import pytest from helpers.cluster import ClickHouseCluster cluster = ClickHouseCluster(__file__) node = cluster.add_instance( "node", main_configs=["configs/config.xml"], with_zookeeper=True ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def started_cluster(): try: cluster.start() yield cluster finally: cluster.shutdown() def test_huge_column(started_cluster): if ( node.is_built_with_thread_sanitizer() or node.is_built_with_memory_sanitizer() or node.is_built_with_address_sanitizer() ): pytest.skip("sanitizer build has higher memory consumption; also it is slow") # max_server_memory_usage is set to 1GB # Added column should be 1e6 * 2000 ~= 2GB # ALTER ADD COLUMN + MATRIALIZE COLUMN should not cause big memory consumption node.query( """ create table test_fetch (x UInt64) engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_fetch', 'r1') order by x settings index_granularity=1024; insert into test_fetch select number from numbers(1e6); set mutations_sync=1; alter table test_fetch add column y String default repeat(' ', 2000) CODEC(NONE); alter table test_fetch materialize column y; create table test_fetch2 (x UInt64, y String default repeat(' ', 2000) CODEC(NONE)) engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_fetch', 'r2') order by x settings index_granularity=1024; """ ) # Here we just check that fetch has started. node.query( """ set receive_timeout=1; system sync replica test_fetch2; """, ignore_error=True, ) # Here we check that fetch did not use too much memory. # See maybe_exception = node.query( "select last_exception from system.replication_queue where last_exception like '%Memory limit%';" ) assert maybe_exception == ""