#pragma once #include "config_formats.h" #if USE_CAPNP #include #include #include namespace DB { class FormatSchemaInfo; class ReadBuffer; /** A stream for reading messages in Cap'n Proto format in given schema. * Like Protocol Buffers and Thrift (but unlike JSON or MessagePack), * Cap'n Proto messages are strongly-typed and not self-describing. * The schema in this case cannot be compiled in, so it uses a runtime schema parser. * See https://capnproto.org/cxx.html */ class CapnProtoRowInputFormat : public IRowInputFormat { public: CapnProtoRowInputFormat(ReadBuffer & in_, Block header, Params params_, const FormatSchemaInfo & info, const FormatSettings & format_settings_); String getName() const override { return "CapnProtoRowInputFormat"; } bool readRow(MutableColumns & columns, RowReadExtension &) override; private: kj::Array readMessage(); std::shared_ptr parser; capnp::StructSchema root; const FormatSettings format_settings; DataTypes column_types; Names column_names; }; } #endif // USE_CAPNP