#include "RedisDictionarySource.h" #include "DictionarySourceFactory.h" #include "DictionaryStructure.h" #include "registerDictionaries.h" namespace DB { void registerDictionarySourceRedis(DictionarySourceFactory & factory) { auto create_table_source = [=](const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const String & config_prefix, Block & sample_block, ContextPtr /* context */, const std::string & /* default_database */, bool /* created_from_ddl */) -> DictionarySourcePtr { return std::make_unique(dict_struct, config, config_prefix + ".redis", sample_block); }; factory.registerSource("redis", create_table_source); } } #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RedisBlockInputStream.h" namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int UNSUPPORTED_METHOD; extern const int INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER; extern const int INTERNAL_REDIS_ERROR; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } static const size_t max_block_size = 8192; RedisDictionarySource::RedisDictionarySource( const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct_, const String & host_, UInt16 port_, UInt8 db_index_, const String & password_, RedisStorageType storage_type_, const Block & sample_block_) : dict_struct{dict_struct_} , host{host_} , port{port_} , db_index{db_index_} , password{password_} , storage_type{storage_type_} , sample_block{sample_block_} , client{std::make_shared(host, port)} { if (dict_struct.attributes.size() != 1) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Invalid number of non key columns for Redis source: {}, expected 1", DB::toString(dict_struct.attributes.size())); if (storage_type == RedisStorageType::HASH_MAP) { if (!dict_struct.key) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Redis source with storage type \'hash_map\' must have key"); if (dict_struct.key->size() != 2) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Redis source with storage type \'hash_map\' requires 2 keys"); // suppose key[0] is primary key, key[1] is secondary key for (const auto & key : *dict_struct.key) if (!isInteger(key.type) && !isString(key.type)) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Redis source supports only integer or string key, but key '{}' of type {} given", key.name, key.type->getName()); } if (!password.empty()) { RedisCommand command("AUTH"); command << password; String reply = client->execute(command); if (reply != "OK") throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INTERNAL_REDIS_ERROR, "Authentication failed with reason {}", reply); } if (db_index != 0) { RedisCommand command("SELECT"); command << std::to_string(db_index); String reply = client->execute(command); if (reply != "OK") throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INTERNAL_REDIS_ERROR, "Selecting database with index {} failed with reason {}", DB::toString(db_index), reply); } } RedisDictionarySource::RedisDictionarySource( const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct_, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config_, const String & config_prefix_, Block & sample_block_) : RedisDictionarySource( dict_struct_, config_.getString(config_prefix_ + ".host"), config_.getUInt(config_prefix_ + ".port"), config_.getUInt(config_prefix_ + ".db_index", 0), config_.getString(config_prefix_ + ".password",""), parseStorageType(config_.getString(config_prefix_ + ".storage_type", "")), sample_block_) { } RedisDictionarySource::RedisDictionarySource(const RedisDictionarySource & other) : RedisDictionarySource{other.dict_struct, other.host, other.port, other.db_index, other.password, other.storage_type, other.sample_block} { } RedisDictionarySource::~RedisDictionarySource() = default; static String storageTypeToKeyType(RedisStorageType type) { switch (type) { case RedisStorageType::SIMPLE: return "string"; case RedisStorageType::HASH_MAP: return "hash"; default: return "none"; } __builtin_unreachable(); } Pipe RedisDictionarySource::loadAll() { if (!client->isConnected()) client->connect(host, port); RedisCommand command_for_keys("KEYS"); command_for_keys << "*"; /// Get only keys for specified storage type. auto all_keys = client->execute(command_for_keys); if (all_keys.isNull()) return Pipe(std::make_shared(client, RedisArray{}, storage_type, sample_block, max_block_size)); RedisArray keys; auto key_type = storageTypeToKeyType(storage_type); for (const auto & key : all_keys) if (key_type == client->execute(RedisCommand("TYPE").addRedisType(key))) keys.addRedisType(std::move(key)); if (storage_type == RedisStorageType::HASH_MAP) { RedisArray hkeys; for (const auto & key : keys) { RedisCommand command_for_secondary_keys("HKEYS"); command_for_secondary_keys.addRedisType(key); auto secondary_keys = client->execute(command_for_secondary_keys); RedisArray primary_with_secondary; primary_with_secondary.addRedisType(key); for (const auto & secondary_key : secondary_keys) { primary_with_secondary.addRedisType(secondary_key); /// Do not store more than max_block_size values for one request. if (primary_with_secondary.size() == max_block_size + 1) { hkeys.add(primary_with_secondary); primary_with_secondary.clear(); primary_with_secondary.addRedisType(key); } } if (primary_with_secondary.size() > 1) hkeys.add(std::move(primary_with_secondary)); } keys = std::move(hkeys); } return Pipe(std::make_shared(client, std::move(keys), storage_type, sample_block, max_block_size)); } Pipe RedisDictionarySource::loadIds(const std::vector & ids) { if (!client->isConnected()) client->connect(host, port); if (storage_type == RedisStorageType::HASH_MAP) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD, "Cannot use loadIds with 'hash_map' storage type"); if (!dict_struct.id) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNSUPPORTED_METHOD, "'id' is required for selective loading"); RedisArray keys; for (UInt64 id : ids) keys << DB::toString(id); return Pipe(std::make_shared(client, std::move(keys), storage_type, sample_block, max_block_size)); } Pipe RedisDictionarySource::loadKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const std::vector & requested_rows) { if (!client->isConnected()) client->connect(host, port); if (key_columns.size() != dict_struct.key->size()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "The size of key_columns does not equal to the size of dictionary key"); RedisArray keys; for (auto row : requested_rows) { RedisArray key; for (size_t i = 0; i < key_columns.size(); ++i) { const auto & type = dict_struct.key->at(i).type; if (isInteger(type)) key << DB::toString(key_columns[i]->get64(row)); else if (isString(type)) key << get((*key_columns[i])[row]); else throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Unexpected type of key in Redis dictionary"); } keys.add(key); } return Pipe(std::make_shared(client, std::move(keys), storage_type, sample_block, max_block_size)); } String RedisDictionarySource::toString() const { return "Redis: " + host + ':' + DB::toString(port); } RedisStorageType RedisDictionarySource::parseStorageType(const String & storage_type_str) { if (storage_type_str == "hash_map") return RedisStorageType::HASH_MAP; else if (!storage_type_str.empty() && storage_type_str != "simple") throw Exception(ErrorCodes::INVALID_CONFIG_PARAMETER, "Unknown storage type {} for Redis dictionary", storage_type_str); return RedisStorageType::SIMPLE; } }