted" ) return True print(f"Org '{org_id}' is not trusted") return False def _exec_get_with_retry(url, token): headers = {"Authorization": f"token {token}"} for i in range(MAX_RETRY): try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except Exception as ex: print("Got exception executing request", ex) time.sleep(i + 1) raise Exception("Cannot execute GET request with retries") def _exec_post_with_retry(url, token, data=None): headers = {"Authorization": f"token {token}"} for i in range(MAX_RETRY): try: if data: response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data) else: response = requests.post(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 403: data = response.json() if ( "message" in data and data["message"] == "This workflow run is not waiting for approval" ): print("Workflow doesn't need approval") return data response.raise_for_status() return response.json() except Exception as ex: print("Got exception executing request", ex) time.sleep(i + 1) raise Exception("Cannot execute POST request with retry") def _get_pull_requests_from(repo_url, owner, branch, token): url = f"{repo_url}/pulls?head={owner}:{branch}" return _exec_get_with_retry(url, token) def get_workflow_description_from_event(event): action = event["action"] run_id = event["workflow_run"]["id"] event_type = event["workflow_run"]["event"] fork_owner = event["workflow_run"]["head_repository"]["owner"]["login"] fork_branch = event["workflow_run"]["head_branch"] name = event["workflow_run"]["name"] workflow_id = event["workflow_run"]["workflow_id"] conclusion = event["workflow_run"]["conclusion"] attempt = event["workflow_run"]["run_attempt"] status = event["workflow_run"]["status"] jobs_url = event["workflow_run"]["jobs_url"] rerun_url = event["workflow_run"]["rerun_url"] url = event["workflow_run"]["html_url"] api_url = event["workflow_run"]["url"] repo_url = event["repository"]["url"] return WorkflowDescription( name=name, action=action, run_id=run_id, event=event_type, fork_owner_login=fork_owner, fork_branch=fork_branch, workflow_id=workflow_id, conclusion=conclusion, attempt=attempt, status=status, jobs_url=jobs_url, rerun_url=rerun_url, url=url, repo_url=repo_url, api_url=api_url, ) def get_pr_author_and_orgs(pull_request, token): author = pull_request["user"]["login"] orgs = _exec_get_with_retry(pull_request["user"]["organizations_url"], token) return author, [org["id"] for org in orgs] def get_changed_files_for_pull_request(pull_request, token): url = pull_request["url"] changed_files = set([]) for i in range(1, 31): print("Requesting changed files page", i) data = _exec_get_with_retry(f"{url}/files?page={i}&per_page=100", token) print(f"Got {len(data)} changed files") if len(data) == 0: print("No more changed files") break for change in data: # print("Adding changed file", change['filename']) changed_files.add(change["filename"]) if len(changed_files) >= SUSPICIOUS_CHANGED_FILES_NUMBER: print( f"More than {len(changed_files)} changed files. " "Will stop fetching new files." ) break return changed_files def check_suspicious_changed_files(changed_files): if len(changed_files) >= SUSPICIOUS_CHANGED_FILES_NUMBER: print(f"Too many files changed {len(changed_files)}, need manual approve") return True for path in changed_files: for pattern in SUSPICIOUS_PATTERNS: if fnmatch.fnmatch(path, pattern): print( f"File {path} match suspicious pattern {pattern}, " "will not approve automatically" ) return True print("No changed files match suspicious patterns, run will be approved") return False def approve_run(workflow_description: WorkflowDescription, token: str) -> None: url = f"{workflow_description.api_url}/approve" _exec_post_with_retry(url, token) def label_manual_approve(pull_request, token): url = f"{pull_request['url']}/labels" data = {"labels": "manual approve"} _exec_post_with_retry(url, token, data) def get_token_from_aws(): private_key, app_id = get_key_and_app_from_aws() payload = { "iat": int(time.time()) - 60, "exp": int(time.time()) + (10 * 60), "iss": app_id, } encoded_jwt = jwt.encode(payload, private_key, algorithm="RS256") installation_id = get_installation_id(encoded_jwt) return get_access_token(encoded_jwt, installation_id) def get_workflow_jobs(workflow_description, token): jobs_url = ( workflow_description.api_url + f"/attempts/{workflow_description.attempt}/jobs" ) jobs = [] i = 1 while True: got_jobs = _exec_get_with_retry(jobs_url + f"?page={i}", token) if len(got_jobs["jobs"]) == 0: break jobs += got_jobs["jobs"] i += 1 return jobs def check_need_to_rerun(workflow_description, token): if workflow_description.attempt >= MAX_WORKFLOW_RERUN: print( "Not going to rerun workflow because it's already tried more than two times" ) return False print("Going to check jobs") jobs = get_workflow_jobs(workflow_description, token) print("Got jobs", len(jobs)) for job in jobs: print(f"Job {job['name']} has a conclusion '{job['conclusion']}'") if job["conclusion"] not in ("success", "skipped"): print("Job", job["name"], "failed, checking steps") for step in job["steps"]: # always the last job if step["name"] == "Complete job": print("Found Complete job step for job", job["name"]) break else: print( "Checked all steps and doesn't found Complete job, going to rerun" ) return True return False def rerun_workflow(workflow_description, token): print("Going to rerun workflow") try: _exec_post_with_retry(f"{workflow_description.rerun_url}-failed-jobs", token) except Exception: _exec_post_with_retry(workflow_description.rerun_url, token) def check_workflow_completed( event_data: dict, workflow_description: WorkflowDescription, token: str ) -> bool: if workflow_description.action == "completed": attempt = 0 # Nice and reliable GH API sends from time to time such events, e.g: # action='completed', conclusion=None, status='in_progress', # So let's try receiving a real workflow data while workflow_description.conclusion is None and attempt < MAX_RETRY: progressive_sleep = 3 * sum(i + 1 for i in range(attempt)) time.sleep(progressive_sleep) event_data["workflow_run"] = _exec_get_with_retry( workflow_description.api_url, token ) workflow_description = get_workflow_description_from_event(event_data) attempt += 1 if workflow_description.conclusion != "failure": print( "Workflow finished with status " f"{workflow_description.conclusion}, exiting" ) return True print( "Workflow", workflow_description.url, "completed and failed, let's check for rerun", ) if workflow_description.name not in NEED_RERUN_WORKFLOWS: print( "Workflow", workflow_description.name, "not in list of rerunable workflows", ) return True if check_need_to_rerun(workflow_description, token): rerun_workflow(workflow_description, token) return True return False def main(event): token = get_token_from_aws() event_data = json.loads(event["body"]) print("The body received:", event["body"]) workflow_description = get_workflow_description_from_event(event_data) print("Got workflow description", workflow_description) if check_workflow_completed(event_data, workflow_description, token): return if workflow_description.action != "requested": print("Exiting, event action is", workflow_description.action) return if workflow_description.workflow_id in TRUSTED_WORKFLOW_IDS: print("Workflow in trusted list, approving run") approve_run(workflow_description, token) return pull_requests = _get_pull_requests_from( workflow_description.repo_url, workflow_description.fork_owner_login, workflow_description.fork_branch, token, ) print("Got pull requests for workflow", len(pull_requests)) if len(pull_requests) != 1: print(f"Can't continue with non-uniq PRs: {pull_requests}") return pull_request = pull_requests[0] print("Pull request for workflow number", pull_request["number"]) author, author_orgs = get_pr_author_and_orgs(pull_request, token) if is_trusted_contributor(author, author_orgs): print("Contributor is trusted, approving run") approve_run(workflow_description, token) return changed_files = get_changed_files_for_pull_request(pull_request, token) print(f"Totally have {len(changed_files)} changed files in PR:", changed_files) if check_suspicious_changed_files(changed_files): print( f"Pull Request {pull_request['number']} has suspicious changes, " "label it for manuall approve" ) label_manual_approve(pull_request, token) else: print(f"Pull Request {pull_request['number']} has no suspicious changes") approve_run(workflow_description, token) def handler(event, _): try: main(event) return { "statusCode": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}, "body": '{"status": "OK"}', } except Exception: print("Received event: ", event) raise