# DateTime {#data_type-datetime} Data structure storing Unix timestamp. Also, it can store a time zone. Syntax: ```sql DateTime([timezone]) ``` Range of values in the Unix timestamp: [1970-01-01 00:00:00, 2105-12-31 23:59:59]. Resolution: 1 second. ## Usage remarks ClickHouse stores date and time values in the Unix timestamp format that is independent of the time zones and daylight saving rules. The time zone value affects displaying `DateTime` values in text formats and parsing the input strings for storage. You can find the list of supported time zones in [IANA Time Zone Database](https://www.iana.org/time-zones). You can explicitly set a time zone for `DateTime`-type column when creating a table. If time zone isn't set, ClickHouse uses the value of the [timezone](../operations/server_settings/settings.md#server_settings-timezone) server configuration parameter or the operating system settings at the moment of the ClickHouse server start. The [clickhouse-client](../interfaces/cli.md) applies the server time zone by default if a time zone isn't explicitly defined when initializing the data type. To use the client time zone, run it with the `--use_client_time_zone` parameter. ClickHouse outputs values in the `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss` text format by default. You can change the format with the [formatDateTime](../query_language/functions/date_time_functions.md#formatdatetime) function. When inserting data into ClickHouse, you can use different formats of date and time strings, depending on the [date_time_input_format](../operations/settings/settings.md#settings-date_time_input_format) setting value. ## Examples Creating a table with a `DateTime`-type column: ```sql CREATE TABLE dt( timestamp DateTime('Europe/Moscow') ) ``` Getting a time zone for a `DateTime`-type value: ```sql SELECT toDateTime(now(), 'Europe/Moscow') AS column, toTypeName(column) AS x ``` ```text ┌──────────────column─┬─x─────────────────────────┐ │ 2019-10-16 04:12:04 │ DateTime('Europe/Moscow') │ └─────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┘ ``` ## See Also - [Type Conversion Functions](../query_language/functions/type_conversion_functions.md) - [Functions for Working with Dates and Times](../query_language/functions/date_time_functions.md) - [Functions for Working with Arrays](../query_language/functions/array_functions.md) - [The `date_time_input_format` setting](../operations/settings/settings.md#settings-date_time_input_format) - [The `timezone` server configuration parameter](../operations/server_settings/settings.md#server_settings-timezone) - [Operator for Working with Dates and Times](../query_language/operators.md#operators-datetime) - [The `Date` data type](date.md) [Original article](https://clickhouse.yandex/docs/en/data_types/datetime/)